Changeset 7134 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Jul 21, 2015, 1:30:21 PM (10 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7128 r7134  
    53 While work on BNC startet in June 2005, Prof. Mervart's sole responsibility for the progam code and concept lasted till February 2015. Since March 2015 the expert in charge at BKG for further develoments is
     53While work on BNC started in June 2005, Prof. Mervart's sole responsibility for the program code and concept lasted till February 2015. Since March 2015 the expert in charge at BKG for further developments is
    345 Configuration options are usually specified using GUI input fields (1) after launching BNC. When hitting the 'Start' button, configuration options are transferred one level down to become BNC's active configuration (2) allowing the program to begin its operation. Pushing the 'Stop' button ends data processing so that the user can finally terminate BNC through 'File'->'Quit'->'Save Options' which saves processing options in a configuration file to disk (3). It is important to understand that:
     345Configuration options are usually specified using GUI input fields (1) after launching BNC. When hitting the 'Start' button, configuration options are transferred one level down to become BNC's active configuration (2), allowing the program to begin its operation. Pushing the 'Stop' button ends data processing so that the user can finally terminate BNC through 'File'->'Quit'->'Save Options' which saves processing options in a configuration file to disk (3). It is important to understand that:
    347347<li>Active configuration options (2) are independent from GUI input fields and configuration file contents.</li>
    545545The 'File' button lets you
    547 <li> select an appropriate font.<br>
     547<li> Select an appropriate font.<br>
    548548Use smaller font size if the BNC main window exceeds the size of your screen.
    550 <li> reread and save selected options in configuration file.<br>
     550<li> Reread and save selected options in configuration file.<br>
    551551When using 'Reread &amp; Save Configuration' while BNC is already processing data, some configuration options become immediately effective on-the-fly without interrupting uninvolved threads while all of them are saved on disk. See annexed section 'Configuration Examples' for a list of on-the-fly changeable configuration options.
    553 <li> quit the BNC program.
     553<li> Quit the BNC program.
    564 help contents.<br>
     564Help contents.<br>
    565565You may keep the 'Help Contents' window open while configuring BNC.
    568 a 'Flow Chart' showing BNC linked to a real-time GNSS network engine such as RTNET.
     568A 'Flow Chart' showing BNC linked to a real-time GNSS network engine such as RTNET.
    571 general information about BNC.<br>
     571General information about BNC.<br>
    572572Close the 'About BNC' window to continue working with BNC.
    663663<p><a name="rinex"><h4>3.4. RINEX Observations</h4></p>
    665 Observations will be converted to RINEX if they come in either RTCM Version 2 or RTCM Version 3 format. Depending on the RINEX version and incoming RTCM message types, files generated by BNC may contain data from GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, QZSS and/or BDS(BeiDou). In case an observation type is listed in the RINEX header but the corresponding observation is unavailable, its value is set to zero '0.000'. Note that the 'RINEX TYPE' field in the RINEX Version 3 Observation file header is always set to 'M(MIXED)' or 'Mixed' even if the file only contains data from one system.
    666 </p>
    667 <p>
    668 It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a-priori information on observation types for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header, BNC simply introduces all observation types defined in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for all observations which are not received. However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number of observation types which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension' and 'Skeleton Mandatory') and switch to a default selection of observation types when such skeleton file is not available or does not contain the required information. The following is a default selection of observation types specified for a RINEX Version 3 file:
     665Observations will be converted to RINEX if they come in either RTCM Version 2 or RTCM Version 3 format. Depending on the RINEX version and incoming RTCM message types, files generated by BNC may contain data from GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, QZSS and/or BDS (BeiDou). In case an observation type is listed in the RINEX header but the corresponding observation is unavailable, its value is set to zero '0.000'. Note that the 'RINEX TYPE' field in the RINEX Version 3 Observation file header is always set to 'M(MIXED)' or 'Mixed' even if the file only contains data from one system.
     668It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a priori information on observation types for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header, BNC simply introduces all observation types defined in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for all observations which are not received. However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number of observation types which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension' and 'Skeleton Mandatory') and switch to a default selection of observation types when such skeleton file is not available or does not contain the required information. The following is a default selection of observation types specified for a RINEX Version 3 file:
    839839<li>When editing or concatenating RINEX 3 files to save them in Version 2 format, see section on 'RINEX Editing & QC'.</li>
    841 As the Version 2 format ignores signal generation attributes, BNC is forced to somehow map RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2 although this can't be done in one-to-one correspondance. Hence we introduce a 'Signal priority' list of attributes (characters, forming a string) for mapping Version 3 to Version 2.
     841As the Version 2 format ignores signal generation attributes, BNC is forced to somehow map RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2 although this can't be done in one-to-one correspondence. Hence we introduce a 'Signal priority' list of attributes (characters, forming a string) for mapping Version 3 to Version 2.
    846846<li>Signals with attribute 'C' enjoy the highest priority. If such a Version 3 observation becomes available it is presented as RINEX Version 2 observation if that is the format you wish to see. Observations with other attributes are ignored.</li>
    847847<li>If no signal with 'C' attribute is available but we have an observation with 'W' attribute, BNC presents that one as RINEX Version 2 observation and ignores all observations with other attributes. The same applies mutatis mutandis to observations with P and X attributes.</li>
    848 <li>If no signal with 'C', 'W', 'P', or 'X' attribute is availalbe but a signal with undefined generation attribute (underscore character, '_') exists, BNC presents that one as RINEX Version 2 observation. Note that observation attributes should actually always be available in RINEX Version 3. Hence the underscore character makes only sense in a few very special cases.</li>
     848<li>If no signal with 'C', 'W', 'P', or 'X' attribute is available but a signal with undefined generation attribute (underscore character, '_') exists, BNC presents that one as RINEX Version 2 observation. Note that observation attributes should actually always be available in RINEX Version 3. Hence the underscore character makes only sense in a few very special cases.</li>
    849849<li>If no signal with 'C', 'W', 'P', 'X', or '_' generation attribute exists then the question mark '?' tells BNC to present the first of any other appearing signal as RINEX Version 2 observation.</li>
    862 Note that it is possible to force a RTCM Version 2 stream to be saved in RINEX Version 3 file format. However, this is not recommended because such stream can not be precisely mapped to RINEX Version 3 as the required information on tracking modes (observation attributes) is not part of RTCM Version 2.
     862Note that it is possible to force a RTCM Version 2 stream to be saved in RINEX Version 3 file format. However, this is not recommended because such stream cannot be precisely mapped to RINEX Version 3 as the required information on tracking modes (observation attributes) is not part of RTCM Version 2.
    893 The source code for BNC comes with an example perl script '' that allows you to read BNC's ASCII ephemeris output from the IP port.
     893The source code for BNC comes with an example Perl script '' that allows you to read BNC's ASCII ephemeris output from the IP port.
    935 When specifying several input files BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one specific set of adjustet observation type records in the RINEX header which fits to the whole file contents.
     935When specifying several input files BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one specific set of adjusted observation type records in the RINEX header which fits to the whole file contents.
    946946<p><a name="reqclog"><h4>3.6.4 Logfile - optional</h4></p>
    948 Specify the name of a logfile to save information on RINEX file Editing/Concatenation or Analysis. Default is an empty option fieled, meaning that no logfile will be saved.
     948Specify the name of a logfile to save information on RINEX file Editing/Concatenation or Analysis. Default is an empty option field, meaning that no logfile will be saved.
    10961096<p><a name="reqcplots"><h4>3.6.5 Plots for Signals - mandatory if 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'</h4></p>
    1098 Multipath and signal-to-noise sky plots as well as plots for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP are produced per GNSS system and frequency with the multipath analysis based on CnC observation types (n = band / frequency). The 'Plots for signals' option lets you exactly specify the observation signals to be used for that and also enables the plot production. You can specify the navigation system (C = BDS, E = Galileo, G = GPS, J = QZSS, R = GLONASS, S = SBAS), the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for fequency and tracking mode or channel must be seperated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be seperated by blank character ' '. The following string is an example for option field for 'Plots of signals':
    1099 ts for signals' option lets you exactly specify the observation signals to be used for that and also enables the plot production. You can specify the navigation system, the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for fequency and tracking mode or channel must be seperated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be seperated by blank character ' '.
     1098Multipath and signal-to-noise sky plots as well as plots for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP are produced per GNSS system and frequency with the multipath analysis based on CnC observation types (n = band / frequency). The 'Plots for signals' option lets you exactly specify the observation signals to be used for that and also enables the plot production. You can specify the navigation system (C = BDS, E = Galileo, G = GPS, J = QZSS, R = GLONASS, S = SBAS), the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for frequency and tracking mode or channel must be separated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be separated by blank character ' '. The following string is an example for option field 'Plots of signals': It lets you exactly specify the observation signals to be used and also enables the plot generation. You can specify the navigation system, the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for frequency and tracking mode or channel must be separated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be separated by blank character ' '.
    1130 <li>The RINEX Version 2 format ignores signal generation attributes. Therefore, when converting <u>RINEX Version 3 to Version 2</u> Observation files, BNC is forced to somehow map signals with attributes to signals without attributes although this can't be done in one-to-one correspondance. Hence we introduce a 'Version 2 Signal Priority' list of attributes (characters, forming a string) for mapping Version 3 to Version 2, see details in section 'RINEX Obserations/Version 2'.</li>
     1129<li>The RINEX Version 2 format ignores signal generation attributes. Therefore, when converting <u>RINEX Version 3 to Version 2</u> Observation files, BNC is forced to somehow map signals with attributes to signals without attributes although this can't be done in one-to-one correspondence. Hence we introduce a 'Version 2 Signal Priority' list of attributes (characters, forming a string) for mapping Version 3 to Version 2, see details in section 'RINEX Observations/Version 2'.</li>
    11311130<li>When converting <u>RINEX Version 2 to Version 3</u> Observation files, the tracking mode or channel information in the (last character out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown. This is a compromise, knowing that it is not in accordance with the RINEX Version 3 documentation. The default 'Version 2 Signal Priority' list of observation attributes when mapping RINEX Version 3 to Version 2 is 'CWPX_?', see again details in section 'RINEX Observations/Version 2'.</li>
    12301229<tr><td>reqcOldAntennaNumber</td><td>Old antenna number</td></tr>
    12311230<tr><td>reqcNewAntennaNumber</td><td>New antenna number</td></tr>
    1232 <tr><td>reqcOldAntennadN</td><td>Old component of north excentricity</td></tr>
    1233 <tr><td>reqcOldAntennadE</td><td>Old component of east excentricity</td></tr>
    1234 <tr><td>reqcOldAntennadU</td><td>Old component of up excentricity</td></tr>
    1235 <tr><td>reqcNewAntennadN</td><td>New component of north excentricity</td></tr>
    1236 <tr><td>reqcNewAntennadE</td><td>New component of east excentricity</td></tr>
    1237 <tr><td>reqcNewAntennadU</td><td>New component of up excentricity</td></tr>
     1231<tr><td>reqcOldAntennadN</td><td>Old component of north eccentricity</td></tr>
     1232<tr><td>reqcOldAntennadE</td><td>Old component of east eccentricity</td></tr>
     1233<tr><td>reqcOldAntennadU</td><td>Old component of up eccentricity</td></tr>
     1234<tr><td>reqcNewAntennadN</td><td>New component of north eccentricity</td></tr>
     1235<tr><td>reqcNewAntennadE</td><td>New component of east eccentricity</td></tr>
     1236<tr><td>reqcNewAntennadU</td><td>New component of up eccentricity</td></tr>
    12381237<tr><td>reqcOldReceiverName</td><td>Old receiver name</td></tr>
    12391238<tr><td>reqcNewReceiverName</td><td>New receiver name</td></tr>
    1249 To compare satellite clocks provided by the two files BNC first converts coordinate differences dX,dY,dZ into along track, out-of-plane and radial compoments. It then corrects the clock differences for the radial components of coordinate differences. RMS values of clock differences are finally calculated after introducing at first one offset 'per epoch for all satellites' and secondly one offset 'per satellite for all epochs'.
     1248To compare satellite clocks provided by the two files BNC first converts coordinate differences dX,dY,dZ into along track, out-of-plane and radial components. It then corrects the clock differences for the radial components of coordinate differences. RMS values of clock differences are finally calculated after introducing at first one offset 'per epoch for all satellites' and secondly one offset 'per satellite for all epochs'.
    12611260<li>G05,G31 (excluding GPS satellites with PRN 5 and 31)</li>
    1262 <li>G (exclucing all GPS satellites)</li>
     1261<li>G (excluding all GPS satellites)</li>
    12631262<li>R (excluding all GLONASS satellites)</li>
    12641263<li>R12,R24 (excluding GLONASS satellites with slot number 12 and 24)</li>
    1277 The following is an example for a SP3 Comparsion logfile:
     1276The following is an example for a SP3 Comparison logfile:
    1323 The first part int this uses the following abbreviations:
     1322The first part in this uses the following abbreviations:
    13271326<tr><td>'MJD' &nbsp;</td><td>Modified Julian Date</td></tr>
    1328 <tr><td>'PRN' &nbsp;</td><td>Satellit specification</td></tr>
     1327<tr><td>'PRN' &nbsp;</td><td>Satellite specification</td></tr>
    13291328<tr><td>'radial' &nbsp;</td><td>Radial component of orbit coordinate difference [m]</td></tr>
    13301329<tr><td>'along' &nbsp;</td><td>Along track component of orbit coordinate difference [m]</td></tr>
    1337 The second part following string 'RMS' provides a summary of the comparison using the following abbreviations:<br>
     1336The second part following string 'RMS' provides a summary of the comparison using the following
    13421342<tr><td>'along' &nbsp;</td><td>RMS of along track component of orbit coordinate differences [m]</td></tr>
    13431343<tr><td>'out' &nbsp;</td><td>RMS of out-of-plane component of orbit coordinate differences [m]</td></tr>
    1344 <tr><td>'nOrb' &nbsp;</td><td>Number of epochs used in in orbit comparision</td></tr>
     1344<tr><td>'nOrb' &nbsp;</td><td>Number of epochs used in in orbit comparison</td></tr>
    13451345<tr><td>'clk' &nbsp;</td><td>RMS of clock differences [m]</td></tr>
    13461346<tr><td>'clkRed' &nbsp;</td><td>RMS of clock differences after reduction of radial orbit differences [m]</td></tr>
    1400 BNC's Broadcast Correction files contain blocks of records in plain ASCII format. Each block covers information about one sprecific topic and starts with an 'Epoch Record'.
     1400BNC's Broadcast Correction files contain blocks of records in plain ASCII format. Each block covers information about one specific topic and starts with an 'Epoch Record'.
    1698 The source code for BNC comes with an example perl script '' that allows you to read BNC's Broadcast Corrections from the IP port.
     1698The source code for BNC comes with an example Perl script '' that allows you to read BNC's Broadcast Corrections from the IP port.
    1772 The source code for BNC comes with a perl script named '' that allows you to read BNC's (synchronized or unsynchronized) ASCII observation output from the IP port and print it on standard output.
     1772The source code for BNC comes with a Perl script named '' that allows you to read BNC's (synchronized or unsynchronized) ASCII observation output from the IP port and print it on standard output.
    18841884<p><a name="serauto"><h4>3.10.8 NMEA - mandatory if 'Mountpoint' is set</h4></p>
    1885 <p>The 'NMEA' option supports the so-called 'Virtural Reference Station' (VRS) concept which requires the receiver to send approximate position information to the NTRIP Broadcaster. Select 'no' if you don't want BNC to forward or upload any NMEA message to the NTRIP broadcaster in support of VRS.
     1885<p>The 'NMEA' option supports the so-called 'Virtual Reference Station' (VRS) concept which requires the receiver to send approximate position information to the NTRIP Broadcaster. Select 'no' if you don't want BNC to forward or upload any NMEA message to the NTRIP broadcaster in support of VRS.
    18871887<p>Select 'Auto' to automatically forward NMEA messages of type GGA from your serial connected receiver to the NTRIP broadcaster and/or save them in a file.
    18891889<p>Select 'Manual GPGGA' or 'Manual GNGGA' if you want BNC to produce and upload GPGGA or GNGGA NMEA messages to the NTRIP broadcaster because your serial connected receiver doesn't generate these messages. A Talker ID 'GP' preceding the GGA string stands for GPS solutions while a Talker ID 'GN' stands for multi constellation solutions.
    1891 <p>Note that selecting 'Auto' or 'Manual' works only for VRS streams which show up under the 'Streams' canvas on BNC's main window with 'nmea' stream attribute set to 'yes'. This attribute is either extracted from the NTRIP broadcaster's sourcetable or introduced by the user through editing the BNC configuration file.
     1891<p>Note that selecting 'Auto' or 'Manual' works only for VRS streams which show up under the 'Streams' canvas on BNC's main window with 'nmea' stream attribute set to 'yes'. This attribute is either extracted from the NTRIP broadcaster's source-table or introduced by the user through editing the BNC configuration file.
    18971897<p><a name="serheight"><h4>3.10.10 Height - mandatory if 'NMEA' is set to 'Manual'</h4></p>
    1899 Specify an approximate 'Height' above mean sea level in meters for the reference station introduced through 'Mountpoint'. Together with the latitude and longitude from the NTRIP broadcaster sourcetable the height information is used to build GGA messages to be sent to the NTRIP broadcaster.
     1899Specify an approximate 'Height' above mean sea level in meters for the reference station introduced through 'Mountpoint'. Together with the latitude and longitude from the NTRIP broadcaster source-table the height information is used to build GGA messages to be sent to the NTRIP broadcaster.
    19011901<p>For adjusting latitude and longitude values of a VRS stream given in the 'Streams' canvas you can double click the latitude/longitude data fields, specify appropriate values and then hit Enter.
    19281928<p><a name="obsrate"><h4>3.11.1 Observation Rate - optional</h4></p>
    1930 BNC can collect all returns (success or failure) coming from a decoder within a certain short time span to then decide whether a stream has an outage or its content is corrupted. This procedure needs a rough a priory estimate of the expected observation rate of the incoming streams.</p><p>An empty option field (default) means that you don't want explicit information from BNC about stream outages and incoming streams that cannot be decoded.
     1930BNC can collect all returns (success or failure) coming from a decoder within a certain short time span to then decide whether a stream has an outage or its content is corrupted. This procedure needs a rough a priori estimate of the expected observation rate of the incoming streams.</p><p>An empty option field (default) means that you don't want explicit information from BNC about stream outages and incoming streams that cannot be decoded.
    2014 <u>Statistics:</u> BNC counts the number of GPS seconds covered by at least one observation. It also estimates an observation rate (independent from the a priory specified 'Observation rate') from all observations received throughout the first full 'Log latency' interval. Based on this rate, BNC estimates the number of data gaps when appearing in subsequent intervals.
     2014<u>Statistics:</u> BNC counts the number of GPS seconds covered by at least one observation. It also estimates an observation rate (independent from the a priori specified 'Observation rate') from all observations received throughout the first full 'Log latency' interval. Based on this rate, BNC estimates the number of data gaps when appearing in subsequent intervals.
    20272027<p><a name="miscscan"><h4>3.12.3 Scan RTCM - optional</h4></p>
    2029 When configuring a GNSS receiver for RTCM stream generation, the firmware's setup interface may not provide details about RTCM message types and observation types. As reliable information concerning stream contents should be available i.e. for NTRIP Broadcaster operators to maintain the broadcaster's source-table, BNC allows to scan RTCM streams for incoming message types and printout some of the contained meta-data. Contained observation types are also printed because such information is required a-priori for the conversion of RTCM Version 3 MSM streams to RINEX Version 3 files. The idea for this option arose from 'inspectRTCM', a comprehensive stream analyzing tool written by D. Stoecker.
     2029When configuring a GNSS receiver for RTCM stream generation, the firmware's setup interface may not provide details about RTCM message types and observation types. As reliable information concerning stream contents should be available i.e. for NTRIP Broadcaster operators to maintain the broadcaster's source-table, BNC allows to scan RTCM streams for incoming message types and printout some of the contained meta-data. Contained observation types are also printed because such information is required a priori for the conversion of RTCM Version 3 MSM streams to RINEX Version 3 files. The idea for this option arose from 'inspectRTCM', a comprehensive stream analyzing tool written by D. Stoecker.
    20992099PPP options are specified in BNC through the following four panels.
    2101 <li>PPP (1): Input and output, sprecifying real-time or post processing mode and associated data sources</li>
    2102 <li>PPP (2): Processed stations, specifying sigmas and noise of a-priori coordinates and NMEA stream output</li>
     2101<li>PPP (1): Input and output, specifying real-time or post processing mode and associated data sources</li>
     2102<li>PPP (2): Processed stations, specifying sigmas and noise of a priori coordinates and NMEA stream output</li>
    21032103<li>PPP (3): Processing options, specifying general PPP processing options</li>
    21042104<li>PPP (4): Plots, specifying visualization through time series and track maps</li>
    21622162<p><a name="pppcorrstream"><h4> Corrections Stream - optional if 'Data source' is set to 'Real-Time Streams'</h4></p>
    2164 Specify a Broadcast 'Corrections stream' from the list of selected 'Streams' you are pulling if you want BNC to correct your satellite ephemeris accordingly. Note that the stream's orbit and clock corrections must refer to the satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC). Streams providing such corrections are made availabel e.g. through the International GNSS Service (IGS) and listed on <u></u>. The stream format must be RTCM Version 3 containing so-called SSR messages. Streams 'IGS03' and 'CLK11' supporting GPS plus GLONASS are examples.
     2164Specify a Broadcast 'Corrections stream' from the list of selected 'Streams' you are pulling if you want BNC to correct your satellite ephemeris accordingly. Note that the stream's orbit and clock corrections must refer to the satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC). Streams providing such corrections are made available e.g. through the International GNSS Service (IGS) and listed on <u></u>. The stream format must be RTCM Version 3 containing so-called SSR messages. Streams 'IGS03' and 'CLK11' supporting GPS plus GLONASS are examples.
    2176 <li>Input data source, to be specifiedy either through
     2176<li>Input data source, to be specified either through
    21782178<li>the 'Mountpoint' of an RTCM stream (when in real-time PPP mode), or
    21822182Having this parameter first in each record is mandatory. BNC can carry out PPP solutions only for streams or files specified here.</li><br>
    2183 <li>Only for static observations from a stationary receiver:<br>Approximate a-priori XYZ coordinate [m] of the station's marker; specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown or when observations come from a mobile receiver.</li><br>
    2184 <li>Nort, East and Up component [m] of antenna excentricity which is the difference between Antenna Reference Point (ARP) and a nearby marker position; when specifying the antenna excentricity BNC will produce coordinates referring to the marker position and not referring to ARP; specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if excentricity is unknown or the ARP itself is understood as the marker.</li><br>
     2183<li>Only for static observations from a stationary receiver:<br>Approximate a priori XYZ coordinate [m] of the station's marker; specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown or when observations come from a mobile receiver.</li><br>
     2184<li>Nort, East and Up component [m] of antenna eccentricity which is the difference between Antenna Reference Point (ARP) and a nearby marker position; when specifying the antenna eccentricity BNC will produce coordinates referring to the marker position and not referring to ARP; specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if eccentricity is unknown or the ARP itself is understood as the marker.</li><br>
    21852185<li>Receiver's antenna name as defined in your ANTEX file (see below); Observations will be corrected for the Antenna Phase Center (APC) offsets and variations which may result in a reduction of a few centimeters at max; the specified name must consist of 20 characters; add trailing blanks if the antenna name has less than 20 characters; examples:<br><pre>
    21862186&nbsp; &nbsp;'JPSREGANT_SD_E      ' (no radome)
    2196 The following is an example contents for a 'Coordinates' file. Here each record describes the mountpoint of a stream available from the global IGS real-time reference station network. A-priory coordinates are followed by North/East/Up excentricity components of the ARP
    2197 followed by the antenna name and radom in use.
     2196The following is an example contents for a 'Coordinates' file. Here each record describes the mountpoint of a stream available from the global IGS real-time reference station network. A priori coordinates are followed by North/East/Up eccentricity components of the ARP
     2197followed by the antenna name and radome in use.
    2260 <li> Record 'FFMJ1' describes a stream from a stationary receiver with known a-priory marker coordinate and antenna excentricity but unknown antenna name and radom.</li>
    2261 <li> Record 'TITZ1' describes a stream coming from a stationary receiver where an a-priory marker coordinate is known but antenna excentricity, name and radom are unknown.</li>
    2262 <li>The 4-character station ID 'WARN' indicates that a RINEX observations file for post processing PPP is available for station 'WARN' but an a-priory marker coordinate as well as antenna excentricity, name and radom are unknown.</li>
    2263 <li>Record 'SASS1' stands for a mountpoint where the stream comes from a mobile rover receiver. Hence an a-priory coordinate is unknown although antenna excentricity, name and radom are known.</li>
     2260<li> Record 'FFMJ1' describes a stream from a stationary receiver with known a priori marker coordinate and antenna eccentricity but unknown antenna name and radome.</li>
     2261<li> Record 'TITZ1' describes a stream coming from a stationary receiver where an a priori marker coordinate is known but antenna eccentricity, name and radome are unknown.</li>
     2262<li>The 4-character station ID 'WARN' indicates that a RINEX observations file for post processing PPP is available for station 'WARN' but an a priori marker coordinate as well as antenna eccentricity, name and radome are unknown.</li>
     2263<li>Record 'SASS1' stands for a mountpoint where the stream comes from a mobile rover receiver. Hence an a priori coordinate is unknown although antenna eccentricity, name and radome are known.</li>
    2281 Each row reports the PPP result of one epoch. It begins with a UTC time stamp (yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) which tells us when the result was produced. A second time stamp (yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss) describes the PPP's epoch in 'GPS Time'. It is followed by the derived XYZ position in [m], its North, East and Up displacement compared to an introduced a-priory coordinate and the estimated tropospheric delay [m] (model plus correction).
     2281Each row reports the PPP result of one epoch. It begins with a UTC time stamp (yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) which tells us when the result was produced. A second time stamp (yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss) describes the PPP's epoch in 'GPS Time'. It is followed by the derived XYZ position in [m], its North, East and Up displacement compared to an introduced a priori coordinate and the estimated tropospheric delay [m] (model plus correction).
    23422342<li>AMB: L3 biases, also known as 'floated ambiguities'<br>Given per satellite with 'el'  = satellite elevation angle, 'epo' = number of epochs since last ambiguity reset
    23432343<li>OGG: Time offset between GPS time and Galileo time in [m],
    2344 <li>TRP: A-priori and correction values of tropospheric zenith delay in [m],
    2345 <li>MOUNTPOINT: Here 'CUT07' with XYZ position in [m] and dN/dE/dU in [m] for North, East, and Up displacements comparted to a-priory marker coordinates.</li>
     2344<li>TRP: A priori and correction values of tropospheric zenith delay in [m],
     2345<li>MOUNTPOINT: Here 'CUT07' with XYZ position in [m] and dN/dE/dU in [m] for North, East, and Up displacements comparted to a priori marker coordinates.</li>
    23472347Estimated parameters are presented together with their formal errors as derived from the implemented filter. The PPP algorithm includes outlier and cycle slip detection.
    23532353<p><a name="pppantexfile"><h4> ANTEX File - optional</h4></p>
    2355 IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center corrections for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required for correcting observations in PPP for antenna phase center offsets and variations. Note that for appyling such corrections you need to specify the receiver's antenna name and radom in BNC's 'Coordinates' file.
     2355IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center corrections for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required for correcting observations in PPP for antenna phase center offsets and variations. Note that for applying such corrections you need to specify the receiver's antenna name and radome in BNC's 'Coordinates' file.
    24122412T(z) = T_apr(z) + dT / cos(z)
    2414 where T_apr is the a-priori tropospheric delay derived from Saastamoinen model.
     2414where T_apr is the a priori tropospheric delay derived from Saastamoinen model.
    2499 This panel allows to enter parameters specific to each PPP process or thread. Individual sigmas for a-priori coordinates and a noise for coordinate variations over time can be introduced. Furthermore, a sigma for model based troposphere estimates and the corresponding noise for troposphere variations can be specified. Finally, local IP server ports can be defined for output of NMEA streams carrying PPP results.
    2500 </p>
    2501 <p>
    2502 BNC offers to create a table with one line per PPP process or thread to specify the station sprecific parameters. Hit the 'Add Station' button to create a table or add a new line to it. To remove a line from the table, highlight it by clicking it and hit the 'Delete Station' button. You can also remove multiple lines simultaneously by highlighting them using +Shift and +Ctrl.</p>
     2499This panel allows to enter parameters specific to each PPP process or thread. Individual sigmas for a priori coordinates and a noise for coordinate variations over time can be introduced. Furthermore, a sigma for model based troposphere estimates and the corresponding noise for troposphere variations can be specified. Finally, local IP server ports can be defined for output of NMEA streams carrying PPP results.
     2502BNC offers to create a table with one line per PPP process or thread to specify the station specific parameters. Hit the 'Add Station' button to create a table or add a new line to it. To remove a line from the table, highlight it by clicking it and hit the 'Delete Station' button. You can also remove multiple lines simultaneously by highlighting them using +Shift and +Ctrl.</p>
    25162516<p><a name="pppnehsigma"><h4> Sigma North/East/Up - mandatory</h4></p>
    2518 Enter a sigmas in meters for the initial coordinate compoments. A value of 100.0 (default) may be an appropriate choice. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) when starting for example from a station with well known position - so-called Quick-Start mode.
     2518Enter a sigmas in meters for the initial coordinate components. A value of 100.0 (default) may be an appropriate choice. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) when starting for example from a station with well known position - so-called Quick-Start mode.
    25262526<p><a name="ppptropsigma"><h4> Tropo Sigma - mandatory</h4></p>
    2528 Enter a sigma in meters for the a-priory model based tropospheric delay estimation. A value of 0.1 (default) may be an appropriate choice.
     2528Enter a sigma in meters for the a priori model based tropospheric delay estimation. A value of 0.1 (default) may be an appropriate choice.
    25462546<p><a name="pppOptions"><h4>3.13.3 PPP (3): Processing Options</h4></p>
    2547 <p>BNC allows using various Point Positioning processing options depending on the capability of the involved receiver and the application in mind. It also allows introducing specific sigmas for code and phase observations as well as for a-priory coordinates and troposphere estimates. You may also like to carry out your PPP solution in Quick-Start mode or enforce BNC to restart a solution if the length of an outage exceeds a certain threshold.
     2547<p>BNC allows using various Point Positioning processing options depending on the capability of the involved receiver and the application in mind. It also allows introducing specific sigmas for code and phase observations as well as for a priori coordinates and troposphere estimates. You may also like to carry out your PPP solution in Quick-Start mode or enforce BNC to restart a solution if the length of an outage exceeds a certain threshold.
    2579 Specify a maximum for residuals 'Max Res C1' for C1 code observations in a PPP solution. '3.0' meters may be an appropriate choise for that. If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.
     2579Specify a maximum for residuals 'Max Res C1' for C1 code observations in a PPP solution. '3.0' meters may be an appropriate choice for that. If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.
    2588 Specify a maximum for residuals 'Max Res L1' for L1 phase observations in a PPP solution. '0.03' meters may be an appropriate choise for that. If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.
     2588Specify a maximum for residuals 'Max Res L1' for L1 phase observations in a PPP solution. '0.03' meters may be an appropriate choice for that. If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.
    2610 <li>Tick 'Ele Wgt Code' if you want Elevation Dependant Weighting for code observations.</li>
    2611 <li>Tick 'Ele Wgt Phase' if you want Elevation Dependant Weighting for phase observations.</li>
     2610<li>Tick 'Ele Wgt Code' if you want Elevation Dependent Weighting for code observations.</li>
     2611<li>Tick 'Ele Wgt Phase' if you want Elevation Dependent Weighting for phase observations.</li>
    2641 <p><a name="pppseeding"><h4> Seeding - optional if a-prioriy coordinates specified in 'Coordinates'</h4></p>
    2642 <p>
    2643 Enter the length of a startup period in seconds for which you want to fix the PPP solution to an known position, see option 'Coordinates'. Constraining a-priory coordinates is done in BNC through setting their white 'Noise' temporarily to zero.
     2641<p><a name="pppseeding"><h4> Seeding - optional if a priori coordinates specified in 'Coordinates'</h4></p>
     2643Enter the length of a startup period in seconds for which you want to fix the PPP solution to an known position, see option 'Coordinates'. Constraining a priori coordinates is done in BNC through setting their white 'Noise' temporarily to zero.
    2750 A combination is carried out following a specified sampling interval. BNC waits for incoming Broadcast Corrections for the period of one such intervall. Corrections received later than that will be ignored. If incoming streams have different rates, only epochs that correspond to the sampling interval are used.
     2750A combination is carried out following a specified sampling interval. BNC waits for incoming Broadcast Corrections for the period of one such interval. Corrections received later than that will be ignored. If incoming streams have different rates, only epochs that correspond to the sampling interval are used.
    2905 If the key VTEC is specified, a data set for each layer contains within its first line the Layers Number, followed by Maximum Degree, Maximum Order and Layer Hight. After that follow Cosinus and Sinus Spherical Harmonic Coefficients, one block each.
     2905If the key VTEC is specified, a data set for each layer contains within its first line the Layers Number, followed by Maximum Degree, Maximum Order and Layer Height. After that follow Cosine and Sinus Spherical Harmonic Coefficients, one block each.
    3209 Note that only when specifying a value of zereo '0' (default) for 'Sampling Orb', BNC produces <u>combined</u> orbit and clock correction messages.
     3209Note that only when specifying a value of zero '0' (default) for 'Sampling Orb', BNC produces <u>combined</u> orbit and clock correction messages.
    32103210<p><a name="upclksp3"><h4> SP3 - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    32113211<p>Select the SP3 orbit file sampling interval in minutes. A value of 15 min may be appropriate. A value of zero '0' tells BNC to store all available samples into SP3 orbit files.</p>
    33153315<p><a name="throughput"><h4>3.18.2 Throughput</h4></p>
    3317 The bandwidth consumption per stream is shown in the 'Throughput' tab in bits per second (bps) or kilo bits per second (kbps). The following figure shows an example for the bandwidth consumption of incoming streams.
     3317The bandwidth consumption per stream is shown in the 'Throughput' tab in bits per second (bps) or kilobits per second (kbps). The following figure shows an example for the bandwidth consumption of incoming streams.
    35663566Note that when running BNC offline, it will use options for file saving, interval, sampling, PPP etc. from its configuration file.
    3568 <p>Note further that option '--file' forces BNC to appy the '-nw' option for running in 'no window' mode.
     3568<p>Note further that option '--file' forces BNC to apply the '-nw' option for running in 'no window' mode.
    37653765[Mod] QC routines re-written with the goal of handling all signal types<br>
    37663766[Add] Machine-readable output of RINEX QC<br>
    3767 [Add] Additionl PPP client for parallel processing of an arbitrary number of stations in separate threads<br>
     3767[Add] Additional PPP client for parallel processing of an arbitrary number of stations in separate threads<br>
    37683768[Add] PPP processing of any number of linear combinations of GNSS measurements selected by user<br>
    37693769[Add] Decoding RTCM SSR phase bias messages<br>
    39073907<li>Type 1011, GLONASS L1 and L2 code and phase.</li>
    39083908<li>Type 1012, GLONASS L1 and L2 code and phase and ambiguities and carrier-to-noise ratio.</li>
    3909 <li>Type 1013, Modified julian date, leap second, configured message types and interval.</li>
     3909<li>Type 1013, Modified Julian Date, leap second, configured message types and interval.</li>
    39103910<li>Type 1014 and 1017, Network RTK (MAK) messages.</li>
    39113911<li>Type 1019, GPS ephemeris.</li>
    41524152<li>File 'PPPNet.bnc'<br>
    4153 The purpose of this configuration is to demonstrate siumultaneous Precise
     4153The purpose of this configuration is to demonstrate simultaneous Precise
    41544154Point Positioning for several rovers or several receivers from a network of
    41554155reference stations in one BNC job. The possible maximum number of PPP solutions
    43034303<tr><td>rnxSkel</td><td>Skeleton extension</td></tr>
    4304 <tr><td>rnxOnlyWithSKL</td><td>Skeleton is mandadory</td></tr>
    4305 <tr><td>rnxScript</td><td>Uplod script</td></tr>
     4304<tr><td>rnxOnlyWithSKL</td><td>Skeleton is mandatory</td></tr>
     4305<tr><td>rnxScript</td><td>Upload script</td></tr>
    43064306<tr><td>rnxV2Priority</td><td>Signal priority</td></tr>
    4307 <tr><td>rnxV3</td><td>ersion 3</td></tr>
     4307<tr><td>rnxV3</td><td>Version 3</td></tr>
    43094309<tr><td><br><b>RINEX Ephemeris Panel</b></td><td><br><b>Meaning</b></td></tr>
    43374337<tr><td>reqcOldAntennaNumber</td><td>Old antenna number
    43384338<tr><td>reqcNewAntennaNumber</td><td>New antenna number
    4339 <tr><td>reqcOldAntennadN</td><td>Old north excentritity
    4340 <tr><td>reqcNewAntennadN</td><td>New north excentricity
    4341 <tr><td>reqcOldAntennadE</td><td>Old east excentritity
    4342 <tr><td>reqcNewAntennadE</td><td>New east excentricity
    4343 <tr><td>reqcOldAntennadU</td><td>Old up excentritity
    4344 <tr><td>reqcNewAntennadU</td><td>New up excentricity
     4339<tr><td>reqcOldAntennadN</td><td>Old north eccentritity
     4340<tr><td>reqcNewAntennadN</td><td>New north eccentricity
     4341<tr><td>reqcOldAntennadE</td><td>Old east eccentricity
     4342<tr><td>reqcNewAntennadE</td><td>New east eccentricity
     4343<tr><td>reqcOldAntennadU</td><td>Old up eccentritity
     4344<tr><td>reqcNewAntennadU</td><td>New up eccentricity
    43454345<tr><td>reqcOldReceiverName</td><td>Old receiver name
    43464346<tr><td>reqcNewReceiverName</td><td>New receiver name
    4466 <tr><td>uploadEphMountpoint</td><td>Moutpoint</td></tr>
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