Changeset 7889 in ntrip
- Timestamp:
- Apr 28, 2016, 1:04:18 PM (9 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/BNC/src
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncmain.cpp ¶
r7884 r7889 275 275 "\n" 276 276 "Upload Ephemeris Panel keys:\n" 277 " uploadEphHost {Broadcaster host, name or IP address [character string]}\n" 278 " uploadEphPort {Broadcaster port [integer number]}\n" 279 " uploadEphMountpoint {Mountpoint [character string]}\n" 280 " uploadEphPassword {Stream upload password [character string]}\n" 281 " uploadEphSample {Stream upload sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55|60]}\n" 277 " uploadEphMountpointsOut {Upload corrections table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotation marks, example:\n" 278 " \",2101,RTCM3EPH_GPS,pass,GPS\"]}\n" 279 " uploadSamplRtcmEph {Stream upload sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 0|5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55|60]}\n" 282 280 "\n" 283 281 "Add Stream keys:\n" -
TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncsettings.cpp ¶
r7513 r7889 199 199 setValue_p("trafo_t0", ""); 200 200 // Upload (eph) 201 setValue_p("uploadEphHost", ""); 202 setValue_p("uploadEphPort", ""); 203 setValue_p("uploadAntexFile", ""); 204 setValue_p("uploadEphMountpoint", ""); 205 setValue_p("uploadEphPassword", ""); 206 setValue_p("uploadEphSample", "5"); 201 setValue_p("uploadEphMountpointsOut",""); 202 setValue_p("uploadSamplRtcmEph", "0"); 207 203 } 208 204 #ifdef GNSSCENTER_PLUGIN -
TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp ¶
r7884 r7889 564 564 // Upload RTCM3 Ephemeris 565 565 // ---------------------- 566 _uploadEphHostLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("uploadEphHost").toString()); 567 _uploadEphPortLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("uploadEphPort").toString()); 568 _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("uploadEphPassword").toString()); 569 _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit); 570 _uploadEphMountpointLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("uploadEphMountpoint").toString()); 571 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox = new QSpinBox; 572 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->setMinimum(5); 573 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->setMaximum(60); 574 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->setSingleStep(5); 575 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->setMaximumWidth(9*ww); 576 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->setValue(settings.value("uploadEphSample").toInt()); 577 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->setSuffix(" sec"); 578 _uploadEphBytesCounter = new bncBytesCounter; 566 _uploadEphTable = new QTableWidget(0,6); 567 _uploadEphTable->setColumnCount(6); 568 _uploadEphTable->setRowCount(0); 569 _uploadEphTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QString("Host, Port, Mount, Password, System, bytes").split(",")); 570 _uploadEphTable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); 571 _uploadEphTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); 572 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection( 0,13*ww); 573 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection( 1, 5*ww); 574 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection( 2, 8*ww); 575 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection( 3, 8*ww); 576 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection( 4,10*ww); 577 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection( 5,12*ww); 578 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive); 579 _uploadEphTable->horizontalHeader()->setDefaultAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); 580 581 connect(_uploadEphTable, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), 582 SLOT(slotBncTextChanged())); 583 584 QPushButton* addUploadEphRowButton = new QPushButton("Add Row"); 585 addUploadEphRowButton->setMaximumWidth(9*ww); 586 QPushButton* delUploadEphRowButton = new QPushButton("Del Row"); 587 delUploadEphRowButton->setMaximumWidth(9*ww); 588 589 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox = new QSpinBox; 590 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->setMinimum(0); 591 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->setMaximum(60); 592 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->setSingleStep(5); 593 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->setMaximumWidth(9*ww); 594 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->setValue(settings.value("uploadSamplRtcmEph").toInt()); 595 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->setSuffix(" sec"); 596 597 iRowT = _uploadEphTable->rowCount(); 598 if (iRowT > 0) { 599 enableWidget(true, _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox); 600 } 601 else { 602 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox); 603 } 579 604 580 605 // Canvas with Editable Fields … … 1191 1216 // Upload Layout (Ephemeris) 1192 1217 // ------------------------- 1193 QGridLayout* uploadLayoutEph = new QGridLayout; 1194 1195 uploadLayoutEph->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 9*ww); 1196 _uploadEphPortLineEdit->setMaximumWidth(9*ww); 1197 _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit->setMaximumWidth(9*ww); 1198 _uploadEphMountpointLineEdit->setMaximumWidth(12*ww); 1199 1200 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel("Upload concatenated RTCMv3 Broadcast Ephemeris to caster.<br>"), 0, 0, 1, 50); 1201 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel("Host"), 1, 0); 1202 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadEphHostLineEdit, 1, 1, 1, 3); 1203 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel(" Port"), 1, 4, Qt::AlignRight); 1204 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadEphPortLineEdit, 1, 5, 1, 1); 1205 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel("Mountpoint "), 2, 0); 1206 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadEphMountpointLineEdit, 2, 1); 1207 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel(" Password"), 2, 2, Qt::AlignRight); 1208 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadEphPasswordLineEdit, 2, 3); 1209 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel("Sampling"), 3, 0); 1210 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadEphSampleSpinBox, 3, 1); 1211 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel("Uploaded"), 4, 0); 1212 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadEphBytesCounter, 4, 1); 1213 uploadLayoutEph->setRowStretch(5, 999); 1218 QGridLayout* uploadHlpLayoutEph = new QGridLayout(); 1219 1220 connect(addUploadEphRowButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddUploadEphRow())); 1221 connect(delUploadEphRowButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDelUploadEphRow())); 1222 1223 uploadHlpLayoutEph->addWidget(addUploadEphRowButton, 0, 0); 1224 uploadHlpLayoutEph->addWidget(delUploadEphRowButton, 0, 1); 1225 uploadHlpLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel(" Sampling"), 0, 2, Qt::AlignRight); 1226 uploadHlpLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox, 0, 3); 1227 1228 QBoxLayout* uploadLayoutEph = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); 1229 populateUploadEphTable(); 1230 1231 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(new QLabel("Upload concatenated RTCMv3 Broadcast Ephemeris to caster.<br>")); 1232 uploadLayoutEph->addWidget(_uploadEphTable); 1233 uploadLayoutEph->addLayout(uploadHlpLayoutEph); 1214 1234 1215 1235 uploadEphgroup->setLayout(uploadLayoutEph); 1216 1236 1217 connect(_uploadEphHostLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),1218 this, SLOT(slotBncTextChanged()));1219 1237 1220 1238 // Main Layout … … 1372 1390 _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) in RTCM Version 3 SSR format. You may have a situation where clocks and orbits come from an external Real-time Network Engine (1) or a situation where clock and orbit corrections are combined within BNC (2).</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' and hence its decoder string in the 'Streams' canvas is 'RTNET'. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified Ntrip Broadcaster Host and Port</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode and upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections if you specify correction streams in the 'Combine Corrections' table.</p><p>To fill the 'Upload Corrections' table, hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an Ntrip Broadcaster and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the Ntrip Broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference System (e.g. IGS08) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Corrections plus Broadcast Ephemeris as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create such files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Correction clocks plus Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p><p>Finally, specify a SSR Provider ID (issued by RTCM), SSR Solution ID, and SSR Issue of Data number.</p><p>In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Correction stream, BNC will add that stream content to the Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified via SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. You should then define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further option in the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>")); 1373 1391 addUploadRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Add Row' button to add another line to the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>")); 1374 delUploadRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Del Row' button to delete the highlighted line(s) from the Upload Corrections' table.</p>")); 1392 delUploadRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Del Row' button to delete the highlighted line(s) from the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>")); 1375 1393 _uploadIntrComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select the length of the SP3 and Clock RINEX files.</p>")); 1376 1394 _uploadSamplRtcmEphCorrSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a stream's orbit correction sampling interval in seconds.</p><p>A value of zero '0' tells BNC to upload all available orbit and clock correction samples together in combined messages.</p>")); … … 1382 1400 // WhatsThis, Upload Ephemeris 1383 1401 // --------------------------- 1384 _uploadEphHostLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload a Broadcast Ephemeris stream in RTCM Version 3 format. Specify the IP number or URL of an Ntrip Broadcaster to upload the stream.</p><p>An empty option field means that you don't want to upload Broadcast Ephemeris.</p>")); 1385 _uploadEphPortLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the IP port of the Ntrip Broadcaster to upload the Broadcast Ephemeris stream. Default is port 80.</p>")); 1386 _uploadEphMountpointLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a mountpoint for uploading the Broadcast Ephemeris stream.</p>")); 1387 _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the stream upload password protecting the mounpoint on the Ntrip Broadcaster.</p>")); 1388 _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select the Broadcast Ephemeris sampling interval in seconds.</p><p>Default is '5', meaning that a complete set of Broadcast Ephemeris is uploaded every 5 seconds.</p>")); 1389 _uploadEphBytesCounter->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC shows the amount of data uploaded via this stream.</p>")); 1390 // weber 1402 _uploadEphTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload a Broadcast Ephemeris stream in RTCM Version 3 format. Specify the IP number or URL of an Ntrip Broadcaster to upload the respective stream.</p>")); 1403 addUploadEphRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Add Row' button to add another line to the 'Upload Ephemeris' table.</p>")); 1404 delUploadEphRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Del Row' button to delete the highlighted line(s) from the 'Upload Ephemeris' table.</p>")); 1405 _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select the Broadcast Ephemeris sampling interval in seconds.</p><p>Default is '5', meaning that a complete set of Broadcast Ephemeris is uploaded every 5 seconds.</p>")); 1391 1406 1392 1407 // WhatsThis, Streams Canvas … … 1494 1509 _mountPointsTable->deleteLater(); 1495 1510 delete _log; 1511 delete _loggroup; 1496 1512 _cmbTable->deleteLater(); 1497 1513 delete _cmbMaxresLineEdit; 1498 1514 delete _cmbUseGlonass; 1499 1515 delete _cmbSamplSpinBox; 1500 delete _cmbMethodComboBox; 1516 delete _cmbMethodComboBox;; 1517 _uploadEphTable->deleteLater(); 1518 delete _uploadSamplRtcmEphCorrSpinBox; 1501 1519 _uploadTable->deleteLater(); 1502 1520 delete _uploadIntrComboBox; 1503 1521 delete _uploadAntexFile; 1504 delete _uploadSamplRtcmEph CorrSpinBox;1522 delete _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox; 1505 1523 delete _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox; 1506 1524 delete _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox; 1507 delete _uploadEphHostLineEdit;1508 delete _uploadEphPortLineEdit;1509 delete _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit;1510 delete _uploadEphMountpointLineEdit;1511 delete _uploadEphSampleSpinBox;1512 delete _uploadEphBytesCounter;1513 delete _loggroup;1514 1525 delete _reqcActionComboBox; 1515 1526 delete _reqcObsFileChooser; … … 1847 1858 if (!hlp.isEmpty()) { 1848 1859 uploadMountpointsOut << hlp; 1860 } 1861 } 1862 1863 QStringList uploadEphMountpointsOut; 1864 for (int iRow = 0; iRow < _uploadEphTable->rowCount(); iRow++) { 1865 QString hlp; 1866 for (int iCol = 0; iCol < _uploadEphTable->columnCount(); iCol++) { 1867 if (_uploadEphTable->cellWidget(iRow, iCol) && 1868 (iCol == 3 || iCol == 4 || iCol == 5)) { 1869 if (iCol == 3) { 1870 QLineEdit* passwd = (QLineEdit*)(_uploadEphTable->cellWidget(iRow, iCol)); 1871 hlp += passwd->text() + ","; 1872 } 1873 else if (iCol == 4) { 1874 QComboBox* system = (QComboBox*)(_uploadEphTable->cellWidget(iRow, iCol)); 1875 hlp += system->currentText() + ","; 1876 } 1877 } 1878 else if (_uploadEphTable->item(iRow, iCol)) { 1879 hlp += _uploadEphTable->item(iRow, iCol)->text() + ","; 1880 } 1881 } 1882 if (!hlp.isEmpty()) { 1883 uploadEphMountpointsOut << hlp; 1849 1884 } 1850 1885 } … … 1956 1991 settings.setValue("uploadAntexFile", _uploadAntexFile->fileName()); 1957 1992 // Upload Ephemeris 1958 settings.setValue("uploadEphHost", _uploadEphHostLineEdit->text()); 1959 settings.setValue("uploadEphPort", _uploadEphPortLineEdit->text()); 1960 settings.setValue("uploadEphMountpoint",_uploadEphMountpointLineEdit->text()); 1961 settings.setValue("uploadEphPassword", _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit->text()); 1962 settings.setValue("uploadEphSample", _uploadEphSampleSpinBox->value()); 1993 if (!uploadEphMountpointsOut.isEmpty()) { 1994 settings.setValue("uploadEphMountpointsOut", uploadEphMountpointsOut); 1995 } 1996 else { 1997 settings.setValue("uploadEphMountpointsOut", ""); 1998 } 1999 settings.setValue("uploadSamplRtcmEph", _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox->value()); 1963 2000 1964 2001 if (_caster) { … … 2068 2105 if (_uploadTable->rowCount() > 0) 2069 2106 BNC_CORE->slotMessage("Panel 'Upload Corrections' active", true); 2070 if ( !_uploadEphHostLineEdit->text().isEmpty())2107 if (_uploadEphTable->rowCount() > 0) 2071 2108 BNC_CORE->slotMessage("Panel 'UploadEphemeris' active", true); 2072 2109 … … 2095 2132 2096 2133 _casterEph = new bncEphUploadCaster(); 2097 connect(_casterEph, SIGNAL(newBytes(QByteArray,double)),2098 _uploadEphBytesCounter, SLOT(slotNewBytes(QByteArray,double)));2099 2134 } 2100 2135 … … 2451 2486 } 2452 2487 2453 // Enable/disable Broadcast Ephemerides2454 // ------------------------------------2455 if (sender() == 0 || sender() == _uploadEphHostLineEdit) {2456 enable = !_uploadEphHostLineEdit->text().isEmpty();2457 enableWidget(enable, _uploadEphPortLineEdit);2458 enableWidget(enable, _uploadEphMountpointLineEdit);2459 enableWidget(enable, _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit);2460 enableWidget(enable, _uploadEphSampleSpinBox);2461 }2462 2463 2488 // Combine Corrections 2464 2489 // ------------------- … … 2495 2520 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox); 2496 2521 enableWidget(false, _uploadAntexFile); 2522 } 2523 2524 // Upload(eph) 2525 // ----------- 2526 iRow = _uploadEphTable->rowCount(); 2527 if (iRow > 0) { 2528 enableWidget(true, _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox); 2529 } 2530 else { 2531 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox); 2497 2532 } 2498 2533 … … 2720 2755 } 2721 2756 2757 // 2758 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2759 void bncWindow::slotAddUploadEphRow() { 2760 int iRow = _uploadEphTable->rowCount(); 2761 _uploadEphTable->insertRow(iRow); 2762 for (int iCol = 0; iCol < _uploadEphTable->columnCount(); iCol++) { 2763 if (iCol == 3) { 2764 QLineEdit* passwd = new QLineEdit(); 2765 passwd->setFrame(false); 2766 passwd->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit); 2767 _uploadEphTable->setCellWidget(iRow, iCol, passwd); 2768 } 2769 else if (iCol == 4) { 2770 QComboBox* system = new QComboBox(); 2771 system->setEditable(false); 2772 system->addItems(QString("ALL,GPS,GLONASS,Galileo,BDS,QZSS,SBAS").split(",")); 2773 system->setFrame(false); 2774 _uploadEphTable->setCellWidget(iRow, iCol, system); 2775 } 2776 else if (iCol == 5) { 2777 bncTableItem* bncIt = new bncTableItem(); 2778 bncIt->setFlags(bncIt->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); 2779 _uploadEphTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, bncIt); 2780 BNC_CORE->_uploadTableItems[iRow] = bncIt; 2781 } 2782 else { 2783 _uploadEphTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("")); 2784 } 2785 } 2786 } 2787 2788 // 2789 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2790 void bncWindow::slotDelUploadEphRow() { 2791 BNC_CORE->_uploadTableItems.clear(); 2792 int nRows = _uploadEphTable->rowCount(); 2793 bool flg[nRows]; 2794 for (int iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++) { 2795 if (_uploadEphTable->isItemSelected(_uploadEphTable->item(iRow,1))) { 2796 flg[iRow] = true; 2797 } 2798 else { 2799 flg[iRow] = false; 2800 } 2801 } 2802 for (int iRow = nRows-1; iRow >= 0; iRow--) { 2803 if (flg[iRow]) { 2804 _uploadEphTable->removeRow(iRow); 2805 } 2806 } 2807 for (int iRow = 0; iRow < _uploadTable->rowCount(); iRow++) { 2808 BNC_CORE->_uploadTableItems[iRow] = 2809 (bncTableItem*) _uploadEphTable->item(iRow, 5); 2810 } 2811 nRows = _uploadEphTable->rowCount(); 2812 if (nRows < 1) { 2813 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox); 2814 } 2815 } 2816 2817 // 2818 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2819 void bncWindow::populateUploadEphTable() { 2820 for (int iRow = _uploadEphTable->rowCount()-1; iRow >=0; iRow--) { 2821 _uploadEphTable->removeRow(iRow); 2822 } 2823 2824 bncSettings settings; 2825 2826 int iRow = -1; 2827 QListIterator<QString> it(settings.value("uploadEphMountpointsOut").toStringList()); 2828 while (it.hasNext()) { 2829 QStringList hlp =","); 2830 if (hlp.size() > 4) { 2831 ++iRow; 2832 _uploadEphTable->insertRow(iRow); 2833 } 2834 for (int iCol = 0; iCol < hlp.size(); iCol++) { 2835 if (iCol == 3) { 2836 QLineEdit* passwd = new QLineEdit(); 2837 passwd->setFrame(false); 2838 passwd->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit); 2839 passwd->setText(hlp[iCol]); 2840 _uploadEphTable->setCellWidget(iRow, iCol, passwd); 2841 } 2842 else if (iCol == 4) { 2843 QComboBox* system = new QComboBox(); 2844 system->setEditable(false); 2845 system->addItems(QString("ALL,GPS,GLONASS,Galileo,BDS,QZSS,SBAS").split(",")); 2846 system->setFrame(false); 2847 system->setCurrentIndex(system->findText(hlp[iCol])); 2848 _uploadEphTable->setCellWidget(iRow, iCol, system); 2849 } 2850 else if (iCol == 5) { 2851 bncTableItem* bncIt = new bncTableItem(); 2852 bncIt->setFlags(bncIt->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); 2853 _uploadEphTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, bncIt); 2854 BNC_CORE->_uploadTableItems[iRow] = bncIt; 2855 } 2856 else { 2857 _uploadEphTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem(hlp[iCol])); 2858 } 2859 } 2860 } 2861 } 2862 2863 2722 2864 // Progress Bar Change 2723 2865 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -
TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.h ¶
r7513 r7889 65 65 void AddToolbar(); 66 66 67 public slots: 67 public slots: 68 68 void slotMountPointsRead(QList<bncGetThread*>); 69 69 void slotBncTextChanged(); … … 91 91 void slotAddUploadRow(); 92 92 void slotDelUploadRow(); 93 void slotAddUploadEphRow(); 94 void slotDelUploadEphRow(); 93 95 void slotSetUploadTrafo(); 94 96 void slotReqcEditOption(); … … 104 106 void populateCmbTable(); 105 107 void populateUploadTable(); 108 void populateUploadEphTable(); 106 109 void enableWidget(bool enable, QWidget* widget); 107 110 void startRealTime(); … … 116 119 QAction* _actFontSel; 117 120 QAction* _actSaveOpt; 118 QAction* _actQuit; 121 QAction* _actQuit; 119 122 QAction* _actMapMountPoints; 120 123 QAction* _actStart; … … 221 224 qtFileChooser* _uploadAntexFile; 222 225 223 QLineEdit* _uploadEphHostLineEdit; 224 QLineEdit* _uploadEphPortLineEdit; 225 QLineEdit* _uploadEphPasswordLineEdit; 226 QLineEdit* _uploadEphMountpointLineEdit; 227 QSpinBox* _uploadEphSampleSpinBox; 228 bncBytesCounter* _uploadEphBytesCounter; 226 QTableWidget* _uploadEphTable; 227 QSpinBox* _uploadSamplRtcmEphSpinBox; 229 228 230 229 bncCaster* _caster; … … 237 236 bool _runningSp3Comp; 238 237 239 bool running() {return _runningRealTime || _runningPPP || _runningEdit || 238 bool running() {return _runningRealTime || _runningPPP || _runningEdit || 240 239 _runningQC || _runningSp3Comp;} 241 240 … … 253 252 Q_INTERFACES(GnssCenter::t_pluginFactoryInterface) 254 253 public: 255 virtual QWidget* create() {return new bncWindow();} 254 virtual QWidget* create() {return new bncWindow();} 256 255 virtual QString getName() const {return QString("BNC");} 257 256 }; -
TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/upload/bncephuploadcaster.cpp ¶
r7717 r7889 27 27 bncEphUploadCaster::bncEphUploadCaster() : bncEphUser(true) { 28 28 bncSettings settings; 29 int sampl = settings.value("uploadSamplRtcmEph").toInt(); 29 30 30 QString mountpoint = settings.value("uploadEphMountpoint").toString(); 31 if (mountpoint.isEmpty()) { 32 _ephUploadCaster = 0; 33 } 34 else { 35 QString outHost = settings.value("uploadEphHost").toString(); 36 int outPort = settings.value("uploadEphPort").toInt(); 37 QString password = settings.value("uploadEphPassword").toString(); 38 int sampl = settings.value("uploadEphSample").toInt(); 31 // List of upload casters 32 // ---------------------- 33 int iRow = -1; 34 QListIterator<QString> it(settings.value("uploadEphMountpointsOut").toStringList()); 35 while (it.hasNext()) { 36 QStringList hlp =","); 37 if (hlp.size() > 3) { 38 ++iRow; 39 int outPort = hlp[1].toInt(); 40 bncUploadCaster* newCaster = new bncUploadCaster(hlp[2], hlp[0], outPort, 41 hlp[3], iRow, sampl); 39 42 40 _ephUploadCaster = new bncUploadCaster(mountpoint, outHost, outPort,41 password, -1, sampl);43 connect(newCaster, SIGNAL(newBytes(QByteArray,double)), 44 this, SIGNAL(newBytes(QByteArray,double))); 42 45 43 connect(_ephUploadCaster, SIGNAL(newBytes(QByteArray,double)), 44 this, SIGNAL(newBytes(QByteArray,double))); 45 46 _ephUploadCaster->start(); 46 newCaster->start(); 47 _casters.push_back(newCaster); 48 } 47 49 } 48 50 } … … 51 53 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 54 bncEphUploadCaster::~bncEphUploadCaster() { 53 if (_ephUploadCaster) {54 _ ephUploadCaster->deleteSafely();55 for (int ic = 0; ic < _casters.size(); ic++) { 56 _casters[ic]->deleteSafely(); 55 57 } 56 58 } … … 59 61 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 60 62 void bncEphUploadCaster::ephBufferChanged() { 61 if (_ephUploadCaster) { 62 QByteArray outBuffer; 63 bncSettings settings; 64 int iRow = -1; 65 QListIterator<QString> it(settings.value("uploadEphMountpointsOut").toStringList()); 66 while (it.hasNext()) { 67 QStringList hlp =","); 68 if (hlp.size() > 3) { 69 ++iRow; 70 QString system = hlp[4]; 71 QByteArray outBuffer; 63 72 64 QDateTime now = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); 65 bncTime currentTime(now.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString()); 73 QDateTime now = currentDateAndTimeGPS(); 74 bncTime currentTime(now.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString()); 66 75 67 QListIterator<QString> it(prnList()); 68 while (it.hasNext()) { 69 const t_eph* eph = ephLast(; 76 QListIterator<QString> it(prnList()); 77 while (it.hasNext()) { 78 const t_eph* eph = ephLast(; 70 79 71 bncTime toc = eph->TOC(); 72 double timeDiff = fabs(toc - currentTime); 80 bncTime toc = eph->TOC(); 81 double timeDiff = fabs(toc - currentTime); 73 82 74 const t_ephGPS* ephGPS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGPS*>(eph); 75 const t_ephGlo* ephGlo = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGlo*>(eph); 76 const t_ephGal* ephGal = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGal*>(eph); 77 const t_ephSBAS* ephSBAS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephSBAS*>(eph); 78 const t_ephBDS* ephBDS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephBDS*>(eph); 83 const t_ephGPS* ephGPS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGPS*>(eph); 84 const t_ephGlo* ephGlo = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGlo*>(eph); 85 const t_ephGal* ephGal = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGal*>(eph); 86 const t_ephSBAS* ephSBAS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephSBAS*>(eph); 87 const t_ephBDS* ephBDS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephBDS*>(eph); 79 88 80 unsigned char Array[80]; 81 int size = 0; 89 unsigned char Array[80]; 90 int size = 0; 82 91 83 if (ephGPS) { 84 if (timeDiff <= 4*3600) { 85 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephGPS, Array); 92 if (ephGPS && ephGPS->type() == t_eph::GPS && 93 (system == "ALL" || system == "GPS")) { 94 if (timeDiff <= 4*3600) { 95 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephGPS, Array); 96 } 97 } 98 else if (ephGPS && ephGPS->type() == t_eph::QZSS && 99 (system == "ALL" || system == "QZSS")) { 100 if (timeDiff <= 4*3600) { 101 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephGPS, Array); 102 } 103 } 104 else if (ephGlo && (system == "ALL" || system == "GLONASS")) { 105 if (timeDiff <= 1*3600) { 106 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephGlo, Array); 107 } 108 } 109 else if (ephGal && (system == "ALL" || system == "Galileo")) { 110 if (timeDiff <= 4*3600) { 111 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephGal, Array); 112 } 113 } 114 else if (ephSBAS && (system == "ALL" || system == "SBAS")) { 115 if (timeDiff <= 600) { 116 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephSBAS, Array); 117 } 118 } 119 else if (ephBDS && (system == "ALL" || system == "BDS")) { 120 if (timeDiff <= 6*3600) { 121 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephBDS, Array); 122 } 123 } 124 if (size > 0) { 125 outBuffer += QByteArray((char*) Array, size); 86 126 } 87 127 } 88 else if (ephGlo) { 89 if (timeDiff <= 1*3600) { 90 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephGlo, Array); 91 } 128 if (outBuffer.size() > 0) { 129>setOutBuffer(outBuffer); 92 130 } 93 else if (ephGal) {94 if (timeDiff <= 4*3600) {95 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephGal, Array);96 }97 }98 else if (ephSBAS) {99 if (timeDiff <= 600) {100 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephSBAS, Array);101 }102 }103 else if (ephBDS) {104 if (timeDiff <= 6*3600) {105 size = t_ephEncoder::RTCM3(*ephBDS, Array);106 }107 }108 if (size > 0) {109 outBuffer += QByteArray((char*) Array, size);110 }111 }112 if (outBuffer.size() > 0) {113 _ephUploadCaster->setOutBuffer(outBuffer);114 131 } 115 132 } -
TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/upload/bncephuploadcaster.h ¶
r3254 r7889 16 16 virtual void ephBufferChanged(); 17 17 private: 18 bncUploadCaster* _ephUploadCaster; 18 // bncUploadCaster* _ephUploadCaster; 19 QVector<bncUploadCaster*> _casters; 19 20 }; 20 21
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