Changeset 7685 in ntrip

Jan 14, 2016, 3:16:42 PM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7683 r7685  
    11<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    3 <h3>BKG Ntrip Client (BNC) User Manual<br>
     3<h3>BKG Ntrip Client (BNC)<br>
    44Version 2.12.0</h3>
    7 <b>Software by</b><br>
    8 Leos Mervart<sup>(1)</sup>, Andrea St&uuml;rze<sup>(2)</sup>, Georg Weber<sup>(2)</sup>, Axel R&uuml;lke<sup>(2)</sup>, Dirk St&ouml;cker<sup>(3)</sup>
    9 <p>
    10 <sup>(1) Czech Technical University (CTU), Department of Geomatics, Prague, Czech Republic</sup><br>
    11 <sup>(2) Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt, Germany</sup><br>
     7Georg Weber<sup>(1)</sup>, Leos Mervart<sup>(2)</sup>, Andrea St&uuml;rze<sup>(1)</sup>, Axel R&uuml;lke<sup>(1)</sup>, Dirk St&ouml;cker<sup>(3)</sup>
     9<sup>(1) Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt, Germany</sup><br>
     10<sup>(2) Czech Technical University (CTU), Department of Geomatics, Prague, Czech Republic</sup><br>
    1211<sup>(3) Alberding GmbH, Wildau, Germany</sup>
    13 <br><br>
    14 <b>Documentation by</b><br>
    15 Georg Weber<sup>(2)</sup>
    2117To help justify funding the development of BNC,<sup>&nbsp;</sup>we kindly ask users to include a citation when applying the software results in a publication. We suggest:
    23 Mervart, Leos, Andrea St&uuml;rze, Georg Weber, Axel R&uuml;lke and Dirk St&ouml;cker:<br>
     19Weber, G., L. Mervart, A. St&uuml;rze, A. R&uuml;lke and D. St&ouml;cker:<br>
    2420&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; BKG Ntrip Client, Version 2.12. Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes<br>
    2521&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; f&uuml;r Kartographie und Geod&auml;sie, Vol. 49, Frankfurt am Main, 2016.
    234230<tr><td>7</td><td>BNC's 'Network' panel configured to ignore eventually occurring SSL error messages</td><td>2.2.2</td></tr>
    235231<tr><td>8</td><td>BNC translating incoming streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 files</td><td>2.4</td></tr>
    236 <tr><td>9</td><td>Converting Broadcast Ephemeris stream to RINEX Version 3 Navigation file</td><td>2.5.5</td></tr>
    237 <tr><td>10</td><td>Example for 'RINEX Editing Options' window</td><td>2.6.7</td></tr>
     232<tr><td>9</td><td>BNC converting Broadcast Ephemeris stream to RINEX Version 3 Navigation files</td><td>2.5.5</td></tr>
     233<tr><td>10</td><td>Example for BNC's 'RINEX Editing Options' window</td><td>2.6.7</td></tr>
    238234<tr><td>11</td><td>Example for RINEX file concatenation with BNC</td><td>2.6.7</td></tr>
    239235<tr><td>12</td><td>Example for creating RINEX quality check analysis graphics output with BNC</td><td>2.6.7</td></tr>
    241237<tr><td>14</td><td>Sky plot examples for multipath, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC</td><td>2.6.7</td></tr>
    242238<tr><td>15</td><td>Sky plot examples for signal-to-noise ratio, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC</td><td>2.6.7</td></tr>
    243 <tr><td>16</td><td>BNC configuration example for comparing two SP3 files with satellite orbit and clock data</td><td>2.7.3</td></tr>
    244 <tr><td>17</td><td>BNC configuration example for pulling, saving and output of Broadcast Corrections</td><td>2.8.3</td></tr>
     239<tr><td>16</td><td>Example for comparing two SP3 files with satellite orbit and clock data using BNC</td><td>2.7.3</td></tr>
     240<tr><td>17</td><td>Example for pulling, saving and output of Broadcast Corrections using BNC</td><td>2.8.3</td></tr>
    245241<tr><td>18</td><td>Synchronized BNC output via IP port to feed a GNSS real-time engine</td><td>2.9</td></tr>
    246242<tr><td>19</td><td>Flowcharts, BNC forwarding a stream to a serial connected receiver; sending NMEA sentences is mandatory for VRS streams</td><td>2.10</td></tr>
    247243<tr><td>20</td><td>BNC pulling a VRS stream to feed a serial connected RTK rover</td><td>2.10</td></tr>
    248 <tr><td>21</td><td>RTCM message numbers, latencies and observation types</td><td>2.12</td></tr>
     244<tr><td>21</td><td>RTCM message numbers, latencies and observation types logged by BNC</td><td>2.12</td></tr>
    249245<tr><td>22</td><td>Real-time Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 1</td><td>2.13.1</td></tr>
    250246<tr><td>23</td><td>Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 2, using RTKPLOT for visualization</td><td>2.13.2</td></tr>
    251247<tr><td>24</td><td>Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 3</td><td>2.13.3</td></tr>
    252 <tr><td>25</td><td>BNC in 'Quick-Start' mode (PPP, Panel 2)</td><td></td></tr>
    253 <tr><td>26</td><td>Track of positions from BNC with Google Maps in the background</td><td></td></tr>
    254 <tr><td>27</td><td>Example for a background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM) resources</td><td></td></tr>
     248<tr><td>25</td><td>Precise Point Positioning with BNC in 'Quick-Start' mode, PPP Panel 4</td><td></td></tr>
     249<tr><td>26</td><td>Track of positions from BNC with Google Maps in background</td><td></td></tr>
     250<tr><td>27</td><td>Example for background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM) resources</td><td></td></tr>
    255251<tr><td>28</td><td>BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</td><td></td></tr>
    256252<tr><td>29</td><td>BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Correction stream</td><td></td></tr>
    257253<tr><td>30</td><td>'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Correction stream</td><td></td></tr>
    258 <tr><td>31</td><td>Setting Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</td><td>2.15.3</td></tr>
    259 <tr><td>32</td><td>Producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.15.9</td></tr>
    260 <tr><td>33</td><td>Producing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from navigation messages of globally distributed RTCM streams and uploading them in RTCM Version 3 format to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.16.3</td></tr>
    261 <tr><td>34</td><td>Bandwidth consumption of incoming streams</td><td>2.18.2</td></tr>
    262 <tr><td>35</td><td>Latency of incoming streams</td><td>2.18.3</td></tr>
    263 <tr><td>36</td><td>Time series plot of PPP session showing displacements</td><td>2.18.4</td></tr>
    264 <tr><td>37</td><td>Steam input communication links</td><td>2.19</td></tr>
    265 <tr><td>38</td><td>Casters table</td><td></td></tr>
    266 <tr><td>39</td><td>Broadcaster source-table</td><td></td></tr>
    267 <tr><td>40</td><td>Stream distribution map derived from Ntrip Broadcaster source-table</td><td></td></tr>
    268 <tr><td>41</td><td>BNC setup for pulling a stream via serial port</td><td></td></tr>
     254<tr><td>31</td><td>Setting BNC's Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</td><td>2.15.3</td></tr>
     255<tr><td>32</td><td>BNC producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.15.9</td></tr>
     256<tr><td>33</td><td>BNC producing Broadcast Ephemeris stream from globally distributed RTCM streams; upload in RTCM format to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.16.3</td></tr>
     257<tr><td>34</td><td>Bandwidth consumption of RTCM streams received by BNC</td><td>2.18.2</td></tr>
     258<tr><td>35</td><td>Latency of RTCM streams received by BNC</td><td>2.18.3</td></tr>
     259<tr><td>36</td><td>Example for time series plot of displacements produced by BNC</td><td>2.18.4</td></tr>
     260<tr><td>37</td><td>Steam input communication links accepted by BNC</td><td>2.19</td></tr>
     261<tr><td>38</td><td>BNC's 'Select Broadcaster' table</td><td></td></tr>
     262<tr><td>39</td><td>Broadcaster source-table shown by BNC</td><td></td></tr>
     263<tr><td>40</td><td>Stream distribution map shown by BNC as derived from Ntrip Broadcaster source-table</td><td></td></tr>
     264<tr><td>41</td><td>BNC configuration for pulling a stream via serial port</td><td></td></tr>
    545541<p><img src="IMG/screenshot10.png"/></p>
    546 <p><u>Figure 1:</u> Flowchart, BNC connected to a GNSS rover for Precise Point Positioning.</p>
     542<p><u>Figure 1:</u> Flowchart, BNC connected to a GNSS rover for Precise Point Positioning</p>
    550546<p><img src="IMG/screenshot01.png"/></p>
    551 <p><u>Figure 2:</u> Flowchart, BNC converting RTCM streams to RINEX batches.</p>
     547<p><u>Figure 2:</u> Flowchart, BNC converting RTCM streams to RINEX batches</p>
    555551<p><img src="IMG/screenshot02.png"/></p>
    556 <p><u>Figure 3:</u> Flowchart, BNC feeding a real-time GNSS engine and uploading encoded Broadcast Corrections.</p>
     552<p><u>Figure 3:</u> Flowchart, BNC feeding a real-time GNSS engine and uploading encoded Broadcast Corrections</p>
    560556<p><img src="IMG/screenshot19.png"/></p>
    561 <p><u>Figure 4:</u> Flowchart, BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams.</p>
     557<p><u>Figure 4:</u> Flowchart, BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</p>
    563559<p><h4>1.4 <a name="introHandling">Handling</h4></p>
    585581<p><img src="IMG/screenshot09.png"/></p>
    586 <p><u>Figure 5:</u> Sections on BNC's main window.</p>
     582<p><u>Figure 5:</u> Sections on BNC's main window</p>
    627623<p><u>Figure 6:</u> Management of configuration options in BNC:<br>
    629 <tr><td>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </td><td>Left:</td><td>BNC in graphics mode; active configuration options are introduced through GUI input fields and finally saved on disk.</td></tr>
    630 <tr><td>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </td><td>Middle:</td><td>BNC in 'no window' mode; active configuration options are read from disk.</td></tr>
    631 <tr><td>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </td><td>Right:</td><td>BNC in 'no window' mode without configuration file; default configuration options can be replaced via command line options.</td></tr>
     625<tr><td>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </td><td>Left:</td><td>BNC in graphics mode; active configuration options are introduced through GUI input fields and finally saved on disk</td></tr>
     626<tr><td>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </td><td>Middle:</td><td>BNC in 'no window' mode; active configuration options are read from disk</td></tr>
     627<tr><td>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </td><td>Right:</td><td>BNC in 'no window' mode without configuration file; default configuration options can be replaced via command line options</td></tr>
    716712<li>File 'RinexEph.bnc'<br>
    717713Purpose: Convert a RTCM stream
    718 carrying navigation messages to RINEX Navigation files. The configuration
     714with navigation messages to RINEX Navigation files. The configuration
    719715pulls a RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the
    720716real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version 3 Navigation
    725721<li>File 'BrdcCorr.bnc'<br>
    726722Purpose: Save Broadcast Corrections from RTCM
    727 SSR messages in a plain ASCII format as hourly files. See
    728 for further real-time IGS or EUREF
    729 orbit/clock products.
     723SSR messages in hourly plain ASCII files. See
     724 for various real-time IGS or EUREF
     725orbit/clock correction products.
    732728<li>File 'RinexConcat.bnc'<br>
    733729Purpose: Concatenate several RINEX Version 3 files to
    734 produce one concatenated file and edit the marker name in the file header. The
     730produce one compiled file and edit the marker name in the file header. The
    735731sampling interval is set to 30 seconds. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the
    736732documentation for examples on how to call BNC from command line in 'no window'
    737 mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation and quality checks.
     733mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation and quality check.
    743739plot in PNG format. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for
    744740examples on how to call BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX
    745 file editing, concatenation and quality checks.
     741file editing, concatenation and quality check.
    748744<li>File 'RTK.bnc'<br>
    749745Purpose: Feed a serial connected receiver with
    750 observations from a reference station for conventional RTK. The stream is
     746observations from a nearby reference station for conventional RTK. The stream is
    751747scanned for RTCM messages. Message type numbers and latencies of incoming
    752 observation are reported in BNC's logfile.
     748observations are reported in BNC's logfile.
    756752Purpose: Feed a real-time GNSS engine with
    757753observations from remote reference stations. The configuration pulls a single
    758 stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster. It would of course be possible to pull
     754stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster. You could also pull
    759755several streams from different casters. Incoming observations are decoded,
    760 synchronized and output through a local IP port and saved into a file. Failure
     756synchronized, output through a local IP port and also saved into a file. Failure
    761757and recovery thresholds are specified to inform about outages.
    771767<li>File 'PPPNet.bnc'<br>
    772768Purpose: Precise
    773 Point Positioning for several rovers or receivers from a network of
     769Point Positioning for several rovers or receivers from an entire network of
    774770reference stations in one BNC job. The possible maximum number of PPP solutions
    775771per job depends on the processing power of the hosting computer. This example
    785781Broadcast Ephemeris stream. Positions are saved in NMEA format on disc.
    786782They are also output through IP port for real-time visualization with tools
    787 like RTKPLOT. Positions are also saved in the logfile.
     783like RTKPLOT. Positions are saved in the logfile.
    799795<li>File 'PPPGoogleMaps.bnc'<br>
    800796Purpose: Track BNC's point positioning
    801 solution using Google Maps or OpenStreetMap as background. BNC reads a
     797solutions using Google Maps or OpenStreetMap as background. BNC reads a
    802798RINEX Observation file and a RINEX Navigation file to carry out a
    803799'Standard Point Positioning' solution in post processing mode. Although
    810806<li>File 'SPPQuickStartGal.bnc'<br>
    811807Purpose: Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a static
    812 receiver with precisely known position.
     808receiver with quite precisely known position.
    813809The configuration uses GPS, GLONASS and Galileo observations and a Broadcast
    814810Ephemeris stream.
    827823Ephemeris stream and a stream carrying ETRF2000 Broadcast Corrections. The
    828824Broadcast Correction stream is formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine
    829 Corrections' table. The configuration leads to a SP3 file containing orbits referred also
     825Corrections' table. The configuration leads to a SP3 file containing orbits also referred
    830826to ETRF2000. Pulling in addition observations from a reference station at
    831827precisely known ETRF2000 position allows comparing an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution
    838834precise orbits and clocks in RTNET format. It also reads a stream carrying
    839835Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts the orbits and clocks into Broadcast
    840 Corrections and encodes them in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages to upload them to
     836Corrections and encodes them to RTCM Version 3 SSR messages to finally upload them to
    841837an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite
    842838Antenna Phase Center (APC) and reference system IGS08. Orbits are saved on disk
    843 in SP3 format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
     839in SP3 format and clocks are saved in Clock RINEX format.
    846842<li>File 'Combi.bnc'<br>
    847843Purpose: Pull several streams carrying Broadcast
    848 Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster to
     844Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris from an Ntrip Broadcaster to
    849845produce a combined Broadcast Correction stream. BNC encodes the combination
    850846product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and uploads that to an Ntrip
    851 Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is not referred to satellite
     847Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and not to satellite
    852848Center of Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS08. Orbits are saved in SP3
    853 format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
     849format (referred to CoM) and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    864860<li>File 'UploadEph.bnc'<br>
    865861Purpose: Pull a number of streams from reference
    866 stations to get hold of contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. These are
    867 encoded then in a RTCM Version 3 stream with the sole purpose of providing
    868 Broadcast Ephemeris with an update rate of 5 seconds.
     862stations to get hold of contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. They are
     863encoded to RTCM Version 3 format and uploaded for the purpose of providing
     864a Broadcast Ephemeris stream with an update rate of 5 seconds.
    871867<li>File 'CompareSp3.bnc'<br>
    872868Purpose: Compare two SP3 files to calculate
    873 RMS values from orbit and clock differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS
     869RMS values for orbit and clock differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS
    874870satellite R18 are excluded from this comparison. Comparison results are saved
    875871in a logfile.
    10101006<p><img src="IMG/screenshot40.png"/></p>
    1011 <p><u>Figure 7:</u> BNC's 'Network' panel configured to ignore eventually occurring SSL error messages.</p>
     1007<p><u>Figure 7:</u> BNC's 'Network' panel configured to ignore eventually occurring SSL error messages</p>
    10131009<p><h4>2.3 <a name="general">General</h4></p>
    11181114<p><img src="IMG/screenshot16.png"/></p>
    1119 <p><u>Figure 8:</u> BNC translating incoming observation streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 Observation files.</p>
     1115<p><u>Figure 8:</u> BNC translating incoming observation streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 Observation files</p>
    11211117<p><h4>2.4.1 <a name="rnxname">RINEX Filenames</h4></p>
    13961392<p><img src="IMG/screenshot42.png"/></p>
    1397 <p><u>Figure 9:</u> Converting Broadcast Ephemeris stream to RINEX Version 3 Navigation file.</p>
     1393<p><u>Figure 9:</u> BNC converting Broadcast Ephemeris stream to RINEX Version 3 Navigation files</p>
    13991395<p><h4>2.6 <a name="reqc">RINEX Editing & QC</h4></p>
    17191715<p><img src="IMG/screenshot27.png"/></p>
    1720 <p><u>Figure 10:</u> Example for 'RINEX Editing Options' window.</p>
     1716<p><u>Figure 10:</u> Example for BNC's 'RINEX Editing Options' window</p>
    17221718<p><img src="IMG/screenshot25.png"/></p>
    1723 <p><u>Figure 11:</u> Example for RINEX file concatenation with BNC.</p>
     1719<p><u>Figure 11:</u> Example for RINEX file concatenation with BNC</p>
    17251721<p><img src="IMG/screenshot29.png"/></p>
    1726 <p><u>Figure 12:</u> Example for creating RINEX quality check analysis graphics output with BNC.</p>
     1722<p><u>Figure 12:</u> Example for creating RINEX quality check analysis graphics output with BNC</p>
    17281724<p><img src="IMG/screenshot30.png"/></p>
    1729 <p><u>Figure 13:</u> Example for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP plots as a result of a RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
     1725<p><u>Figure 13:</u> Example for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP plots as a result of a RINEX quality check analysis with BNC</p>
    17311727<p><img src="IMG/screenshot33.png"/></p>
    1732 <p><u>Figure 14:</u> Sky plot examples for multipath, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
     1728<p><u>Figure 14:</u> Sky plot examples for multipath, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC</p>
    17341730<p><img src="IMG/screenshot34.png"/></p>
    1735 <p><u>Figure 15:</u> Sky plot examples for signal-to-noise ratio, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
     1731<p><u>Figure 15:</u> Sky plot examples for signal-to-noise ratio, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC</p>
    17371733<p><h4>2.6.8 <a name="reqccommand">Command Line, No Window - optional</h4></p>
    19301926<p><img src="IMG/screenshot36.png"/></p>
    1931 <p><u>Figure 16:</u> BNC configuration example for comparing two SP3 files with satellite orbit and clock data.</p>
     1927<p><u>Figure 16:</u> Example for comparing two SP3 files with satellite orbit and clock data using BNC</p>
    19331929<p><h4>2.8 <a name="correct">Broadcast Corrections</h4></p>
    22862282<p><img src="IMG/screenshot37.png"/></p>
    2287 <p><u>Figure 17:</u> BNC configuration example for pulling, saving and output of Broadcast Corrections.</p>
     2283<p><u>Figure 17:</u> Example for pulling, saving and output of Broadcast Corrections using BNC</p>
    22892285<p><h4>2.9 <a name="syncout">Feed Engine</h4></p>
    23672363<p><img src="IMG/screenshot12.png"/></p>
    2368 <p><u>Figure 18:</u> Synchronized BNC output via IP port to feed a GNSS real-time engine.</p>
     2364<p><u>Figure 18:</u> Synchronized BNC output via IP port to feed a GNSS real-time engine</p>
    23702366<p><h4>2.9.1 <a name="syncport">Port - optional</h4></p>
    24092405<p><img src="IMG/screenshot35.png"/></p>
    2410 <p><u>Figure 19:</u> Flowcharts, BNC forwarding a stream to a serial connected receiver; sending NMEA sentences is mandatory for VRS streams.</p>
     2406<p><u>Figure 19:</u> Flowcharts, BNC forwarding a stream to a serial connected receiver; sending NMEA sentences is mandatory for VRS streams</p>
    24162412<p><img src="IMG/screenshot11.png"/></p>
    2417 <p><u>Figure 20:</u> BNC pulling a VRS stream to feed a serial connected RTK rover.</p>
     2413<p><u>Figure 20:</u> BNC pulling a VRS stream to feed a serial connected RTK rover</p>
    24192415<p><h4>2.10.1 <a name="sermount">Mountpoint - optional</h4></p>
    25752571<p><img src="IMG/screenshot14.png"/></p>
    2576 <p><u>Figure 21:</u> RTCM message numbers, latencies and observation types.</p>
     2572<p><u>Figure 21:</u> RTCM message numbers, latencies and observation types logged by BNC</p>
    27012697<p><img src="IMG/screenshot03.png"/></p>
    2702 <p><u>Figure 22:</u> Real-time Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 1.</p>
     2698<p><u>Figure 22:</u> Real-time Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 1</p>
    27042700<p><h4> <a name="pppdatasource">Data Source - optional</h4></p>
    31733169<p><img src="IMG/screenshot17.png"/></p>
    3174 <p><u>Figure 23:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 2, using RTKPLOT for visualization.</p>
     3170<p><u>Figure 23:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 2, using RTKPLOT for visualization</p>
    31763172<p><h4> <a name="pppsite">Station - mandatory</h4></p>
    32183214<p><img src="IMG/screenshot18.png"/></p>
    3219 <p><u>Figure 24:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 3.</p>
     3215<p><u>Figure 24:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 3</p>
    32213217<p><h4> <a name="ppplinecombi">Linear Combinations - mandatory</h4></p>
    33243320<p><img src="IMG/screenshot22.png"/></p>
    3325 <p><u>Figure 25:</u> BNC in 'Quick-Start' mode, PPP Panel 4.</p>
     3321<p><u>Figure 25:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC in 'Quick-Start' mode, PPP Panel 4</p>
    33273323<p><h4>2.13.4 <a name="pppPlots">PPP (4): Plots</h4></p>
    33593355<p><img src="IMG/screenshot32.png"/></p>
    3360 <p><u>Figure 26:</u> Track of positions from BNC with Google Maps in the background.</p>
     3356<p><u>Figure 26:</u> Track of positions from BNC with Google Maps in background</p>
    33623358<p><h4> <a name="pppmaptype">Google/OSM - mandatory before pushing 'Open Map'</h4></p>
    33673363<p><img src="IMG/screenshot41.png"/></p>
    3368 <p><u>Figure 27:</u> Example for a background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM).</p>
     3364<p><u>Figure 27:</u> Example for background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM)</p>
    33703366<p><h4> <a name="pppdotprop">Dot-properties - mandatory before pushing 'Open Map'</h4></p>
    34733469<p><img src="IMG/screenshot20.png"/></p>
    3474 <p><u>Figure 28:</u> BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams.</p>
     3470<p><u>Figure 28:</u> BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</p>
    34763472<p><img src="IMG/screenshot21.png"/></p>
    3477 <p><u>Figure 29:</u> BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Correction stream.</p>
     3473<p><u>Figure 29:</u> BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Correction stream</p>
    34793475<p><img src="IMG/screenshot23.png"/></p>
    3480 <p><u>Figure 30:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Correction stream.</p>
     3476<p><u>Figure 30:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Correction stream</p>
    34823478<p><h4> <a name="combimethod">Method - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections' table is populated</h4></p>
    38013797<p><img src="IMG/screenshot38.png"/></p>
    3802 <p><u>Figure 31:</u> Setting Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'.</p>
     3798<p><u>Figure 31:</u> Setting BNC's Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</p>
    38043800<p><h4>2.15.4 <a name="upcom">Center of Mass - optional</h4></p>
    39003896<p><img src="IMG/screenshot26.png"/></p>
    3901 <p><u>Figure 32:</u> Producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster.</p>
     3897<p><u>Figure 32:</u> BNC producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</p>
    39033899<p><h4>2.15.10 <a name="upantex">ANTEX File - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    39473943<p><img src="IMG/screenshot28.png"/></p>
    3948 <p><u>Figure 33:</u> Producing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from navigation messages of globally distributed RTCM streams and uploading them in RTCM Version 3 format to an Ntrip Broadcaster.</p>
     3944<p><u>Figure 33:</u> BNC producing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from navigation messages of globally distributed RTCM streams and uploading them in RTCM Version 3 format to an Ntrip Broadcaster</p>
    39503946<p><h4>2.17 <a name="streams">Streams Canvas</h4></p>
    40144010<p><img src="IMG/screenshot08.png"/></p>
    4015 <p><u>Figure 34:</u> Bandwidth consumption of incoming streams.</p>
     4011<p><u>Figure 34:</u> Bandwidth consumption of RTCM streams received by BNC</p>
    40174013<p><h4>2.18.3 <a name="latency">Latency</h4></p>
    40224018<p><img src="IMG/screenshot07.png"/></p>
    4023 <p><u>Figure 35:</u> Latency of incoming streams.</p>
     4019<p><u>Figure 35:</u> Latency of RTCM streams received by BNC</p>
    40254021<p><h4>2.18.4 <a name="ppptab">PPP Plot</h4></p>
    40304026<p><img src="IMG/screenshot13.png"/></p>
    4031 <p><u>Figure 36:</u> Time series plot of PPP session showing displacements.</p>
     4027<p><u>Figure 36:</u> Example for time series plot of displacements produced by BNC</p>
    40334029<p><h4>2.19 <a name="bottom">Bottom Menu Bar</h4></p>
    40384034<p><img src="IMG/screenshot06.png"/></p>
    4039 <p><u>Figure 37:</u> Steam input communication links.</p>
     4035<p><u>Figure 37:</u> Steam input communication links accepted by BNC</p>
    40414037<p><h4>2.19.1 <a name="streamadd">Add Stream</h4></p>
    40624058<p><img src="IMG/screenshot04.png"/></p>
    4064 <p><u>Figure 38:</u> Casters table.</p>
     4060<p><u>Figure 38:</u> BNC's 'Select Broadcaster' table</p>
    40664062<p><h4> <a name="streamuser">User and Password - mandatory for protected streams</h4></p>
    40814077<p><img src="IMG/screenshot05.png"/></p>
    4082 <p><u>Figure 39:</u> Broadcaster source-table.</p>
     4078<p><u>Figure 39:</u> Broadcaster source-table shown by BNC</p>
    40844080<p><h4> <a name="ntripv">Ntrip Version - mandatory</h4></p>
    41184114<p><img src="IMG/screenshot24.png"/></p>
    4119 <p><u>Figure 40:</u> Stream distribution map derived from Ntrip Broadcaster source-table.</p>
     4115<p><u>Figure 40:</u> Stream distribution map shown by BNC as derived from Ntrip Broadcaster source-table</p>
    41214117<p><h4> <a name="streamip">Add Stream - Coming from TCP/IP Port</h4></p>
    41924188<p><img src="IMG/screenshot15.png"/></p>
    4193 <p><u>Figure 41:</u> BNC setup for pulling a stream via serial port.</p>
     4189<p><u>Figure 41:</u> BNC configuration for pulling a stream via serial port</p>
    41954191<p><h4>2.19.2 <a name="streamsdelete">Delete Stream</h4></p>
    45224518[Add] Full integration of 'rtcm3torinex'<br>
    45234519[Add] Extended command line help<br>
     4520[Add] Version 2.12.0 published<br>
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