Changeset 670 in ntrip

Jan 31, 2008, 10:41:14 AM (17 years ago)

* empty log message *

2 edited


  • trunk/BNC/RTIGS/cgps_transform.cpp

    r661 r670  
    333333short retval =0;
    334 short PhaseOverFlowFlag;
     334short PhaseOverFlowFlag = -1;
    335335long SignFlag,temp;
  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r668 r670  
    213213  _adviseRecoSpinBox->setSuffix(" min");
    214214  _adviseRecoSpinBox->setMaximumWidth(9*ww);
    215   _adviseRecoSpinBox->setValue(settings.value("asviseReco").toInt());
     215  _adviseRecoSpinBox->setValue(settings.value("adviseReco").toInt());
    216216  _adviseRecoSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Following a stream outage or a longer series of corrupted observations, an Advisory note is generated when at least one valid observation is received again within the 'Recovery' threshold time span defined here. A value of about 5min (default) is recommendable.</p><p>A value of zero '0' means that for any stream recovery BNC immediately generates an Advisory note!</p><p>Note that using this function for corrupted streams needs an 'Inspect segment' greater zero '0'.</p>"));
    217217  _adviseFailSpinBox = new QSpinBox();
    221221  _adviseFailSpinBox->setSuffix(" min");
    222222  _adviseFailSpinBox->setMaximumWidth(9*ww);
    223   _adviseFailSpinBox->setValue(settings.value("asviseFail").toInt());
     223  _adviseFailSpinBox->setValue(settings.value("adviseFail").toInt());
    224224  _adviseFailSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>An Advisory note is generated when no (or corrupted) observations are received throughout the 'Failure' threshold time span defined here. A value of about 15 min (default) is recommendable.</p><p>A value of zero '0' means that for any stream failure BNC immediately generates an Advisory note!</p><p>Note that using this function for corrupted streams needs an 'Inspect segment' greater zero '0'.</p>"));
    225225  _logFileLineEdit    = new QLineEdit(settings.value("logFile").toString());
    226226  _logFileLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' section below. They can be saved into a file when a valid path is specified in the 'Log (full path)' field.</p>"));
    227   _adviseScriptLineEdit    = new QLineEdit(settings.value("asviseScript").toString());
     227  _adviseScriptLineEdit    = new QLineEdit(settings.value("adviseScript").toString());
    228228  _adviseScriptLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the full path to a script or batch file to handle Advisory notes generated in case of corrupted streams of stream outages. The affected mountpoint and one of the comments 'Begin_Outage', 'End_Outage', 'Begin_Currupted', or 'End_Corrupted' are passed on to the script as two command line parameters.</p><p>The script may be used to send an email to BNC's operator and/or to the affected streamprovider. An empty option field or invalid path means that you don't want to use this option.</p>"));
    229229  _mountPointsTable   = new QTableWidget(0,7);
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