Changeset 5615 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/txt

Jan 22, 2014, 2:49:30 PM (11 years ago)
1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/txt/frankfurt.tex

    r5614 r5615  
     399\frametitle{Principles of Precise Point Positioning}
     400\framesubtitle{Observation Equations}
     402The PPP is based on the processing of the ionosphere-free linear combination of phase
     405L^{ij}_3 = \varrho^{ij} - c\delta^{ij} + T^{ij} + \bar{N}^{ij}_3 ~,
     407where the ambiguity term is given by
     409\bar{N}^{ij}_3 =  N^{ij}_3 - l^{ij}_3
     410              = \frac{c\;f_2}{f^2_1-f^2_2}\;(n^{ij}_1-n^{ij}_2) + \lambda_3\;n^{ij}_1 - l^{ij}_3
     412and (optionally) the ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations
     414P^{ij}_3 = \varrho^{ij} - c\delta^{ij} + T^{ij} + p^{ij}_3 ~,
     416where the code bias $p^{ij}_3$ is the linear combination of biases
     423\frametitle{Principles of PPP Service}
     424\framesubtitle{Code Biases}
     426Apart from the orbit corrections (will be discussed later) the server has to provide the
     427value $c\delta^{ij}$. That is sufficient for a client processing phase observations only.
     429Using the code observations on the client-side is not mandatory. After an initial convergence
     430period (tens of minutes) there is almost no difference between a phase-only client and the client
     431that uses also the code observations. However, correct utilization of accurate code observations
     432improves the positioning results during the convergence period.
     434Client which processes code observations either
     436\item has to know the value $p^{ij}_3$ (the value must be provided by the server -- the most
     437  correct approach), or
     438\item has to estimate terms $p^{ij}_3$, or
     439\item neglect the bias (de-weight the code observations -- not fully correct).
     441Options (2) and (3) mean that the benefit of using the code observations on the client-side (in
     442addition to phase observations) is minor only.
     449\frametitle{Principles of PPP Service}
     450\framesubtitle{Handling Code Biases}
     452In order to avoid the necessity to disseminate the code biases $p^{ij}_3$ and still guarantee that
     453the client may decently use the code observations we adopted the following approach:
     455Denoting the code bias estimated by a server at epoch $t_0$ by $\bar{p}^{ij}_3 = p^{ij}_3(t_0)$ we
     456modify the satellite clock corrections as follows:
     458c\bar\delta^{ij} = c\delta^{ij} - \bar{p}^{ij}_3
     460and disseminate $c\bar\delta^{ij}$ instead of $c\delta^{ij}$. This modification has no effect on
     461the processing of phase observations at the client-side (the constant difference is absorb by
     462estimated ambiguities). For the processing of code observations it has the benefit that the client
     463does not see the code bias $p^{ij}_3$ but only
     467and we try to keep the difference $\bar{p}^{ij}_3-p^{ij}_3$ lower than a selected threshold.
     473\section{PPP AR}
     477\frametitle{Principles of PPP with Ambiguity Resolution}
     478\framesubtitle{Observation Equations}
     480The PPPAR is in principle based on the processing the following two types of single-difference
     481observations: \\
     482The ionosphere-free linear combination
     484L^{ij}_3 = \varrho^{ij} - c\delta^{ij} + T^{ij} + \bar{N}^{ij}_3 ~,
     486where the ambiguity term is given by
     488\bar{N}^{ij}_3 =  N^{ij}_3 - l^{ij}_3
     489              = \frac{c\;f_2}{f^2_1-f^2_2}\;(n^{ij}_1-n^{ij}_2) + \lambda_3\;n^{ij}_1 - l^{ij}_3
     491and the Melbourne-W\"{u}bbena linear combination
     493L^{ij}_w = \lambda_5\;n^{ij}_5 - l^{ij}_w
     495the uncalibrated bias $l^{ij}_3$ is the corresponding linear combination of biases
     496$l^{ij}_1,l^{ij}_2$, the uncalibrated bias $l^{ij}_w$ is the corresponding linear combination of
     497biases $p^{ij}_1,p^{ij}_2,l^{ij}_1,l^{ij}_2$.
     502\subsection{Parameters provided by Server}
     505\frametitle{Principles of PPP with Ambiguity Resolution}
     506\framesubtitle{Parameters provided by Server}
     507In addition to orbit corrections, the server(s) has(have) to provide the values
     509c\delta^{ij} ~,~  l^{ij}_w ~,~ l^{ij}_3 ~~~ \mb{or} ~~~~ (c\delta^{ij} + l^{ij}_3) ~,~ l^{ij}_w
     511Corrections $l^{ij}_w,l^{ij}_3$ depend on the set of fixed single-difference ambiguities on the
     512server-side. This set of fixed ambiguities is not unique - it depends on the constraints applied on
     513the ambiguities.
     515There is a difference between correction $l^{ij}_w$ and the narrow-lane correction $l^{ij}_3$. The
     516wide-lane correction $l^{ij}_w$ depends {\em only} on the ambiguities estimated at the
     517server-side. The narrow-lane correction $l^{ij}_3$ depends on the ambiguities and {\em also} on the
     518satellite clock corrections $\delta^{ij}$ estimated at the server-side.
     525\frametitle{Principles of PPP with Ambiguity Resolution}
     526\framesubtitle{How many servers?}
     527All three corrections
     529c\delta^{ij} ~~~  l^{ij}_w ~~~ l^{ij}_3
     531may be estimated together by a single server run (in which case the $c\delta^{ij}$ and $l^{ij}_3$
     532are indistinguishable and are combined into $c\delta^{ij}+l^{ij}_3$) Or, each of them may be
     533estimated by a separate server run.
     536Current approach:
     538\item PPPNB server: estimates $c\delta^{ij}$
     539\item PPPAR server: uses $c\delta^{ij}$ from PPPNB server and estimates $l^{ij}_w,l^{ij}_3$
     543Advantages: PPPAR corrections are compatible with PPPNB corrections (the client may decide between
     544PPP and PPPAR).
     547Disadvantages: additional delay
     550An alternative approach to consider: separate server run for $l^{ij}_w$.
     557\frametitle{Principles of PPP with Ambiguity Resolution}
     558\framesubtitle{How to disseminate the corrections?}
     561\item The corrections are valid (accurate) on the single- (between satellites) difference
     562  level but it is more practical to send the zero-difference (satellite-specific) corrections.
     563\item The corrections are specific for the observation types used for their estimation - e.g. if
     564  the C/A code on the first carrier and the P-code on the second carrier have been used at the
     565  server side, the client can use the $l^{ij}_w$ correction only if it uses the same two types of
     566  code observations.
     569The corrections $l^{ij}_w,l^{ij}_3$ are actually the combinations of the phase (and in case of
     570$l^{ij}_w$ also code) biases:
     572l^{ij}_w & = & \frac{1}{f_1-f_2} \bigl( f_1~l^{ij}_1 - f_2~l^{ij}_2 \bigr) -
     573  \frac{1}{f_1+f_2} \bigl( f_1~p^{ij}_1 + f_2~p^{ij}_2 \bigr) ~
     575l^{ij}_3 & = & \frac{1}{f^2_1-f^2_2} \bigl( f^2_1~l^{ij}_1 - f^2_2~l^{ij}_2 \bigr)
     577RTCM suggests to send $p^{ij}_1,p^{ij}_2,l^{ij}_1,l^{ij}_2$ directly ...
     584\frametitle{Principles of PPP with Ambiguity Resolution}
     585\framesubtitle{How to disseminate the corrections (continuation)?}
     587In principle there are altogether 5 values which can be sent by server(s):
     591PPPNB server estimates the $c\delta^{ij}$ and the ionosphere-free
     592linear combination of the code biases
     594p^{ij}_3 =  \frac{1}{f^2_1-f^2_2} \bigl( f^2_1~p^{ij}_1 - f^2_2~p^{ij}_2 \bigr)
     596PPPAR server estimates the $l^{ij}_w$ and $l^{ij}_3$. Assuming that we know the differential code
     599d^{ij}_{p1p2} = p^{ij}_1 - p^{ij}_2
     601The four values
     603p^{ij}_3 ~~~ l^{ij}_w ~~~~ l^{ij}_3 ~~~~ d^{ij}_{p1p2}
     605can be converted into four biases
    399613  \frametitle{Precise Point Positioning with PPP (cont.)}
    400614  BNC provides a good framework for the PPP client (observations, orbits, and
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