Changeset 5611 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/txt

Jan 22, 2014, 12:40:22 PM (11 years ago)
4 added
1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/txt/frankfurt.tex

    r5610 r5611  
    346346Ntrip Client}.
    349 \end{frame}
     348  \begin{itemize}
     349  \item BNC source consists currently of approximately 50.000 lines of code
     350  \item approximately 90 \% is C++, 10 \% standard C
     351  \item BNC uses a few third-party pieces of software (first of all the RTCM
     352    decoders/encoders and a matrix algebra library)
     353  \item Qt library is used for
     354    \begin{itemize}
     355    \item[1.] GUI,
     356    \item[2.] networking,
     357    \item[3.] threads,
     358    \item[4.] containers, streams, files, ...
     359    \end{itemize}
     360  \end{itemize}
     362  \begin{block}{BNC is intended to be}
     363  \begin{itemize}
     364  \item user-friendly
     365  \item cross-platform
     366  \item easily modifiable (by students, GNSS beginners)
     367  \item useful (at least a little bit ...)
     368  \end{itemize}
     369  \end{block}
     375  \frametitle{BNC source code}
     376  Algorithms used in BNC are intended to be
     377  \begin{itemize}
     378  \item correct, but
     379  \item as simple as possible
     380  \end{itemize}
     381  \begin{center}
     382    \hspace*{3cm} \includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth,angle=0]{kalman.png}
     383  \end{center}
     389  \begin{block}{svn archive}
     390  BNC source code may be downloaded from the svn archive using a command
     391  \begin{itemize}
     392  \item[A)] {\tt svn co}
     393  \end{itemize}
     394  or
     395  \begin{itemize}
     396  \item[B)] {\tt svn co}
     397  \end{itemize}
     398  Option A) is a read-only access. Option B) is for the developers (read-write
     399  access). When the source code is downloaded using the {\tt https} (secure
     400  protocol) currently two additional sub-directories are retrieved:
     401  \begin{itemize}
     402  \item combination
     403  \item rinex
     404  \end{itemize}
     405  The sub-directory ``combination'' contains the source code of the BNC module
     406  that performs the combination of PPP corrections streams provided by several
     407  analysis centers (more about the combination algorithms below).
     409  The sub-directory ``rinex'' contains the module for the post-processing PPP
     410  client that uses the RINEX files as input (this directory is not yet made
     411  public because it is still under development).
     412  \end{block}
     418  \frametitle{Precise Point Positioning with PPP}
     419  \begin{center}
     420    \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth,angle=0]{ppp1.png}
     421  \end{center}
     422\end {frame}
     427  \frametitle{Precise Point Positioning with PPP (cont.)}
     428  BNC provides a good framework for the PPP client (observations, orbits, and
     429  corrections stand for disposal).
     431  Main reasons for the PPP module in BNC have been:
     432  \begin{itemize}
     433  \item monitoring the quality of incoming data streams (primarily the PPP
     434    corrections)
     435  \item providing a simple easy-to-use tool for the basic PPP positioning
     436  \end{itemize}
     438  The PPP facility in BNC is provided in the hope that it will be useful.
     439  \begin{itemize}
     440  \item The mathematical model of observations and the adjustment algorithm are
     441    implemented in such a way that they are (according to our best knowledge)
     442    correct without any shortcomings, however,
     443  \item we have preferred simplicity to transcendence, and
     444  \item the list of options the BNC users can select is limited.
     445  \item[$\Rightarrow$] Commercial PPP clients may outperform BNC in some
     446    aspects.
     447  \end{itemize}
     448  We believe in a possible good coexistence of the commercial software and
     449  open source software.
     450\end {frame}
     455  \frametitle{PPP Options}
     456  \begin{itemize}
     457  \item single station, SPP or PPP
     458  \item real-time or post-processing
     459  \item processing of code and phase ionosphere-free combinations, GPS,
     460    Glonass, and Galileo
     461  \end{itemize}
     462  \begin{center}
     463    \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth,angle=0]{ppp_opt1.png} \\[2mm]
     464    \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth,angle=0]{ppp_opt2.png}
     465  \end{center}
     466\end {frame}
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