Changeset 7214 in ntrip

Aug 17, 2015, 4:14:46 PM (10 years ago)

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  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7206 r7214  
    755755<p><img src="IMG/screenshot16.png"/></p>
    756 <p><u>Figure 8:</u> BNC translating incoming streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 files.</p>
     756<p><u>Figure 8:</u> BNC translating incoming observation streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 Observation files.</p>
    758758<p><a name="rnxname"><h4>3.4.1 RINEX File Names</h4></p>
    10161016<p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use file names following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
     1019<p><img src="IMG/screenshot42.png"/></p>
     1020<p><u>Figure 9:</u> Converting Broadcast Ephemeris stream to RINEX Version 3 Navigation file.</p>
    10191022<p><a name="reqc"><h4>3.6. RINEX Editing & QC</h4></p>
    12651268<p><img src="IMG/screenshot27.png"/></p>
    1266 <p><u>Figure 9:</u> Example for 'RINEX Editing Options' window.</p>
     1269<p><u>Figure 10:</u> Example for 'RINEX Editing Options' window.</p>
    12681271<p><img src="IMG/screenshot25.png"/></p>
    1269 <p><u>Figure 10:</u> Example for RINEX file concatenation with BNC.</p>
     1272<p><u>Figure 11:</u> Example for RINEX file concatenation with BNC.</p>
    12711274<p><img src="IMG/screenshot29.png"/></p>
    1272 <p><u>Figure 11:</u> Example for creating RINEX quality check analysis graphics output with BNC.</p>
     1275<p><u>Figure 12:</u> Example for creating RINEX quality check analysis graphics output with BNC.</p>
    12741277<p><img src="IMG/screenshot30.png"/></p>
    1275 <p><u>Figure 12:</u> Example for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP plots as a result of a RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
     1278<p><u>Figure 13:</u> Example for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP plots as a result of a RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
    12771280<p><img src="IMG/screenshot33.png"/></p>
    1278 <p><u>Figure 13:</u> Sky plot examples for multipath, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
     1281<p><u>Figure 14:</u> Sky plot examples for multipath, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
    12801283<p><img src="IMG/screenshot34.png"/></p>
    1281 <p><u>Figure 14:</u> Sky plot examples for signal-to-noise ratio, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
     1284<p><u>Figure 15:</u> Sky plot examples for signal-to-noise ratio, part of RINEX quality check analysis with BNC.</p>
    12831286<p><a name="reqccommand"><h4>3.6.8 Command Line, No Window - optional</h4></p>
    14681471<p><img src="IMG/screenshot36.png"/></p>
    1469 <p><u>Figure 15:</u> BNC configuration example for comparing two SP3 files with satellite orbit and clock data.</p>
     1472<p><u>Figure 16:</u> BNC configuration example for comparing two SP3 files with satellite orbit and clock data.</p>
    14711474<p><a name="correct"><h4>3.8. Broadcast Corrections</h4></p>
    1479 RTCM has developed Version 3 messages to transport satellite orbit and clock corrections in real-time. Note that corrections refer to satellite Antenna Phase Centers (APC). The current set of SSR messages concerns:
     1482RTCM is currently developing Version 3 messages to transport SSR corrections in real-time. They refer to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC). SSR messages adopted or recently proposed concern:
     1485<li>SSR, Step I:</li>
    14811487<li>Orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris</li>
    14821488<li>Clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris</li>
     1489<li>High-rate clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris</li>
    14831490<li>Combined orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris</li>
    14841491<li>User Range Accuracy (URA)</li>
    14851492<li>High Rate User Range Accuracy (HR URA)</li>
    14861493<li>Code biases</li>
     1495<li>SSR, Step II:</li>
    14871497<li>Phase biases</li>
    1488 <li>High-rate GPS clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris</li>
    14891498<li>Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC)</li>
    14921503RTCM Version 3 streams carrying these messages may be used i.e. to support real-time Precise Point Positioning (PPP) applications.
    18161827<p><img src="IMG/screenshot37.png"/></p>
    1817 <p><u>Figure 16:</u> BNC configuration example for pulling, saving and output of Broadcast Corrections.</p>
     1828<p><u>Figure 17:</u> BNC configuration example for pulling, saving and output of Broadcast Corrections.</p>
    18191830<p><a name="syncout"><h4>3.9. Feed Engine</h4></p>
    18971908<p><img src="IMG/screenshot12.png"/></p>
    1898 <p><u>Figure 17:</u> Synchronized BNC output via IP port to feed a GNSS real-time engine.</p>
     1909<p><u>Figure 18:</u> Synchronized BNC output via IP port to feed a GNSS real-time engine.</p>
    19001911<p><a name="syncport"><h4>3.9.1 Port - optional</h4></p>
    19391950<p><img src="IMG/screenshot35.png"/></p>
    1940 <p><u>Figure 18:</u> Flowcharts, BNC forwarding a stream to a serial connected receiver; sending NMEA sentences is mandatory for VRS streams.</p>
     1951<p><u>Figure 19:</u> Flowcharts, BNC forwarding a stream to a serial connected receiver; sending NMEA sentences is mandatory for VRS streams.</p>
    19461957<p><img src="IMG/screenshot11.png"/></p>
    1947 <p><u>Figure 19:</u> BNC pulling a VRS stream to feed a serial connected RTK rover.</p>
     1958<p><u>Figure 20:</u> BNC pulling a VRS stream to feed a serial connected RTK rover.</p>
    19491960<p><a name="sermount"><h4>3.10.1 Mountpoint - optional</h4></p>
    21052116<p><img src="IMG/screenshot14.png"/></p>
    2106 <p><u>Figure 20:</u> RTCM message numbers, latencies and observation types.</p>
     2117<p><u>Figure 21:</u> RTCM message numbers, latencies and observation types.</p>
    22112223The provider of an orbit/clock corrections stream may switch with his service at any time from a duty to a backup server installation. This shall be noted in the SSR stream through a change of the Issue Of Data (IOD SSR) parameter. The PPP option in BNC will immediately reset all ambiguities in such a situation.
    22142227PPP options are specified in BNC through the following four panels.
    22282241<p><img src="IMG/screenshot03.png"/></p>
    2229 <p><u>Figure 21:</u> Real-time Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 1.</p>
     2242<p><u>Figure 22:</u> Real-time Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 1.</p>
    22312244<p><a name="pppdatasource"><h4> Data Source - optional</h4></p>
    26232636<p><img src="IMG/screenshot17.png"/></p>
    2624 <p><u>Figure 22:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 2.</p>
     2637<p><u>Figure 23:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 2.</p>
    26262639<p><a name="pppsite"><h4> Station - mandatory</h4></p>
    26682681<p><img src="IMG/screenshot18.png"/></p>
    2669 <p><u>Figure 23:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 3.</p>
     2682<p><u>Figure 24:</u> Precise Point Positioning with BNC, PPP Panel 3.</p>
    26712684<p><a name="ppplinecombi"><h4> Linear Combinations - mandatory</h4></p>
    27742787<p><img src="IMG/screenshot22.png"/></p>
    2775 <p><u>Figure 24:</u> BNC in 'Quick-Start' mode (PPP, Panel 2)</p>
     2788<p><u>Figure 25:</u> BNC in 'Quick-Start' mode (PPP, Panel 2)</p>
    27772790<p><a name="pppaverage"><h4>3.13.3.NN Averaging - optional if XYZ is set</h4></p>
    28122825<p><img src="IMG/screenshot32.png"/></p>
    2813 <p><u>Figure 25:</u> Track of positions from BNC with Google Maps in the background.</p>
     2826<p><u>Figure 26:</u> Track of positions from BNC with Google Maps in the background.</p>
    28152828<p><a name="pppmaptype"><h4> Google/OSM - mandatory before pushing 'Open Map'</h4></p>
    28202833<p><img src="IMG/screenshot41.png"/></p>
    2821 <p><u>Figure 26:</u> Example for a background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM).</p>
     2834<p><u>Figure 27:</u> Example for a background map from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM).</p>
    28232836<p><a name="pppdotprop"><h4> Dot-properties - mandatory before pushing 'Open Map'</h4></p>
    29262939<p><img src="IMG/screenshot20.png"/></p>
    2927 <p><u>Figure 27:</u> BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams.</p>
     2940<p><u>Figure 28:</u> BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams.</p>
    29292942<p><img src="IMG/screenshot21.png"/></p>
    2930 <p><u>Figure 28:</u> BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Corrections stream.</p>
     2943<p><u>Figure 29:</u> BNC uploading the combined Broadcast Corrections stream.</p>
    29322945<p><img src="IMG/screenshot23.png"/></p>
    2933 <p><u>Figure 29:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Corrections stream.</p>
     2946<p><u>Figure 30:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Corrections stream.</p>
    29352948<p><a name="combimethod"><h4> Method - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections' table is populated</h4></p>
    32553268<p><img src="IMG/screenshot38.png"/></p>
    3256 <p><u>Figure 30:</u> Setting Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'.</p>
     3269<p><u>Figure 31:</u> Setting Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2008->GDA94'.</p>
    32583271<p><a name="upcom"><h4>3.15.4 Center of Mass - optional</h4></p>
    33443357<p><img src="IMG/screenshot26.png"/></p>
    3345 <p><u>Figure 31:</u> Producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an NTRIP Broadcaster.</p>
     3358<p><u>Figure 32:</u> Producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an NTRIP Broadcaster.</p>
    33473360<p><a name="upantex"><h4>3.15.10 ANTEX File - mantatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    33753388<p><img src="IMG/screenshot28.png"/></p>
    3376 <p><u>Figure 32:</u> Producing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from navigation messages of globally distributed RTCM streams and uploading them in RTCM Version 3 format to an NTRIP Broadcaster.</p>
     3389<p><u>Figure 33:</u> Producing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from navigation messages of globally distributed RTCM streams and uploading them in RTCM Version 3 format to an NTRIP Broadcaster.</p>
    33783391<p><a name="streams"><h4>3.17. Streams</h4></p>
    34423455<p><img src="IMG/screenshot08.png"/></p>
    3443 <p><u>Figure 33:</u> Bandwidth consumption of incoming streams.</p>
     3456<p><u>Figure 34:</u> Bandwidth consumption of incoming streams.</p>
    34453458<p><a name="latency"><h4>3.18.3 Latency</h4></p>
    34503463<p><img src="IMG/screenshot07.png"/></p>
    3451 <p><u>Figure 34:</u> Latency of incoming streams.</p>
     3464<p><u>Figure 35:</u> Latency of incoming streams.</p>
    34533466<p><a name="ppptab"><h4>3.18.4 PPP Plot</h4></p>
    34583471<p><img src="IMG/screenshot13.png"/></p>
    3459 <p><u>Figure 35:</u> Time series plot of PPP session.</p>
     3472<p><u>Figure 36:</u> Time series plot of PPP session.</p>
    34613474<p><a name="bottom"><h4>3.19. Bottom Menu Bar</h4></p>
    34663479<p><img src="IMG/screenshot06.png"/></p>
    3467 <p><u>Figure 36:</u> Steam input communication links.</p>
     3480<p><u>Figure 37:</u> Steam input communication links.</p>
    34693482<p><a name="streamadd"><h4>3.19.1 Add Stream</h4></p>
    34903503<p><img src="IMG/screenshot04.png"/></p>
    3492 <p><u>Figure 37:</u> Casters table.</p>
     3505<p><u>Figure 38:</u> Casters table.</p>
    34943507<p><a name="streamuser"><h4> User and Password - mandatory for protected streams</h4></p>
    35093522<p><img src="IMG/screenshot05.png"/></p>
    3510 <p><u>Figure 38:</u> Broadcaster source-table.</p>
     3523<p><u>Figure 39:</u> Broadcaster source-table.</p>
    35123525<p><a name="ntripv"><h4> NTRIP Version - mandatory</h4></p>
    35463559<p><img src="IMG/screenshot24.png"/></p>
    3547 <p><u>Figure 39:</u> Stream distribution map derived from NTRIP Broadcaster source-table.</p>
     3560<p><u>Figure 40:</u> Stream distribution map derived from NTRIP Broadcaster source-table.</p>
    35493562<p><a name="streamip"><h4> Add Stream - Coming from TCP/IP Port</h4></p>
    36203633<p><img src="IMG/screenshot15.png"/></p>
    3621 <p><u>Figure 40:</u> BNC setup for pulling a stream via serial port.</p>
     3634<p><u>Figure 41:</u> BNC setup for pulling a stream via serial port.</p>
    36233636<p><a name="streamsdelete"><h4>3.19.2 Delete Stream</h4></p>
    37993812<td>Apr 2008 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 1.5 &nbsp;</td>
    3800 <td>[Add] Handle ephemeris from RTCM Version 3 streams<br> [Add] Upgrade to Qt Version 4.3.2<br> [Add] Optional RINEX v3 output<br> [Add] SBAS support<br> [Bug] RINEX skeleton download following stream outage<br> [Add] Handle ephemeris from RTIGS streams<br> [Add] Monitor stream failure/recovery and latency<br> [Mod] Redesign of main window<br> [Bug] Freezing of About window on Mac OS X<br> [Bug] Fixed problem with PRN 32 in RTCMv2 decoder<br> [Bug] Fix for Trimble 4000SSI receivers in RTCMv2 decoder<br> [Mod] Major revision of input buffer in RTCMv2 decoder</td>
     3813<td>[Add] Handle ephemeris from RTCM Version 3 streams<br> [Add] Upgrade to Qt Version 4.3.2<br> [Add] Optional RINEX v3 output<br> [Add] SBAS support<br> [Bug] RINEX skeleton download following stream outage<br> [Add] Handle ephemeris from RTIGS streams<br> [Add] Monitor stream failure/recovery and latency<br> [Mod] Redesign of main window<br> [Bug] Freezing of About window on Mac OS X<br> [Bug] Fixed problem with PRN 32 in RTCM v2 decoder<br> [Bug] Fix for Trimble 4000SSI receivers in RTCM v2 decoder<br> [Mod] Major revision of input buffer in RTCM v2 decoder</td>
    38043817<td>Dec 2008 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 1.6 &nbsp;</td>
    3805 <td>[Mod] Fill blank columns in RINEXv3 with 0.000<br> [Add] RTCMv3 decoder for orbit and clock corrections<br>[Add] Check RTCMv3 streams for incoming message types<br> [Add] Decode RTCMv2 message types 3, 20, 21, and 22<br> [Add] Loss of lock and lock time indicator<br> [Bug] Rounding error in RTCMv3 decoder concerning GLONASS height<br> [Mod] Accept GLONASS in RTCMv3 when transmitted first<br> [Add] Leap second 1 January 2009<br> [Add] Offline mode, read data from file<br> [Add] Output antenna descriptor, coordinates and eccentricities from RTCMv3<br> [Add] Reconfiguration on-the-fly<br> [Mod] Binary output of synchronized observations<br> [Add] Binary output of unsynchronized observations<br> [Bug] Fixed problem with joined RTCMv3 blocks</td>
     3818<td>[Mod] Fill blank columns in RINEX v3 with 0.000<br> [Add] RTCM v3 decoder for orbit and clock corrections<br>[Add] Check RTCM v3 streams for incoming message types<br> [Add] Decode RTCM v2 message types 3, 20, 21, and 22<br> [Add] Loss of lock and lock time indicator<br> [Bug] Rounding error in RTCM v3 decoder concerning GLONASS height<br> [Mod] Accept GLONASS in RTCM v3 when transmitted first<br> [Add] Leap second 1 January 2009<br> [Add] Offline mode, read data from file<br> [Add] Output antenna descriptor, coordinates and eccentricities from RTCM v3<br> [Add] Reconfiguration on-the-fly<br> [Mod] Binary output of synchronized observations<br> [Add] Binary output of unsynchronized observations<br> [Bug] Fixed problem with joined RTCM v3 blocks</td>
    38493862<td>Feb 2011 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.5 &nbsp;</td>
    3850 <td>[Add] PPP option for sync of clock observations and corrections<br> [Add] Drafted RTCMv3 Galileo ephemeris messages 1045<br> [Add] Drafted RTCMv3 Multiple Signal Messages<br> [Add] Optional specification of sigmas for coordinates and troposphere in PPP<br> [Add] Include Galileo in SPP<br> [Add] Include Galileo observations in output via IP port<br> [Add] Include Galileo observations in output via RINEXv3 files<br> [Mod] Interface format for feeding a real-time engine with observations<br> [Add] Correct observations for antenna phase center offsets<br> [Add] Combine orbit/clock correction streams<br> [Add] Specify corrections mountpoint in PPP panel</td>
     3863<td>[Add] PPP option for sync of clock observations and corrections<br> [Add] Drafted RTCM v3 Galileo ephemeris messages 1045<br> [Add] Drafted RTCM v3 Multiple Signal Messages<br> [Add] Optional specification of sigmas for coordinates and troposphere in PPP<br> [Add] Include Galileo in SPP<br> [Add] Include Galileo observations in output via IP port<br> [Add] Include Galileo observations in output via RINEX v3 files<br> [Mod] Interface format for feeding a real-time engine with observations<br> [Add] Correct observations for antenna phase center offsets<br> [Add] Combine orbit/clock correction streams<br> [Add] Specify corrections mountpoint in PPP panel</td>
    38543867<td>Apr 2011 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.6 &nbsp;</td>
    3855 <td>[Add] Complete integration of BNS in BNC<br> [Add] SP3 and Clock RINEX output<br> [Add] PPP in Post Processing Mode<br> [Add] Some RINEX editing & QC functionality<br> [Add] Threshold for orbit outliers in combination solution<br> [Add] Real-time engine becomes orbit/clock server instead of client<br> [Mod] 'EOE' added to orbit/clock stream from engine<br> [Add] Correction for antenna eccentricities<br> [Add] Quick start mode for PPP<br> [Mod] Design of format for feeding engine changed to follow RINEX v3<br> [Mod] Implementation of SSR message encoding modified according to standard<br> [Add] SSL/TLS Support of NTRIP Version 2<br> [Mod] Switch to Qt version 4.7.3<br> [Add] RINEX editing, concatenation and quality check<br> [Add] Reading all configuration options from command line<br> [Mod] RTCMv3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1045<br> [Mod] Change default configuration file suffix from 'ini' to 'bnc'<br> [Add] Specific rates for orbits and clocks in streams and SP3/RNX files</td>
     3868<td>[Add] Complete integration of BNS in BNC<br> [Add] SP3 and Clock RINEX output<br> [Add] PPP in Post Processing Mode<br> [Add] Some RINEX editing & QC functionality<br> [Add] Threshold for orbit outliers in combination solution<br> [Add] Real-time engine becomes orbit/clock server instead of client<br> [Mod] 'EOE' added to orbit/clock stream from engine<br> [Add] Correction for antenna eccentricities<br> [Add] Quick start mode for PPP<br> [Mod] Design of format for feeding engine changed to follow RINEX v3<br> [Mod] Implementation of SSR message encoding modified according to standard<br> [Add] SSL/TLS Support of NTRIP Version 2<br> [Mod] Switch to Qt version 4.7.3<br> [Add] RINEX editing, concatenation and quality check<br> [Add] Reading all configuration options from command line<br> [Mod] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1045<br> [Mod] Change default configuration file suffix from 'ini' to 'bnc'<br> [Add] Specific rates for orbits and clocks in streams and SP3/RNX files</td>
    38793892<td>Dec 2013 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.10 &nbsp;</td>
    3880 <td>[Add] Started work on new version in Aug 2013<br>[Bug] Clock RINEX und SP3 file generation on Windows systems<br>[Bug] Broadcast Ephemeris generation<br>[Add] Transformation ITRF2008 to NAD83 and DREF91<br>[Add] CodeBias added to RTNET stream format<br>[Bug] GPS L2 in 'Feed Engine' output<br>[Mod] Made C1 in BeiDou default observation type instead of C2<br>[Add] Feed engine output sorted per stream<br>[Add] Feed engine output file name change on-the-fly<br>[Add] 'Append files' option for RINEX observation files<br>[Mod] Broadcast Corrections ASCII file output for message 1058 &amp; 1064 modified<br>[Bug] GPS L2 phase data in RINEX2<br>[Bug] GLONASS frequency numbers<br>[Add] RTCMv3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1046<br>[Add] Reset ambiguities in PPP when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Satellite clock offsets are reset in adjustment for combination when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Version 2.10 published</td>
     3893<td>[Add] Started work on new version in Aug 2013<br>[Bug] Clock RINEX und SP3 file generation on Windows systems<br>[Bug] Broadcast Ephemeris generation<br>[Add] Transformation ITRF2008 to NAD83 and DREF91<br>[Add] CodeBias added to RTNET stream format<br>[Bug] GPS L2 in 'Feed Engine' output<br>[Mod] Made C1 in BeiDou default observation type instead of C2<br>[Add] Feed engine output sorted per stream<br>[Add] Feed engine output file name change on-the-fly<br>[Add] 'Append files' option for RINEX observation files<br>[Mod] Broadcast Corrections ASCII file output for message 1058 &amp; 1064 modified<br>[Bug] GPS L2 phase data in RINEX2<br>[Bug] GLONASS frequency numbers<br>[Add] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1046<br>[Add] Reset ambiguities in PPP when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Satellite clock offsets are reset in adjustment for combination when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Version 2.10 published</td>
    38973910[Add] Decoding RTCM SSR phase bias messages<br>
    38983911[Add] Decoding RTCM SSR ionospheric model messages, single-layer model for total electron content<br>
    3899 [Add] RTCMv3 QZSS Broadcast Ephemeris message 1044<br>
     3912[Add] RTCM v3 QZSS Broadcast Ephemeris message 1044<br>
    39003913[Add] Handle old-fashioned SNR values in RINEX<br>
    39013914[Mod] SNR and MP visualization depending on RINEX observation attribute<br>
    39023915[Bug] Saastamoinen tropospheric correction for very high elevation receivers<br>
    39033916[Add] Comparison of SP3 files<br>
    3904 [Add] RTCMv3 SBAS Broadcast Ephemeris message 1043<br>
    3905 [Add] RTCMv3 BDS Broadcast Ephemeris message 63 (tentative)<br>
     3917[Add] RTCM v3 SBAS Broadcast Ephemeris message 1043<br>
     3918[Add] RTCM v3 BDS Broadcast Ephemeris message 63 (tentative)<br>
    39063919[Bug] VRS support in sending NMEA in Auto/Manual mode to NTRIP Broadcaster<br>
    39073920[Add] Forwarding NMEA GNGGA to NTRIP Broadcaster<br>
    39143927[Add] Broadcast ephemeris check regarding allowed age of data sets<br>
    39153928[Add] Code bias usage for PPP SSR I mode<br>
    3916 [Add] Allow GPS-only and GLONASS-only RINEX Version 2 Navigation files<br>
     3929[Add] Allow GPS-only and GLONASS-only RINEX v2 Navigation files<br>
    39173930[Mod] SSR clock correction converted to seconds to be consistent with broadcast values<br>
    39183931[Add] Support Galileo I/NAV broadcast ephemeris<br>
    3919 [Add] Extended RINEX Version 3 filenames<br>
     3932[Add] Extended RINEX v3 filenames<br>
    39203933[Add] Stream's country added to configuration string 'mountPoints'<br>
    39213934[Add] Set TOE from BDS week and second<br>
    39263939[Bug] SBAS IODN<br>
    39273940[Bug] Galileo week number<br>
    3928 [Add] Phase shift records in RINEX Version 3 headers<br>
     3941[Add] Phase shift records in RINEX v3 headers<br>
    39293942[Add] Output GLONASS slot numbers from scanning stream contents<br>
    39303943[Add] Decoder interface for PPP SSR I+II messages for Galileo/QZSS/SBAS/BDS<br>
    39323945[Add] RINEX QC, receiver/antenna information editable<br>
    39333946[Add] Switch to port 443 for skeleton file donwload from https website<br>
    3934 [Mod] Default observation types for RINEX Version 3 files<br>
    3935 [Bug] RTCM Version 2 decoder<br>
     3947[Mod] Default observation types for RINEX v3 files<br>
     3948[Bug] RTCM v2 decoder<br>
    39363949[Add] SINEX Troposphere file output<br>
    39373950[Add] String for Operating System in logfile output<br>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.