Changeset 7125 in ntrip

Jul 19, 2015, 12:46:27 PM (10 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/Example_Configs/00_Readme.txt

    r7108 r7125  
    120120Corrections. Positions are saved in the logfile.
    122 9. File 'PPPQuickStart.bnc'
     1229. File 'PPPNet.bnc'
     123The purpose of this configuration is siumultaneous Precise Point Positioning
     124from observations of several rover receivers or a network of reference
     125stations. The configuration reads several RTCM Version 3 observation streams,
     126a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream with Broadcast Corrections.
     127Positions are saved per station in the logfile.
     12910. File 'PPPQuickStart.bnc'
    123130The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Quick-Start
    124131mode from observations of a static receiver with precisely known position. The
    128135tools like RTKPLOT. Positions are also saved in the logfile.
    130 10. File 'PPPPostProc.bnc'
     13711. File 'PPPPostProc.bnc'
    131138The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Post
    132139Processing mode. BNC reads a RINEX Observation and a RINEX Version 3 Navigation
    136143implemented PPP filter algorithm.
    138 11. File 'PPPGoogleMaps.bnc'
     14512. File 'PPPGoogleMaps.bnc'
    139146The purpose of this configuration is to track BNC's point positioning
    140147solution using Google Maps or Open StreetMap as background. BNC reads a
    146153on top of GM/OSM maps.
    148 12. File 'SPPQuickStartGal.bnc'
     15513. File 'SPPQuickStartGal.bnc'
    149156The purpose of this configuration is Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start
    150157mode from observations of a static receiver with precisely known position. The
    152159Ephemeris stream.
    154 13. File 'SaveSp3.bnc'
     16114. File 'SaveSp3.bnc'
    155162The purpose of this configuration is to produce SP3 files from a Broadcast
    156163Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast Corrections stream. The Broadcast Corrections
    159166referred to CoM.
    161 14. File 'Sp3ETRF2000PPP.bnc'
     16815. File 'Sp3ETRF2000PPP.bnc'
    162169The purpose of this configuration is to produce SP3 files from a Broadcast
    163170Ephemeris stream and a stream carrying ETRF2000 Broadcast Corrections. The
    168175with ETRF2000 reference coordinates.
    170 15. File 'Upload.bnc'
     17716. File 'Upload.bnc'
    171178The purpose of this configuration is to upload orbits and clocks from a
    172179real-time GNSS engine to an NTRIP Broadcaster. For that the configuration reads
    178185and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    180 16. File 'UploadPPP.bnc'
     18717. File 'UploadPPP.bnc'
    181188This configuration equals the 'Upload.bnc' configuration. However, the
    182189Broadcast Corrections are in addition used for an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution based
    185192observing coordinate displacements.
    187 17. File 'Combi.bnc'
     19418. File 'Combi.bnc'
    188195The purpose of this configuration is to pull several streams carrying Broadcast
    189196Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from an NTRIP Broadcaster to
    194201and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    196 18. File 'CombiPPP.bnc'
     20319. File 'CombiPPP.bnc'
    197204This configuration equals the 'Combi.bnc' configuration. However, the combined
    198205Broadcast Corrections are in addition used for an 'INTERNAL' PPP solutions
    201208through observing coordinate displacements.
    203 19. File 'UploadEph.bnc'
     21020. File 'UploadEph.bnc'
    204211The purpose of this configuration is to pull a number of streams from reference
    205212stations to get hold of contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. These are
    207214with an update rate of 5 seconds.
    209 20. File 'CompareSp3.bnc'
     21621. File 'CompareSp3.bnc'
    210217The purpose of this configuration is to compare two SP3 files to calculate
    211218RMS values for orbit and clock differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS
    213220in a logfile.
    215 21. File 'Empty.bnc'
     22222. File 'Empty.bnc'
    216223The purpose of this example is to provide an empty configuration file for BNC
    217224which only contains the default settings.
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