Changeset 6665 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src
- Timestamp:
- Mar 15, 2015, 12:58:20 PM (10 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r6664 r6665 423 423 424 424 _cmbMaxresLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("cmbMaxres").toString()); 425 _cmbAntexFile = new qtFileChooser(0, qtFileChooser::File);426 _cmbAntexFile->setFileName(settings.value("cmbAntexFile").toString());427 425 _cmbUseGlonass = new QCheckBox(); 428 426 _cmbUseGlonass->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState(settings.value("cmbUseGlonass").toInt())); … … 454 452 enableWidget(true, _cmbMethodComboBox); 455 453 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setStyleSheet("background-color: white"); 456 _cmbAntexFile->setStyleSheet("background-color: white");457 454 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setStyleSheet("background-color: white"); 458 455 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setEnabled(true); 459 456 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setEnabled(true); 460 _cmbAntexFile->setEnabled(true);461 457 _cmbUseGlonass->setEnabled(true); 462 458 } … … 464 460 enableWidget(false, _cmbMethodComboBox); 465 461 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray"); 466 _cmbAntexFile->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray");467 462 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray"); 468 463 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setEnabled(false); 469 464 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setEnabled(false); 470 _cmbAntexFile->setEnabled(false);471 465 _cmbUseGlonass->setEnabled(false); 472 466 } … … 508 502 } 509 503 504 _uploadAntexFile = new qtFileChooser(0, qtFileChooser::File); 505 _uploadAntexFile->setFileName(settings.value("uploadAntexFile").toString()); 506 510 507 _uploadSamplRtcmEphCorrSpinBox = new QSpinBox; 511 508 _uploadSamplRtcmEphCorrSpinBox->setMinimum(0); … … 538 535 enableWidget(true, _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox); 539 536 enableWidget(true, _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox); 537 enableWidget(true, _uploadAntexFile); 540 538 } 541 539 else { … … 544 542 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox); 545 543 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox); 544 enableWidget(false, _uploadAntexFile); 546 545 } 547 546 … … 1110 1109 1111 1110 populateCmbTable(); 1112 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbTable, 0, 0, 7, 3);1111 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbTable, 0, 0, 8, 3); 1113 1112 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Combine Broadcast Correction streams."), 1, 6, 1, 10); 1114 1113 cmbLayout->addWidget(addCmbRowButton, 2, 6); 1115 1114 cmbLayout->addWidget(delCmbRowButton, 2, 7); 1116 1115 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Method"), 3, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1117 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbMethodComboBox, 3, 7 , Qt::AlignRight);1116 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbMethodComboBox, 3, 7); 1118 1117 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Maximal residuum"), 4, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1119 1118 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbMaxresLineEdit, 4, 7, Qt::AlignRight); 1120 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("ANTEX file"), 4, 8, Qt::AlignRight);1121 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbAntexFile, 4, 9, 1, 7);1122 1119 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sampling"), 5, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1123 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbSamplSpinBox, 5, 7 , Qt::AlignRight);1124 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Use GLONASS"), 5, 8, Qt::AlignRight);1125 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbUseGlonass, 5, 9);1126 cmbLayout->setRowStretch( 6, 999);1120 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbSamplSpinBox, 5, 7); 1121 cmbLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Use GLONASS"), 6, 6, Qt::AlignRight); 1122 cmbLayout->addWidget(_cmbUseGlonass, 6, 7); 1123 cmbLayout->setRowStretch(7, 999); 1127 1124 1128 1125 connect(addCmbRowButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddCmbRow())); … … 1150 1147 uploadHlpLayout->addWidget(_uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox, 0, 9); 1151 1148 uploadHlpLayout->addWidget(setUploadTrafoButton, 0,10); 1149 uploadHlpLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("ANTEX file"), 1, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); 1150 uploadHlpLayout->addWidget(_uploadAntexFile, 1, 1, 1, 4); 1151 uploadHlpLayout->setRowStretch(1, 999); 1152 1152 1153 1153 QBoxLayout* uploadLayout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); … … 1255 1255 _reqcEditOptionButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify options for editing RINEX v2 or v3 files.</p>")); 1256 1256 _bncFigurePPP->setWhatsThis(tr("PPP time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when the corresponting option is selected above. Values are either referred to an XYZ reference coordinate (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate compoments. The sliding PPP time series window covers the period of the latest 5 minutes.")); 1257 _cmbTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows to process several orbit and clock corrections streams in real-time to produce, encode, upload and save a combination of correctors coming from various providers. Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Mountpoint' field to enter a Broadcast Ephemeris corrections mountpoint from the 'Streams' section below and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'AC Name' field to enter your choice of an abbreviation for the Analysis Center (AC) providing the stream. Finally, double click on the 'Weight' field to enter the weight to be applied for this stream in the combination.< ul><li>Note that an appropriate 'Wait for full corr epoch' value needs to be specified for the combination under the 'Broadcast Corrections' tab. A value of 15 seconds would make sense there if the update rate of incoming clock corrections is i.e. 10 seconds.</li><li>Note also that you need to tick 'Use GLONASS' which is part ot the 'PPP (2)' panel in case you want to produce an GPS plus GLONASS combination.</li></ul></p><p>Note further that the orbit information in the final combination stream is just copied from one of the incoming streams. The stream used for providing the orbits may vary over time: if the orbit providing stream has an outage then BNC switches to the next remaining stream for getting hold of the orbit information.</p><p>The combination process requires Broadcast Ephemeris. Besides the orbit and clock corrections stream(s) BNC should therefore pull a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris in the form of RTCM Version 3 messages.</p><p>It is possible to specify only one Broadcast Ephemeris corrections stream in the combination table. Instead of combining corrections BNC will then merge them with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in SP3 and/or Clock RINEX format."));1257 _cmbTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC allows to process several orbit and clock corrections streams in real-time to produce, encode, upload and save a combination of correctors coming from various providers. Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Mountpoint' field to enter a Broadcast Ephemeris corrections mountpoint from the 'Streams' section below and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'AC Name' field to enter your choice of an abbreviation for the Analysis Center (AC) providing the stream. Finally, double click on the 'Weight' field to enter the weight to be applied for this stream in the combination.</p><p>Note that an appropriate 'Wait for full corr epoch' value needs to be specified for the combination under the 'Broadcast Corrections' tab. A value of 15 seconds would make sense there if the update rate of incoming clock corrections is i.e. 10 seconds.</p><p>Note further that the orbit information in the final combination stream is just copied from one of the incoming streams. The stream used for providing the orbits may vary over time: if the orbit providing stream has an outage then BNC switches to the next remaining stream for getting hold of the orbit information.</p><p>The combination process requires Broadcast Ephemeris. Besides the orbit and clock corrections stream(s) BNC should therefore pull a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris in the form of RTCM Version 3 messages.</p><p>It is possible to specify only one Broadcast Ephemeris corrections stream in the combination table. Instead of combining corrections BNC will then merge them with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in SP3 and/or Clock RINEX format.")); 1258 1258 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC combines all incoming clocks according to specified weights. Individual clock estimates that differ by more than 'Maximal Residuum' meters from the average of all clocks will be ignored.<p></p>It is suggested to specify a value of about 0.2 m for the Kalman filter combination approach and a value of about 3.0 meters for the Single-Epoch combination approach.</p><p>Default is a value of '999.0'.</p>")); 1259 1259 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a combination sampling interval for the Clocks. The clock corrections will be produced following that interval. A value of 10 sec may be an appropriate choice.</p>")); 1260 1260 _cmbMethodComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a clock combination approach. Options are 'Single-Epoch' and Kalman 'Filter'. It is suggested to use the Kalman filter approach for the purpose of Precise Point Positioning.</p>")); 1261 _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to broadcast ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) in RTCM Version 3 SSR format. You may have a situation where clocks and orbits come from an external Real-time Network Engine (1) or a situation where clock and orbit corrections are combined within BNC (2).</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' and hence its decoder string in the 'Streams' canvas is 'RTNET'. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified NTRIP broadcaster</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode and upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris corrections if you specify correction streams in the 'Combine Corrections' stream table.</p><p>Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an NTRIP broadcaster and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the NTRIP broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference system (e.g. IGS08) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated Broadcast Corrections plus Broadcast Ephemeris as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SP3 orbit files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p>< ul><li>As an SP3 file contents should be referred to the satellites Center of Mass (CoM) while correctors are referred to the satellites Antenna Phase Center (APC), an offset has to be applied which is available from an IGS ANTEX file. You should therefore specify the 'ANTEX File' path under tab 'PPP (2)' if you want to save the stream contents in SP3 format. If you don't specify an 'ANTEX File' path there, the SP3 file contents will be referred to the satellites APCs.</li></ul></p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated Broadcast Correction clocks plus Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p><p>Specify finally an SSR Provider ID number, an SSR Solution ID number and an Issue of Data SSR number.</p><p>In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Corrections stream, BNC will merge that stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified here through SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. In such a case you should define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further options in the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>"));1261 _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to broadcast ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) in RTCM Version 3 SSR format. You may have a situation where clocks and orbits come from an external Real-time Network Engine (1) or a situation where clock and orbit corrections are combined within BNC (2).</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' and hence its decoder string in the 'Streams' canvas is 'RTNET'. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified NTRIP broadcaster</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode and upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris corrections if you specify correction streams in the 'Combine Corrections' stream table.</p><p>Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an NTRIP broadcaster and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the NTRIP broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference system (e.g. IGS08) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated Broadcast Corrections plus Broadcast Ephemeris as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SP3 orbit files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p><p>As SP3 file contents should be referred to the satellites Center of Mass (CoM) while correctors are referred to the satellites Antenna Phase Center (APC), an offset has to be applied which is available from an IGS ANTEX file. You should therefore specify the 'ANTEX file' if you want to save the stream contents in SP3 format. If you don't specify an 'ANTEX file' path, the SP3 file contents will be referred to the satellites APCs.</p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated Broadcast Correction clocks plus Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p><p>Specify finally an SSR Provider ID number, an SSR Solution ID number and an Issue of Data SSR number.</p><p>In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Corrections stream, BNC will merge that stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified here through SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. In such a case you should define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further options in the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>")); 1262 1262 addCmbRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Hit 'Add Row' button to add another line to the mountpoints table.")); 1263 1263 delCmbRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Hit 'Delete' button to delete the highlighted line from the mountpoints table.")); … … 1696 1696 settings.setValue("cmbMaxres", _cmbMaxresLineEdit->text()); 1697 1697 settings.setValue("cmbSampl", _cmbSamplSpinBox->value()); 1698 settings.setValue("cmbAntexFile", _cmbAntexFile->fileName());1699 1698 settings.setValue("cmbUseGlonass", _cmbUseGlonass->checkState()); 1700 1699 // Upload Corrections … … 1709 1708 settings.setValue("uploadSamplSp3", _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox->value()); 1710 1709 settings.setValue("uploadSamplClkRnx", _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox->value()); 1710 settings.setValue("uploadAntexFile", _uploadAntexFile->fileName()); 1711 1711 // Upload Ephemeris 1712 1712 settings.setValue("uploadEphHost", _uploadEphHostLineEdit->text()); … … 2182 2182 enableWidget(true, _cmbMethodComboBox); 2183 2183 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setStyleSheet("background-color: white"); 2184 _cmbAntexFile->setStyleSheet("background-color: white");2185 2184 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setStyleSheet("background-color: white"); 2186 2185 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setEnabled(true); 2187 _cmbAntexFile->setEnabled(true);2188 2186 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setEnabled(true); 2189 2187 _cmbUseGlonass->setEnabled(true); … … 2192 2190 enableWidget(false, _cmbMethodComboBox); 2193 2191 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray"); 2194 _cmbAntexFile->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray");2195 2192 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray"); 2196 2193 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setEnabled(false); 2197 _cmbAntexFile->setEnabled(false);2198 2194 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setEnabled(false); 2199 2195 _cmbUseGlonass->setEnabled(false); … … 2209 2205 enableWidget(true, _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox); 2210 2206 enableWidget(true, _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox); 2207 enableWidget(true, _uploadAntexFile); 2211 2208 } 2212 2209 else { … … 2215 2212 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox); 2216 2213 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox); 2214 enableWidget(false, _uploadAntexFile); 2217 2215 } 2218 2216 … … 2277 2275 enableWidget(false, _cmbMethodComboBox); 2278 2276 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray"); 2279 _cmbAntexFile->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray");2280 2277 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightGray"); 2281 2278 _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setEnabled(false); 2282 _cmbAntexFile->setEnabled(false);2283 2279 _cmbSamplSpinBox->setEnabled(false); 2284 2280 _cmbUseGlonass->setEnabled(false); … … 2374 2370 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplSp3SpinBox); 2375 2371 enableWidget(false, _uploadSamplClkRnxSpinBox); 2372 enableWidget(false, _uploadAntexFile); 2376 2373 } 2377 2374 }
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