Changeset 8102 in ntrip for branches

Apr 10, 2017, 11:13:15 AM (8 years ago)

some further updates regarding ITRF2014

1 edited


  • branches/BNC_2.12/src/bnchelp.html

    r8089 r8102  
    39423942<li>ETRF2000 which stands for the European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 adopted by EUREF, and</li>
    39433943<li>NAD83 which stands for the North American Datum 1983 as adopted for the U.S.A., and</li>
    3944 <li>GDA94 which stands for the Geodetic Datum Australia 1994 as adopted for Australia, and</li>
     3944<li>GDA2020 which stands for the Geodetic Datum Australia 2020 as adopted for Australia, and</li>
    39453945<li>SIRGAS2000 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted for Brazil, and</li>
    3946 <li>SIRGAS95 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted e.g. for Venezuela, and</li>
    39473946<li>DREF91 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted for Germany, and</li>
    39483947<li>'Custom' which allows a transformation of Broadcast Corrections from the IGS14 system to any other system through specifying up to 14 Helmert Transformation Parameters.</li>
    3962 From a theoretical point of view, this kind of approximation leads to inconsistencies between orbits and clocks and is therefore not allowed (Huisman et al. 2012). However, it has been proved that resulting errors in Precise Point Positioning are on millimeter level for horizontal components and below one centimeter for height components. The Australian GDA94 transformation with its comparatively large scale parameter is an exception in this as discrepancies may reach up there to two centimeters.
     3961From a theoretical point of view, this kind of approximation leads to inconsistencies between orbits and clocks and is therefore not allowed (Huisman et al. 2012). However, it has been proved that resulting errors in Precise Point Positioning are on millimeter level for horizontal components and below one centimeter for height components.
    39883987To: 2000.0
     3989In order to perform a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;ETRF2000', a transformation from 'ITRF2014-&gt;ITRF2008' is done at first.
    40114011To: 1997.0
    4013 </p>
    4015 <p>
    4016 <u>GDA94:</u> The formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2008-&gt;GDA94' are taken from 'John Dawson, Alex Woods 2010: ITRF to GDA94 coordinate transformations', Journal of Applied Geodesy, 4 (2010), 189-199, de Gruyter 2010. DOI 10.1515/JAG.2010.019'.
    4017 </p>
    4018 <p>
    4019 <pre>
    4020 Translation in X at epoch To: -0.08468 m
    4021 Translation in Y at epoch To: -0.01942 m
    4022 Translation in Z at epoch To:  0.03201 m
    4023 Translation rate in X:  0.00142 m/y
    4024 Translation rate in Y:  0.00134 m/y
    4025 Translation rate in Z:  0.00090 m/y
    4026 Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.4254 mas
    4027 Rotation in Y at epoch To: -2.2578 mas
    4028 Rotation in Z at epoch To: -2.4015 mas
    4029 Rotation rate in X: -1.5461 mas/y
    4030 Rotation rate in Y: -1.1820 mas/y
    4031 Rotation rate in Z: -1.1551 mas/y
    4032 Scale at epoch To : 0.000000009710
    4033 Scale rate: 0.000000000109 /y
    4034 To: 1994.0
     4013In order to perform a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;NAD83', a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;ITRF2008' is done at first.
     4017<u>GDA2020:</u> The formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;GDA2020' were provided via personal communication from Ryan Ruddick: 'Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020, Interim Release Note Version 1.01, Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM), Permanent Committee on Geodesy (PCG), 03 March 2017'.
     4021Translation in X at epoch To:  0.0 m
     4022Translation in Y at epoch To:  0.0 m
     4023Translation in Z at epoch To:  0.0 m
     4024Translation rate in X:  0.0 m/y
     4025Translation rate in Y:  0.0 m/y
     4026Translation rate in Z:  0.0 m/y
     4027Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.0 mas
     4028Rotation in Y at epoch To:  0.0 mas
     4029Rotation in Z at epoch To:  0.0 mas
     4030Rotation rate in X:  1.50379 mas/y
     4031Rotation rate in Y:  1.18346 mas/y
     4032Rotation rate in Z:  1.20716 mas/y
     4033Scale at epoch To :  0.0
     4034Scale rate:  0.0/y
     4035To: 2020.0
    40474048Translation rate in Y:  0.0000 m/y
    40484049Translation rate in Z:  0.0000 m/y
    4049 Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.170 mas
    4050 Rotation in Y at epoch To: -0.030 mas
    4051 Rotation in Z at epoch To:  0.070 mas
     4050Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.0000 mas
     4051Rotation in Y at epoch To:  0.0000 mas
     4052Rotation in Z at epoch To:  0.0000 mas
    40524053Rotation rate in X:  0.000 mas/y
    40534054Rotation rate in Y:  0.000 mas/y
    40544055Rotation rate in Z:  0.000 mas/y
    4055 Scale at epoch To : -0.000000001000
     4056Scale at epoch To :  0.000
    40564057Scale rate: 0.000000000000 /y
    4057 To: 0000.0
    4058 </pre>
    4059 </p>
    4061 <p>
    4062 <u>SIRGAS95:</u> The formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2005-&gt;SIRGAS95' were provided via personal communication from Gustavo Acuha, Laboratorio de Geodesia Fisica y Satelital at Zulia University (LGFS-LUZ), parameters based on values from Table 4.1 of "Terrestrial Reference Frames (April 10, 2009), Chapter 4" in</u>.
    4063 </p>
    4064 <p>
    4065 <pre>
    4066 Translation in X at epoch To:  0.0077 m
    4067 Translation in Y at epoch To:  0.0058 m
    4068 Translation in Z at epoch To: -0.0138 m
    4069 Translation rate in X:  0.0000 m/y
    4070 Translation rate in Y:  0.0000 m/y
    4071 Translation rate in Z:  0.0000 m/y
    4072 Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.000 mas
    4073 Rotation in Y at epoch To:  0.000 mas
    4074 Rotation in Z at epoch To: -0.003 mas
    4075 Rotation rate in X:  0.000 mas/y
    4076 Rotation rate in Y:  0.000 mas/y
    4077 Rotation rate in Z:  0.000 mas/y
    4078 Scale at epoch To : 0.00000000157
    4079 Scale rate: -0.000000000000 /y
    4080 To: 1995.4
     4058To: 20000.4
    41034081To: 2000.0
     4083In order to perform a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;DREF91', a transformation from 'ITRF2014-&gt;ITRF2008' is done at first.
    52295208<tr><td>FTP</td><td>File Transfer Protocol</td></tr>
    5230 <tr><td>GDA94</td><td>Geodetic Datum Australia 1994</td></tr>
     5209<tr><td>GDA2020</td><td>Geodetic Datum Australia 2020</td></tr>
    52315210<tr><td>GM</td><td>Google Maps</td></tr>
    52325211<tr><td>GNSS</td><td>Global Navigation Satellite System</td></tr>
    52805259<tr><td>SINEX</td><td>Solution Independent Exchange Format</td></tr>
    52815260<tr><td>SIRGAS2000</td><td>Geodetic Datum for Latin America and Caribbean 2000</td></tr>
    5282 <tr><td>SIRGAS95</td><td>Geodetic Datum for Latin America and Caribbean 1995</td></tr>
    52835261<tr><td>SIRGAS</td><td>IAG Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Latin America and Caribbean</td></tr>
    52845262<tr><td>SP3</td><td>Standard Product # 3</td></tr>
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