Changeset 7682 in ntrip

Jan 12, 2016, 12:57:35 PM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7648 r7682  
    18 &copy;<sup>&nbsp;</sup> 2005-2015 Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt, Germany
     18&copy;<sup>&nbsp;</sup> 2005-2016 Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt, Germany
    2323Mervart, Leos, Andrea St&uuml;rze, Georg Weber, Axel R&uuml;lke and Dirk St&ouml;cker:<br>
    24 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; BKG Ntrip Client, Version 2.12.0. Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes<br>
     24&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; BKG Ntrip Client, Version 2.12. Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes<br>
    2525&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; f&uuml;r Kartographie und Geod&auml;sie, Vol. 49, Frankfurt am Main, 2016.
    254254<tr><td>27</td><td>Example for a background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM) resources</td><td></td></tr>
    255255<tr><td>28</td><td>BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</td><td></td></tr>
    256 <tr><td>29</td><td>BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Corrections stream</td><td></td></tr>
    257 <tr><td>30</td><td>'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Corrections stream</td><td></td></tr>
     256<tr><td>29</td><td>BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Correction stream</td><td></td></tr>
     257<tr><td>30</td><td>'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Correction stream</td><td></td></tr>
    258258<tr><td>31</td><td>Setting Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'</td><td>2.15.3</td></tr>
    259259<tr><td>32</td><td>Producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an Ntrip Broadcaster</td><td>2.15.9</td></tr>
    279279<p><h3>1. <a name="genInstruction">General Information</h3></p>
    281 The BKG Ntrip Client (BNC) is a program for simultaneously retrieving, decoding, converting and processing or analyzing real-time GNSS data streams applying the 'Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol' (Ntrip) standard. It has been developed within the framework of the IAG sub-commission for Europe (EUREF) and the International GNSS Service (IGS). Although meant as a real-time tool, it comes with some Post Processing functionality. You may like to use it for data coming from Ntrip Broadcasters like
     281The BKG Ntrip Client (BNC) is a program for simultaneously retrieving, decoding, converting and processing or analyzing real-time GNSS data streams applying the 'Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol' (Ntrip) standard. It has been developed within the framework of the IAG sub-commission for Europe (EUREF) and the International GNSS Service (IGS). Although meant as a real-time tool, it comes with some post processing functionality. You may like to use it for data coming from Ntrip Broadcasters like
    327 BNC includes the following GNU GPL software components:
     327BNC includes the following GNU GPL software component:
    329329<li> RTCM 2 decoder, written by Oliver Montenbruck, German Space Operations Center, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;</li>
    330 <li> RTCM 3 decoder for conventional and MSM observation messages and a RTCM 3 encoder & decoder for SSR messages, both written for BKG by Dirk St&ouml;cker, Alberding GmbH, Sch&ouml;nefeld, Germany.</li>
    377376<li>Retrieve real-time GNSS data streams from a local UDP or serial port without using the Ntrip transport protocol;</li>
    378377<li>Plot stream distribution map from Ntrip Broadcaster source-tables;</li>
    379 <li>Generate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS Post Processing applications;</li>
     378<li>Generate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS post processing applications;</li>
    380379<li>Edit or concatenate RINEX files or carry out RINEX Quality Checks (QC);</li>
    381380<li>Convert RINEX Version 2 to RINEX Version 3 and vice versa;</li>
    541 BNC can be used in different contexts with varying data flows. Typical real-time communication follows the Ntrip protocol over TCP/IP (probably via SSL), RTSP/RTP or UDP, plain TCP/IP protocol, or serial communication links. Stream contents could be observations, ephemeris, satellite orbit/clock products or NMEA sentences.
     540BNC can be used in different contexts with varying data flows. Typical real-time communication follows the Ntrip protocol over TCP/IP (probably via SSL), RTSP/RTP or UDP, plain TCP/IP protocol, or serial communication links. Stream content could be observations, ephemeris, satellite orbit/clock products or NMEA sentences.
    568567<li>To simulate real-time observation situations for debugging purposes;</li>
    569 <li>For Post Processing purposes.</li>
     568<li>For post processing purposes.</li>
    571570Furthermore, apart from its regular window mode, BNC can be run as a batch/background job in a 'no window' mode using processing options from a previously saved configuration or from command line.
    612611As a default, configuration files for running BNC on Unix/Linux/Mac OS X systems are saved in directory '${HOME}/.config/BKG'. On Windows systems, they are typically saved in directory 'C:/Documents and Settings/Username/.config/BKG'. The default configuration filename is 'BNC.bnc'.</p>
    614 The default filename 'BNC.bnc' can be changed and the file contents can easily be edited. On graphical user interfaces it is possible to Drag &amp; Drop a configuration file icon to start BNC (not on Mac OS X systems). It is also possible to start and configure BNC via command line. Some configuration options can be changed on-the-fly. See annexed 'Command Line Help' for a complete set of configuration options.
     613The default filename 'BNC.bnc' can be changed and the file content can easily be edited. On graphical user interfaces it is possible to Drag &amp; Drop a configuration file icon to start BNC (not on Mac OS X systems). It is also possible to start and configure BNC via command line. Some configuration options can be changed on-the-fly. See annexed 'Command Line Help' for a complete set of configuration options.
    636635Configuration options are usually specified using GUI input fields (1) after launching BNC. When hitting the 'Start' button, configuration options are transferred one level down to become BNC's active configuration (2), allowing the program to begin its operation. Pushing the 'Stop' button ends data processing so that the user can finally terminate BNC through 'File'->'Quit'->'Save Options' which saves processing options in a configuration file to disk (3). It is important to understand that:
    638 <li>Active configuration options (2) are independent from GUI input fields and configuration file contents.</li>
     637<li>Active configuration options (2) are independent from GUI input fields and configuration file content.</li>
    639638<li>Hence changing configuration options at GUI level (1) while BNC is already processing data does not influence a running job.</li>
    640639<li>Editing configuration options at disk level (3) while BNC is already processing data does also not influence a running job. However, there are two exceptions which force BNC to update certain active options on-the-fly:</li>
    785784configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, Broadcast Corrections and a
    786785Broadcast Ephemeris stream. Positions are saved in NMEA format on disc.
    787 Positions are also output through IP port for real-time visualization with
    788 tools like RTKPLOT. Positions are also saved in the logfile.
     786They are also output through IP port for real-time visualization with tools
     787like RTKPLOT. Positions are also saved in the logfile.
    791790<li>File 'PPPPostProc.bnc'<br>
    792 The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Post
    793 Processing mode. BNC reads RINEX Version 3 Observation and 3 Navigation files
    794 and a Broadcast Corrections file. PPP processing options are set to support
    795 the Quick-Start mode. The output is saved in a specific Post Processing
     791The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in post
     792processing mode. BNC reads RINEX Version 3 Observation and 3 Navigation files
     793and a Broadcast Correction file. PPP processing options are set to support
     794the Quick-Start mode. The output is saved in a specific post processing
    796795logfile and contains coordinates derived over time following the
    797796implemented PPP filter algorithm.
    818817<li>File 'SaveSp3.bnc'<br>
    819818The purpose of this configuration is to produce SP3 files from a Broadcast
    820 Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast Corrections stream. The Broadcast Corrections
     819Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast Correction stream. The Broadcast Correction
    821820stream is formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine Corrections' table. Note that
    822 producing SP3 requires an ANTEX file because SP3 file contents should be
     821producing SP3 requires an ANTEX file because SP3 file content should be
    823822referred to CoM.
    827826The purpose of this configuration is to produce SP3 files from a Broadcast
    828827Ephemeris stream and a stream carrying ETRF2000 Broadcast Corrections. The
    829 Broadcast Corrections stream is formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine
    830 Corrections' table. This leads to an SP3 file containing orbits referred also
     828Broadcast Correction stream is formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine
     829Corrections' table. This leads to a SP3 file containing orbits referred also
    831830to ETRF2000. Pulling in addition observations from a reference station at
    832831precisely known ETRF2000 position allows comparing an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution
    840839Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts the orbits and clocks into Broadcast
    841840Corrections and encodes them in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages to upload them to
    842 an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Corrections stream is referred to satellite
    843 Antenna Phase Center (APC) and IGS08. Orbits are saved on disk in SP3 format
    844 and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
     841an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite
     842Antenna Phase Center (APC) and reference system IGS08. Orbits are saved on disk
     843in SP3 format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    848847The purpose of this configuration is to pull several streams carrying Broadcast
    849848Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster to
    850 produce a combined Broadcast Corrections stream. BNC encodes the combination
     849produce a combined Broadcast Correction stream. BNC encodes the combination
    851850product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and uploads that to an Ntrip
    852 Broadcaster. The Broadcast Corrections stream is not referred to satellite
    853 Center of Mass (CoM). It is referred to IGS08. Orbits are saved in SP3 format
    854 and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
     851Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is not referred to satellite
     852Center of Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS08. Orbits are saved in SP3
     853format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    866865The purpose of this configuration is to pull a number of streams from reference
    867866stations to get hold of contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. These are
    868 encoded then in a RTCM Version 3 stream which only provides Broadcast Ephemeris
    869 with an update rate of 5 seconds.
     867encoded then in a RTCM Version 3 stream with the sole purpose of providing
     868Broadcast Ephemeris with an update rate of 5 seconds.
    872871<li>File 'CompareSp3.bnc'<br>
    873872The purpose of this configuration is to compare two SP3 files to calculate
    874 RMS values for orbit and clock differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS
     873RMS values from orbit and clock differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS
    875874satellite R18 are excluded from this comparison. Comparison results are saved
    876875in a logfile.
    879878<li>File 'Empty.bnc'<br>
    880879The purpose of this example is to provide an empty configuration file for BNC
    881 which only contains the default settings.
     880which only contains default settings.
    900 BNC's 'Get Table' function only shows the STR records of a source-table. You can use an Internet browser to download the full source-table contents of any Ntrip Broadcaster by simply entering its URL in the form of <u>http://host:port</u>. Data field number 8 in the NET records may provide information about where to register for an Ntrip Broadcaster account.
     899BNC's 'Get Table' function only shows the STR records of a source-table. You can use an Internet browser to download the full source-table content of any Ntrip Broadcaster by simply entering its URL in the form of <u>http://host:port</u>. Data field number 8 in the NET records may provide information about where to register for an Ntrip Broadcaster account.
    918 To cope with an increasing number of transmitting GNSS reference stations, the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) together with the Informatik Centrum Dortmund (ICD) in Germany developed a streaming protocol for satellite navigation data called 'Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol' (Ntrip). The protocol was built on top of the HTTP standard and included the provision of meta data describing the stream contents. Any stream could now be globally transmitted over just one IP port: HTTP port 80. Stream availability and content details became part of the transport protocol. The concept was first published in 2003 (Weber et al. 2003) and based on three software components, namely an NtripServer pushing data from a reference station to an NtripCaster and an NtripClient pulling data from the stream splitting caster to support a rover receiver. (Note that from a socket-programmers perspective NtripServer and NtripClient both act as clients; only the NtripCaster operates as socket-server.) Ntrip could essentially benefit from Internet Radio developments. It was the ICECAST multimedia server which provided the bases for BKG's 'Professional Ntrip Broadcaster' with software published first in 2003 and of course again as Open Source under GPL.
     917To cope with an increasing number of transmitting GNSS reference stations, the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) together with the Informatik Centrum Dortmund (ICD) in Germany developed a streaming protocol for satellite navigation data called 'Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol' (Ntrip). The protocol was built on top of the HTTP standard and included the provision of meta data describing the stream content. Any stream could now be globally transmitted over just one IP port: HTTP port 80. Stream availability and content details became part of the transport protocol. The concept was first published in 2003 (Weber et al. 2003) and based on three software components, namely an NtripServer pushing data from a reference station to an NtripCaster and an NtripClient pulling data from the stream splitting caster to support a rover receiver. (Note that from a socket-programmers perspective NtripServer and NtripClient both act as clients; only the NtripCaster operates as socket-server.) Ntrip could essentially benefit from Internet Radio developments. It was the ICECAST multimedia server which provided the bases for BKG's 'Professional Ntrip Broadcaster' with software published first in 2003 and of course again as Open Source under GPL.
    937936<p><h3>2. <a name="optsettings">Settings Details</h3></p>
    939 The following chapters describe how to set BNC program options. They explain the 'Top Menu Bar', the 'Settings Canvas' with the processing options, the contents of the 'Streams Canvas' and 'Logging Canvas', and the 'Bottom Menu Bar'.
     938The following chapters describe how to set BNC program options. They explain the 'Top Menu Bar', the 'Settings Canvas' with the processing options, the content of the 'Streams Canvas' and 'Logging Canvas', and the 'Bottom Menu Bar'.
    1024 The following is an example for the contents of a logfile written by BNC when operated in Single Point Positioning (SPP) mode:
     1023The following is an example for the content of a logfile written by BNC when operated in Single Point Positioning (SPP) mode:
    10791078<p><h4>2.3.5 <a name="rawout">Raw Output File - optional</h4></p>
    1081 BNC can save all data coming in through various streams in one daily file. The information is recorded in the specified 'Raw output file' in the received order and format. This feature allows a BNC user to run the PPP option offline with observations, Broadcast Corrections, and Broadcast Ephemeris being read from a previously saved file. It supports the offline repetition of a real-time situation for debugging purposes and it is not meant for Post Processing.
     1080BNC can save all data coming in through various streams in one daily file. The information is recorded in the specified 'Raw output file' in the received order and format. This feature allows a BNC user to run the PPP option offline with observations, Broadcast Corrections, and Broadcast Ephemeris being read from a previously saved file. It supports the offline repetition of a real-time situation for debugging purposes and it is not meant for post processing.
    1116 The screenshot below shows an example setup of BNC when converting streams to RINEX. Streams are coming from various Ntrip Broadcasters as well as from a serial communication link. Specifying a decoder string 'ZERO' means to not convert the affected stream but save its contents as received. The 'SSL Error' recorded in the 'Log' tab is caused by the fact that observation stream downloads from IGS and MGEX Broadcasters initiate the download of RINEX skeleton files from a HTTPS (TLS/SSL) website and BNC has been configured in this example to ignore SSL errors as shown in the preceding 'Network' panel screenshot.
     1115The screenshot below shows an example setup of BNC when converting streams to RINEX. Streams are coming from various Ntrip Broadcasters as well as from a serial communication link. Specifying a decoder string 'ZERO' means to not convert the affected stream but save its content as received. The 'SSL Error' recorded in the 'Log' tab is caused by the fact that observation stream downloads from IGS and MGEX Broadcasters initiate the download of RINEX skeleton files from a HTTPS (TLS/SSL) website and BNC has been configured in this example to ignore SSL errors as shown in the preceding 'Network' panel screenshot.
    1200 Sometimes public RINEX header skeleton files are not available, their contents is not up to date, or you need to put additional/optional records in the RINEX header. For that BNC allows using personal skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to include. You can derive a personal RINEX header skeleton file from the information given in an up to date sitelog. A file in the RINEX Observations 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' suffix is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the corresponding stream.
     1199Sometimes public RINEX header skeleton files are not available, their content is not up to date, or you need to put additional/optional records in the RINEX header. For that BNC allows using personal skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to include. You can derive a personal RINEX header skeleton file from the information given in an up to date sitelog. A file in the RINEX Observations 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' suffix is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the corresponding stream.
    12141213Note the following regulations regarding personal RINEX header skeleton files:
    1216 <li>If such a file exists in the 'RINEX directory', the corresponding public RINEX header skeleton file is ignored. The RINEX header is generated solely from the contents of the personal skeleton.</li>
     1215<li>If such a file exists in the 'RINEX directory', the corresponding public RINEX header skeleton file is ignored. The RINEX header is generated solely from the content of the personal skeleton.</li>
    12171216<li>Personal skeletons should contain a complete first header record of type
    12181217<br>- &nbsp; RINEX VERSION / TYPE<br></li>
    12941293GNSS observation data are generally hold available within BNC according to attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. These attributes describe the tracking mode or channel when generating the observation signals. Capital letters specifying signal generation attributes are A, B, C, D, I, L, M, N, P, Q, S, W, X, Y, and Z, see RINEX Version 3 documentation. Although RINEX Version 3 with its signal generation attributes is the internal default processing format for BNC, there are two applications where the program is explicitly required to produce data in RINEX Version 2 format:
    12951294<ol type=1>
    1296 <li>When saving the contents of incoming observation streams in RINEX Version 2 files as described in this section.</li>
     1295<li>When saving the content of incoming observation streams in RINEX Version 2 files as described in this section.</li>
    12971296<li>When editing or concatenating RINEX 3 files to save them in Version 2 format, see section on 'RINEX Editing & QC'.</li>
    13341333Tick check box 'Version 3 filenames' to let BNC create so-called extended filenames following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
    1336 <p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
     1335<p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file content is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
    13921391Tick check box 'Version 3 filenames' to let BNC create so-called extended filenames following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
    1394 <p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
     1393<p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file content is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
    14001399<p><h4>2.6 <a name="reqc">RINEX Editing & QC</h4></p>
    1402 Besides stream conversion from RTCM to RINEX, BNC allows editing RINEX files or concatenate their contents. RINEX Observation and Navigation files can be handled. BNC can also carry out a RINEX file Quality Check. In summary  and besides Stream <u><b>T</b></u>ranslation this functionality in BNC covers
     1401Besides stream conversion from RTCM to RINEX, BNC allows editing RINEX files or concatenate their content. RINEX Observation and Navigation files can be handled. BNC can also carry out a RINEX file Quality Check. In summary  and besides Stream <u><b>T</b></u>ranslation this functionality in BNC covers
    14041403<li>File <u><b>E</b></u>diting and concatenation</li>
    14181417<p>Select an action. Options are 'Edit/Concatenate' and 'Analyze'.
    1420 <li>Select 'Edit/Concatenate' if you want to edit RINEX file contents according to options specified under 'Set Edit Options' or if you want to concatenate several RINEX files.</li>
    1421 <li>Select 'Analyze' if you are interested in a quality check of your RINEX file contents.</li>
     1419<li>Select 'Edit/Concatenate' if you want to edit RINEX file content according to options specified under 'Set Edit Options' or if you want to concatenate several RINEX files.</li>
     1420<li>Select 'Analyze' if you are interested in a quality check of your RINEX file content.</li>
    1431 When specifying several input files BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one specific set of adjusted observation type records in the RINEX header which fits to the whole file contents.
     1430When specifying several input files BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one specific set of adjusted observation type records in the RINEX header which fits to the whole file content.
    1448 Note that logfiles from analyzing RINEX files may become quite large. Hence BNC provides an option 'Summary only' to limit this logfile contents to some essential information in case 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'. The following is an example for a RINEX quality check analysis logfile:
     1447Note that logfiles from analyzing RINEX files may become quite large. Hence BNC provides an option 'Summary only' to limit this logfile content to some essential information in case 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'. The following is an example for a RINEX quality check analysis logfile:
    14501449QC Format Version  : 1.0
    1709 You can specify a list of observation codes in field 'Use Obs. Types' to limit the output file contents to specific observation codes. GNSS system characters in that list are followed by a colon and a two or three characters observation code. A two characters observation code would mean that all available tracking modes of the affected observation type and frequency will be accepted as part of the RINEX output file. Observation codes are separated by a blank character. Default is an empty option field, meaning that any input observation code will become part of the RINEX output file.
     1708You can specify a list of observation codes in field 'Use Obs. Types' to limit the output file content to specific observation codes. GNSS system characters in that list are followed by a colon and a two or three characters observation code. A two characters observation code would mean that all available tracking modes of the affected observation type and frequency will be accepted as part of the RINEX output file. Observation codes are separated by a blank character. Default is an empty option field, meaning that any input observation code will become part of the RINEX output file.
    1717 If you specify a 'New' but no 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will be filled accordingly. If you in addition specify an 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will only be filled accordingly where 'Old' specifications match existing file contents.
     1716If you specify a 'New' but no 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will be filled accordingly. If you in addition specify an 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will only be filled accordingly where 'Old' specifications match existing file content.
    17381737<p><h4>2.6.8 <a name="reqccommand">Command Line, No Window - optional</h4></p>
    1740 BNC applies options from the configuration file but allows updating every one of them on the command line while the contents of the configuration file remains unchanged, see section on 'Command Line Options'. Note the following syntax for Command Line Interface (CLI) options:
     1739BNC applies options from the configuration file but allows updating every one of them on the command line while the content of the configuration file remains unchanged, see section on 'Command Line Options'. Note the following syntax for Command Line Interface (CLI) options:
    1989 <b>The 'Epoch Record' of a Broadcast Corrections block</b>
    1990 </p>
    1992 <p>
    1993 The leading 'Epoch Record' of each block in a Broadcast Corrections file contains 11 parameters. Example:
     1988<b>The 'Epoch Record' of a Broadcast Correction block</b>
     1992The leading 'Epoch Record' of each block in a Broadcast Correction file contains 11 parameters. Example:
    22022201<p><h4>2.8.1 <a name="corrdir">Directory, ASCII - optional</h4></p>
    2204 Specify a directory for saving Broadcast Corrections in files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Broadcast Correction files. Default value for Broadcast Corrections 'Directory' is an empty option field, meaning that no Broadcast Correction files will be created.
     2203Specify a directory for saving Broadcast Corrections in files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Broadcast Correction files. Default value for Broadcast Correction 'Directory' is an empty option field, meaning that no Broadcast Correction files will be created.
    24022401<p><h4>2.10 <a name="serial">Serial Output</h4></p>
    2404 You may use BNC to feed a serial connected device like a GNSS receiver. For that an incoming stream can be forwarded to a serial port. Depending on the stream contents the receiver may use it for Differential GNSS, Precise Point Positioning or any other purpose supported by its firmware.
     2403You may use BNC to feed a serial connected device like a GNSS receiver. For that an incoming stream can be forwarded to a serial port. Depending on the stream content the receiver may use it for Differential GNSS, Precise Point Positioning or any other purpose supported by its firmware.
    26132612<p><h4>2.12.3 <a name="miscscan">Scan RTCM - optional</h4></p>
    2615 When configuring a GNSS receiver for RTCM stream generation, the firmware's setup interface may not provide details about RTCM message types and observation types. As reliable information concerning stream contents should be available i.e. for Ntrip Broadcaster operators to maintain the broadcaster's source-table, BNC allows to scan RTCM streams for incoming message types and printout some of the contained meta-data. Contained observation types are also printed because such information is required a priori for the conversion of RTCM Version 3 MSM streams to RINEX Version 3 files. The idea for this option arose from 'inspectRTCM', a comprehensive stream analyzing tool written by D. St&ouml;cker.
     2614When configuring a GNSS receiver for RTCM stream generation, the firmware's setup interface may not provide details about RTCM message types and observation types. As reliable information concerning stream content should be available i.e. for Ntrip Broadcaster operators to maintain the broadcaster's source-table, BNC allows to scan RTCM streams for incoming message types and printout some of the contained meta-data. Contained observation types are also printed because such information is required a priori for the conversion of RTCM Version 3 MSM streams to RINEX Version 3 files. The idea for this option arose from 'inspectRTCM', a comprehensive stream analyzing tool written by D. St&ouml;cker.
    26482647<p><h4>2.12.4 <a name="miscport">Port - optional</h4></p>
    2650 BNC can output streams related to the above specified 'Mountpoint' through a TCP/IP port of your local host. Enter a port number to activate this function. The stream contents remains untouched. BNC does not decode or reformat the data.
     2649BNC can output streams related to the above specified 'Mountpoint' through a TCP/IP port of your local host. Enter a port number to activate this function. The stream content remains untouched. BNC does not decode or reformat the data.
    2723 Specifying only a RINEX Observation and a RINEX Navigation file and no Broadcast Corrections file leads BNC to a 'Single Point Positioning' (SPP) solution.
     2722Specifying only a RINEX Observation and a RINEX Navigation file and no Broadcast Correction file leads BNC to a 'Single Point Positioning' (SPP) solution.
    27532752<p><h4> <a name="pppcorrfile">Corrections File - optional if 'Data source' is set to 'RINEX Files'</h4></p>
    2755 Specify a Broadcast 'Corrections file' as saved beforehand using BNC. The file contents is basically the ASCII representation of a RTCM Version 3 Broadcast Correction (SSR) stream.
     2754Specify a Broadcast 'Corrections file' as saved beforehand using BNC. The file content is basically the ASCII representation of a RTCM Version 3 Broadcast Correction (SSR) stream.
    2798 The following is an example contents for a 'Coordinates' file. Here each record describes the mountpoint of a stream available from the global IGS real-time reference station network. A priori coordinates are followed by North/East/Up eccentricity components of the ARP
     2797The following is the content of an example 'Coordinates' file. Here each record describes the mountpoint of a stream available from the global IGS real-time reference station network. A priori coordinates are followed by North/East/Up eccentricity components of the ARP
    27992798followed by the antenna name and radome in use.
    3075 You can specify a 'SNX TRO Directory' for saving SINEX Troposphere files on disk, see <u></u> for a documentation of the file format. Note that receiver type information for these files must be provided through the coordinates file described in section 'Coordinates'. The following is an example for a troposphere file contents:
     3074You can specify a 'SNX TRO Directory' for saving SINEX Troposphere files on disk, see <u></u> for a documentation of the file format. Note that receiver type information for these files must be provided through the coordinates file described in section 'Coordinates'. The following is an example for a troposphere file content:
    3235 <p>Note that most geodetic GPS receivers support the observation of both, code and phase data. Hence specifying 'P3&L3' would be a good choice for GPS when processing data from such a receiver. If multi-GNSS data processing is your intention, make sure your receiver supports GLONASS and/or Galileo and/or BDS observations besides GPS. Note also that the Broadcast Corrections stream or file which is required for PPP also supports all the systems you have in mind.
     3234<p>Note that most geodetic GPS receivers support the observation of both, code and phase data. Hence specifying 'P3&L3' would be a good choice for GPS when processing data from such a receiver. If multi-GNSS data processing is your intention, make sure your receiver supports GLONASS and/or Galileo and/or BDS observations besides GPS. Note also that the Broadcast Correction stream or file which is required for PPP also supports all the systems you have in mind.
    32373236<p>Specifying 'no' means that you don't at all want BNC to use observations from the affected GNSS system.
    34513450<p><h4>2.14.1 <a name="combimounttab">Combine Corrections Table - optional</h4></p>
    3453 Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Mountpoint' field, enter a Broadcast Corrections mountpoint from the 'Streams' section and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'AC Name' field to enter your choice of an abbreviation for the Analysis Center (AC) providing the Antenna Phase Center (APC) related stream. Finally, double click on the 'Weight' field to enter a weight to be applied to this stream in the combination.
     3452Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Mountpoint' field, enter a Broadcast Correction mountpoint from the 'Streams' section and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'AC Name' field to enter your choice of an abbreviation for the Analysis Center (AC) providing the Antenna Phase Center (APC) related stream. Finally, double click on the 'Weight' field to enter a weight to be applied to this stream in the combination.
    34773476<p><img src="IMG/screenshot21.png"/></p>
    3478 <p><u>Figure 29:</u> BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Corrections stream.</p>
     3477<p><u>Figure 29:</u> BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Correction stream.</p>
    34803479<p><img src="IMG/screenshot23.png"/></p>
    3481 <p><u>Figure 30:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Corrections stream.</p>
     3480<p><u>Figure 30:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Correction stream.</p>
    34833482<p><h4> <a name="combimethod">Method - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections' table is populated</h4></p>
    35203519<li>Calculate corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as differences between Broadcast Ephemeris clocks and IGS08 clocks. </li>
    35213520<li>Encode Broadcast Ephemeris orbit and clock corrections in RTCM Version 3 format. </li>
    3522 <li>Upload Broadcast Corrections stream to Ntrip Broadcaster. </li>
     3521<li>Upload Broadcast Correction stream to Ntrip Broadcaster. </li>
    3580 Example for 'RTNET' stream contents and format:
     3579Example for 'RTNET' stream content and format:
    38053804<p><h4>2.15.4 <a name="upcom">Center of Mass - optional</h4></p>
    3807 BNC allows to either referring Broadcast Corrections to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM) or to the satellite's Antenna Phase Center (APC). By default corrections refer to APC. Tick 'Center of Mass' to refer uploaded corrections to CoM.
     3806BNC allows to either refer Broadcast Corrections to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM) or to the satellite's Antenna Phase Center (APC). By default corrections refer to APC. Tick 'Center of Mass' to refer uploaded corrections to CoM.
    38173816Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p>
    3819 Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to save the uploaded stream contents in daily SP3 files.
    3820 </p>
    3821 <p>
    3822 As an SP3 file contents should be referred to the satellites Center of Mass (CoM) while Broadcast Corrections are referred to the satellites APC, an offset has to be applied which is available from an IGS ANTEX file (see option 'ANTEX File' below). Hence you should specify the 'ANTEX File' path there if you want to save the stream contents in SP3 format. If you don't specify an 'ANTEX File' path, the SP3 file contents will be referred to the satellites APCs.
     3818Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to save the uploaded stream content in daily SP3 files.
     3821As a SP3 file content should be referred to the satellites Center of Mass (CoM) while Broadcast Corrections are referred to the satellites APC, an offset has to be applied which is available from an IGS ANTEX file (see option 'ANTEX File' below). Hence you should specify the 'ANTEX File' path there if you want to save the stream content in SP3 format. If you don't specify an 'ANTEX File' path, the SP3 file content will be referred to the satellites APCs.
    3828 In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Corrections stream, BNC will merge that stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified here through SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. In such a case you have to define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further option in the 'Upload Corrections' table.
    3829 </p>
    3831 <p>
    3832 Note that BNC outputs a complete list of SP3 'Epoch Header Records' even if no 'Position and Clock Records' are available for certain epochs because of stream outages. Note further that the 'Number of Epochs' in the first SP3 header record may not be correct because that number is not available when the file is created. Depending on your processing software (e.g. Bernese GNSS Software, BSW) it could therefore be necessary to correct an incorrect 'Number of Epochs' in the file before you use in Post Processing.
     3827In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Correction stream, BNC will merge that stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified here through SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. In such a case you have to define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further option in the 'Upload Corrections' table.
     3831Note that BNC outputs a complete list of SP3 'Epoch Header Records' even if no 'Position and Clock Records' are available for certain epochs because of stream outages. Note further that the 'Number of Epochs' in the first SP3 header record may not be correct because that number is not available when the file is created. Depending on your processing software (e.g. Bernese GNSS Software, BSW) it could therefore be necessary to correct an incorrect 'Number of Epochs' in the file before you use it in post processing.
    39043903<p><h4>2.15.10 <a name="upantex">ANTEX File - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    3906 IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center variations for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required here for referring the SP3 file contents to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM). If you don't specify a ANTEX file, the SP3 file will contain orbit information which is referred to Antenna Phase Center (APC) instead of CoM.
     3905IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center variations for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required here for referring the SP3 file content to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM). If you don't specify a ANTEX file, the SP3 file will contain orbit information which is referred to Antenna Phase Center (APC) instead of CoM.
    40014000<p><h4>2.18 <a name="logs">Logging Canvas</h4></p>
    4003 The 'Logging Canvas' above the bottom menu bar on the main window labeled 'Log', 'Throughput', 'Lacenty', and 'PPP Plot' provides control of BNC's activities. Tabs are available for continuously showing logfile contents, for a plot controlling the bandwidth consumption, for a plot showing stream latencies, and for time series plots of PPP results.
     4002The 'Logging Canvas' above the bottom menu bar on the main window labeled 'Log', 'Throughput', 'Lacenty', and 'PPP Plot' provides control of BNC's activities. Tabs are available for continuously showing logfile content, for a plot controlling the bandwidth consumption, for a plot showing stream latencies, and for time series plots of PPP results.
    40054004<p><h4>2.18.1 <a name="logfile">Log</h4></p>
    4077 The contents of data field 'nmea' tells you whether a stream retrieval needs to be initiated by BNC through sending an NMEA-GGA message carrying approximate position coordinates (virtual reference station).
     4076The content of data field 'nmea' tells you whether a stream retrieval needs to be initiated by BNC through sending an NMEA-GGA message carrying approximate position coordinates (virtual reference station).
    42214220<p><h4>2.20 <a name="cmd">Command Line Options</h4></p>
    4223 Command line options are available to run BNC in 'no window' mode or let it read previously recorded input offline from one or several files for debugging purposes. It is also possible to introduce a specific configuration filename instead of using the default filename 'BNC.bnc'. The self-explaining contents of the configuration file can easily be edited.
     4222Command line options are available to run BNC in 'no window' mode or let it read previously recorded input offline from one or several files for debugging purposes. It is also possible to introduce a specific configuration filename instead of using the default filename 'BNC.bnc'. The self-explaining content of the configuration file can easily be edited.
    43164315<p><h4>2.20.6 <a name="confopt">Configuration Options - optional</h4></p>
    4318 BNC applies options from the configuration file but allows updating every one of them on the command line while the contents of the configuration file remains unchanged. Note the following syntax for Command Line Interface (CLI) options:
     4317BNC applies options from the configuration file but allows updating every one of them on the command line while the content of the configuration file remains unchanged. Note the following syntax for Command Line Interface (CLI) options:
    43984397<td>Jun 2010 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.1 &nbsp;</td>
    4399 <td>[Bug] SSR GLONASS message generation<br> [Add] PPP in Post Processing mode<br> [Mod] Update of SSR messages following draft dated 2010-04-12<br> [Mod] Generating error message when observation epoch is wrong</td>
     4398<td>[Bug] SSR GLONASS message generation<br> [Add] PPP in post processing mode<br> [Mod] Update of SSR messages following draft dated 2010-04-12<br> [Mod] Generating error message when observation epoch is wrong</td>
    44234422<td>Apr 2011 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.6 &nbsp;</td>
    4424 <td>[Add] Complete integration of BNS in BNC<br> [Add] SP3 and Clock RINEX output<br> [Add] PPP in Post Processing Mode<br> [Add] Some RINEX editing & QC functionality<br> [Add] Threshold for orbit outliers in combination solution<br> [Add] Real-time engine becomes orbit/clock server instead of client<br> [Mod] 'EOE' added to orbit/clock stream from engine<br> [Add] Correction for antenna eccentricities<br> [Add] Quick start mode for PPP<br> [Mod] Design of format for feeding engine changed to follow RINEX v3<br> [Mod] Implementation of SSR message encoding modified according to standard<br> [Add] SSL/TLS Support of Ntrip Version 2<br> [Mod] Switch to Qt version 4.7.3<br> [Add] RINEX editing, concatenation and quality check<br> [Add] Reading all configuration options from command line<br> [Mod] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1045<br> [Mod] Change default configuration file suffix from 'ini' to 'bnc'<br> [Add] Specific rates for orbits and clocks in streams and SP3/RNX files</td>
     4423<td>[Add] Complete integration of BNS in BNC<br> [Add] SP3 and Clock RINEX output<br> [Add] PPP in post processing Mode<br> [Add] Some RINEX editing & QC functionality<br> [Add] Threshold for orbit outliers in combination solution<br> [Add] Real-time engine becomes orbit/clock server instead of client<br> [Mod] 'EOE' added to orbit/clock stream from engine<br> [Add] Correction for antenna eccentricities<br> [Add] Quick start mode for PPP<br> [Mod] Design of format for feeding engine changed to follow RINEX v3<br> [Mod] Implementation of SSR message encoding modified according to standard<br> [Add] SSL/TLS Support of Ntrip Version 2<br> [Mod] Switch to Qt version 4.7.3<br> [Add] RINEX editing, concatenation and quality check<br> [Add] Reading all configuration options from command line<br> [Mod] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1045<br> [Mod] Change default configuration file suffix from 'ini' to 'bnc'<br> [Add] Specific rates for orbits and clocks in streams and SP3/RNX files</td>
    44484447<td>Dec 2013 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.10 &nbsp;</td>
    4449 <td>[Add] Started work on new version in Aug 2013<br>[Bug] Clock RINEX und SP3 file generation on Windows systems<br>[Bug] Broadcast Ephemeris generation<br>[Add] Transformation ITRF2008 to NAD83 and DREF91<br>[Add] CodeBias added to RTNET stream format<br>[Bug] GPS L2 in 'Feed Engine' output<br>[Mod] Made C1 in BeiDou default observation type instead of C2<br>[Add] Feed engine output sorted per stream<br>[Add] Feed engine output filename change on-the-fly<br>[Add] 'Append files' option for RINEX observation files<br>[Mod] Broadcast Corrections ASCII file output for message 1058 &amp; 1064 modified<br>[Bug] GPS L2 phase data in RINEX2<br>[Bug] GLONASS frequency numbers<br>[Add] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1046<br>[Add] Reset ambiguities in PPP when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Satellite clock offsets are reset in adjustment for combination when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Version 2.10 published</td>
     4448<td>[Add] Started work on new version in Aug 2013<br>[Bug] Clock RINEX und SP3 file generation on Windows systems<br>[Bug] Broadcast Ephemeris generation<br>[Add] Transformation ITRF2008 to NAD83 and DREF91<br>[Add] CodeBias added to RTNET stream format<br>[Bug] GPS L2 in 'Feed Engine' output<br>[Mod] Made C1 in BeiDou default observation type instead of C2<br>[Add] Feed engine output sorted per stream<br>[Add] Feed engine output filename change on-the-fly<br>[Add] 'Append files' option for RINEX observation files<br>[Mod] Broadcast Correction ASCII file output for message 1058 &amp; 1064 modified<br>[Bug] GPS L2 phase data in RINEX2<br>[Bug] GLONASS frequency numbers<br>[Add] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1046<br>[Add] Reset ambiguities in PPP when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Satellite clock offsets are reset in adjustment for combination when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Version 2.10 published</td>
    45104509[Bug] Galileo week number<br>
    45114510[Add] Phase shift records in RINEX v3 headers<br>
    4512 [Add] Output GLONASS slot numbers from scanning stream contents<br>
     4511[Add] Output GLONASS slot numbers from scanning stream content<br>
    45134512[Add] Decoder interface for PPP SSR I+II messages for Galileo/QZSS/SBAS/BDS<br>
    45144513[Mod] Renaming BDS first frequency from '1' to '2'<br>
    48124811   rnxScript      {File upload script, full path [character string]}
    48134812   rnxV2Priority  {Priority of signal attributes [character string, list separated by blank character, example: G:CWPX_? R:CP]}
    4814    rnxV3          {Produce version 3 file contents [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}
     4813   rnxV3          {Produce version 3 file content [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}
    48154814   rnxV3filenames {Produce version 3 filenames [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}
    48194818   ephIntr        {File interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]}
    48204819   ephOutPort     {Output port [integer number]}
    4821    ephV3          {Produce version 3 file contents [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}
     4820   ephV3          {Produce version 3 file content [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}
    48224821   ephV3filenames {Produce version 3 filenames [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}
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