Changeset 884 in ntrip
- Timestamp:
- May 8, 2008, 3:36:12 PM (17 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/BNS
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r874 r884 39 39 _bnseph = new t_bnseph(parent); 40 40 41 connect(_bnseph, SIGNAL(newEph( gpsEph*)), this, SLOT(slotNewEph(gpsEph*)));41 connect(_bnseph, SIGNAL(newEph(t_eph*)), this, SLOT(slotNewEph(t_eph*))); 42 42 connect(_bnseph, SIGNAL(newMessage(QByteArray)), 43 43 this, SLOT(slotMessage(const QByteArray))); … … 229 229 // 230 230 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 231 void t_bns::slotNewEph( gpsEph* ep) {231 void t_bns::slotNewEph(t_eph* ep) { 232 232 233 233 QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); 234 234 235 235 t_ephPair* pair; 236 if ( !_ephList.contains(ep->prn) ) { 236 if ( !_ephList.contains(ep->prn()) ) { 237 237 pair = new t_ephPair(); 238 _ephList.insert(ep->prn, pair); 239 } 240 else { 241 pair = _ephList[ep->prn]; 238 _ephList.insert(ep->prn(), pair); 239 } 240 else { 241 pair = _ephList[ep->prn()]; 242 242 } 243 243 … … 246 246 } 247 247 else { 248 if (ep->GPSweek > pair->eph->GPSweek || 249 (ep->GPSweek == pair->eph->GPSweek && ep->TOC > pair->eph->TOC)) { 248 if (ep->isNewerThan(pair->eph)) { 250 249 delete pair->oldEph; 251 250 pair->oldEph = pair->eph; … … 328 327 QString prn; 329 328 ColumnVector xx(4); 330 gpsEph*ep = 0;329 t_eph* ep = 0; 331 330 332 331 if (oldEph == 0) { … … 344 343 if ( _ephList.contains(prn) ) { 345 344 t_ephPair* pair = _ephList[prn]; 346 prn = pair->eph->prn; 345 prn = pair->eph->prn(); 347 346 xx = pair->xx; 348 347 ep = pair->oldEph; … … 379 378 // 380 379 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 381 void t_bns::processSatellite( gpsEph* ep, int GPSweek, double GPSweeks,380 void t_bns::processSatellite(t_eph* ep, int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, 382 381 const QString& prn, const ColumnVector& xx, 383 382 struct ClockOrbit::SatData* sd) { … … 386 385 ColumnVector vv(3); 387 386 388 satellitePosition(GPSweek, GPSweeks, ep, xB(1), xB(2), xB(3), xB(4), 389 vv(1), vv(2), vv(3)); 387 ep->position(GPSweek, GPSweeks, xB, vv); 390 388 391 389 ColumnVector dx = xx.Rows(1,3) - xB.Rows(1,3); … … 397 395 if (sd) { 398 396 sd->ID = prn.mid(1).toInt(); 399 sd->IOD = int(ep->IODE);397 sd->IOD = ep->IOD(); 400 398 sd->Clock.DeltaA0 = dClk; 401 399 sd->Orbit.DeltaRadial = rsw(1); … … 406 404 if (_outStream) { 407 405 QString line; 408 line.sprintf("%d %.1f %s %3d %3d%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",409 GPSweek, GPSweeks, ep->prn.toAscii().data(), 410 int(ep->IODC), int(ep->IODE), dClk, rsw(1), rsw(2), rsw(3));411 406 line.sprintf("%d %.1f %s %3d %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", 407 GPSweek, GPSweeks, ep->prn().toAscii().data(), 408 ep->IOD(), dClk, rsw(1), rsw(2), rsw(3)); 409 *_outStream << line; 412 410 _outStream->flush(); 413 411 } -
r874 r884 28 28 29 29 ColumnVector xx; 30 gpsEph* eph;31 gpsEph* oldEph;30 t_eph* eph; 31 t_eph* oldEph; 32 32 }; 33 33 … … 45 45 46 46 private slots: 47 void slotNewEph( gpsEph* ep);47 void slotNewEph(t_eph* ep); 48 48 void slotNewConnection(); 49 49 void slotMessage(const QByteArray msg); … … 55 55 void openCaster(); 56 56 void readEpoch(); 57 void processSatellite( gpsEph* ep, int GPSweek, double GPSweeks,57 void processSatellite(t_eph* ep, int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, 58 58 const QString& prn, const ColumnVector& xx, 59 59 struct ClockOrbit::SatData* sd); -
r839 r884 85 85 void t_bnseph::readEph() { 86 86 87 gpsEph* ep = new gpsEph; 88 89 bool flagGlonass = false; 90 91 const int NUMLINES = 8; 92 93 for (int ii = 1; ii <= NUMLINES; ii++) { 94 87 88 t_eph* eph = 0; 89 90 QByteArray line = _socket->readLine(); 91 QTextStream in(line); 92 QString prn; 93 94 in >> prn; 95 96 int numlines = 0; 97 if (prn.indexOf('R') != -1) { 98 eph = new t_ephGlo(); 99 numlines = 4; 100 } 101 else { 102 eph = new t_ephGPS(); 103 numlines = 8; 104 } 105 106 QStringList lines; 107 lines << line; 108 109 for (int ii = 2; ii <= numlines; ii++) { 95 110 QByteArray line = _socket->readLine(); 96 97 if (flagGlonass) { 98 if (ii == 4) { 99 delete ep; 100 return; 101 } 102 else { 103 continue; 104 } 105 } 106 107 QTextStream in(line); 111 lines << line; 112 } 113 114 eph->read(lines); 115 116 emit(newEph(eph)); 117 } 118 119 // Read GPS Ephemeris 120 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 121 void t_ephGPS::read(const QStringList& lines) { 122 123 for (int ii = 1; ii <= lines.size(); ii++) { 124 QTextStream in(; 108 125 109 126 if (ii == 1) { 110 in >> ep->prn;111 112 if (ep->prn.indexOf('R') != -1) {113 flagGlonass = true;114 continue;115 }116 117 127 double year, month, day, hour, minute, second; 118 in >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> minute >> second 119 >> ep->clock_bias >>ep->clock_drift >>ep->clock_driftrate;128 in >> _prn >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> minute >> second 129 >> _clock_bias >> _clock_drift >> _clock_driftrate; 120 130 121 131 if (year < 100) year += 2000; … … 124 134 QTime(int(hour), int(minute), int(second)), Qt::UTC); 125 135 int week; 126 GPSweekFromDateAndTime(dateTime, week, ep->TOC);127 ep->GPSweek = week;136 GPSweekFromDateAndTime(dateTime, week, _TOC); 137 _GPSweek = week; 128 138 } 129 139 else if (ii == 2) { 130 in >> ep->IODE >>ep->Crs >>ep->Delta_n >>ep->M0;140 in >> _IODE >> _Crs >> _Delta_n >> _M0; 131 141 } 132 142 else if (ii == 3) { 133 in >> ep->Cuc >>ep->e >> ep->Cus >>ep->sqrt_A;143 in >> _Cuc >> _e >> _Cus >> _sqrt_A; 134 144 } 135 145 else if (ii == 4) { 136 in >> ep->TOE >>ep->Cic >>ep->OMEGA0 >>ep->Cis;146 in >> _TOE >> _Cic >> _OMEGA0 >> _Cis; 137 147 } 138 148 else if (ii == 5) { 139 in >> ep->i0 >> ep->Crc >>ep->omega >>ep->OMEGADOT;149 in >> _i0 >> _Crc >> _omega >> _OMEGADOT; 140 150 } 141 151 else if (ii == 6) { 142 in >> ep->IDOT;152 in >> _IDOT; 143 153 } 144 154 else if (ii == 7) { 145 155 double hlp, health; 146 in >> hlp >> health >> ep->TGD >>ep->IODC;156 in >> hlp >> health >> _TGD >> _IODC; 147 157 } 148 158 else if (ii == 8) { 149 in >> ep->TOW; 150 } 151 } 152 153 emit(newEph(ep)); 154 } 159 in >> _TOW; 160 } 161 } 162 } 163 164 // Compute GPS Satellite Position 165 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 166 void t_ephGPS::position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, ColumnVector& xc, 167 ColumnVector& vv) const { 168 169 const static double secPerWeek = 7 * 86400.0; 170 const static double omegaEarth = 7292115.1467e-11; 171 const static double gmWGS = 398.6005e12; 172 173 if (xc.Nrows() < 4) { 174 xc.ReSize(4); 175 } 176 xc = 0.0; 177 178 if (vv.Nrows() < 3) { 179 vv.ReSize(3); 180 } 181 vv = 0.0; 182 183 double a0 = _sqrt_A * _sqrt_A; 184 if (a0 == 0) { 185 return; 186 } 187 188 double n0 = sqrt(gmWGS/(a0*a0*a0)); 189 double tk = GPSweeks - _TOE; 190 if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) { 191 tk += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek; 192 } 193 double n = n0 + _Delta_n; 194 double M = _M0 + n*tk; 195 double E = M; 196 double E_last; 197 do { 198 E_last = E; 199 E = M + _e*sin(E); 200 } while ( fabs(E-E_last)*a0 > 0.001 ); 201 double v = 2.0*atan( sqrt( (1.0 + _e)/(1.0 - _e) )*tan( E/2 ) ); 202 double u0 = v + _omega; 203 double sin2u0 = sin(2*u0); 204 double cos2u0 = cos(2*u0); 205 double r = a0*(1 - _e*cos(E)) + _Crc*cos2u0 + _Crs*sin2u0; 206 double i = _i0 + _IDOT*tk + _Cic*cos2u0 + _Cis*sin2u0; 207 double u = u0 + _Cuc*cos2u0 + _Cus*sin2u0; 208 double xp = r*cos(u); 209 double yp = r*sin(u); 210 double OM = _OMEGA0 + (_OMEGADOT - omegaEarth)*tk - 211 omegaEarth*_TOE; 212 213 double sinom = sin(OM); 214 double cosom = cos(OM); 215 double sini = sin(i); 216 double cosi = cos(i); 217 xc(1) = xp*cosom - yp*cosi*sinom; 218 xc(2) = xp*sinom + yp*cosi*cosom; 219 xc(3) = yp*sini; 220 221 double tc = GPSweeks - _TOC; 222 if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) { 223 tc += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek; 224 } 225 xc(4) = _clock_bias + _clock_drift*tc + _clock_driftrate*tc*tc 226 - 4.442807633e-10 * _e * sqrt(a0) *sin(E); 227 228 // Velocity 229 // -------- 230 double tanv2 = tan(v/2); 231 double dEdM = 1 / (1 - _e*cos(E)); 232 double dotv = sqrt((1.0 + _e)/(1.0 - _e)) / cos(E/2)/cos(E/2) / (1 + tanv2*tanv2) 233 * dEdM * n; 234 double dotu = dotv + (-_Cuc*sin2u0 + _Cus*cos2u0)*2*dotv; 235 double dotom = _OMEGADOT - omegaEarth; 236 double doti = _IDOT + (-_Cic*sin2u0 + _Cis*cos2u0)*2*dotv; 237 double dotr = a0 * _e*sin(E) * dEdM * n 238 + (-_Crc*sin2u0 + _Crs*cos2u0)*2*dotv; 239 double dotx = dotr*cos(u) - r*sin(u)*dotu; 240 double doty = dotr*sin(u) + r*cos(u)*dotu; 241 242 vv(1) = cosom *dotx - cosi*sinom *doty // dX / dr 243 - xp*sinom*dotom - yp*cosi*cosom*dotom // dX / dOMEGA 244 + yp*sini*sinom*doti; // dX / di 245 246 vv(2) = sinom *dotx + cosi*cosom *doty 247 + xp*cosom*dotom - yp*cosi*sinom*dotom 248 - yp*sini*cosom*doti; 249 250 vv(3) = sini *doty + yp*cosi *doti; 251 } 252 253 // Compare Time 254 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 255 bool t_ephGPS::isNewerThan(const t_eph* ep) const { 256 257 const t_ephGPS* eph = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGPS*>(ep); 258 if (!eph) { 259 return false; 260 } 261 262 if (_GPSweek > eph->_GPSweek || 263 (_GPSweek == eph->_GPSweek && _TOC > eph->_TOC)) { 264 return true; 265 } 266 else { 267 return false; 268 } 269 } 270 271 // 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 273 void t_ephGlo::read(const QStringList& lines) { 274 275 for (int ii = 1; ii <= lines.size(); ii++) { 276 QTextStream in(; 277 278 if (ii == 1) { 279 double year, month, day, hour, minute, second; 280 in >> _prn >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> minute >> second 281 >> _tau >> _gamma; 282 283 if (year < 100) year += 2000; 284 285 QDateTime dateTime(QDate(int(year), int(month), int(day)), 286 QTime(int(hour), int(minute), int(second)), Qt::UTC); 287 int week; 288 GPSweekFromDateAndTime(dateTime, week, _GPSTOW); 289 _GPSweek = week; 290 } 291 else if (ii == 2) { 292 in >>_x_pos >> _x_velocity >> _x_acceleration >> _flags; 293 } 294 else if (ii == 3) { 295 in >>_y_pos >> _y_velocity >> _y_acceleration >> _frequency_number; 296 } 297 else if (ii == 4) { 298 in >>_z_pos >> _z_velocity >> _z_acceleration >> _E; 299 } 300 } 301 } 302 303 // 304 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 305 bool t_ephGlo::isNewerThan(const t_eph* ep) const { 306 return false; 307 } 308 309 // 310 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 311 int t_ephGlo::IOD() const { 312 return 0; 313 } 314 315 // Derivative of the state vector using a simple force model (static) 316 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 317 ColumnVector t_ephGlo::glo_deriv(double /* tt */, const ColumnVector& xv) { 318 319 // State vector components 320 // ----------------------- 321 ColumnVector rr = xv.rows(1,3); 322 ColumnVector vv = xv.rows(4,6); 323 324 // Acceleration 325 // ------------ 326 const static double GM = 398.60044e12; 327 const static double AE = 6378136.0; 328 const static double OMEGA = 7292115.e-11; 329 const static double C20 = -1082.63e-6; 330 331 double rho = rr.norm_Frobenius(); 332 double t1 = -GM/(rho*rho*rho); 333 double t2 = 3.0/2.0 * C20 * (GM*AE*AE) / (rho*rho*rho*rho*rho); 334 double t3 = OMEGA * OMEGA; 335 double t4 = 2.0 * OMEGA; 336 double z2 = rr(3) * rr(3); 337 338 // Vector of derivatives 339 // --------------------- 340 ColumnVector va(6); 341 va(1) = vv(1); 342 va(2) = vv(2); 343 va(3) = vv(3); 344 va(4) = (t1 + t2*(1.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) + t3) * rr(1) + t4*vv(2); 345 va(5) = (t1 + t2*(1.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) + t3) * rr(2) - t4*vv(1); 346 va(6) = (t1 + t2*(3.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) ) * rr(3); 347 348 return va; 349 } 350 351 // 352 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 353 void t_ephGlo::position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, ColumnVector& xc, 354 ColumnVector& vv) const { 355 356 } 357 -
r838 r884 2 2 #define BNSEPH_H 3 3 4 #include <newmat.h> 5 6 #include <QtCore> 4 7 #include <QThread> 5 8 #include <QtNetwork> 6 9 7 class gpsEph { 10 11 class t_eph { 8 12 public: 9 QString prn; 10 double GPSweek; 11 double TOW; // [s] 12 double TOC; // [s] 13 double TOE; // [s] 14 double IODE; 15 double IODC; 13 virtual ~t_eph() {}; 14 virtual void position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, ColumnVector& xc, 15 ColumnVector& vv) const = 0; 16 virtual void read(const QStringList& lines) = 0; 17 virtual bool isNewerThan(const t_eph* ep) const = 0; 18 virtual int IOD() const = 0; 19 QString prn() const {return _prn;} 20 protected: 21 QString _prn; 22 }; 16 23 17 double clock_bias; // [s] 18 double clock_drift; // [s/s] 19 double clock_driftrate; // [s/s^2] 24 class t_ephGlo : public t_eph { 25 public: 26 t_ephGlo() { 27 _xv.ReSize(6); 28 }; 29 virtual ~t_ephGlo() {}; 30 virtual void read(const QStringList& lines); 31 virtual void position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, ColumnVector& xc, 32 ColumnVector& vv) const; 33 virtual bool isNewerThan(const t_eph* ep) const; 34 virtual int IOD() const; 35 private: 36 static ColumnVector glo_deriv(double /* tt */, const ColumnVector& xv); 37 ColumnVector _xv; 20 38 21 double Crs; // [m] 22 double Delta_n; // [rad/s] 23 double M0; // [rad] 24 double Cuc; // [rad] 25 double e; // 26 double Cus; // [rad] 27 double sqrt_A; // [m^0.5] 28 double Cic; // [rad] 29 double OMEGA0; // [rad] 30 double Cis; // [rad] 31 double i0; // [rad] 32 double Crc; // [m] 33 double omega; // [rad] 34 double OMEGADOT; // [rad/s] 35 double IDOT; // [rad/s] 39 double _GPSweek; 40 double _GPSTOW; 41 double _E; /* [days] */ 42 double _tau; /* [s] */ 43 double _gamma; /* */ 44 double _x_pos; /* [km] */ 45 double _x_velocity; /* [km/s] */ 46 double _x_acceleration; /* [km/s^2] */ 47 double _y_pos; /* [km] */ 48 double _y_velocity; /* [km/s] */ 49 double _y_acceleration; /* [km/s^2] */ 50 double _z_pos; /* [km] */ 51 double _z_velocity; /* [km/s] */ 52 double _z_acceleration; /* [km/s^2] */ 53 int _flags; /* GLOEPHF_xxx */ 54 int _frequency_number; /* ICD-GLONASS data position */ 55 }; 36 56 37 double TGD; // [s] 57 58 class t_ephGPS : public t_eph { 59 public: 60 t_ephGPS() {}; 61 virtual ~t_ephGPS() {}; 62 virtual void read(const QStringList& lines); 63 virtual void position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, ColumnVector& xc, 64 ColumnVector& vv) const; 65 virtual bool isNewerThan(const t_eph* ep) const; 66 virtual int IOD() const {return int(_IODE);} 67 68 private: 69 double _GPSweek; 70 double _TOW; // [s] 71 double _TOC; // [s] 72 double _TOE; // [s] 73 double _IODE; 74 double _IODC; 75 76 double _clock_bias; // [s] 77 double _clock_drift; // [s/s] 78 double _clock_driftrate; // [s/s^2] 79 80 double _Crs; // [m] 81 double _Delta_n; // [rad/s] 82 double _M0; // [rad] 83 double _Cuc; // [rad] 84 double _e; // 85 double _Cus; // [rad] 86 double _sqrt_A; // [m^0.5] 87 double _Cic; // [rad] 88 double _OMEGA0; // [rad] 89 double _Cis; // [rad] 90 double _i0; // [rad] 91 double _Crc; // [m] 92 double _omega; // [rad] 93 double _OMEGADOT; // [rad/s] 94 double _IDOT; // [rad/s] 95 96 double _TGD; // [s] 38 97 }; 39 98 … … 46 105 47 106 signals: 48 void newEph( gpsEph* eph);107 void newEph(t_eph* eph); 49 108 void newMessage(const QByteArray msg); 50 109 void error(const QByteArray msg); -
r861 r884 108 108 } 109 109 110 // Satellite Position computed using broadcast ephemeris111 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////112 void satellitePosition(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, const gpsEph* ep,113 double& X, double& Y, double& Z, double& dt,114 double& vX, double& vY, double& vZ) {115 116 const static double secPerWeek = 7 * 86400.0;117 const static double omegaEarth = 7292115.1467e-11;118 const static double gmWGS = 398.6005e12;119 120 X = Y = Z = dt = 0.0;121 122 double a0 = ep->sqrt_A * ep->sqrt_A;123 if (a0 == 0) {124 return;125 }126 127 double n0 = sqrt(gmWGS/(a0*a0*a0));128 double tk = GPSweeks - ep->TOE;129 if (GPSweek != ep->GPSweek) {130 tk += (GPSweek - ep->GPSweek) * secPerWeek;131 }132 double n = n0 + ep->Delta_n;133 double M = ep->M0 + n*tk;134 double E = M;135 double E_last;136 do {137 E_last = E;138 E = M + ep->e*sin(E);139 } while ( fabs(E-E_last)*a0 > 0.001 );140 double v = 2.0*atan( sqrt( (1.0 + ep->e)/(1.0 - ep->e) )*tan( E/2 ) );141 double u0 = v + ep->omega;142 double sin2u0 = sin(2*u0);143 double cos2u0 = cos(2*u0);144 double r = a0*(1 - ep->e*cos(E)) + ep->Crc*cos2u0 + ep->Crs*sin2u0;145 double i = ep->i0 + ep->IDOT*tk + ep->Cic*cos2u0 + ep->Cis*sin2u0;146 double u = u0 + ep->Cuc*cos2u0 + ep->Cus*sin2u0;147 double xp = r*cos(u);148 double yp = r*sin(u);149 double OM = ep->OMEGA0 + (ep->OMEGADOT - omegaEarth)*tk -150 omegaEarth*ep->TOE;151 152 double sinom = sin(OM);153 double cosom = cos(OM);154 double sini = sin(i);155 double cosi = cos(i);156 X = xp*cosom - yp*cosi*sinom;157 Y = xp*sinom + yp*cosi*cosom;158 Z = yp*sini;159 160 double tc = GPSweeks - ep->TOC;161 if (GPSweek != ep->GPSweek) {162 tc += (GPSweek - ep->GPSweek) * secPerWeek;163 }164 dt = ep->clock_bias + ep->clock_drift*tc + ep->clock_driftrate*tc*tc165 - 4.442807633e-10 * ep->e * sqrt(a0) *sin(E);166 167 // Velocity168 // --------169 double tanv2 = tan(v/2);170 double dEdM = 1 / (1 - ep->e*cos(E));171 double dotv = sqrt((1.0 + ep->e)/(1.0 - ep->e)) / cos(E/2)/cos(E/2) / (1 + tanv2*tanv2)172 * dEdM * n;173 double dotu = dotv + (-ep->Cuc*sin2u0 + ep->Cus*cos2u0)*2*dotv;174 double dotom = ep->OMEGADOT - omegaEarth;175 double doti = ep->IDOT + (-ep->Cic*sin2u0 + ep->Cis*cos2u0)*2*dotv;176 double dotr = a0 * ep->e*sin(E) * dEdM * n177 + (-ep->Crc*sin2u0 + ep->Crs*cos2u0)*2*dotv;178 double dotx = dotr*cos(u) - r*sin(u)*dotu;179 double doty = dotr*sin(u) + r*cos(u)*dotu;180 181 vX = cosom *dotx - cosi*sinom *doty // dX / dr182 - xp*sinom*dotom - yp*cosi*cosom*dotom // dX / dOMEGA183 + yp*sini*sinom*doti; // dX / di184 185 vY = sinom *dotx + cosi*cosom *doty186 + xp*cosom*dotom - yp*cosi*sinom*dotom187 - yp*sini*cosom*doti;188 189 vZ = sini *doty + yp*cosi *doti;190 }191 192 110 // Transformation xyz --> radial, along track, out-of-plane 193 111 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// … … 202 120 rsw(3) = DotProduct(xyz, cross) / cross.norm_Frobenius(); 203 121 } 122 123 // Fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical integrator for ODEs 124 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 125 ColumnVector rungeKutta4( 126 double xi, // the initial x-value 127 const ColumnVector& yi, // vector of the initial y-values 128 double dx, // the step size for the integration 129 ColumnVector (*der)(double x, const ColumnVector& y) 130 // A pointer to a function that computes the 131 // derivative of a function at a point (x,y) 132 ) { 133 134 ColumnVector k1 = der(xi , yi ) * dx; 135 ColumnVector k2 = der(xi+dx/2.0, yi+k1/2.0) * dx; 136 ColumnVector k3 = der(xi+dx/2.0, yi+k2/2.0) * dx; 137 ColumnVector k4 = der(xi+dx , yi+k3 ) * dx; 138 139 ColumnVector yf = yi + k1/6.0 + k2/3.0 + k3/3.0 + k4/6.0; 140 141 return yf; 142 } -
r860 r884 23 23 void currentGPSWeeks(int& week, double& sec); 24 24 25 void satellitePosition(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, const gpsEph* ep,26 double& X, double& Y, double& Z, double&,27 double& vX, double& vY, double& vZ);28 29 25 void XYZ_to_RSW(const ColumnVector& rr, const ColumnVector& vv, 30 26 const ColumnVector& xyz, ColumnVector& rsw); 27 28 ColumnVector rungeKutta4(double xi, const ColumnVector& yi, double dx, 29 ColumnVector (*der)(double x, const ColumnVector& y)); 30 31 31 #endif
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