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TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncmain.cpp ¶
r7506 r7507 92 92 " proxyPort <Proxy port [integer number]>\n" 93 93 " sslCaCertPath <Full path to SSL certificates [character string]>\n" 94 " ignoreSslErrors <Ignore SSL authorization errors [integer number: 0=no, 94 " ignoreSslErrors <Ignore SSL authorization errors [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 95 95 "\n" 96 96 "General Panel keys:\n" 97 97 " logFile <Logfile, full path [character string]>\n" 98 " rnxAppend <Append files [integer number: 0=no, 99 " onTheFlyInterval <Configuration reload interval [character string: 1 day ,1 hour,5 min,1 min]>\n"100 " autoStart <Auto start [integer number: 0=no, 98 " rnxAppend <Append files [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 99 " onTheFlyInterval <Configuration reload interval [character string: 1 day|1 hour|5 min|1 min]>\n" 100 " autoStart <Auto start [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 101 101 " rawOutFile <Raw output file, full path [character string]>\n" 102 102 "\n" 103 103 "RINEX Observations Panel keys:\n" 104 104 " rnxPath <Directory [character string]>\n" 105 " rnxIntr <File interval [character string: 1 min ,2 min,5 min,10 min,15 min,30 min,1 hour,1 day]>\n"105 " rnxIntr <File interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]>\n" 106 106 " rnxSampl <File sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 0,5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55|60]> \n" 107 107 " rnxSkel <RINEX skeleton file extension [character string]>\n" 108 " rnxOnlyWithSKL <Using RINEX skeleton file is mandatory [integer number: 0=no, 108 " rnxOnlyWithSKL <Using RINEX skeleton file is mandatory [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 109 109 " rnxScript <File upload script, full path [character string]>\n" 110 110 " rnxV2Priority <Priority of signal attributes [character string, list separated by blank character, example: G:CWPX_? R:CP]>\n" 111 " rnxV3 <Produce version 3 file contents [integer number: 0=no, 112 " rnxV3filenames <Produce version 3 filenames [integer number: 0=no, 111 " rnxV3 <Produce version 3 file contents [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 112 " rnxV3filenames <Produce version 3 filenames [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 113 113 "\n" 114 114 "RINEX Ephemeris Panel keys:\n" 115 115 " ephPath <Directory [character string]>\n" 116 " ephIntr <File interval [character string: 1 min ,2 min,5 min,10 min,15 min,30 min,1 hour,1 day]>\n"116 " ephIntr <File interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]>\n" 117 117 " ephOutPort <Output port [integer number]>\n" 118 " ephV3 <Produce version 3 file contents [integer number: 0=no, 119 " ephV3filenames <Produce version 3 filenames [integer number: 0=no, 118 " ephV3 <Produce version 3 file contents [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 119 " ephV3filenames <Produce version 3 filenames [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 120 120 "\n" 121 121 "RINEX Editing and QC Panel keys:\n" … … 126 126 " reqcOutNavFile <Output navigation file, full path [character string]>\n" 127 127 " reqcOutLogFile <Output logfile, full path [character string]>\n" 128 " reqcLogSummaryOnly <Output only summary of logfile [integer number: 0=no, 128 " reqcLogSummaryOnly <Output only summary of logfile [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 129 129 " reqcSkyPlotSignals <Observation signals [character string, list separated by blank character, example: C:2&7 E:1&5 G:1&2 J:1&2 R:1&2 S:1&5]>\n" 130 130 " reqcPlotDir <QC plots directory [character string]>\n" … … 161 161 "Broadcast Corrections Panel keys:\n" 162 162 " corrPath <Directory for saving files in ASCII format [character string]>\n" 163 " corrIntr <File interval [character string: 1 min ,2 min,5 min,10 min,15 min,30 min,1 hour,1 day]>\n"163 " corrIntr <File interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]>\n" 164 164 " corrPort <Output port [integer number]>\n" 165 165 "\n" … … 192 192 "Miscellaneous Panel keys:\n" 193 193 " miscMount <Mountpoint [character string]>\n" 194 " miscIntr <Interval for logging latency [character string: 2 sec,10 sec,1 min,5 min,15 min,1 hour,6 hours,1 day]>\n"195 " miscScanRTCM <Scan for RTCM message numbers [integer number: 0=no, 194 " miscIntr <Interval for logging latency [character string: Blank|2 sec|10 sec|1 min|5 min|15 min|1 hour|6 hours|1 day]>\n" 195 " miscScanRTCM <Scan for RTCM message numbers [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 196 196 " miscPort <Output port [integer number]>\n" 197 197 "\n" 198 198 "PPP Client Panel 1 keys:\n" 199 " PPP/dataSource <Data source ,Real-Time Streams|200 " PPP/rinexObs <RINEX observation file>\n" 201 " PPP/rinexNav <RINEX navigation file>\n" 202 " PPP/corrMount <Corrections mountpoint>\n" 203 " PPP/corrFile <Corrections file>\n" 204 " PPP/crdFile <Coordinates file>\n" 205 " PPP/ antexFile <ANTEX file>\n"206 " PPP/ logPath <Directory for PPP log file>\n"207 " PPP/nmeaPath <Directory for NMEA output file>\n" 208 " PPP/snxtroPath <Directory for SINEX troposphere output file>\n" 209 " PPP/v3filenames <Produce version 3 filenames, 0=no, 210 " PPP/snxtroIntr <SINEX troposphere file interval [character string: 1 min ,2 min,5 min,10 min,15 min,30 min,1 hour,1 day]>\n"211 " PPP/snxtroSampl <SINEX troposphere file sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 0 ,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300]>\n"199 " PPP/dataSource <Data source [character string: Blank|Real-Time Streams|RINEX Files]>\n" 200 " PPP/rinexObs <RINEX observation file, full path [character string]>\n" 201 " PPP/rinexNav <RINEX navigation file, full path [character string]>\n" 202 " PPP/corrMount <Corrections mountpoint [character string]>\n" 203 " PPP/corrFile <Corrections file, full path [character string]>\n" 204 " PPP/crdFile <Coordinates file, full path [character string]>\n" 205 " PPP/logPath <Directory for PPP log files [character string]>\n" 206 " PPP/antexFile <ANTEX file, full path [character string]>\n" 207 " PPP/nmeaPath <Directory for NMEA output files [character string]>\n" 208 " PPP/snxtroPath <Directory for SINEX troposphere output files [character string]>\n" 209 " PPP/v3filenames <Produce version 3 filenames, 0=no,2=yes>\n" 210 " PPP/snxtroIntr <SINEX troposphere file interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]>\n" 211 " PPP/snxtroSampl <SINEX troposphere file sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 0|30|60|90|120|150|180|210|240|270|300]>\n" 212 212 "\n" 213 213 "PPP Client Panel 2 keys:\n" 214 " PPP/staTable <Stations table, semicolon separated list>\n" 214 " PPP/staTable <Station specifications table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotaion marks, example:\n" 215 " \"FFMJ1,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,0.1,3e-6,7777\";\"CUT07,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,100.0,0.1,3e-6,7778\"]>\n" 215 216 "\n" 216 217 "PPP Client Panel 3 keys:\n" 217 " PPP/lcGPS <Select linear combination from GPS code or phase data>\n" 218 " PPP/lcGLONASS <Select linear combination from GLONASS code or phase data>\n" 219 " PPP/lcGalileo <Select linear combination from Galileo code or phase data>\n" 220 " PPP/lcBDS <Select linear combination from BDS code or phase data>\n" 221 " PPP/sigmaC1 <Sigma for code observations [m]>\n"222 " PPP/sigmaL1 <Sigma for phase observations [m]>\n"223 " PPP/maxResC1 <Maximal residuum for code observations [m]>\n"224 " PPP/maxResL1 <Maximal residuum for phase observations [m]>\n"225 " PPP/eleWgtCode <Elevation dependent waiting of code observations , 0=no, 2=yes>\n"226 " PPP/eleWgtPhase <Elevation dependent waiting of phase observations , 0=no, 2=yes>\n"227 " PPP/minObs <Minimum number of observations>\n" 228 " PPP/minEle <Minimum elevation [deg]>\n"229 " PPP/corrWaitTime <Wait for clock corrections [ sec]>\n"230 " PPP/seedingTime <Seeding time span for Quick Start [ sec]>\n"218 " PPP/lcGPS <Select linear combination from GPS code or phase data [character string; P3|P3&L3]>\n" 219 " PPP/lcGLONASS <Select linear combination from GLONASS code or phase data [character string: no|P3|L3|P3&L3]>\n" 220 " PPP/lcGalileo <Select linear combination from Galileo code or phase data [character string: no|P3|L3|P3&L3]>\n" 221 " PPP/lcBDS <Select linear combination from BDS code or phase data [character string: no|P3|L3|P3&L3]>\n" 222 " PPP/sigmaC1 <Sigma for code observations in meters [floating-point number]>\n" 223 " PPP/sigmaL1 <Sigma for phase observations in meters [floating-point number]>\n" 224 " PPP/maxResC1 <Maximal residuum for code observations in meters [floating-point number]>\n" 225 " PPP/maxResL1 <Maximal residuum for phase observations in meters [floating-point number]>\n" 226 " PPP/eleWgtCode <Elevation dependent waiting of code observations [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 227 " PPP/eleWgtPhase <Elevation dependent waiting of phase observations [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]>\n" 228 " PPP/minObs <Minimum number of observations [integer number: 4|5|6]>\n" 229 " PPP/minEle <Minimum satellite elevation in degrees [integer number: 0-20]>\n" 230 " PPP/corrWaitTime <Wait for clock corrections [integer number of seconds: no|1-20]>\n" 231 " PPP/seedingTime <Seeding time span for Quick Start [integer number of seconds]>\n" 231 232 "\n" 232 233 "PPP Client Panel 4 keys:\n" 233 " PPP/plotCoordinates <Mountpoint for time series plot>\n" 234 " PPP/audioResponse <Audio response threshold [m]>\n"235 " PPP/useOpenStreetMap <OSM track map ,true|false>\n"236 " PPP/useGoogleMap <Google track map ,true|false>\n"237 " PPP/mapWinDotSize <Size of dots on map>\n" 238 " PPP/mapWinDotColor <Color of dots and cross hair on map ,red|yellow>\n"239 " PPP/mapSpeedSlider <Offline processing speed for mapping , 1-100>\n"234 " PPP/plotCoordinates <Mountpoint for time series plot [character string]>\n" 235 " PPP/audioResponse <Audio response threshold in meters [floating-point number]>\n" 236 " PPP/useOpenStreetMap <OSM track map [character string: true|false]>\n" 237 " PPP/useGoogleMap <Google track map [character string: true|false]>\n" 238 " PPP/mapWinDotSize <Size of dots on map [integer number: 0-10]>\n" 239 " PPP/mapWinDotColor <Color of dots and cross hair on map [character string: red|yellow]>\n" 240 " PPP/mapSpeedSlider <Offline processing speed for mapping [integer number: 1-100]>\n" 240 241 "\n" 241 242 "Combine Corrections Panel keys:\n" 242 " cmbStreams <Correction streams, semicolon separated list>\n" 243 " cmbMethodFilter <Approach, Single-Epoch|Filter\n" 244 " cmbMaxres <Clock outlier threshold [m]\n" 245 " cmbSampl <Orbit and clock sampling [m]\n" 246 " cmbUseGlonass <Use GLONASS in combination, 0=no, 2=yes\n" 243 " cmbStreams <Correction streams table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotation marks, example:\n" 244 " \"IGS01 ESA 1.0\";\"IGS03 BKG 1.0\"]>\n" 245 " cmbMethodFilter <Combination approach [character string: Single-Epoch|Filter]\n" 246 " cmbMaxres <Clock outlier residuum threshold in meters [floating-point number]\n" 247 " cmbSampl <Clock sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 10|20|30|40|50|60]>\n" 248 " cmbUseGlonass <Use GLONASS in combination [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]\n" 247 249 "\n" 248 250 "Upload Corrections Panel keys:\n" 249 " uploadMountpointsOut <Upload corrections table>\n" 250 " uploadIntr <File interval, length of SP3 and Clock RINEX files>\n" 251 " uploadSamplRtcmEphCorr <Orbit corrections sampling interval [sec]>\n" 252 " uploadSamplSp3 <SP3 file sampling [min]>\n" 253 " uploadSamplClkRnx <Clock RINEX file sampling [sec]>\n" 251 " uploadMountpointsOut <Upload corrections table [character string, semicolon separated list, each element in quotation marks, example:\n" 252 " \"www.igs-ip.net,2101,IGS01,pass,IGS08,0,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.sp3,/home/user/BNC$[GPSWD}.clk,258,1,0,0 byte(s)\";\n" 253 " \"www.euref-ip.net,2101,EUREF01,pass,ETRF2000,0,,,258,2,0,0 byte(s)\"]>\n" 254 " uploadIntr <Length of SP3 and Clock RINEX file interval [character string: 1 min|2 min|5 min|10 min|15 min|30 min|1 hour|1 day]>\n" 255 " uploadSamplRtcmEphCorr <Orbit corrections stream sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 0|5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55|60]>\n" 256 " uploadSamplSp3 <SP3 file sampling rate [integer number of minutes: 0-15]>\n" 257 " uploadSamplClkRnx <Clock RINEX file sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 0|5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55|60]>\n" 254 258 "\n" 255 259 "Custom Trafo keys:\n" 256 " trafo_dx <Translation X [m]>\n"257 " trafo_dy <Translation Y [m]>\n"258 " trafo_dz <Translation Z [m]>\n"259 " trafo_dxr <Translation change X [m/y]>\n"260 " trafo_dyr <Translation change Y [m/y]>\n"261 " trafo_dzr <Translation change Z [m/y]>\n"262 " trafo_ox <Rotation X [as]>\n"263 " trafo_oy <Rotation Y [as]>\n"264 " trafo_oz <Rotation Z [as]>\n"265 " trafo_oxr <Rotation change X [as/y]>\n"266 " trafo_oyr <Rotation change Y [as/y]>\n"267 " trafo_ozr <Rotation change Z [as/y]>\n"268 " trafo_sc <Scale [10^-9]>\n" 269 " trafo_scr <Scale change [10^-9 /y]>\n"270 " trafo_t0 <Reference year [ y]>\n"260 " trafo_dx <Translation X in meters [floating-point number]\n" 261 " trafo_dy <Translation Y in meters [floating-point number]\n" 262 " trafo_dz <Translation Z in meters [floating-point number]\n" 263 " trafo_dxr <Translation change X in meters per year [floating-point number]\n" 264 " trafo_dyr <Translation change Y in meters per year [floating-point number]\n" 265 " trafo_dzr <Translation change Z in meters per year [floating-point number]\n" 266 " trafo_ox <Rotation X in arcsec [floating-point number]>\n" 267 " trafo_oy <Rotation Y in arcsec [floating-point number]>\n" 268 " trafo_oz <Rotation Z in arcsec [floating-point number]>\n" 269 " trafo_oxr <Rotation change X in arcsec per year [floating-point number]>\n" 270 " trafo_oyr <Rotation change Y in arcsec per year [floating-point number]>\n" 271 " trafo_ozr <Rotation change Z in arcsec per year [floating-point number]>\n" 272 " trafo_sc <Scale [10^-9, floating-point number]>\n" 273 " trafo_scr <Scale change [10^-9 per year, floating-point number]>\n" 274 " trafo_t0 <Reference year [integer number]>\n" 271 275 "\n" 272 276 "Upload Ephemeris Panel keys:\n" 273 " uploadEphHost < Host>\n"274 " uploadEphPort < Port>\n"275 " uploadEphMountpoint <Mountpoint>\n" 276 " uploadEphPassword < Password>\n"277 " uploadEphSample <Sampling interval [sec]>\n"277 " uploadEphHost <Broadcaster host, name or IP address [character string]>\n" 278 " uploadEphPort <Broadcaster port [integer number]>\n" 279 " uploadEphMountpoint <Mountpoint [character string]>\n" 280 " uploadEphPassword <Stream upload password [character string]>\n" 281 " uploadEphSample <Stream upload sampling rate [integer number of seconds: 5|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55|60]>\n" 278 282 "\n" 279 283 "Add Stream keys:\n" 280 " mountPoints <Mountpoints, semicolon separated list>\n" 281 " ntripVersion <Ntrip Version, 1|2|2s|R|U>\n" 282 " casterUrlList <Visited URLs>\n" 284 " mountPoints <Mountpoints [character string, semicolon separated list, example:\n" 285 " //user:pass@www.igs-ip.net:2101/FFMJ1 RTCM_3.1 DEU 50.09 8.66 no 2;\n" 286 " //user:pass@www.igs-ip.net:2101/FFMJ2 RTCM_3.1 DEU 50.09 8.66 no 2>\n" 287 " ntripVersion <Ntrip Version [character string: 1|2|2s|R|U]>\n" 288 " casterUrlList <Visited Broadcasters [character string, comma separated list]>\n" 283 289 "\n" 284 290 "Note:\n" 285 291 "Configuration options which contain one or more blank characters" 286 " must be enclosed by quotation marks when specified on thecommand line.\n"292 " must be enclosed by quotation marks when specified on command line.\n" 287 293 "\n" 288 294 "Examples command lines:\n"
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