Changeset 7754 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src

Feb 10, 2016, 2:36:54 PM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7751 r7754  
    10501050pulls a RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the
    10511051real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version 3 Navigation
    1052 files. BNC runs online untill it's terminated after 10 seconds.  See
     1052files. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 10 seconds.  See
    10531053 for further real-time Broadcast
    10541054Ephemeris resources.
    10581058Purpose: Scan an observation stream for contained RTCM message types, print
    10591059observation latencies. The output is saved in a logfile. Latencies are
    1060 reported every 10 seconds. BNC runs online untill it's terminated after 20
     1060reported every 10 seconds. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 20
    10671067Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 1 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 3
    10681068Observation files. See for
    1069 observation stream resources. BNC runs online untill it's terminated after 30
     1069observation stream resources. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 30
    34583458As the convergence characteristic of a PPP solution can be influenced by the ratio of sigmas for code and phase, you may like to introduce sigmas, which differ from the default values.
    3460 <li>Introducing a smaller sigma (higher accuracy) for code observations or a bigger sigma for phase observations leads to better results shortly after program start. However, it may take more time untill you finally get the best possible solution.</li>
     3460<li>Introducing a smaller sigma (higher accuracy) for code observations or a bigger sigma for phase observations leads to better results shortly after program start. However, it may take more time until you finally get the best possible solution.</li>
    34613461<li>Introducing a bigger sigma (lower accuracy) for code observations or a smaller sigma for phase observations may lead to less accurate results shortly after program start and thus a prolonged period of convergence but could provide better positions in the long run.</li>
    34963496<p><h4> <a name="pppwaitclockcorr">Wait for Clock Corrections - optional</h4></p>
    3498 Specifying 'no' for option 'Wait for clock corr.' means that BNC processes each epoch of data immediately after its arrival using satellite clock corrections available at that time. A non-zero value means that epochs of data are buffered and the processing of each epoch is postponed untill satellite clock corrections not older than 'Wait for clock corr.' seconds are available. Specifying a value of half the update rate of the clock corrections (e.g. 5 sec) may be appropriate. Note that this causes an additional delay of the PPP solutions in the amount of half of the update rate.
     3498Specifying 'no' for option 'Wait for clock corr.' means that BNC processes each epoch of data immediately after its arrival using satellite clock corrections available at that time. A non-zero value means that epochs of data are buffered and the processing of each epoch is postponed until satellite clock corrections not older than 'Wait for clock corr.' seconds are available. Specifying a value of half the update rate of the clock corrections (e.g. 5 sec) may be appropriate. Note that this causes an additional delay of the PPP solutions in the amount of half of the update rate.
    42334233<p><h4>2.18.4 <a name="ppptab">PPP Plot</h4></p>
    4235 Precise Point Positioning time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when a 'Mountpoint' option is defined under PPP (4). Values are either referred to reference coordinates (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate components. The time as given in format [hh:mm] refers to GPS Time. The sliding PPP time series window covers a period of 5 minutes. Note that it may take up to 30 seconds or more untill the first PPP solutions becomes available. The following figure shows the screenshot of a PPP time series plot of North, East and Up coordinate displacements.
     4235Precise Point Positioning time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when a 'Mountpoint' option is defined under PPP (4). Values are either referred to reference coordinates (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate components. The time as given in format [hh:mm] refers to GPS Time. The sliding PPP time series window covers a period of 5 minutes. Note that it may take up to 30 seconds or more until the first PPP solutions becomes available. The following figure shows the screenshot of a PPP time series plot of North, East and Up coordinate displacements.
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