Changeset 7676 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src

Jan 12, 2016, 10:31:18 AM (9 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r7668 r7676  
    12271227  _proxyHostLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>If you are running BNC within a protected Local Area Network (LAN), you may need to use a proxy server to access the Internet. Enter your proxy server IP and port number in case one is operated in front of BNC. If you do not know the IP and port of your proxy server, check the proxy server settings in your Internet browser or ask your network administrator.</p><p>Note that IP streaming is sometimes not allowed in a LAN. In this case you need to ask your network administrator for an appropriate modification of the local security policy or for the installation of a TCP relay to the Ntrip Broadcasters. If this is not possible, you may need to run BNC outside your LAN on a network that has unobstructed connection to the Internet.</p>"));
    12281228  _proxyPortLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter your proxy server port number in case a proxy is operated in front of BNC.</p>"));
    1229   _sslCaCertPathLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Communication with an Ntrip Broadcaster over SSL requires the exchange of client and/or server certificates. Specify the path to a directory where you save certificates on your system. Don't try communication via SSL if you are not sure wheter this is supported by the involved Ntrip Broadcaster.</p><p>Note that SSL communication is usually done over port 443.</p>"));
    1230   _sslIgnoreErrorsCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>SSL communication may involve queries coming from the Ntrip Broadcaster. Tick 'Ignore SSL authorization erros' if you don't want to be bothered with this.</p>"));
     1229  _sslCaCertPathLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Communication with an Ntrip Broadcaster over SSL requires the exchange of client and/or server certificates. Specify the path to a directory where you save certificates on your system. Don't try communication via SSL if you are not sure whether this is supported by the involved Ntrip Broadcaster.</p><p>Note that SSL communication is usually done over port 443.</p>"));
     1230  _sslIgnoreErrorsCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>SSL communication may involve queries coming from the Ntrip Broadcaster. Tick 'Ignore SSL authorization errors' if you don't want to be bothered with this.</p>"));
    12321232  // WhatsThis, General
    12691269  _reqcLogSummaryOnly->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>By default BNC produces a detailed 'Logfile' providing all information resulting from editing or analyzing RINEX data. If that is too much information, you can limit the logfile content to a short summary.</p><p>Tick 'Summary only' to suppress full logfile output and instead produce a logfile containing only summary information.</p>"));
    12701270  _reqcPlotDirLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a directory for saving plots in PNG format.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that plots will not be saved on disk.</p>"));
    1271   _reqcSkyPlotSignals->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can produce plots for multipath, signal-to-noise ratio, satellite availability, satellite elevation, and PDOP values. The 'Plots for signals' option lets you exactly specify observation signals to be used for that and also enables the plot generation. You can specify the navigation system, the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for fequency and tracking mode or channel must be seperated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for navigation systems must be seperated by blank character ' '.</p><p>Examples for 'Plots for signals' option:<ul><li> G:1&2 R:1&2 J:1&2 E:1&7 C:1&6 S:1<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, GLONASS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, QZSS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, Galileo observations on 1st and 7th frequency, BeiDou observations on 1st and 6th frequency, SBAS observations on 1st frequency.)</li><li>G:1C&5X<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st frequency in C tracking mode and GPS observations on 5th frequency in X tracking mode.)</li><li>C:6I&7I<br>(Plots will be based on BeiDou observations on 6th frequency in I tracking mode and BeiDou observations on 7th frequency in I tracking mode.)<li></ul></p><p>Default is 'C:2&7 E:1&5 G:1&2 J:1&2 R:1&2 S:1&5'. Specifying an empty option string would be overruled by this default.</p>"));
     1271  _reqcSkyPlotSignals->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can produce plots for multipath, signal-to-noise ratio, satellite availability, satellite elevation, and PDOP values. The 'Plots for signals' option lets you exactly specify observation signals to be used for that and also enables the plot generation. You can specify the navigation system, the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for frequency and tracking mode or channel must be separated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for navigation systems must be separated by blank character ' '.</p><p>Examples for 'Plots for signals' option:<ul><li> G:1&2 R:1&2 J:1&2 E:1&7 C:1&6 S:1<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, GLONASS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, QZSS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, Galileo observations on 1st and 7th frequency, BeiDou observations on 1st and 6th frequency, SBAS observations on 1st frequency.)</li><li>G:1C&5X<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st frequency in C tracking mode and GPS observations on 5th frequency in X tracking mode.)</li><li>C:6I&7I<br>(Plots will be based on BeiDou observations on 6th frequency in I tracking mode and BeiDou observations on 7th frequency in I tracking mode.)<li></ul></p><p>Default is 'C:2&7 E:1&5 G:1&2 J:1&2 R:1&2 S:1&5'. Specifying an empty option string would be overruled by this default.</p>"));
    12731273  // WhatsThis, SP3 Comparison
    12741274  // -------------------------
    12751275  _sp3CompFileChooser->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can compare two SP3 files containing GNSS satellite orbit and clock information.</p></p>Specify the full path to two files with orbits and clocks in SP3 format, separate them by comma.</p>"));
    1276   _sp3CompExclude->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify satellites to exclude them from orbit and clock comparision. Example:<p>G04,G31,R</p><p>This excludes GPS satellites PRN 4 and 31 as well as all GLONASS satellites from the comparision.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that no satellite is excluded from the comparison.</p>"));
     1276  _sp3CompExclude->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify satellites to exclude them from orbit and clock comparison. Example:<p>G04,G31,R</p><p>This excludes GPS satellites PRN 4 and 31 as well as all GLONASS satellites from the comparison.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that no satellite is excluded from the comparison.</p>"));
    12771277  _sp3CompLogLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the full path to a logfile saving comparison results.</p><p>Specifying a logfile is mandatory. Comparing SP3 files and not saving comparison results on disk would be useless.</p>"));
    13161316  _miscMountLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a mountpoint to apply any of the options shown below. Enter 'ALL' if you want to apply these options to all configured streams.</p><p>An empty option field (default) means that you don't want BNC to apply any of these options.</p>"));
    13171317  _miscIntrComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can average latencies per stream over a certain period of GPS time. The resulting mean latencies are recorded in the 'Log' tab at the end of each 'Log latency' interval together with results of a statistical evaluation (approximate number of covered epochs, data gaps).</p><p>Select a 'Log latency' interval or select the empty option field if you do not want BNC to log latencies and statistical information.</p>"));
    1318   _miscScanRTCMCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tick 'Scan RTCM' to log the numbers of incomming message types as well as contained antenna coordinates, antenna heigt, and antenna descriptor.</p><p>In case of RTCM Version 3 MSM streams, BNC will also log contained RINEX Version 3 observation types.</p>."));
     1318  _miscScanRTCMCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tick 'Scan RTCM' to log the numbers of incoming message types as well as contained antenna coordinates, antenna height, and antenna descriptor.</p><p>In case of RTCM Version 3 MSM streams, BNC will also log contained RINEX Version 3 observation types.</p>."));
    13191319  _miscPortLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can output an incoming stream through an IP port of your local host.</p><p>Specify a port number to activate this function.</p>"));
    13211321  // WhatsThis, PPP (1)
    13221322  // ------------------
    1323   _pppWidgets._dataSource->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select 'Real-time Streams' for real-time PPP from RTCM streams or 'RINEX Files' for post processing PPP from RINEX files.</p><p><ul><li>Real-time PPP requires that you pull an RTCM stream carrying GNSS observations plus a stream providing corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris. If the observations stream does not contain Broadcast Ephemeris then you must in addition pull a Broadcast Ephemeris stream like 'RTCM3EPH' from Ntrip Broadcaster <u></u>.<br></li><li>Post processing PPP requires RINEX Observation files, RINEX Navigation files and a file with corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in plain ASCII format as saved beforehand using BNC.</li></ul></p><p>Note that BNC allows to carry out PPP solutions simultaneously for several stations.</p>"));
     1323  _pppWidgets._dataSource->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select 'Real-time Streams' for real-time PPP from RTCM streams or 'RINEX Files' for post processing PPP from RINEX files.</p><p><ul><li>Real-time PPP requires that you pull a RTCM stream carrying GNSS observations plus a stream providing corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris. If the observations stream does not contain Broadcast Ephemeris then you must in addition pull a Broadcast Ephemeris stream like 'RTCM3EPH' from Ntrip Broadcaster <u></u>.<br></li><li>Post processing PPP requires RINEX Observation files, RINEX Navigation files and a file with corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in plain ASCII format as saved beforehand using BNC.</li></ul></p><p>Note that BNC allows to carry out PPP solutions simultaneously for several stations.</p>"));
    13241324  _pppWidgets._rinexObs->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the RINEX Observation file.</p>"));
    13251325  _pppWidgets._rinexNav->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the RINEX Navigation file.</p>"));
    13271327  _pppWidgets._corrFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections file as saved beforehand using BNC.</p><p>If you don't specify corrections by this option, BNC will fall back to Single Point Positioning (SPP, positioning from RINEX Obs and RINEX Nav files only) instead of doing PPP.</p>"));
    13281328  _pppWidgets._antexFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Observations in RTCM streams or RINEX files should be referred to the receiver's and to the satellite's Antenna Phase Center (APC) and therefore be corrected for<ul><li>Receiver APC offsets</li><li>Receiver APC variations</li><li>Satellite APC offsets.</li></ul> Specify the full path to an IGS 'ANTEX file' which contains APC offsets and variations.</p><p>If you don't specify an 'ANTEX file' then observations will not be corrected for APC offsets and variations.</p>"));
    1329   _pppWidgets._crdFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the full path to an ASCII file which specifies the streams or files of those stations you want to process. Specifying a 'Coordinates file' is optional. If it exists, it should contain one record per station with the following parameters separated by blank character:<p><ul><li>Specify the station either through<ul><li>the 'Mountpoint' of the station's RTCM stream (when in real-time PPP mode), or</li><li>the 4-charater station ID of the RINEX Observations file (when in post processing PPP mode).</li></ul></li><li>Approximate X,Y,Z coordinate of station's Antenna Reference Point [m] (ARP, specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown).</li><li>Nort, East and Up component of antenna excentricity [m] (specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown).</li><li>20 Characters describing the antenna type and radome following the IGS 'ANTEX file' standard (leave blank if unknown).</li><li>Receiver type following the naming conventions for IGS equipment.</li></ul></p><p>Records with exclamation mark '!' in the first column or blank records will be interpreted as comment lines and ignored.</p>"));
     1329  _pppWidgets._crdFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the full path to an ASCII file which specifies the streams or files of those stations you want to process. Specifying a 'Coordinates file' is optional. If it exists, it should contain one record per station with the following parameters separated by blank character:<p><ul><li>Specify the station either by<ul><li>the 'Mountpoint' of the station's RTCM stream (when in real-time PPP mode), or</li><li>the 4-charater station ID of the RINEX Observations file (when in post processing PPP mode).</li></ul></li><li>Approximate X,Y,Z coordinate of station's Antenna Reference Point [m] (ARP, specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown).</li><li>North, East and Up component of antenna eccentricity [m] (specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown).</li><li>20 Characters describing the antenna type and radome following the IGS 'ANTEX file' standard (leave blank if unknown).</li><li>Receiver type following the naming conventions for IGS equipment.</li></ul></p><p>Records with exclamation mark '!' in the first column or blank records will be interpreted as comment lines and ignored.</p>"));
    13301330  _pppWidgets._v3filenames->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tick 'Version 3 filenames' to let BNC create so-called extended filenames for PPP logfiles, NMEA files and SINEX Troposphere files following the RINEX Version 3 standard.</p><p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to create filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard. The file content is not affected by this option. It only concerns the filenames.</p>"));
    13311331  _pppWidgets._logPath->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a directory for saving daily PPP logfiles. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create such files.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that no PPP logfiles shall be produced.</p>"));
    13331333  _pppWidgets._snxtroPath->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a directory for saving SINEX Troposphere files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create such files.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that no SINEX Troposphere files shall be produced.</p>"));
    13341334  _pppWidgets._snxtroIntr->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a length for SINEX Troposphere files.</p><p>Default 'SNX TRO interval' for saving SINEX Troposphere files on disk is '1 hour'.</p>"));
    1335   _pppWidgets._snxtroSampl->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a 'Sampling' rate for saving troposphere paramers.</p><p>Default 'SNX TRO sampling' rate is '0', meaning that all troposphere estimates will be saved on disk.</p>"));
     1335  _pppWidgets._snxtroSampl->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a 'Sampling' rate for saving troposphere parameters.</p><p>Default 'SNX TRO sampling' rate is '0', meaning that all troposphere estimates will be saved on disk.</p>"));
    13371337  // WhatsThis, PPP (3)
    13391339  _pppWidgets._lcGPS->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of GPS observations you want to use and on which kind of ionosphere-free linear combination of GPS observations you want to base ambiguity resolutions.</p><p><ul><li>Specifying 'P3' means that you request BNC to use code data and so-called P3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations.</li><li>'P3&L3' means that you request BNC to use both, code and phase data and so-called P3 and L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code and phase observations.</li></ul></p><p>Note that most geodetic receivers support the observation of GPS code and phase data. Hence specifying 'P3&L3' would be a good choice when processing data from such a receiver.</p><p>Specifying 'no' means that you don't want BNC to use GPS data.</p>"));
    13401340  _pppWidgets._lcGLONASS->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of GLONASS observations you want to use and on which kind of ionosphere-free linear combination of GLONASS observations you want to base ambiguity resolutions.</p><p><ul><li>Specifying 'P3' means that you request BNC to use code data and so-called P3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations.</li><li>'L3' means that you request BNC to use phase data and so-called L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of phase observations.</li> <li>'P3&L3' means that you request BNC to use both, code and phase data and so-called P3 and L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code and phase observations.</li></ul></p><p>Specifying 'no' means that you don't want BNC to use GLONASS data.</p>"));
    1341   _pppWidgets._lcGalileo->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of Galileo observations you want to use and on which kind of of ionosphere-free linear combination of Galileo observations you want to base ambiguity resolutions.</p><p><ul><li>Specifying 'P3' means that you request BNC to use code data and so-called P3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations.</li><li>'L3' means that you request BNC to use phase data and so-called L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of phase observations.</li> <li>'P3&L3' means that you request BNC to use both, code and phase data and so-called P3 and L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code and phase observations.</li></ul></p><p>Specifying on of these options makes only sense if Galileo data are part ot the processed observation stream.</p><p>Specifying 'no' means that you don't want BNC to use Galileo data.</p>"));
    1342   _pppWidgets._lcBDS->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of BDS observations you want to use and on which kind of ionosphere-free linear combination of BDS observations you want to base ambiguity resolutions.</p><p><ul><li>Specifying 'P3' means that you request BNC to use code data and so-called P3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations.</li><li>'L3' means that you request BNC to use phase data and so-called L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of phase observations.</li> <li>'P3&L3' means that you request BNC to use both, code and phase data and so-called P3 and L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code and phase observations.</li></ul></p><p>Specifying on of these options makes only sense if BDS data are part ot the processed observation stream.</p><p>Specifying 'no' means that you don't want to use BDS data.</p>"));
     1341  _pppWidgets._lcGalileo->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of Galileo observations you want to use and on which kind of of ionosphere-free linear combination of Galileo observations you want to base ambiguity resolutions.</p><p><ul><li>Specifying 'P3' means that you request BNC to use code data and so-called P3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations.</li><li>'L3' means that you request BNC to use phase data and so-called L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of phase observations.</li> <li>'P3&L3' means that you request BNC to use both, code and phase data and so-called P3 and L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code and phase observations.</li></ul></p><p>Specifying on of these options makes only sense if Galileo data are part of the processed observation stream.</p><p>Specifying 'no' means that you don't want BNC to use Galileo data.</p>"));
     1342  _pppWidgets._lcBDS->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of BDS observations you want to use and on which kind of ionosphere-free linear combination of BDS observations you want to base ambiguity resolutions.</p><p><ul><li>Specifying 'P3' means that you request BNC to use code data and so-called P3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations.</li><li>'L3' means that you request BNC to use phase data and so-called L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of phase observations.</li> <li>'P3&L3' means that you request BNC to use both, code and phase data and so-called P3 and L3 ionosphere-free linear combination of code and phase observations.</li></ul></p><p>Specifying on of these options makes only sense if BDS data are part of the processed observation stream.</p><p>Specifying 'no' means that you don't want to use BDS data.</p>"));
    13431343  _pppWidgets._sigmaC1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GNSS C1 code observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of C1 code observations to a PPP solution from combined code and phase data. 2.0 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma C1 = 2.0'</p>"));
    13441344  _pppWidgets._sigmaL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GNSS L1 phase observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of L1 phase observations to a PPP solutions from combined code and phase data. 0.01 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma L1 = 0.01'</p>"));
    1345   _pppWidgets._maxResC1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from C1 code observations in a PPP solution. '3.0' meters may be an appropriate choise for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Rex C1 = 3.0'</p>"));
    1346   _pppWidgets._maxResL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from L1 code observations in a PPP solution. '0.03' meters may be an appropriate choise for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Rex L1 = 0.03'</p>"));
     1345  _pppWidgets._maxResC1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from C1 code observations in a PPP solution. '3.0' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Rex C1 = 3.0'</p>"));
     1346  _pppWidgets._maxResL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from L1 code observations in a PPP solution. '0.03' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Rex L1 = 0.03'</p>"));
    13471347  _pppWidgets._eleWgtCode->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tic 'Ele Wgt Code' to use satellite Elevation depending Weights for Code observations in the PPP solution.</p>"));
    13481348  _pppWidgets._eleWgtPhase->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tic 'Ele Wgt Phase' to use satellite Elevation depending Weights for Phase observations in the PPP solution.</p>"));
    13491349  _pppWidgets._minObs->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a Minimum Number of Observations per epoch for a PPP solution.</p><p>BNC will only process epochs with observation numbers reaching or exceeding this minimum.</p>"));
    1350   _pppWidgets._minEle->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a Minimum satellite Elevation for observations.</p><p>BNC will ignore an observation if the associated satellite Elevation does not reach or exceed this minimum.</p><p>Selecting '10 deg' may be an appropriate choise in order to avoid too noisy observations.</p>"));
     1350  _pppWidgets._minEle->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a Minimum satellite Elevation for observations.</p><p>BNC will ignore an observation if the associated satellite Elevation does not reach or exceed this minimum.</p><p>Selecting '10 deg' may be an appropriate choice in order to avoid too noisy observations.</p>"));
    13521352  // WhatsThis, Combine Corrections
    13941394  // ---------------------
    13951395  _log->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' tab. The message log covers the communication status between BNC and the Ntrip Broadcaster as well as problems that occur in the communication link, stream availability, stream delay, stream conversion etc.</p>"));
    1396   _bncFigure->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>The bandwidth consumtion per stream is shown in the 'Throughput' tab in bits per second (bps) or kilo bits per second (kbps).</p>"));
     1396  _bncFigure->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>The bandwidth consumption per stream is shown in the 'Throughput' tab in bits per second (bps) or kilobits per second (kbps).</p>"));
    13971397  _bncFigureLate->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>The individual latency of observations of incoming streams is shown in the 'Latency' tab. Streams not carrying observations (e.g. those providing only Broadcast Ephemeris) remain unconsidered.</p><p>Note that the calculation of correct latencies requires the clock of the host computer to be properly synchronized.</p>"));
    13981398  _bncFigurePPP->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>PPP time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) displacements are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when the corresponding option is selected.</p><p>Values are referred to an XYZ a priori coordinate. The sliding PPP time series window covers the period of the latest 5 minutes.</p>"));
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.