Changeset 8095 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src

Apr 7, 2017, 6:47:21 PM (8 years ago)

some further updates regarding ITRF2014

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r8087 r8095  
    39423942<li>ETRF2000 which stands for the European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 adopted by EUREF, and</li>
    39433943<li>NAD83 which stands for the North American Datum 1983 as adopted for the U.S.A., and</li>
    3944 <li>GDA94 which stands for the Geodetic Datum Australia 1994 as adopted for Australia, and</li>
     3944<li>GDA2020 which stands for the Geodetic Datum Australia 2020 as adopted for Australia, and</li>
    39453945<li>SIRGAS2000 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted for Brazil, and</li>
    3946 <li>SIRGAS95 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted e.g. for Venezuela, and</li>
    39473946<li>DREF91 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted for Germany, and</li>
    39483947<li>'Custom' which allows a transformation of Broadcast Corrections from the IGS14 system to any other system through specifying up to 14 Helmert Transformation Parameters.</li>
    39883987To: 2000.0
     3989In order to perform a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;ETRF2000', a transformation from 'ITRF2014-&gt;ITRF2008' is done at first.
    40114011To: 1997.0
    4013 </p>
    4015 <p>
    4016 <u>GDA94:</u> The formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2008-&gt;GDA94' are taken from 'John Dawson, Alex Woods 2010: ITRF to GDA94 coordinate transformations', Journal of Applied Geodesy, 4 (2010), 189-199, de Gruyter 2010. DOI 10.1515/JAG.2010.019'.
    4017 </p>
    4018 <p>
    4019 <pre>
    4020 Translation in X at epoch To: -0.08468 m
    4021 Translation in Y at epoch To: -0.01942 m
    4022 Translation in Z at epoch To:  0.03201 m
    4023 Translation rate in X:  0.00142 m/y
    4024 Translation rate in Y:  0.00134 m/y
    4025 Translation rate in Z:  0.00090 m/y
    4026 Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.4254 mas
    4027 Rotation in Y at epoch To: -2.2578 mas
    4028 Rotation in Z at epoch To: -2.4015 mas
    4029 Rotation rate in X: -1.5461 mas/y
    4030 Rotation rate in Y: -1.1820 mas/y
    4031 Rotation rate in Z: -1.1551 mas/y
    4032 Scale at epoch To : 0.000000009710
    4033 Scale rate: 0.000000000109 /y
    4034 To: 1994.0
     4013In order to perform a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;NAD83', a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;ITRF2008' is done at first.
     4017<u>GDA2020:</u> The formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;GDA2020' were provided via personal communication from Ryan Ruddick: 'Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020, Interim Release Note Version 1.01, Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM), Permanent Committee on Geodesy (PCG), 03 March 2017'.
     4021Translation in X at epoch To: 0.0 m
     4022Translation in Y at epoch To: 0.0 m
     4023Translation in Z at epoch To: 0.0 m
     4024Translation rate in X:  0.0 m/y
     4025Translation rate in Y:  0.0 m/y
     4026Translation rate in Z:  0.0 m/y
     4027Rotation in X at epoch To: 0.0 mas
     4028Rotation in Y at epoch To: 0.0 mas
     4029Rotation in Z at epoch To: 0.0 mas
     4030Rotation rate in X: 1.50379 mas/y
     4031Rotation rate in Y: 1.18346 mas/y
     4032Rotation rate in Z: 1.20716 mas/y
     4033Scale at epoch To : 0.0
     4034Scale rate: 0.0/y
     4035To: 2020.0
    40474048Translation rate in Y:  0.0000 m/y
    40484049Translation rate in Z:  0.0000 m/y
    4049 Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.170 mas
    4050 Rotation in Y at epoch To: -0.030 mas
    4051 Rotation in Z at epoch To:  0.070 mas
     4050Rotation in X at epoch To: 0.0000 mas
     4051Rotation in Y at epoch To: 0.0000 mas
     4052Rotation in Z at epoch To: 0.0000 mas
    40524053Rotation rate in X:  0.000 mas/y
    40534054Rotation rate in Y:  0.000 mas/y
    40544055Rotation rate in Z:  0.000 mas/y
    4055 Scale at epoch To : -0.000000001000
     4056Scale at epoch To :  0.000
    40564057Scale rate: 0.000000000000 /y
    4057 To: 0000.0
    4058 </pre>
    4059 </p>
    4061 <p>
    4062 <u>SIRGAS95:</u> The formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2005-&gt;SIRGAS95' were provided via personal communication from Gustavo Acuha, Laboratorio de Geodesia Fisica y Satelital at Zulia University (LGFS-LUZ), parameters based on values from Table 4.1 of "Terrestrial Reference Frames (April 10, 2009), Chapter 4" in</u>.
    4063 </p>
    4064 <p>
    4065 <pre>
    4066 Translation in X at epoch To:  0.0077 m
    4067 Translation in Y at epoch To:  0.0058 m
    4068 Translation in Z at epoch To: -0.0138 m
    4069 Translation rate in X:  0.0000 m/y
    4070 Translation rate in Y:  0.0000 m/y
    4071 Translation rate in Z:  0.0000 m/y
    4072 Rotation in X at epoch To:  0.000 mas
    4073 Rotation in Y at epoch To:  0.000 mas
    4074 Rotation in Z at epoch To: -0.003 mas
    4075 Rotation rate in X:  0.000 mas/y
    4076 Rotation rate in Y:  0.000 mas/y
    4077 Rotation rate in Z:  0.000 mas/y
    4078 Scale at epoch To : 0.00000000157
    4079 Scale rate: -0.000000000000 /y
    4080 To: 1995.4
     4058To: 20000.0
    41034081To: 2000.0
     4083In order to perform a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;DREF91', a transformation from 'ITRF2014-&gt;ITRF2008' is done at first.
    52805259<tr><td>SINEX</td><td>Solution Independent Exchange Format</td></tr>
    52815260<tr><td>SIRGAS2000</td><td>Geodetic Datum for Latin America and Caribbean 2000</td></tr>
    5282 <tr><td>SIRGAS95</td><td>Geodetic Datum for Latin America and Caribbean 1995</td></tr>
    52835261<tr><td>SIRGAS</td><td>IAG Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Latin America and Caribbean</td></tr>
    52845262<tr><td>SP3</td><td>Standard Product # 3</td></tr>
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