Changeset 8128 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Jun 12, 2017, 2:06:16 PM (8 years ago)

undefined generation attribute '_' is added to the default signal priority string to allow editing of rinex version 2 files

4 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r8100 r8128  
    15411541The default 'Signal priority' list is defined as follows:
    1543  <li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX E:16&BCX E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:IQX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'</li>
     1543 <li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN_ G:5&IQX_ R:12&PC_ R:3&IQX_ E:16&BCX_ E:578&IQX_ J:1&SLXCZ_ J:26&SLX_ J:5&IQX_ C:IQX_ I:ABCX_ S:1&C_ S:5&IQX_'</li>
    19391939The default 'Signal priority' list is defined as follows:
    1941  <li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX E:16&BCX E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:IQX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'</li>
     1941 <li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN_ G:5&IQX_ R:12&PC_ R:3&IQX_ E:16&BCX_ E:578&IQX_ J:1&SLXCZ_ J:26&SLX_ J:5&IQX_ C:IQX_ I:ABCX_ S:1&C S:5&IQX_'</li>
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncsettings.cpp

    r8125 r8128  
    132132    setValue_p("reqcNewReceiverNumber", "");
    133133    setValue_p("reqcUseObsTypes",     "");
    134     setValue_p("reqcV2Priority",      "G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX E:16&BCX E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:IQX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX");
     134    setValue_p("reqcV2Priority",      "G:12&PWCSLXYN_ G:5&IQX_ R:12&PC_ R:3&IQX_ E:16&BCX_ E:578&IQX_ J:1&SLXCZ_ J:26&SLX_ J:5&IQX_ C:IQX_ I:ABCX_ S:1&C_ S:5&IQX_");
    135135    // SP3
    136136    setValue_p("sp3CompFile",         "");
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r8127 r8128  
    243243  QString hlp = settings.value("rnxV2Priority").toString();
    244244  if (hlp.isEmpty()) {
    245     hlp = "G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX E:16&BCX E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:IQX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX";
     245    hlp = "G:12&PWCSLXYN_ G:5&IQX_ R:12&PC_ R:3&IQX_ E:16&BCX_ E:578&IQX_ J:1&SLXCZ_ J:26&SLX_ J:5&IQX_ C:IQX_ I:ABCX_ S:1&C_ S:5&IQX_";
    246246  }
    247247  _rnxV2Priority = new QLineEdit(hlp);
    13031303  _rnxFileCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tick check box 'Skeleton mandatory' in case you want that RINEX files are only produced if skeleton files are available for BNC. If no skeleton file is available for a particular source then no RINEX Observation file will be produced from the affected stream.</p><p>Note that a skeleton file contains RINEX header information such as receiver and antenna types. In case of stream conversion to RINEX Version 3, a skeleton file should also contain information on potentially available observation types. A missing skeleton file will therefore enforce BNC to only save a default set of RINEX 3 observation types. <i>[key: rnxOnlyWithSKL]</i></p>"));
    13041304  _rnxScrpLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Whenever a RINEX Observation file is finally saved, you may want to compress, copy or upload it immediately, for example via FTP. BNC allows you to execute a script/batch file to carry out such operation.</p><p>Specify the full path of a script or batch file. BNC will pass the full RINEX Observation file path to the script as command line parameter (%1 on Windows systems, $1 on Unix/Linux/Mac systems). <i>[key: rnxScript]</i></p>"));
    1305   _rnxV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'C:IQX I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for BDS and IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX E:16&BCX E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:IQX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'. <i>[key: rnxV2Priority]</i></p>"));
     1305  _rnxV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'C:IQX I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for BDS and IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLXYN_ G:5&IQX_ R:12&PC_ R:3&IQX_ E:16&BCX_ E:578&IQX_ J:1&SLXCZ_ J:26&SLX_ J:5&IQX_ C:IQX_ I:ABCX_ S:1&C_ S:5&IQX_'. <i>[key: rnxV2Priority]</i></p>"));
    13061306  _rnxV3CheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>The default format for RINEX Observation files is RINEX Version 2.</p><p>Select 'Version 3' if you want to save observations in RINEX Version 3 format. <i>[key: rnxV3]</i></p>"));
    13071307  _rnxV3filenameCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tick 'Version 3 filenames' to let BNC create so-called extended filenames following the RINEX Version 3 standard.</p><p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to create filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file content is saved in RINEX Version 3 format. <i>[key: rnxV3filenames]</i></p>"));
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/reqcdlg.cpp

    r8010 r8128  
    138138  QString hlp = settings.value("reqcV2Priority").toString();
    139139  if (hlp.isEmpty()) {
    140     hlp = "G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX E:16&BCX E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:IQX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX";
     140    hlp = "G:12&PWCSLXYN_ G:5&IQX_ R:12&PC_ R:3&IQX_ E:16&BCX_ E:578&IQX_ J:1&SLXCZ_ J:26&SLX_ J:5&IQX_ C:IQX_ I:ABCX_ S:1&C_ S:5&IQX_";
    141141  }
    142142  _reqcV2Priority = new QLineEdit(hlp);
    232232  _reqcRnxVersion->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select version number of emerging new RINEX file.</p><p>Note the following:</p><p>When converting <u>RINEX Version 2 to Version 3 </u>Observation files, the tracking mode or channel information (signal attribute, see RINEX Version 3 documentation) in the (last out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown.</p><p>When converting <u>RINEX Version 3 to Version 2</u>, the mapping of observations follows a 'Signal priority list' with signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. <i>[key: reqcRnxVersion]</i></p>"));
    233233  _reqcSampling->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select sampling rate of emerging new RINEX Observation file.</p><p>'0 sec' means that observations from all epochs in the RINEX input file will become part of the RINEX output file. <i>[key: reqcSampling]</i></p>"));
    234   _reqcV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'C:IQX I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for BDS and IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX E:16&BCX E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:IQX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'. <i>[key: reqcV2Priority]</i></p>"));
     234  _reqcV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'C:IQX I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for BDS and IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLXYN_ G:5&IQX_ R:12&PC_ R:3&IQX_ E:16&BCX_ E:578&IQX_ J:1&SLXCZ_ J:26&SLX_ J:5&IQX_ C:IQX_ I:ABCX_ S:1&C_ S:5&IQX_'. <i>[key: reqcV2Priority]</i></p>"));
    235235  _reqcStartDateTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify begin of emerging new RINEX Observation file. <i>[key: reqcStartDateTime]</i></p>"));
    236236  _reqcEndDateTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify end of emerging new RINEX Observation file. <i>[key: reqcEndDateTime]</i></p>"));
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