Changeset 6986 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Jun 30, 2015, 10:05:47 AM (10 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r6985 r6986  
    908908  _pppWidgets._corrFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections file(s) as saved beforehand using BNC.</p><p>If you don't specify corrections through this option, BNC will fall back to Single Point Positioning (SPP, positioning from RINEX Obs and RINEX Nav files only) instead of doing PPP.</p>"));
    910   _pppWidgets._logFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily PPP logfiles using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_$(STATION)_$(DATE).log</p><p>BNC will produce one daily PPP logfile per station. Variable $(STATION) stands for the affected station and $(DATE) stands for the date.</p>"));
    912   _pppWidgets._nmeaFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily NMEA files using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_$(STATION)_$(DATE).nmea</p><p>BNC will produce one daily NMEA file per station, mainly to save NMEA GGA sentences from the PPP solution. Variable $(STATION) stands for the affected station and $(DATE) stands for the date.</p>"));
    914   _pppWidgets._snxtroFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily SINEX Troposphere files using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_$(STATION)_$(DATE).tro</p><p>BNC will produce one daily troposphere file per station to save troposphere parameters from the PPP solution in SINEX Troposphere format. Variable $(STATION) stands for the affected station and $(DATE) stands for the date.</p>"));
     910  _pppWidgets._logFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily PPP logfiles using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_${STATION}_${DATE}.log</p><p>BNC will produce one daily PPP logfile per station. Variable ${STATION} stands for the affected station and ${DATE} stands for the date.</p>"));
     912  _pppWidgets._nmeaFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily NMEA files using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_${STATION}_${DATE}.nmea</p><p>BNC will produce one daily NMEA file per station, mainly to save NMEA GGA sentences from the PPP solution. Variable ${STATION} stands for the affected station and ${DATE} stands for the date.</p>"));
     914  _pppWidgets._snxtroFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily SINEX Troposphere files using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_${STATION}${DOY}.${YY}.zpd</p><p>BNC will produce one daily troposphere file per station to save troposphere parameters from the PPP solution in SINEX Troposphere format. Variable ${STATION} stands for the affected station, ${DOY} stands for the Day Of Year, and ${YY} for the year.</p>"));
    916916  _pppWidgets._snxtroSampl->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a 'Sampling' rate for saving troposphere paramers.</p>"));
    986986  pppLayout3->addWidget(_pppWidgets._minEle,                ir, 7);
    987987  ++ir;
    988   pppLayout3->addWidget(new QLabel("Wait for corrections"), ir, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
     988  pppLayout3->addWidget(new QLabel("Wait for clock corr."), ir, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
    989989  pppLayout3->addWidget(_pppWidgets._corrWaitTime,          ir, 1);
    990990  pppLayout3->addWidget(new QLabel("Seeding (sec)"),        ir, 3, Qt::AlignLeft);
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