Changeset 7825 in ntrip for trunk

Mar 8, 2016, 11:04:18 AM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7824 r7825  
    170170&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.5 <a href=#upsp3>SP3 File</a><br>
    171171&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.6 <a href=#uprinex>RNX File</a><br>
    172 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.7 <a href=#upinter>Interval</a><br>
    173 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.8 <a href=#upclksmpl>Sampling</a><br>
    174 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkorb>Orbits</a><br>
    175 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclksp3>SP3</a><br>
    176 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkrnx>RINEX</a><br>
    177 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.9 <a href=#upcustom>Custom Trafo</a><br>
    178 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.10 <a href=#upantex>ANTEX File</a><br>
     172&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.7 <a href=#pidsidiod>PID, SID, IOD</a><br>
     174&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.8 <a href=#upinter>Interval</a><br>
     175&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.9 <a href=#upclksmpl>Sampling</a><br>
     176&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkorb>Orbits</a><br>
     177&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclksp3>SP3</a><br>
     178&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkrnx>RINEX</a><br>
     179&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.10 <a href=#upcustom>Custom Trafo</a><br>
     180&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.11 <a href=#upantex>ANTEX File</a><br>
    179181&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16 <a href=#upeph><b>Upload Ephemeris</b></a><br>
    180182&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16.1 <a href=#brdcserver>Host &amp; Port</a><br>
    257259<tr><td>26</td><td>Track of positions from BNC with Google Maps in background</td><td></td></tr>
    258260<tr><td>27</td><td>Example for background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM) resources</td><td></td></tr>
    259 <tr><td>28</td><td>BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</td><td></td></tr>
    260 <tr><td>29</td><td>BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Correction stream</td><td></td></tr>
    261 <tr><td>30</td><td>'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Correction stream</td><td></td></tr>
    262 <tr><td>31</td><td>Setting BNC's Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</td><td>2.15.3</td></tr>
    263 <tr><td>32</td><td>BNC producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.15.9</td></tr>
     261<tr><td>28</td><td>BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</td><td>2.14</td></tr>
     262<tr><td>29</td><td>INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using a combination of Broadcast Corrections</td><td>2.14</td></tr>
     263<tr><td>30</td><td>Setting BNC's Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</td><td>2.15.3</td></tr>
     264<tr><td>31</td><td>BNC producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.15.11</td></tr>
     265<tr><td>32</td><td>BNC uploading a combined Broadcast Correction stream</td><td>2.15.11</td></tr>
    264266<tr><td>33</td><td>BNC producing Broadcast Ephemeris stream from globally distributed RTCM streams; upload in RTCM format to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.16.3</td></tr>
    265267<tr><td>34</td><td>Bandwidth consumption of RTCM streams received by BNC</td><td>2.18.2</td></tr>
    330 BNC provides context-sensitive help (<i>What's This</i>) related to specific objects. It furthermore comes with the here presented documentation, available as part of the software and as a PDF file. Responsible for online and offline documentation and example configurations is Dr. Georg Weber [].
     332BNC provides context-sensitive help (<i>What's This</i>) related to specific objects. It furthermore comes with the here presented documentation, available as part of the software and as a PDF file. Responsible for offline documentation as well as online documentation at <u></u> and example configurations is Dr. Georg Weber [].
    401403<li>Read GNSS orbits and clocks in a plain ASCII format from an IP port. They can be produced by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNET and should be referenced to the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system. BNC will then</li>
    403 <li>Convert the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections with radial, along-track and cross-track components;</li>
     405<li>Convert the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections with radial, along-track and out-of-plane components;</li>
    404406<li>Upload Broadcast Corrections as an RTCM Version 3 stream to an Ntrip Broadcaster;</li>
    405407<li>Refer the orbit and clock corrections to a specific reference system;</li>
    604606Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' tab which is part of the 'Log' canvas. The bandwidth consumption per stream, the latency of incoming observations, and a PPP time series for coordinate displacements are also part of that canvas and shown in the 'Throughput', 'Latency' and 'PPP Plot' tabs.
     610Configuration options are usually first set using BNC's Graphical User Interface (GUI), then saved in a configuration file. For routine operations in batch mode all of BNC's configuration options can be extracted from the configuration file and applied using the program's Command Line Interface (CLI).
    1149 The general documentation approach is to create a separate chapter for each processing option in a sequence which follows the layout of BNC's Graphical User Interface (GUI). The advantage is that searching for help by means of the Table of Contents is quite convenient.
     1155The general documentation approach is to create a separate chapter for each processing option in a sequence which follows the layout of BNC's Graphical User Interface (GUI). The advantage is that searching for help by means of the document's Table of Contents is quite convenient.
    11991205If you are running BNC within a protected Local Area Network (LAN), you might need to use a proxy server to access the Internet. Enter your proxy server IP and port number in case one is operated in front of BNC. If you do not know the IP and port of your proxy server, check the proxy server settings in your Internet browser or ask your network administrator.</p>
    1201 Note that IP streaming is often not allowed in a LAN. In this case you need to ask your network administrator for an appropriate modification of the local security policy or for the installation of a TCP relay to the Ntrip Broadcasters. If this is not possible, you might need to run BNC outside your LAN on a host that has unobstructed connection to the Internet.
     1207Note that IP streaming is often not allowed in a LAN. In this case you need to ask your network administrator for an appropriate modification of the local security policy or for the installation of a TCP relay to the Ntrip Broadcaster you need to access. If this is not possible, you might need to run BNC outside your LAN on a host that has unobstructed connection to the Internet.
    12651271<p><h4>2.3.3 <a name="genconf">Reread Configuration - optional</h4></p>
    1267 When operating BNC online in 'no window' mode (command line option -nw), some configuration options can nevertheless be changed on-the-fly without interrupting the running process. For that, you force the program to reread parts of its configuration in pre-defined intervals from the disk. Select '1 min', '1 hour', or '1 day' to let BNC reread on-the-fly changeable configuration options every full minute, hour, or day. This lets in-between edited options become effective without interrupting uninvolved threads.
    1268 </p>
    1270 <p>
    1271 Note that the following configuration options saved on disk can be changed/edited on-the-fly while BNC is already processing data:
     1273When operating BNC online in 'no window' mode (command line option -nw), some configuration options can nevertheless be changed on-the-fly without interrupting the running process. For that, you force the program to reread parts of its configuration in pre-defined intervals from disk. Select '1 min', '1 hour', or '1 day' to let BNC reread on-the-fly changeable configuration options every full minute, hour, or day. This lets in-between edited options become effective without interrupting uninvolved threads.
     1277Note that following configuration options saved on disk can be changed/edited on-the-fly while BNC is already processing data:
    1328 Please note that RTCM Version 3 messages 1084 for GLONASS observations do not contain the channel numbers. However, these messages can only be converted to RINEX when you add messages which include the channel numbers. This could be done by means of an additional stream carrying 1087 GLONASS observation messages or an additional stream carrying 1020 GLONASS ephemeris messages. You could also consider setting up a stream which contains both, the 1084 and the 1020 messages.
     1334Please note that RTCM Version 3 messages 1084 for GLONASS observations do not contain the GLONASS channel numbers. These observation messages can only be converted to RINEX when you add messages which include the channel numbers. This could be done by means of an additional stream carrying 1087 GLONASS observation messages or an additional stream carrying 1020 GLONASS ephemeris messages. You could also consider setting up a stream which contains both, the 1084 and the 1020 messages.
    1355 If several streams show up with exactly the same mountpoint name (example: BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u>), BNC adds an integer number to the filename leading e.g. to hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files like</p>
     1361If several streams show up with exactly the same mountpoint name (example: BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u>), BNC adds an integer number to the filename, leading e.g. to hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files like</p>
    13571363   BRUS{ddd}{h}_0.{yy}O
    1374 <tr><td><b>Parameter</b></td><td><b>&nbsp; # Char.</b></td><td><b>&nbsp; Meaning</b></td></tr>
     1380<tr><td><b>Filename Parameter&nbsp; &nbsp;</b></td><td><b>&nbsp;# Char.</b></td><td><b>&nbsp; Meaning</b></td></tr>
    13751381<tr><td>Name</td><td>&nbsp; 9</td><td>&nbsp; Site, station and country code</td></tr>
    13761382<tr><td>S</td><td>&nbsp; 1</td><td>&nbsp; Data source</td></tr>
    14431449<br>- &nbsp; ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
    14441450<br>- &nbsp; WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 (RINEX Version 2)
    1445 <br>- &nbsp; SYS / # / OBS TYPES (for RINEX Version 3 files, will be ignored when writing Version 2 files)</li>
     1451<br>- &nbsp; SYS / # / OBS TYPES (for RINEX Version 3 files, will be ignored in Version 2 files)</li>
    14461452<li>They may contain any other optional complete header record as defined in the RINEX documentation.</li>
    14471453<li>They should also contain an empty header record of type
    1448 <br>- &nbsp; # / TYPES OF OBSERV (only RINEX Version 2, will be ignored when writing RINEX Version 3 files)
     1454<br>- &nbsp; # / TYPES OF OBSERV (only RINEX Version 2, will be ignored when in Version 3 files)
    14491455<br>BNC will include these lines in the final RINEX file header together with an additional
    14501456<br>- &nbsp; COMMENT
    14911497Tick check box 'Skeleton mandatory' in case you want that RINEX files are only produced when skeleton files are available for BNC. If no skeleton file is available for a particular source, then no RINEX observation file will be produced from the affected stream.
    1493 <p>Note that a skeleton file contains RINEX header information such as receiver and antenna types. In case of stream conversion to RINEX Version 3, a skeleton file should also contain information on potentially available observation types. A missing skeleton file will therefore enforce BNC to only save a default set of RINEX 3 observation types.
     1499<p>Note that a skeleton file contains RINEX header information such as receiver and antenna types. In case of stream conversion to RINEX Version 3, a skeleton file should also contain information on potentially available observation types. A missing skeleton file will force BNC to only save a default set of RINEX 3 observation types.
    14961502<p><h4>2.4.7 <a name="rnxscript">Script - optional</h4></p>
    1498 Whenever a RINEX Observation file is saved, you might want to compress, copy or upload it immediately via FTP. BNC allows you to execute a script/batch file to carry out these operations. To do that, specify the full path of the script/batch file. BNC will pass the RINEX Observation file path to the script as a command line parameter (%1 on Windows systems, $1 on Unix/Linux/Mac OS X systems).
     1504Whenever a RINEX Observation file is saved, you might want to compress, copy or upload it immediately via FTP. BNC allows you to execute a script/batch file to carry out these operations. To do that, specify the full path to such script/batch file. BNC will pass the RINEX Observation file path to the script as a command line parameter (%1 on Windows systems, $1 on Unix/Linux/Mac OS X systems).
    1517 The default 'Signal priority' list is an empty option string, meaning a priority sequence of 'CWPX_?' attributes when mapping RINEX 3 to RINEX 2. The meaning of this sequence of characters - take it as an example - is as follows:
     1523Default 'Signal priority' list is an empty option string, meaning a priority sequence of 'CWPX_?' attributes when mapping RINEX 3 to RINEX 2. The meaning of this sequence of characters - take it as an example - is as follows:
    15191525<li>Signals with attribute 'C' enjoy the highest priority. If such a Version 3 observation becomes available, it is presented as RINEX Version 2 observation if that is the format you wish to see. Observations with other attributes are being ignored.</li>
    15541560<p><h4>2.5 <a name="ephemeris">RINEX Ephemeris</h4></p>
    1556 Broadcast Ephemeris can be saved as RINEX Navigation files when received via RTCM Version 3 e.g. as message types 1019 (GPS) or 1020 (GLONASS) or 1044 (QZSS) or 1043 (SBAS) or 1045 and 1046 (Galileo) or 63 (tentative, BDS/BeiDou). The filename convention follows the details given in section 'RINEX Filenames' except that the first four characters are 'BRDC'.
     1562Broadcast Ephemeris can be saved in RINEX Navigation files when received e.g. via RTCM Version 3 message types 1019 (GPS) or 1020 (GLONASS) or 1044 (QZSS) or 1043 (SBAS) or 1045 and 1046 (Galileo) or 63 (BDS/BeiDou, tentative message number). The filename convention follows the details given in section 'RINEX Filenames' except that the first four characters are 'BRDC'.
    15791585<p><h4>2.5.1 <a name="ephdir">Directory - optional</h4></p>
    1581 Specify a path for saving Broadcast Ephemeris data as RINEX Navigation files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create RINEX Navigation files. Default value for Ephemeris 'Directory' is an empty option field, meaning that no RINEX Navigation files will be created.
     1587Specify a path for saving Broadcast Ephemeris data in RINEX Navigation files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create RINEX Navigation files. Default value for Ephemeris 'Directory' is an empty option field, meaning that no RINEX Navigation files will be created.
    1594 The source code for BNC comes with an example Perl script '' that allows you to read BNC's ASCII ephemeris output from the IP port.
     1600The source code for BNC comes with an example Perl script '' that allows you to read BNC's ephemeris ASCII output from the IP port.
    16151621<p><h4>2.6 <a name="reqc">RINEX Editing & QC</h4></p>
    1617 Besides stream conversion from RTCM to RINEX, BNC allows editing RINEX files or concatenate their content. RINEX Observation and Navigation files can be handled. BNC can also carry out a RINEX file Quality Check. In summary  and besides Stream <u><b>T</b></u>ranslation this functionality in BNC covers
     1623Besides stream conversion from RTCM to RINEX, BNC allows editing RINEX files or concatenate their content. RINEX Observation and Navigation files can be handled. BNC can also carry out a RINEX file Quality Check. In summary  and besides Stream <u><b>T</b></u>ranslation, this functionality in BNC covers
    16191625<li>File <u><b>E</b></u>diting and concatenation</li>
    1629 and hence follows UNAVCO's famous TEQC program (see Estey and Meertens 1999). The remarkable thing about BNC in this context is that it supports RINEX Version 3 under GNU General Public License with full GUI support and instantaneous graphics output.
     1635and hence follows UNAVCO's famous TEQC program (see Estey and Meertens 1999). The remarkable thing about BNC in this context is that it supports RINEX Version 3 under GNU General Public License with full GUI support and graphics output.
    1646 When specifying several input files, BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one specific set of adjusted observation type records in the RINEX header, which fits to the whole file content.
     1652When specifying several input files, BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one set of adjusted observation type records in the RINEX header, which fits to the whole file content.
    1663 Note that logfiles from analyzing RINEX files may become quite large. Hence, BNC provides an option 'Summary only' to limit this logfile content to some essential information in case 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'. The following is an example for a RINEX quality check analysis logfile:
     1669Note that logfiles from analyzing RINEX files may become quite large. Hence, BNC provides an option 'Summary only' to limit logfile content to some essential information in case 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'. The following is an example for a RINEX quality check analysis logfile:
    16651671QC Format Version  : 1.0
    19611967Parameter &lt;keyName&gt; stands for the name of an option contained in the configuration file and &lt;keyValue&gt; stands for the value you want to assign to it. This functionality may be helpful in the 'RINEX Editing & QC' context when running BNC on a routine basis for maintaining a RINEX file archive.
    1963 The following example for a Linux platform calls BNC in 'no window' mode with a local configuration file 'rnx.conf' for concatenating four 15min RINEX files from station TLSE residing in the local directory to produce an hourly RINEX Version 3 file with 30 seconds sampling interval:
     1969The following example for a Linux platform calls BNC in 'no window' mode with a local configuration file 'rnx.conf' for concatenating four 15min RINEX files from station TLSE residing in the working directory to produce an hourly RINEX Version 3 file with 30 seconds sampling interval:
    1971 You may use asterisk '*' and/or question mark '?' wildcard characters as shown with the following globbing command line option to specify a selection of files in a local directory:
     1977You may use asterisk '*' and/or question mark '?' wildcard characters as shown with the following globbing command line option to specify a selection of files in the working directory:
    19731979   --key reqcObsFile "tlse*"
    20362042<p><h4>2.7 <a name="sp3comp">SP3 Comparison</h4></p>
    2038 BNC allows to compare the contents of two files containing GNSS orbit and clock data in SP3 format. SP3 ASCII files basically contain a list of records over a certain period of time. Each record carries a time tag, the XYZ position of the satellite's Center of Mass at that time and the corresponding satellite clock value. Both SP3 files may contain some records for different epochs. If so, then BNC only compares records for identical epochs. BNC accepts that a specific GNSS system or a specific satellite is only available from one of the SP3 files. Note that BNC does not interpolate orbits when comparing SP3 files.
     2044BNC allows to compare the contents of two files with GNSS orbit and clock data in SP3 format. SP3 ASCII files basically contain a list of records over a certain period of time. Each record carries a time tag, the XYZ position of the satellite's Center of Mass at that time and the corresponding satellite clock value. Both SP3 files may contain some records for different epochs. If so, then BNC only compares records for identical epochs. BNC accepts that a specific GNSS system or a specific satellite is only available from one of the SP3 files. Note that BNC does not interpolate orbits when comparing SP3 files.
    20442050<p><h4>2.7.1 <a name="sp3input">Input SP3 Files - optional</h4></p>
    2046 Specify the full path of two SP3 files separated by a comma.
     2052Specify the full paths of two SP3 files, separate them by comma.
    2181 When using clocks from Broadcast Ephemeris (with or without applied corrections) or clocks from SP3 files, it may be important to understand that they are not corrected for the conventional periodic relativistic effect. Chapter 10 of the IERS Conventions 2003 mentions that the conventional periodic relativistic correction to the satellite clock (to be added to the broadcast clock) is computed as dt =  -2 (R * V) / c^2 where R * V is the scalar product of the satellite position and velocity and c is the speed of light. This can also be found in the GPS Interface Specification, IS-GPS-200, Revision D, 7 March 2006.
    2182 </p>
    2184 <p>
    2185 Orbit corrections are provided in along-track, cross-track and radial components. These components are defined in the Earth-centered, Earth-fixed reference frame of the Broadcast Ephemeris. For an observer in this frame, the along-track component is aligned in both direction and sign with the velocity vector, the cross-track component is perpendicular to the plane defined by the satellite position and velocity vectors, and the radial direction is perpendicular to the along track and cross-track ones. The three components form a right-handed orthogonal system.
     2187When using clocks from Broadcast Ephemeris (with or without applied corrections) or clocks from SP3 files, it may be important to understand that they are not corrected for the conventional periodic relativistic effect. Chapter 10 of the IERS Conventions 2003 mentions that the conventional periodic relativistic correction to the satellite clock (to be added to the broadcast clock) is computed as
     2191 &nbsp; &nbsp; dt =  -2 (R * V) / c<sup>2</sup>
     2195where R * V is the scalar product of the satellite position and velocity and c is the speed of light. This can also be found in the GPS Interface Specification, IS-GPS-200, Revision D, 7 March 2006.
     2199Orbit corrections are provided in along-track, out-of-plane and radial components. These components are defined in the Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed reference frame of the Broadcast Ephemeris. For an observer in this frame, the along-track component is aligned in both direction and sign with the velocity vector, the out-of-plane component is perpendicular to the plane defined by the satellite position and velocity vectors, and the radial direction is perpendicular to the along track and out-of-plane ones. The three components form a right-handed orthogonal system.
    22702284<li>Radial Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    22712285<li>Along-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    2272 <li>Cross-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
     2286<li>Out-of-plane Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m]</li>
    22732287<li>Velocity of Radial Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
    22742288<li>Velocity of Along-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
    2275 <li>Velocity of Cross-track Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
     2289<li>Velocity of Out-of-plane Component of Orbit Correction to Broadcast Ephemeris [m/s]</li>
    26302644<p><h4>2.9.3 <a name="syncsample">Sampling - mandatory if 'File' or 'Port' is set</h4></p>
    2632 Select the synchronized observation output sampling interval in seconds. A value of zero '0' tells BNC to send/store all received epochs. This is the default value.
     2646Select a synchronized observation output sampling interval in seconds. A value of zero '0' tells BNC to send/store all received epochs. This is the default value.
    29202934<p><h4>2.13 <a name="pppclient">PPP Client</h4></p>
    2922 BNC can derive coordinates for rover positions following the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) approach. It uses code or code plus phase data from one or more GNSS systems in ionosphere-free linear combinations P3, L3, or P3&L3. Besides pulling streams of observations from dual frequency GNSS receiver, this also
     2936BNC can derive coordinates for rover positions following the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) approach. It uses code or code plus phase data from one or more GNSS systems in ionosphere-free linear combinations P3, L3, or P3&L3. Besides pulling streams of observations from a dual frequency GNSS receiver, this
    29242938<li>Requires pulling in addition a stream carrying satellite orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in the form of RTCM Version 3 'State Space Representation' (SSR) messages. Note that for BNC these Broadcast Corrections need to be referred to the satellite's Antenna Phase Center (APC). Streams providing such messages are listed on <u></u> (Caissy et al. 2012). Stream 'CLK11' on Ntrip Broadcaster '' is an example.</li>
    29252939<li>May require pulling a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris available as RTCM Version 3 message types 1019, 1020, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046 and 63 (tentative). This becomes a must only when the stream coming from the receiver does not contain Broadcast Ephemeris or provides them only at very low repetition rate. Streams providing such messages are listed on <u></u>. Stream 'RTCM3EPH' on caster '' is an example.</li>
    2927 Note that Broadcast Ephemeris parameters pass through a plausibility check in BNC which allows to ignore incorrect or outdated ephemeris data when necessary, leaving a note 'WRONG EPHEMERIS' or 'OUTDATED EPHEMERIS' in the logfile.
     2941Note that Broadcast Ephemeris parameters pass a plausibility check in BNC which allows to ignore incorrect or outdated ephemeris data when necessary, leaving a note 'WRONG EPHEMERIS' or 'OUTDATED EPHEMERIS' in the logfile.
    2985 Note that for debugging purposes BNC's real-time PPP functionality can also be used offline. Apply the 'File Mode' 'Command Line' option for that to read a file containing synchronized observations, orbit and clock correctors, and Broadcast Ephemeris. Example:
     2999Note that for debugging purposes, BNC's real-time PPP functionality can also be used offline. Apply the 'File Mode' 'Command Line' option for that to read a file containing synchronized observations, orbit and clock correctors, and Broadcast Ephemeris. Example:
    29873001   bnc.exe --conf c:\temp\PPP.bnc --file c:\temp\RAW
    3009 If you do not specify a 'Corrections stream' BNC will fall back from a PPP solution to a Single Point Positioning (SPP) solution.
     3023If you do not specify a 'Corrections stream', BNC will fall back from a PPP solution to a Single Point Positioning (SPP) solution.
    30283042<p><h4> <a name="pppmarkcoor">Coordinates File - optional </h4></p>
    3030 Enter the full path to an ASCII file which specifies all streams or files from stationary or mobile receivers you possibly may want to process. Specifying a 'Coordinates file' is optional. If it exists, it should contain one record per stream or file with the following parameters separated by blank characters:
     3044Enter the full path to an ASCII file which specifies all observation streams or files from stationary or mobile receivers you possibly may want to process. Specifying a 'Coordinates file' is optional. If it exists, it should contain one record per stream or file with the following parameters separated by blank characters:
    30443058&nbsp; &nbsp;'JPSREGANT_SD_E      ' (no radome)
    30453059&nbsp; &nbsp;'LEIAT504        NONE' (no radome)
    3046 &nbsp; &nbsp;'LEIAR25.R3      LEIT' (radome)</pre>
     3060&nbsp; &nbsp;'LEIAR25.R3      LEIT' (radome is LEIT)</pre>
    30473061Leave antenna name blank if you do not want to correct observations for APC offsets and variations or if you do not know the antenna name.</li><br>
    3096 Note that the only mandatory parameters in this file are the 'Station' parameters in the first column, each standing for an observation stream's mountpoint or the 4-character station ID of a RINEX filename. The following shows further valid examples for records of a 'Coordinates file'.
     3110Note again that the only mandatory parameters in this file are the 'Station' parameters in the first column, each standing for an observation stream's mountpoint or the 4-character station ID of a RINEX filename. The following shows further valid examples for records of a 'Coordinates file'.
    32663280 Depending on selected processing options you find 'GPS Time' stamps (yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss.sss) followed by
     3282<li>SATNUM: Number of satellites per GNSS,</li>
    32683283<li>RES: Code and phase residuals for contributing GNSS systems in [m]<br>Given per satellite with cIF/lIF for ionosphere-free linear combination of code/phase observations,</li>
    32693284<li>CLK: Receiver clock errors in [m], </li>
    3270 <li>AMB: L3 biases, also known as 'floated ambiguities'<br>Given per satellite with 'nEpo' = number of epochs since last ambiguity reset,
     3285<li>TRP: A priori and correction values of tropospheric zenith delay in [m],
    32713286<li>OFFGLO: Time offset between GPS time and GLONASS time in [m],
    32723287<li>OFFGAL: Time offset between GPS time and Galileo time in [m],
    32733288<li>OFFBDS: Time offset between GPS time and BDS time in [m],
    3274 <li>TRP: A priori and correction values of tropospheric zenith delay in [m],
    3275 <li>MOUNTPOINT: Here 'CUT07' with X/Y/Z position in [m] and dN/dE/dU in [m] for North, East, and Up displacements compared to a priori marker coordinates.</li>
     3289<li>AMB: L3 biases, also known as 'floated ambiguities'<br>Given per satellite with 'nEpo' = number of epochs since last ambiguity reset,
     3290<li>MOUNTPOINT: Here 'CUT07' with XYZ position in [m] and dN/dE/dU in [m] for North, East, and Up displacements compared to a priori marker coordinates.</li>
    32773292Estimated parameters are presented together with their formal errors as derived from the implemented filter. The PPP algorithm includes outlier and cycle slip detection.
    3535 with 'z' being the zenith distance to the involved satellite can be applied instead of the simple weight function 'P = 1'.
     3550with 'z' being the zenith distance to the involved satellite can be applied instead of the simple weight function 'P = 1' independent from satellite elevation angles.
    3574 This so-called Quick-Start option allows the PPP solutions to rapidly converge after startup. It requires that the antenna remains unmoved on the known position throughout the defined period. A value of '60' seconds is likely to be an appropriate choice for 'Seeding'. Default is an empty option field, meaning that you do not want BNC to start in Quick-Start mode.
     3589This so-called <u>Quick-Start</u> option allows the PPP solutions to rapidly converge after startup. It requires that the antenna remains unmoved on the known position throughout the defined period. A value of '60' seconds is likely to be an appropriate choice for 'Seeding'. Default is an empty option field, meaning that you do not want BNC to start in Quick-Start mode.
    35763591You may need to create your own reference coordinate beforehand through running BNC for an hour in normal mode before applying the 'Seeding' option. Do not forget to introduce realistic North/East/Up sigmas under panel 'PPP (2)' corresponding to the coordinate's precision.
    3580 'Seeding' has also a function for bridging gaps in PPP solutions from failures caused e.g. by longer lasting outages. Should the time span between two consecutive solutions exceed the limit of 60 seconds (maximum solution gap, hard-wired), the algorithm fixes the latest derived coordinate for a period of 'Seeding' seconds. This option avoids time-consuming reconvergences and makes especially sense for stationarily operated receivers where convergence can be enforced because a good approximation for the receiver position is known. 
     3595'Seeding' has also a function for <u>bridging gaps</u> in PPP solutions from failures caused e.g. by longer lasting outages. Should the time span between two consecutive solutions exceed the limit of 60 seconds (maximum solution gap, hard-wired), the algorithm fixes the latest derived coordinate for a period of 'Seeding' seconds. This option avoids time-consuming reconvergences and makes especially sense for stationary operated receivers where convergence can be enforced because a good approximation for the receiver position is known. 
    3600 Note that a PPP dicplacements time series makes only sense for a stationarily operated receiver.
     3615Note that a PPP dicplacements time series makes only sense for a stationary operated receiver.
    36533668<p><h4>2.14 <a name="combi">Combine Corrections</h4></p>
    3655 BNC allows processing several orbit and clock correction streams in real-time to produce, encode, upload and save a combination of Broadcast Corrections from various providers. All corrections must refer to satellite Antenna Phase Centers (APC). It is so far only the satellite clock corrections which are combined while orbit corrections in the combination product as well as the product update rates are just taken over from one of the incoming Broadcast Correction streams. Combining only clock corrections using a fixed orbit reference imposes the potential to introduce some analysis inconsistencies. We may therefore eventually consider improvements on this approach. The clock combination can be based either on a plain 'Single-Epoch' or on a Kalman 'Filter' approach.
    3656 </p>
    3657 <p>
    3658 In the Kalman Filter approach, satellite clocks estimated by individual Analyses Centers (ACs) are used as pseudo observations within the adjustment process. Each observation is modeled as a linear function (actually a simple sum) of three estimated parameters: AC specific offset, satellite specific offset common to all ACs, and the actual satellite clock correction, which represents the result of the combination. These three parameter types differ in their statistical properties. The satellite clock offsets are assumed to be static parameters while AC specific and satellite specific offsets are stochastic parameters with appropriate white noise.
    3659  The solution is regularized by a set of minimal constraints. After a change of one of the three values 'SSR Provider ID', 'SSR Solution ID', or 'IOD SSR', the satellite clock offsets belonging to the corresponding analysis center are reset in the adjustment.
     3670BNC allows processing several orbit and clock correction streams in real-time to produce, encode, upload and save a combination of Broadcast Corrections from various providers. All corrections must refer to satellite Antenna Phase Centers (APC). It is so far only the satellite clock corrections which are combined by BNC while orbit corrections in the combination product as well as product update rates are just taken over from one of the incoming Broadcast Correction streams. Combining only clock corrections using a fixed orbit reference imposes the potential to introduce some analysis inconsistencies. We may therefore eventually consider improvements on this approach. The clock combination can be based either on a plain 'Single-Epoch' or on a Kalman 'Filter' approach.
     3673In the Kalman Filter approach, satellite clocks estimated by individual Analyses Centers (ACs) are used as pseudo observations within the adjustment process. Each observation is modeled as a linear function (actually a simple sum) of three estimated parameters: AC specific offset, satellite specific offset common to all ACs, and the actual satellite clock correction, which represents the result of the combination. These three parameter types differ in their statistical properties. The satellite clock offsets are assumed to be static parameters while AC specific and satellite specific offsets are stochastic parameters affected by white noise.
     3676The solution is regularized by a set of minimal constraints. In case of a change of the 'SSR Provider ID', 'SSR Solution ID', or 'IOD SSR' (see section 'Upload Corrections'), the satellite clock offsets belonging to the corresponding analysis center are reset in the adjustment.
    36653682In view of IGS real-time products, the 'Combine Corrections' functionality has been integrated in BNC (Weber and Mervart 2010) because
    3667 <li>The software with its Graphic User Interface and wide range of supported Operating Systems represents a perfect platform to process many Broadcast Correction streams in parallel;</li>
     3684<li>The software with its Graphic User Interface and range of supported Operating Systems represents a perfect platform to process many Broadcast Correction streams in parallel;</li>
    36683685<li>Outages of single AC product streams can be mitigated through merging several incoming streams into a combined product;</li>
    36693686<li>Generating a combination product from several AC products allows detecting and rejecting outliers;</li>
    36713688<li>An individual AC could prefer to disseminate a stream combined from primary and backup IT resources to reduce outages;</li>
    36723689<li>It enables a BNC PPP user to follow his own preference in combining streams from individual ACs for Precise Point Positioning;</li>
    3673 <li>It allows an instantaneous quality control of the combination process not only in the time domain but also in the space domain; this can be done through direct application of the combined stream in a PPP solution even without prior upload to an Ntrip Broadcaster;</li>
     3690<li>It allows an instantaneous quality control of the combination process not only in the time domain but also in the space domain; this can be done by direct application of the combined stream in a PPP solution even without prior upload to an Ntrip Broadcaster;</li>
    36743691<li>It provides the means to output SP3 and Clock RINEX files containing precise orbit and clock information for further processing using other tools than BNC.</li>
    3707 Note that BNC can produce an internal PPP solution from combined Broadcast Corrections. For that you have to specify the keyword 'INTERNAL' as 'Corrections' mountpoint in the PPP (1) panel.
    3708 </p>
    3710 <p><h4>2.14.1 <a name="combimounttab">Combine Corrections Table - optional</h4></p>
    3711 <p>
    3712 Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Mountpoint' field, enter a Broadcast Correction mountpoint from the 'Streams' section and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'AC Name' field to enter your choice of an abbreviation for the Analysis Center (AC) providing the Antenna Phase Center (APC) related stream. Finally, double click on the 'Weight' field to enter a weight to be applied to this stream in the combination.
    3713 </p>
    3714 <p>
    3715 The sequence of entries in the 'Combine Corrections' table is not of importance. Note that the orbit information in the final combination stream is just copied from one of the incoming streams. The stream used for providing the orbits may vary over time: if the orbit-providing stream has an outage then BNC switches to the next remaining stream for getting hold of the orbit information.</p>
    3716 <p>
    3717 It is possible to specify only one Broadcast Ephemeris correction stream in the 'Combine Corrections' table. Instead of combining corrections from several sources, BNC will then merge the single corrections stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in SP3 and/or Clock RINEX format when specified accordingly under the 'Upload Corrections' panel. Note that in such a BNC application you must not pull more than one Broadcast Ephemeris correction stream even if a second stream would provide the same corrections from a backup caster.
    3718 </p>
    3719 <p>
    3720 Default is an empty 'Combine Corrections' table meaning that you do not want BNC to combine orbit and clock correction streams.
    3721 </p>
    3723 <p><h4> <a name="combiadd">Add Row, Delete - optional</h4></p>
    3724 <p>
    3725 Hit 'Add Row' button to add another row to the 'Combine Corrections' table or hit the 'Delete' button to delete the highlighted row(s).
    3726 </p>
    3728 <p>
    3729 The following screenshots describe an example setup of BNC when combining Broadcast Correction streams and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster. Note that this application requires specifying options under panels 'Combine Corrections' and 'Upload Corrections'. The example uses the combination product to simultaneously carry out an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution, which allows monitoring the quality of the combination product in the space domain.
    3730 </p>
    3732 <br>
     3724The following screenshot shows an example setup of BNC when combining Broadcast Correction streams CLK11, CLK21, CLK91, and CLK80.
    37333727<p><img src="IMG/screenshot20.png"/></p>
    37343728<p><u>Figure 28:</u> BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</p>
    3736 <p><img src="IMG/screenshot21.png"/></p>
    3737 <p><u>Figure 29:</u> BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Correction stream</p>
    3738 <p></p>
     3731Note that BNC can produce an internal PPP solution from combined Broadcast Corrections. For that you have to specify the keyword 'INTERNAL' as 'Corrections stream' in the PPP (1) panel. The following example combines correction streams IGS01 and IGS02 and simultaneously carries out a PPP solution with observations from stream FFMJ1 to allow monitoring the quality of the combination product in the space domain.
    37393733<p><img src="IMG/screenshot23.png"/></p>
    3740 <p><u>Figure 30:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Correction stream</p>
     3734<p><u>Figure 29:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using a combination of Broadcast Corrections</p>
     3736<p><h4>2.14.1 <a name="combimounttab">Combine Corrections Table - optional</h4></p>
     3738Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Mountpoint' field, enter a Broadcast Correction mountpoint from the 'Streams' section and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'AC Name' field to enter your choice of an abbreviation for the Analysis Center (AC) providing the Antenna Phase Center (APC) related correction stream. Finally, double click on the 'Weight' field to enter a weight to be applied to this stream in the combination.
     3741The sequence of entries in the 'Combine Corrections' table is not of importance. Note that the orbit information in the final combination stream is just copied from one of the incoming streams. The stream used for providing the orbits may vary over time: if the orbit-providing stream has an outage then BNC switches to the next remaining stream for getting hold of the orbit information.</p>
     3743It is possible to specify only one Broadcast Ephemeris correction stream in the 'Combine Corrections' table. Instead of combining corrections from several sources, BNC will then merge the single corrections stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to allow saving results in SP3 and/or Clock RINEX format when specified accordingly under the 'Upload Corrections' panel. Note that in such a BNC application you must not pull more than one Broadcast Ephemeris correction stream even if a second stream would provide the same corrections from a backup caster.
     3746Default is an empty 'Combine Corrections' table, meaning that you do not want BNC to combine orbit and clock correction streams.
     3749<p><h4> <a name="combiadd">Add Row, Delete - optional</h4></p>
     3751Hit 'Add Row' button to add another row to the 'Combine Corrections' table or hit the 'Delete' button to delete the highlighted row(s).
    37423754<p><h4> <a name="combimethod">Method - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections' table is populated</h4></p>
    37613773<p><h4>2.15 <a name="upclk">Upload Corrections</h4></p>
    3763 BNC can upload streams carrying orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in radial, along-track and cross-track components if they are<ol type=a>
     3775BNC can upload streams carrying orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in radial, along-track and out-of-plane components if they are<ol type=a>
    37653777either generated by BNC as a combination of several individual Broadcast Correction streams coming from an number of real-time Analysis Centers (ACs), see section 'Combine Corrections',</li>
    37763788<li>Calculate XYZ coordinates from Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
    37773789<li>Calculate differences dX,dY,dZ between Broadcast Ephemeris and IGS08 orbits. </li>
    3778 <li>Transform these differences into radial, along-track and cross-track corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
     3790<li>Transform these differences into radial, along-track and out-of-plane corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
    37793791<li>Calculate corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as differences between Broadcast Ephemeris clocks and IGS08 clocks. </li>
    37803792<li>Encode Broadcast Ephemeris orbit and clock corrections in RTCM Version 3 format. </li>
    3875 When using clocks from Broadcast Ephemeris (with or without applied corrections) or clocks from SP3 files, it may be important to understand that they are not corrected for the conventional periodic relativistic effect. Chapter 10 of the IERS Conventions 2003 mentions that the conventional periodic relativistic correction to the satellite clock (to be added to the broadcast clock) is computed as dt =  -2 (R * V) / c^2 where R *V is the scalar product of the satellite position and velocity and c is the speed of light. This can also be found in the GPS Interface Specification, IS-GPS-200, Revision D, 7 March 2006.
     3887When using clocks from Broadcast Ephemeris (with or without applied corrections) or clocks from SP3 files, it may be important to understand that they are not corrected for the conventional periodic relativistic effect. Chapter 10 of the IERS Conventions 2003 mentions that the conventional periodic relativistic correction to the satellite clock (to be added to the broadcast clock) is computed as
     3889 &nbsp; &nbsp; dt =  -2 (R * V) / c<sup>2</sup>
     3891where R *V is the scalar product of the satellite position and velocity and c is the speed of light. This can also be found in the GPS Interface Specification, IS-GPS-200, Revision D, 7 March 2006.
    40714087<p><img src="IMG/screenshot38.png"/></p>
    4072 <p><u>Figure 31:</u> Setting BNC's Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</p>
     4088<p><u>Figure 30:</u> Setting BNC's Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</p>
    40744090<p><h4>2.15.4 <a name="upcom">Center of Mass - optional</h4></p>
    4119 <p><h4>2.15.7 <a name="upinter">Interval - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
     4135<p><h4>2.15.7 <a name="pidsidiod">PID, SID, IOD - optional</h4></p>
     4137When applying Broadcast Ephemeris corrections in a PPP algorithm or in a combination of several correction streams, it is important for the client software to receive information on the continuity of discontinuity of the stream contents. Here you can specify three ID's to describe the contents of your Broadcast Ephemeris correction stream when it is uploaded.
     4139<li>A 'SSR Provider ID' is issued by RTCM SC-104 on request to identify a SSR service (see e.g. <u></u>). This ID is globally unique. Values vary in the range of 0-65535. Values in the range of 0-255 are reserved for experimental services.</li>
     4140<li>A provider may generate several Broadcast Ephemeris correction streams with different contents. The 'SSR Solution ID' indicates different SSR services of one SSR provider. Values vary in the range of 0-15.</li>
     4141<li>A change of the 'IOD SSR' is used to indicate a change in the SSR generating configuration, which may be relevant for the rover. Values vary in the range of 0-15.</li>
     4145<p><h4>2.15.8 <a name="upinter">Interval - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
    41214147Select the length of Clock RINEX files and SP3 Orbit files. The default value is 1 day.
    4124 <p><h4>2.15.8 <a name="upclksmpl">Sampling</h4></p>
     4150<p><h4>2.15.9 <a name="upclksmpl">Sampling</h4></p>
    41254151<p>BNC requires an orbit corrections sampling interval for the stream to be uploaded and sampling intervals for SP3 and Clock RINEX files. The outgoing stream's clock correction sampling interval follows that of incoming corrections and is therefore nothing to be specified here.</p>
    4127 <p><h4> <a name="upclkorb">Orbits (Orb) - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
     4153<p><h4> <a name="upclkorb">Orbits (Orb) - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
    41284154<p>Select the stream's orbit correction sampling interval in seconds. A value of 60 sec may be appropriate.</p>
    41294155<p> A value of zero '0' tells BNC to upload all orbit correction samples coming in from the real-time GNSS engine along with the clock correction samples to produce combined orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris (1060 for GPS, 1066 for GLONASS).
    41574183Note that only when specifying a value of zero '0' (default) for 'Sampling Orb', BNC produces <u>combined</u> orbit and clock correction messages.
    4158 <p><h4> <a name="upclksp3">SP3 - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
     4184<p><h4> <a name="upclksp3">SP3 - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    41594185<p>Select the SP3 orbit file sampling interval in minutes. A value of 15 min may be appropriate. A value of zero '0' tells BNC to store all available samples into SP3 orbit files.</p>
    4161 <p><h4> <a name="upclkrnx">RINEX (RNX) - mandatory if 'RNX File' is specified</h4></p>
     4187<p><h4> <a name="upclkrnx">RINEX (RNX) - mandatory if 'RNX File' is specified</h4></p>
    41624188<p>Select the Clock RINEX file sampling interval in seconds. A value of 10 sec may be appropriate. A value of zero '0' tells BNC to store all available samples into Clock RINEX files.</p>
    4164 <p><h4>2.15.9 <a name="upcustom">Custom Trafo - optional if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
     4190<p><h4>2.15.10 <a name="upcustom">Custom Trafo - optional if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
    41654191<p>Hit 'Custom Trafo' to specify your own 14 parameter Helmert Transformation instead of selecting a predefined transformation through 'System' button.</p>
    4167 <p>
    4168 The following screenshot shows the encoding and uploading of a stream of precise orbits and clocks coming from a real-time engine in 'RTNET' ASCII format. The stream is uploaded to Ntrip Broadcaster ''. It is referred to APC and IGS08. Uploaded data are locally saved in SP3 and Clock RINEX format. The SSR Provider ID is set to 3. The SSR Solution ID and the Issue of Data SSR are set to 1. Required Broadcast Ephemeris are received via stream 'RTCM3EPH'.
     4193<p><h4>2.15.11 <a name="upantex">ANTEX File - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
     4195IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center variations for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required here for referring the SP3 file content to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM). If you do not specify an ANTEX file, the SP3 file will contain orbit information which is referred to Antenna Phase Center (APC) instead of CoM.
     4198The following screenshot shows the encoding and uploading of a stream of precise orbits and clocks coming from a real-time network engine in 'RTNET' ASCII format. The stream is uploaded to Ntrip Broadcaster ''. It is referred to APC and IGS08. Uploaded data are locally saved in SP3 and Clock RINEX format. The SSR Provider ID is set to 3. The SSR Solution ID and the Issue of Data SSR are set to 1. Required Broadcast Ephemeris are received via stream 'RTCM3EPH'.
    41704200<p><img src="IMG/screenshot26.png"/></p>
    4171 <p><u>Figure 32:</u> BNC producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</p>
    4173 <p><h4>2.15.10 <a name="upantex">ANTEX File - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    4174 <p>
    4175 IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center variations for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required here for referring the SP3 file content to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM). If you do not specify an ANTEX file, the SP3 file will contain orbit information which is referred to Antenna Phase Center (APC) instead of CoM.
    4176 </p>
     4201<p><u>Figure 31:</u> BNC producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</p>
     4203The following screenshot shows the encoding and uploading of several Broadcast Ephemeris correction streams combined from streams CLK11, CLK21, CLK80, and CLK91. Combined streams are uploaded to different Ntrip Broadcasters and referred to different reference systems. One of the uploaded streams is locally saved in SP3 and Clock RINEX format. Different SSR Provider IDs, SSR Solution IDs and Issue of Data IDs are specified. Required Broadcast Ephemeris are received via stream 'RTCM3EPH'.
     4205<p><img src="IMG/screenshot21.png"/></p>
     4206<p><u>Figure 32:</u> BNC uploading a combined Broadcast Correction stream</p>
    41784209<p><h4>2.16 <a name="upeph">Upload Ephemeris</h4></p>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.