Changeset 6729 in ntrip

Mar 26, 2015, 10:59:49 PM (10 years ago)

PPP audio response added

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/pppWidgets.cpp

    r6722 r6729  
    8989  _useGoogleMap     = new QRadioButton; _useGoogleMap    ->setObjectName("PPP/useGoogleMap");     _widgets << _useGoogleMap;
    9090  _useOpenStreetMap = new QRadioButton; _useOpenStreetMap->setObjectName("PPP/useOpenStreetMap"); _widgets << _useOpenStreetMap;
     91  _audioResponse    = new QLineEdit;    _audioResponse   ->setObjectName("PPP/audioResponse");    _widgets << _audioResponse;
    9192  _mapWinDotSize    = new QLineEdit;    _mapWinDotSize   ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinDotSize");    _widgets << _mapWinDotSize;
    9293  _mapWinDotColor   = new QComboBox;    _mapWinDotColor  ->setObjectName("PPP/mapWinDotColor");   _widgets << _mapWinDotColor;
    157158  _corrWaitTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specifying 'no' means that BNC will not wait and process each epoch of data immediately after arrival using satellite clock corrections available at that time.</p><p>Specifying a non-zero value (i.e. 5 sec) means that data will be buffered and the processing of each buffered epoch is postponed till satellite orbit and clock corrections not older than '5 sec' (example) become available.</p>"));
    159   _plotCoordinates->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows to produce a time series plot of coordinates for one Real-time PPP solution in the 'PPP Plot' section below. Specify the 'Mountpoint' of the stream whose coordinate displacements you would like to see plotted.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that BNC shall not produce a time series plot of PPP coordinate displacements.</p>"));
     160  _plotCoordinates->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows to produce a time series plot of coordinates for one of your Real-time PPP stations in the 'PPP Plot' window below. Specify the 'Mountpoint' of the stream whose coordinate displacements you would like to see plotted.</p><p>Note that this option makes only sense for a more or less stationary receiver with known a-priori coordinates as specified through PPP option 'Coordinates'.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that BNC shall not produce a time series plot of PPP coordinate displacements.</p>"));
    160162  _mapWinButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>You make like to track your rover position using Google Maps or Open Street Map as a background map. Track maps can be produced with BNC in 'Realtime-PPP', 'Realtime-SPP' and 'Post-Processing' mode.</p><p>The 'Open Map' button opens a windows showing a map according to specified options.</p><p>Even in 'Post-Processing' mode you should not forget to specify a proxy under the 'Network' tab if that is operated in front of BNC."));
    161164  _useGoogleMap->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify Google Maps as the background for your rover positions."));
    162166  _useOpenStreetMap->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify Open Street Map as the background for your rover positions."));
     168  _audioResponse->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify an 'Audio response' threshold in meters. A beep is produced by BNC whenever a horizontal PPP coordinate component differs by more than the threshold value from the marker coordinate.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to produce alarm signals.</p>"));
    163170  _mapWinDotSize->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the size of dots showing the rover positions on the track map.</p><p>A dot size of '3' may be appropriate. The maximum possible dot size is '10'. An empty option field or a size of '0' would mean that you don't want BNC to show the rover's track on the map.</p>"));
    164172  _mapWinDotColor->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the color of dots showing the rover track on the map.</p>"));
    165174  _mapSpeedSlider->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>With BNC in PPP post-processing mode you can specify the speed of computations as appropriate for 'Track map' visualization. Note that you can adjust 'speed' on-the-fly while BNC is already processing your observations."));
    245254  // --------------
    246255  _plotCoordinates ->setText(settings.value(_plotCoordinates->objectName()).toString());
     256  _audioResponse   ->setText(settings.value(_audioResponse->objectName()).toString());
    247257  _useGoogleMap    ->setChecked(settings.value(_useGoogleMap->objectName()).toBool());
    248258  _useOpenStreetMap->setChecked(settings.value(_useOpenStreetMap->objectName()).toBool());
    307317  settings.setValue(_plotCoordinates ->objectName(), _plotCoordinates ->text());
     318  settings.setValue(_audioResponse   ->objectName(), _audioResponse   ->text());
    308319  settings.setValue(_useGoogleMap    ->objectName(), _useGoogleMap    ->isChecked());
    309320  settings.setValue(_useOpenStreetMap->objectName(), _useOpenStreetMap->isChecked());
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