Changeset 7689 in ntrip for trunk

Jan 15, 2016, 5:37:16 PM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7688 r7689  
    3030&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.3 <a href=#introFlow>Data Flow</a><br>
    3131&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.4 <a href=#introHandling>Handling</a><br>
    32 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.5 <a href=#introConf>Configuration</a><br>
    33 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.5.1 <a href=#introManage>Management</a><br>
    34 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.5.2 <a href=#introExamples>Examples</a><br>
    35 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.6 <a href=#introLimit>Limitations</a><br>
    36 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.7 <a href=#introLBack>Looking Back</a><br><br>
     32&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.5 <a href=#introInst>Installation</a><br>
     33&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.6 <a href=#introConf>Configuration</a><br>
     34&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.6.1 <a href=#introManage>Management</a><br>
     35&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.6.2 <a href=#introExamples>Examples</a><br>
     36&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.7 <a href=#introLimit>Limitations</a><br>
     37&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 1.8 <a href=#introLBack>Looking Back</a><br><br>
    3738<b>2.</b> <a href=#optsettings><b>Settings Details</b></a><br><br>
    3839&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.1 <a href=#topmenu><b>Top Menu Bar</b></a><br>
    289 BNC has been written under GNU General Public License (GPL). Source code is available from Subversion software archive <u></u> Binaries for BNC are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X systems. We used the MinGW Version 4.4.0 compiler to create the Windows binaries. It is likely that BNC can be compiled on other systems where a GNU compiler and Qt Version 4.8.4 or any later version are installed. Please ensure that you always use the latest precompiled version of BNC available from <u></u>. Note that static and shared builds of BNC are made available. A <u>static</u> build would be sufficient in case you don't want BNC to trace PPP results using Google Map (GM) or OpenStreetMap (OSM). However, GM/OSM usage requires the QtWebKit library which can only be part of BNC builds from <u>shared</u> libraries. Using a shared library BNC build requires that you first install your own shared Qt library. The 'README.txt' file which comes with the BNC source code describes how to install Qt on Windows, Linux and Mac systems.
     290BNC has been written under GNU General Public License (GPL). Source code is available from Subversion software archive <u></u> Binaries for BNC are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X systems.
    602 <p><h4>1.5 <a name="introConf">Configuration</h4></p>
     603<p><h4>1.5 <a name="introInst">Installation</h4></p>
     605 We used the MinGW Version 4.4.0 compiler to create the Windows binaries. It is likely that BNC can be compiled on other systems where a GNU compiler and Qt Version 4.8.4 or any later version are installed. Please ensure that you always use the latest precompiled version of BNC available from <u></u>. Note that static and shared builds of BNC are made available. A <u>static</u> build would be sufficient in case you don't want BNC to trace PPP results using Google Map (GM) or OpenStreetMap (OSM). However, GM/OSM usage requires the QtWebKit library which can only be part of BNC builds from <u>shared</u> libraries. Using a shared library BNC build requires that you first install your own shared Qt library. The 'README.txt' file which comes with the BNC source code describes how to install Qt on Windows, Linux and Mac systems.
     608This ZIP archive provides the BNC source code Version 2.12.0 as developed under GNU GPL using Qt Version 4.8.5. The following describes how to produce your builds of BNC on Windows, Linux, and Mac systems.
     611<p><b>Static and Shared Libraries</b><br>
     612You can produce static or shared builds of BNC. Static builds are sufficient in case you don't want BNC to produce track maps using Google Map (GM) or Open StreetMap (OSM). GM/OSM usage would requires the QtWebKit library which can only be part of BNC builds from shared libraries. So, using a shared library BNC build requires that you first install your own shared library of Qt.
     615<p><b>Windows Systems, Shared Library</b><br>
     616How to install a shared QT 4.8.5 library on a Windows system to create your
     617own shared build of BNC:
     620<ol type=b>
     621<li>Supposing that "Secure Socket Layer (SSL)" is not available on you system, you should install OpenSSL libraries in C:\OpenSSL-Win32. They are availabel e.g. from See <u></u> for other SSL resources. Ignore possible comments about missing components during installation.</li>
     623<li>Download MinGW compiler Version 4.4.0 e.g. from <u></u></li>
     625<li>Unzip the ZIP archive and move its contents to a directory C:\MinGW. Now you can do either (4) or (5, 6, 8, 9, 10). Following (4) is suggested.</li>
     627<li>Download file 'qt-win-opensource-4.8.5-mingw.exe' (317 MB) e.g. from <u></u>. Execute this file to install a pre-compiled shared Qt library.</li>
     629<li>Download file '' (269 MB) e.g. from <u></u></li>
     631<li>Unzip the ZIP archive and move the contents of the contained directory into a directory C:\Qt\4.8.5.</li>
     633<li>Create somewhere a file QtEnv.bat with the following content:
     635  set QTDIR=C:\Qt\4.8.5
     636  set PATH=%PATH%;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\Qt\4.8.5\bin
     637  set QMAKESPEC=C:\Qt\4.8.5\mkspecs\win32-g++
     640<li>Open a command line window and execute file QtEnv.bat</li>
     642<li>Go to directory C:\Qt\4.8.5 and configure Qt using command
     644  configure -fast -webkit -release -nomake examples -nomake tutorial
     645            -openssl -I C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include
     648<li>Compile Qt using command<pre>  mingw32-make</pre>
     649This may take quite a long time. Don't worry if the compilation process runs into a problem after some time. It is likely that the libraries you require are already generated at that time.<br>
     650Should you want to reconfiguring Qt following steps (8)-(10) you first need to clean the previous configuration using command 'mingw32-make confclean'. Run command 'mingw32-make clean' to delete previously compiled source code.</li>
     652<li>Download latest BNC from <u></u></li>
     654<li>Open command line window and execute file QtEnv.bat, see (7)</li>
     656<li>Go to directory BNC and enter command<pre>  qmake</pre></li>
     658<li>Enter command <pre>  mingw32-make</pre></li>
     660<li>Find binary file bnc.exe in directory named src.</li>
     662<li>Extend the Windows environment variable PATH by C:\Qt\4.8.5\bin.</li>
     666Steps (11)-(15) can be repeated whenever a BNC update becomes available. Running bnc.exe on a windows system requires (1) when using the NTRIP Version 2s option for stream transfer over TLS/SSL.
     670<b>Linux Systems</b><br>
     671On Linux systems you may use the following procedure to install a shared Qt version 4.8.5 library:
     675Download file 'qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.tar.gz' (230 MB) available from <u></u>. Then unzip file, extract tar archive and change to directory 'qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.'. Run commands
     677  ./configure -fast -webkit -nomake examples -nomake tutorial
     678              -prefix /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.5
     679  gmake
     680  gmake install
     685Qt will be installed into directory /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.5. To reconfigure, run 'gmake confclean' and 'configure'. Note that the -prefix option allows you to specify a directory for saving the Qt libraries. This ensures that you don't run into conflicts with other
     686Qt installations on your host. Note further that the following two lines<pre>
     687  export QTDIR="/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.5"
     688  export PATH="$QTDIR/bin:$PATH"</pre>
     690need to be introduced either in $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc. Once that is done, logout/login and start using Qt 4.8.5.
     693To then compile the BNC program you may use the following commands: <pre>
     694  qmake
     695  make
     700<b>Mac OS X Systems</b><br>
     702<u>Xcode and Qt Installation</u><br>
     703Xcode and Qt are required to compile BNC on OS X. Both tools are freely available. Xcode can be downloaded from the App Store or the Apple Developer Connection website. Once installed, run Xcode, go to Preferences -> Downloads and install the Command Line Tools component. Qt can be downloaded from the QT Project website. Note that as of version 2.6 BNC requires Qt version 4.7.3 or higher due to SSL. The Qt libraries for Mac can be downloaded from Once downloaded, mount the disk image, run the Qt.mpkg package and follow the instructions from the installation wizard.
     707<u>Compiling BNC</u><br>
     708The version of qmake supplied in the Qt binary package is configured to use the macx-xcode specification. This can be overridden with the '-spec macx-g++' option which makes it possible to use qmake to create a Makefile to be used by 'make'.
     711From the directory where is located, run qmake to create the Makefile and then make to compile the binary.
     713  qmake -spec macx-g++
     714  make
     716Refer to the following webpage for further information: <u></u>.
     720<u>Bundle Deployment</u><br>
     721When distributing BNC it is necessary to bundle in all related Qt resources in the package. The Mac Deployment Tool has been designed to automate the process of creating a deployable application bundle that contains the Qt libraries as private frameworks. To use it, issue the following commands where is located.
     723  macdeployqt -dmg
     725Refer to the following webpage for further information:
     728<p><b>Running the Program</b><br>
     729If you are not familiar with the BNC program, we suggest to start with the Readme.txt file in the Example_Configs directory. See bnchelp.pdf for further information.
     732<p><h4>1.6 <a name="introConf">Configuration</h4></p>
    604734The following sections present information on how the BNC configuration works and provide configuration examples which can be adjusted according to specific user needs.
    607 <p><h4>1.5.1 <a name="introManage">Management</h4></p>
     737<p><h4>1.6.1 <a name="introManage">Management</h4></p>
    609739As a default, configuration files for running BNC on Unix/Linux/Mac OS X systems are saved in directory '${HOME}/.config/BKG'. On Windows systems, they are typically saved in directory 'C:/Documents and Settings/Username/.config/BKG'. The default configuration filename is 'BNC.bnc'.</p>
    646 <p><h4>1.5.2 <a name="introExamples">Examples</h4></p>
     776<p><h4>1.6.2 <a name="introExamples">Examples</h4></p>
    884 <p><h4>1.6 <a name="introLimit">Limitations</h4></p>
     1014<p><h4>1.7 <a name="introLimit">Limitations</h4></p>
    910 <p><h4>1.7 <a name="introLBack">Looking Back</h4></p>
     1040<p><h4>1.8 <a name="introLBack">Looking Back</h4></p>
    9121042A basic function of BNC is streaming GNSS data over the open Internet using the Ntrip transport protocol. Employing IP streaming for satellite positioning goes back to the beginning of our century. Wolfgang Rupprecht has been the first person who developed TCP/IP server software under the acronym of DGPS-IP (Rupprecht 2000) and published it under GNU General Public License (GPL). While connecting marine beacon receivers to PCs with permanent access to the Internet he transmitted DGPS corrections in an RTCM format to support Differential GPS positioning over North America. With approximately 200 bits/sec the bandwidth requirement for disseminating beacon data was comparatively small. Each stream was transmitted over a unique combination of IP address and port. Websites informed about existing streams and corresponding receiver positions.
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