Changeset 8084 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Mar 23, 2017, 1:12:50 PM (8 years ago)

minor changes: IGS08 => IGS14

5 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncclockrinex.cpp

    r7570 r8084  
    9393       << "PRN LIST" << endl;
    95   _out << "     0    IGS08                                             "
     95  _out << "     0    IGS14                                             "
    9696       << "# OF SOLN STA / TRF" << endl;
  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r8080 r8084  
    10091009Corrections and encodes them to RTCM Version 3 SSR messages to finally upload them to
    10101010an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite
    1011 Antenna Phase Center (APC) and reference system IGS08. Orbits are saved on disk
     1011Antenna Phase Center (APC) and reference system IGS14. Orbits are saved on disk
    10121012in SP3 format and clocks are saved in Clock RINEX format.
    10191019product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and uploads that to an Ntrip
    10201020Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and not to satellite
    1021 Center of Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS08. Orbits are saved in SP3
     1021Center of Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS14. Orbits are saved in SP3
    10221022format (referred to CoM) and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    38093809Then, epoch by epoch:
    3811 <li>Continuously receive the best available orbit and clock estimates for all satellites in XYZ Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS08 reference system. Receive them every epoch in plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNET or generate them following a combination approach. </li>
     3811<li>Continuously receive the best available orbit and clock estimates for all satellites in XYZ Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS14 reference system. Receive them every epoch in plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNET or generate them following a combination approach. </li>
    38123812<li>Calculate XYZ coordinates from Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
    3813 <li>Calculate differences dX,dY,dZ between Broadcast Ephemeris and IGS08 orbits. </li>
     3813<li>Calculate differences dX,dY,dZ between Broadcast Ephemeris and IGS14 orbits. </li>
    38143814<li>Transform these differences into radial, along-track and out-of-plane corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
    3815 <li>Calculate corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as differences between Broadcast Ephemeris clocks and IGS08 clocks. </li>
     3815<li>Calculate corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as differences between Broadcast Ephemeris clocks and IGS14 clocks. </li>
    38163816<li>Encode Broadcast Ephemeris orbit and clock corrections in RTCM Version 3 format. </li>
    38173817<li>Upload Broadcast Correction stream to Ntrip Broadcaster. </li>
    3941 <li>IGS08 which stands for the GNSS-based IGS realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2008 (ITRF2008), and</li>
     3941<li>IGS14 which stands for the GNSS-based IGS realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 (ITRF2014), and</li>
    39423942<li>ETRF2000 which stands for the European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 adopted by EUREF, and</li>
    39433943<li>NAD83 which stands for the North American Datum 1983 as adopted for the U.S.A., and</li>
    39463946<li>SIRGAS95 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted e.g. for Venezuela, and</li>
    39473947<li>DREF91 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted for Germany, and</li>
    3948 <li>'Custom' which allows a transformation of Broadcast Corrections from the IGS08 system to any other system through specifying up to 14 Helmert Transformation Parameters.</li>
     3948<li>'Custom' which allows a transformation of Broadcast Corrections from the IGS14 system to any other system through specifying up to 14 Helmert Transformation Parameters.</li>
    3966 <u>IGS08:</u> As the orbits and clocks coming from real-time GNSS engine are expected to be in the IGS08 system, no transformation is carried out if this option is selected.
     3966<u>IGS14:</u> As the orbits and clocks coming from real-time GNSS engine are expected to be in the IGS14 system, no transformation is carried out if this option is selected.
    4108 <u>Custom:</u> Feel free to specify your own 14 Helmert Transformation parameters for transformations from IGS08/ITRF2008 into your own target system.
     4108<u>Custom:</u> Feel free to specify your own 14 Helmert Transformation parameters for transformations from IGS14/ITRF2008 into your own target system.
    4222 The following screenshot shows the encoding and uploading of a stream of precise orbits and clocks coming from a real-time network engine in 'RTNET' ASCII format. The stream is uploaded to Ntrip Broadcaster ''. It is referred to APC and IGS08. Uploaded data are locally saved in SP3 and Clock RINEX format. The SSR Provider ID is set to 3. The SSR Solution ID and the Issue of Data SSR are set to 1. Required Broadcast Ephemeris are received via stream 'RTCM3EPH'.
     4222The following screenshot shows the encoding and uploading of a stream of precise orbits and clocks coming from a real-time network engine in 'RTNET' ASCII format. The stream is uploaded to Ntrip Broadcaster ''. It is referred to APC and IGS14. Uploaded data are locally saved in SP3 and Clock RINEX format. The SSR Provider ID is set to 3. The SSR Solution ID and the Issue of Data SSR are set to 1. Required Broadcast Ephemeris are received via stream 'RTCM3EPH'.
    42244224<p><img src="IMG/screenshot26.png"/></p>
    50855085<b>Upload Corrections Panel keys:</b>
    50865086   uploadMountpointsOut   {Upload corrections table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotation marks, example:
    5087                           ",2101,IGS01,pass,IGS08,0,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.sp3,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.clk,258,1,0;
     5087                          ",2101,IGS01,pass,IGS14,0,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.sp3,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.clk,258,1,0;
    50885088                 ,2101,EUREF01,pass,ETRF2000,0,,,258,2,0"]}
    50895089   uploadIntr             {Length of SP3 and Clock RINEX file interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]}
    51445144                           // RTCM_3.1 DEU 50.09 8.66 no 2"
    51455145(7) bnc --key cmbStreams "CLK11 BLG 1.0;CLK93 CNES 1.0"
    5146 (8) bnc --key uploadMountpointsOut ",98756,TEST,letmein,IGS08,2,/Users/weber/BNC${GPSWD}.clk,,33,3,2;
     5146(8) bnc --key uploadMountpointsOut ",98756,TEST,letmein,IGS14,2,/Users/weber/BNC${GPSWD}.clk,,33,3,2;
    51475147                          ,333,TEST2,aaaaa,NAD83,2,,,33,5,5"
    51485148(9) bnc --key PPP/staTable "FFMJ1,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,0.1,3e-6,7777;
    52435243<tr><td>IAG</td><td>International Association of Geodesy</td></tr>
    52445244<tr><td>ICECAST</td><td>Streaming Media Server</td></tr>
    5245 <tr><td>IGS08</td><td>IGS Reference Frame 2008</td></tr>
     5245<tr><td>IGS14</td><td>IGS Reference Frame 214</td></tr>
    52465246<tr><td>IGS</td><td>International GNSS Service</td></tr>
    52475247<tr><td>IOD</td><td>Issue of Data</td></tr>
    52485248<tr><td>IP</td><td>Internet Protocol</td></tr>
    5249 <tr><td>ITRF2008</td><td>International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2008</td></tr>
     5249<tr><td>ITRF2014</td><td>International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014</td></tr>
    52505250<tr><td>L3</td><td>Ionosphere-Free Linear Combination Of Phase Observations</td></tr>
    52515251<tr><td>LAN</td><td>Local Area Network</td></tr>
  • trunk/BNC/src/bncmain.cpp

    r7980 r8084  
    253253      "Upload Corrections Panel keys:\n"
    254254      "   uploadMountpointsOut   {Upload corrections table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotation marks, example:\n"
    255       "                          \",2101,IGS01,pass,IGS08,0,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.sp3,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.clk,258,1,0;\n"
     255      "                          \",2101,IGS01,pass,IGS14,0,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.sp3,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.clk,258,1,0;\n"
    256256      "                ,2101,EUREF01,pass,ETRF2000,0,,,258,2,0\"]}\n"
    257257      "   uploadIntr             {Length of SP3 and Clock RINEX file interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]}\n"
    311311      "// RTCM_3.1 DEU 50.09 8.66 no 2\"\n"
    312312      "(7) bnc --key cmbStreams \"CLK11 BLG 1.0;CLK93 CNES 1.0\"\n"
    313       "(8) bnc --key uploadMountpointsOut \",98756,TEST,letmein,IGS08,2,/Users/weber/BNC${GPSWD}.clk,,33,3,2;"
     313      "(8) bnc --key uploadMountpointsOut \",98756,TEST,letmein,IGS14,2,/Users/weber/BNC${GPSWD}.clk,,33,3,2;"
    314314      ",333,TEST2,aaaaa,NAD83,2,,,33,5,5\"\n"
    315315      "(9) bnc --key PPP/staTable \"FFMJ1,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,0.1,3e-6,7777;"
  • trunk/BNC/src/bncsp3.cpp

    r6533 r8084  
    1212 * Created:    25-Apr-2008
    1313 *
    14  * Changes:   
     14 * Changes:
    1515 *
    1616 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    3535  if (!_stream.good()) {
    3636    throw "t_sp3File: cannot open file " + fileName;
    37   } 
     37  }
    3939  while (_stream.good()) {
    4747// Constructor
    49 bncSP3::bncSP3(const QString& sklFileName, const QString& intr, int sampl) 
     49bncSP3::bncSP3(const QString& sklFileName, const QString& intr, int sampl)
    5050  : bncoutf(sklFileName, intr, sampl) {
    5151  _inpOut    = output;
    6363// Write One Epoch
    65 t_irc bncSP3::write(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, const QString& prn, 
     65t_irc bncSP3::write(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, const QString& prn,
    6666                    const ColumnVector& xCoM, double sp3Clk) {
    8080      }
    82       // Print the new epoch 
     82      // Print the new epoch
    8383      // -------------------
    8484      _out << "*  " << epoTime.datestr(' ') << ' ' << epoTime.timestr(8, ' ') << endl;
    9292         << setw(14) << setprecision(6) << xCoM(3) / 1000.0
    9393         << setw(14) << setprecision(6) << sp3Clk * 1e6 << endl;
    9595    return success;
    9696  }
    120120  double dayfrac;
    121121  mjdFromDateAndTime(datTim, mjd, dayfrac);
    123123  int numEpo = _numSec;
    124124  if (_sampl > 0) {
    126126  }
    128   _out << "#aP" << datTim.toString("yyyy MM dd hh mm").toAscii().data() 
     128  _out << "#aP" << datTim.toString("yyyy MM dd hh mm").toAscii().data()
    129129       << setw(12) << setprecision(8) << sec
    130        << " " << setw(7) << numEpo << " ORBIT IGS08 HLM  IGS" << endl;
    132   _out << "## " 
     130       << " " << setw(7) << numEpo << " ORBIT IGS14 HLM  IGS" << endl;
     132  _out << "## "
    133133       << setw(4)  << GPSWeek
    134134       << setw(16) << setprecision(8) << GPSWeeks
    186186    t_sp3Sat* sp3Sat = new t_sp3Sat();
    187187    istringstream in(_lastLine.substr(1).c_str());
    188     in >> sp3Sat->_prn >> sp3Sat->_xyz(1) >> sp3Sat->_xyz(2) >> sp3Sat->_xyz(3) >> sp3Sat->_clk; 
     188    in >> sp3Sat->_prn >> sp3Sat->_xyz(1) >> sp3Sat->_xyz(2) >> sp3Sat->_xyz(3) >> sp3Sat->_clk;
    190190    if (sp3Sat->_xyz.norm_Frobenius() == 0.0) {
  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r8010 r8084  
    13861386  // WhatsThis, Upload Corrections
    13871387  // -----------------------------
    1388   _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) in RTCM Version 3 SSR format. You may have a situation where clocks and orbits come from an external Real-time Network Engine (1) or a situation where clock and orbit corrections are combined within BNC (2).</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' and hence its decoder string in the 'Streams' canvas is 'RTNET'. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified Ntrip Broadcaster Host and Port</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode and upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections if you specify correction streams in the 'Combine Corrections' table.</p><p>To fill the 'Upload Corrections' table, hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an Ntrip Broadcaster and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the Ntrip Broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference System (e.g. IGS08) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Corrections plus Broadcast Ephemeris as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create such files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Correction clocks plus Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p><p>Finally, specify a SSR Provider ID (issued by RTCM), SSR Solution ID, and SSR Issue of Data number.</p><p>In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Correction stream, BNC will add that stream content to the Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified via SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. You should then define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further option in the 'Upload Corrections' table. <i>[key: uploadMountpointsOut]</i></p>"));
     1388  _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) in RTCM Version 3 SSR format. You may have a situation where clocks and orbits come from an external Real-time Network Engine (1) or a situation where clock and orbit corrections are combined within BNC (2).</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' and hence its decoder string in the 'Streams' canvas is 'RTNET'. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified Ntrip Broadcaster Host and Port</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode and upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections if you specify correction streams in the 'Combine Corrections' table.</p><p>To fill the 'Upload Corrections' table, hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an Ntrip Broadcaster and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the Ntrip Broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference System (e.g. IGS14) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Corrections plus Broadcast Ephemeris as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create such files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Correction clocks plus Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p><p>Finally, specify a SSR Provider ID (issued by RTCM), SSR Solution ID, and SSR Issue of Data number.</p><p>In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Correction stream, BNC will add that stream content to the Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified via SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. You should then define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further option in the 'Upload Corrections' table. <i>[key: uploadMountpointsOut]</i></p>"));
    13891389  addUploadRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Add Row' button to add another line to the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>"));
    13901390  delUploadRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Del Row' button to delete the highlighted line(s) from the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>"));
    26392639      QComboBox* system = new QComboBox();
    26402640      system->setEditable(false);
    2641       system->addItems(QString(",IGS08,ETRF2000,NAD83,GDA94,SIRGAS95,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
     2641      system->addItems(QString(",IGS14,ETRF2000,NAD83,GDA94,SIRGAS95,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
    26422642      system->setFrame(false);
    26432643      _uploadTable->setCellWidget(iRow, iCol, system);
    27202720        QComboBox* system = new QComboBox();
    27212721        system->setEditable(false);
    2722         system->addItems(QString(",IGS08,ETRF2000,NAD83,GDA94,SIRGAS95,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
     2722        system->addItems(QString(",IGS14,ETRF2000,NAD83,GDA94,SIRGAS95,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
    27232723        system->setFrame(false);
    27242724        system->setCurrentIndex(system->findText(hlp[iCol]));
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.