Changeset 9292 in ntrip
- Timestamp:
- Dec 2, 2020, 12:11:45 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/BNC/src
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9185 r9292 5239 5239 PPP/audioResponse {Audio response threshold in meters [floating-point number]} 5240 5240 PPP/useOpenStreetMap {OSM track map [character string: true|false]} 5241 PPP/useGoogleMap {Google track map [character string: true|false]}5242 5241 PPP/mapWinDotSize {Size of dots on map [integer number: 0-10]} 5243 5242 PPP/mapWinDotColor {Color of dots and cross hair on map [character string: red|yellow]} … … 5246 5245 <b>Combine Corrections Panel keys:</b> 5247 5246 cmbStreams {Correction streams table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotation marks, example: 5248 " IGS01ESA 1.0;IGS03BKG 1.0"]}5247 "SSRA00ESA0 ESA 1.0;SSRA00BKG0 BKG 1.0"]} 5249 5248 cmbMethodFilter {Combination approach [character string: Single-Epoch|Filter] 5250 5249 cmbMaxres {Clock outlier residuum threshold in meters [floating-point number] 5251 5250 cmbSampl {Clock sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 10|20|30|40|50|60]} 5251 cmbGps {GPS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]} 5252 cmbGlo {GLONASS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]} 5253 cmbGal {Galileo correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]} 5254 cmbBds {Beidou correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]} 5255 cmbQzss {QZSS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]} 5256 cmbSbas {SBAS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]} 5257 cmbIrnss {IRNSS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]} 5258 5252 5259 5253 5260 <b>Upload Corrections Panel keys:</b> -
r9237 r9292 251 251 "Combine Corrections Panel keys:\n" 252 252 " cmbStreams {Correction streams table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotation marks, example:\n" 253 " \" IGS01ESA 1.0;IGS03BKG 1.0\"]}\n"253 " \"SSRA00ESA0 ESA 1.0;SSRA00BKG BKG 1.0\"]}\n" 254 254 " cmbMethodFilter {Combination approach [character string: Single-Epoch|Filter]\n" 255 255 " cmbMaxres {Clock outlier residuum threshold in meters [floating-point number]\n" 256 256 " cmbSampl {Clock sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 10|20|30|40|50|60]}\n" 257 " cmbGps {GPS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n" 258 " cmbGlo {GLONASS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n" 259 " cmbGal {Galileo correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n" 260 " cmbBds {Beidou correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n" 261 " cmbQzss {QZSS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n" 262 " cmbSbas {SBAS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n" 263 " cmbIrnss {IRNSS correction usage [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n" 257 264 "\n" 258 265 "Upload Corrections Panel keys:\n" -
r9184 r9292 71 71 << "")); 72 72 setValue_p("mountPoints", ""); 73 setValue_p("ntripVersion", 73 setValue_p("ntripVersion", "2"); 74 74 // Network 75 75 setValue_p("proxyHost", ""); 76 76 setValue_p("proxyPort", ""); 77 77 setValue_p("sslCaCertPath", ""); 78 setValue_p("sslIgnoreErrors", 78 setValue_p("sslIgnoreErrors", "0"); 79 79 // General 80 80 setValue_p("logFile", ""); 81 setValue_p("rnxAppend", 82 setValue_p("onTheFlyInterval", 83 setValue_p("autoStart", 81 setValue_p("rnxAppend", "0"); 82 setValue_p("onTheFlyInterval", "no"); 83 setValue_p("autoStart", "0"); 84 84 setValue_p("rawOutFile", ""); 85 85 // RINEX Observations 86 86 setValue_p("rnxPath", ""); 87 setValue_p("rnxIntr", 87 setValue_p("rnxIntr", "1 day"); 88 88 setValue_p("rnxOnlyWithSKL", ""); 89 setValue_p("rnxSampl", 90 setValue_p("rnxSkel", 89 setValue_p("rnxSampl", "1 sec"); 90 setValue_p("rnxSkel", "skl"); 91 91 setValue_p("rnxSkelPath", ""); 92 92 setValue_p("rnxV2Priority", ""); 93 93 setValue_p("rnxScript", ""); 94 setValue_p("rnxV2", 94 setValue_p("rnxV2", "0"); 95 95 // RINEX Ephemeris 96 96 setValue_p("ephPath", ""); 97 setValue_p("ephIntr", 97 setValue_p("ephIntr", "1 day"); 98 98 setValue_p("ephOutPort", ""); 99 setValue_p("ephV2", 99 setValue_p("ephV2", "0"); 100 100 // Reqc 101 101 setValue_p("reqcAction", ""); … … 138 138 // Braodcast Corrections 139 139 setValue_p("corrPath", ""); 140 setValue_p("corrIntr", 140 setValue_p("corrIntr", "1 day"); 141 141 setValue_p("corrPort", ""); 142 142 // Feed Engine 143 143 setValue_p("outPort", ""); 144 setValue_p("outWait", 145 setValue_p("outSampl", 144 setValue_p("outWait", "5"); 145 setValue_p("outSampl", "1 sec"); 146 146 setValue_p("outFile", ""); 147 147 setValue_p("outUPort", ""); 148 setValue_p("outLockTime", "0"); 148 setValue_p("outLockTime", "0"); 149 149 // Serial Output 150 150 setValue_p("serialMountPoint", ""); … … 173 173 setValue_p("cmbMethod", ""); 174 174 setValue_p("cmbMaxres", ""); 175 setValue_p("cmbSampl", "10"); 175 setValue_p("cmbSampl", "10"); 176 setValue_p("cmbGps", "2"); 177 setValue_p("cmbGlo", "2"); 178 setValue_p("cmbGal", "2"); 179 setValue_p("cmbBds", "2"); 180 setValue_p("cmbQzss", "0"); 181 setValue_p("cmbSbas", "0"); 182 setValue_p("cmbIrnss", "0"); 183 176 184 // Upload (clk) 177 185 setValue_p("uploadMountpointsOut",""); 178 setValue_p("uploadIntr", 186 setValue_p("uploadIntr", "1 day"); 179 187 setValue_p("uploadSamplRtcmEphCorr", "0"); 180 setValue_p("uploadSamplSp3", 181 setValue_p("uploadSamplClkRnx", 188 setValue_p("uploadSamplSp3", "1"); 189 setValue_p("uploadSamplClkRnx", "10"); 182 190 setValue_p("trafo_dx", ""); 183 191 setValue_p("trafo_dy", ""); -
r9252 r9292 492 492 QPushButton* delCmbRowButton = new QPushButton("Delete"); 493 493 494 connect(_cmbTable, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), 495 SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 494 connect(_cmbTable, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 496 495 497 496 _cmbMethodComboBox = new QComboBox(); … … 514 513 enableWidget(false, _cmbSamplSpinBox); 515 514 } 515 _cmbGpsCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); 516 _cmbGpsCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbGps").toInt())); 517 _cmbGloCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); 518 _cmbGloCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbGlo").toInt())); 519 _cmbGalCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); 520 _cmbGalCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbGal").toInt())); 521 _cmbBdsCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); 522 _cmbBdsCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbBds").toInt())); 523 _cmbQzssCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); 524 _cmbQzssCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbQzss").toInt())); 525 _cmbSbasCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); 526 _cmbSbasCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbSbas").toInt())); 527 _cmbIrnssCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); 528 _cmbIrnssCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbIrnss").toInt())); 529 530 connect(_cmbGpsCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 531 connect(_cmbGloCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 532 connect(_cmbGalCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 533 connect(_cmbBdsCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 534 connect(_cmbQzssCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 535 connect(_cmbSbasCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 536 connect(_cmbIrnssCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 516 537 517 538 // Upload Results … … 1209 1230 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbTable, 0, 0, 8, 3); 1210 1231 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Combine Broadcast Correction streams.<br>"), 1, 6, 1, 10); 1211 cmbLayout->addWidget(addCmbRowButton, 2, 6); 1212 cmbLayout->addWidget(delCmbRowButton, 2, 7); 1213 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Method"), 3, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1214 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbMethodComboBox, 3, 7); 1215 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Maximal residuum"), 4, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1216 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbMaxresLineEdit, 4, 7, Qt::AlignRight); 1217 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sampling"), 5, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1218 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbSamplSpinBox, 5, 7); 1219 cmbLayout->setRowStretch(5, 999); 1232 cmbLayout->addWidget(addCmbRowButton, 2, 6); 1233 cmbLayout->addWidget(delCmbRowButton, 2, 7); 1234 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Method"), 3, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1235 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbMethodComboBox, 3, 7); 1236 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Maximal residuum"), 4, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1237 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbMaxresLineEdit, 4, 7, Qt::AlignRight); 1238 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sampling"), 5, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1239 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbSamplSpinBox, 5, 7); 1240 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("GNSS"), 6, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1241 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Systems"), 6, 7, Qt::AlignLeft); 1242 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("GPS"), 6, 8); 1243 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbGpsCheckBox, 6, 9); 1244 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("GLO"), 6, 10); 1245 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbGloCheckBox, 6, 11); 1246 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Galileo"), 6, 12); 1247 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbGalCheckBox, 6, 13); 1248 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Beidou"), 6, 14); 1249 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbBdsCheckBox, 6, 15); 1250 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("QZSS"), 7, 8); 1251 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbQzssCheckBox, 7, 9); 1252 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("SBAS"), 7, 10); 1253 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbSbasCheckBox, 7, 11); 1254 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("IRNSS"), 7, 12); 1255 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbIrnssCheckBox, 7, 13); 1256 cmbLayout->setRowStretch(6, 999); 1220 1257 1221 1258 connect(addCmbRowButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddCmbRow())); … … 1426 1463 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC combines all incoming clocks according to specified weights. Individual clock estimates that differ by more than 'Maximal residuum' meters from the average of all clocks will be ignored.<p></p>It is suggested to specify a value of about 0.2 m for the Kalman filter combination approach and a value of about 3.0 meters for the Single-Epoch combination approach.</p><p>Default is a value of '999.0'. <i>[key: cmbMaxres]</i></p>")); 1427 1464 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a combination Sampling interval for the clocks. Clock corrections will be produced following that interval.</p><p>A value of 10 sec may be an appropriate choice. <i>[key: cmbSampl]</i></p>")); 1465 _cmbGpsCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>GPS corrections shall be combined. <i>[key: cmbGps]</i></p>")); 1466 _cmbGloCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>GLONASS corrections shall be combined; GPS Broadcast ephemeris and corrections are required. <i>[key: cmbGlo]</i></p>")); 1467 _cmbGalCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Galileo corrections shall be combined; GLONASS Broadcast ephemeris and corrections are required. <i>[key: cmbGal]</i></p>")); 1468 _cmbBdsCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Beidou corrections shall be combined; Galileo Broadcast ephemeris and corrections are required. <i>[key: cmbBds]</i></p>")); 1469 _cmbQzssCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>QZSS corrections shall be combined; QZSS Broadcast ephemeris and corrections are required. <i>[key: cmbQzss]</i></p>")); 1470 _cmbSbasCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>SBAS corrections shall be combined; SBAS Broadcast ephemeris and corrections are required. <i>[key: cmbSbas]</i></p>")); 1471 _cmbIrnssCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>IRNSS corrections shall be combined; IRNSS Broadcast ephemeris and corrections are required. <i>[key: cmbIrnss]</i></p>")); 1428 1472 1429 1473 // WhatsThis, Upload Corrections … … 1554 1598 delete _cmbMaxresLineEdit; 1555 1599 delete _cmbSamplSpinBox; 1556 delete _cmbMethodComboBox;; 1600 delete _cmbMethodComboBox; 1601 delete _cmbGpsCheckBox; 1602 delete _cmbGloCheckBox; 1603 delete _cmbGalCheckBox; 1604 delete _cmbBdsCheckBox; 1605 delete _cmbQzssCheckBox; 1606 delete _cmbSbasCheckBox; 1607 delete _cmbIrnssCheckBox; 1557 1608 _uploadEphTable->deleteLater(); 1558 1609 delete _uploadSamplRtcmEphCorrSpinBox; … … 1986 2037 settings.setValue("outFile", _outFileLineEdit->text()); 1987 2038 settings.setValue("outLockTime",_outLockTimeCheckBox->checkState()); settings.setValue("outUPort", _outUPortLineEdit->text()); 1988 1989 2039 // Serial Output 1990 2040 settings.setValue("serialMountPoint",_serialMountPointLineEdit->text()); … … 2033 2083 settings.setValue("cmbMaxres", _cmbMaxresLineEdit->text()); 2034 2084 settings.setValue("cmbSampl", _cmbSamplSpinBox->value()); 2085 settings.setValue("cmbGps", _cmbGpsCheckBox->checkState()); 2086 settings.setValue("cmbGlo", _cmbGloCheckBox->checkState()); 2087 settings.setValue("cmbGal", _cmbGalCheckBox->checkState()); 2088 settings.setValue("cmbBds", _cmbBdsCheckBox->checkState()); 2089 settings.setValue("cmbQzss", _cmbQzssCheckBox->checkState()); 2090 settings.setValue("cmbSbas", _cmbSbasCheckBox->checkState()); 2091 settings.setValue("cmbIrnss", _cmbIrnssCheckBox->checkState()); 2092 2035 2093 // Upload Corrections 2036 2094 if (!uploadMountpointsOut.isEmpty()) { … … 2548 2606 enableWidget(true, _cmbMaxresLineEdit); 2549 2607 enableWidget(true, _cmbSamplSpinBox); 2608 enableWidget(true, _cmbGpsCheckBox); 2609 enableWidget(true, _cmbGloCheckBox); 2610 enableWidget(true, _cmbGalCheckBox); 2611 enableWidget(true, _cmbBdsCheckBox); 2612 enableWidget(true, _cmbQzssCheckBox); 2613 enableWidget(true, _cmbSbasCheckBox); 2614 enableWidget(true, _cmbIrnssCheckBox); 2550 2615 } 2551 2616 else { … … 2553 2618 enableWidget(false, _cmbMaxresLineEdit); 2554 2619 enableWidget(false, _cmbSamplSpinBox); 2620 enableWidget(false, _cmbGpsCheckBox); 2621 enableWidget(false, _cmbGloCheckBox); 2622 enableWidget(false, _cmbGalCheckBox); 2623 enableWidget(false, _cmbBdsCheckBox); 2624 enableWidget(false, _cmbQzssCheckBox); 2625 enableWidget(false, _cmbSbasCheckBox); 2626 enableWidget(false, _cmbIrnssCheckBox); 2555 2627 } 2556 2628 } -
r9184 r9292 218 218 QComboBox* _cmbMethodComboBox; 219 219 QSpinBox* _cmbSamplSpinBox; 220 QCheckBox* _cmbGpsCheckBox; 221 QCheckBox* _cmbGloCheckBox; 222 QCheckBox* _cmbGalCheckBox; 223 QCheckBox* _cmbBdsCheckBox; 224 QCheckBox* _cmbQzssCheckBox; 225 QCheckBox* _cmbSbasCheckBox; 226 QCheckBox* _cmbIrnssCheckBox; 220 227 221 228 QTableWidget* _uploadTable; -
r9270 r9292 131 131 _cmbSampl = 10; 132 132 } 133 134 _cmbSysPrn['G'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_GPS; _masterMissingEpochs['G'] = 0; 135 _cmbSysPrn['R'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_GLONASS; _masterMissingEpochs['R'] = 0; 136 _cmbSysPrn['E'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_GALILEO; _masterMissingEpochs['E'] = 0; 137 _cmbSysPrn['C'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_BDS; _masterMissingEpochs['C'] = 0;/* 138 _cmbSysPrn['J'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_QZSS; _masterMissingEpochs['J'] = 0; 139 _cmbSysPrn['S'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_SBAS; _masterMissingEpochs['S'] = 0; 140 */ 133 _useGps = (Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbGps").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) ? true : false; 134 if (_useGps) { 135 _cmbSysPrn['G'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_GPS; 136 _masterMissingEpochs['G'] = 0; 137 } 138 _useGlo = (Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbGlo").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) ? true : false; 139 if (_useGlo) { 140 _cmbSysPrn['R'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_GLONASS; 141 _masterMissingEpochs['R'] = 0; 142 } 143 _useGal = (Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbGal").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) ? true : false; 144 if (_useGal) { 145 _cmbSysPrn['E'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_GALILEO; 146 _masterMissingEpochs['E'] = 0; 147 } 148 _useBds = (Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbBds").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) ? true : false; 149 if (_useBds) { 150 _cmbSysPrn['C'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_BDS; 151 _masterMissingEpochs['C'] = 0; 152 } 153 _useQzss = (Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbQzss").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) ? true : false; 154 if (_useQzss) { 155 _cmbSysPrn['J'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_QZSS; 156 _masterMissingEpochs['J'] = 0; 157 } 158 _useSbas = (Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbSbas").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) ? true : false; 159 if (_useSbas) { 160 _cmbSysPrn['S'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_SBAS; 161 _masterMissingEpochs['S'] = 0; 162 } 163 _useIrnss = (Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbIrnss").toInt()) == Qt::Checked) ? true : false; 164 if (_useIrnss) { 165 _cmbSysPrn['I'] = t_prn::MAXPRN_IRNSS; 166 _masterMissingEpochs['I'] = 0; 167 } 141 168 142 169 if (cmbStreams.size() >= 1 && !cmbStreams[0].isEmpty()) { -
r9258 r9292 63 63 numObs['J'] = 0; 64 64 numObs['S'] = 0; 65 numObs['I'] = 0; 65 66 } 66 67 ~cmbAC() {} … … 134 135 SsrCorr* _ssrCorr; 135 136 QMap<char, unsigned> _cmbSysPrn; 137 bool _useGps; 138 bool _useGlo; 139 bool _useGal; 140 bool _useBds; 141 bool _useQzss; 142 bool _useSbas; 143 bool _useIrnss; 136 144 }; 137 145
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for help on using the changeset viewer.