Changeset 488 in ntrip for trunk/ntripserver

Aug 30, 2007, 4:55:30 PM (18 years ago)

NTRIP2.0/reconnect cleanup

1 edited


  • trunk/ntripserver/README

    r486 r488  
    2                         Ntrip Server Linux
     2                          ntripserver
    8 Files in
    9 -----------------------------
    10 ReadmeServerLinux.txt: Readme file for NtripServerLinux
    11 NtripServerLinux.tar: NtripServerLinux program tar archive
    12 NtripProvider.doc: Server password/mountpoit request form
    13 SiteLogExample.txt: Example Station Logfile
    14 SiteLogInstr.txt: Station Logfile Instructions
     8Files in ntripserver.tgz
     10- ntripserver.tar: ntripserver program tar archive
     11- makefile: preconfigured makefile for convenient installation
     12- ntripserver.c: c source file
     13- README: Readme file for the ntripserver program
     14- shell script to start the ntripserver program
    16 Ntrip
    18 NtripServerLinux is a HTTP client based on "Networked Transport of
    19 RTCM via Internet Protocol" (Ntrip). This is an application-level
    20 protocol streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data over
    21 the Internet. Ntrip is a generic, stateless protocol based on the
    22 Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1. The HTTP objects are enhanced
    23 to GNSS data streams.
     19The ntripserver is a HTTP client based on "Networked Transport of
     20RTCM via Internet Protocol" (NTRIP). This is an application-level
     21protocol streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data
     22over the Internet. NTRIP is a generic, stateless protocol based on
     23the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1. The HTTP objects are
     24enhanced to GNSS data streams.
    25 Ntrip is designed for disseminating differential correction data
     26NTRIP is designed for disseminating differential correction data
    2627(e.g in the RTCM-104 format) or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to
    2728stationary or mobile users over the Internet, allowing simultaneous
    28 PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host. Ntrip
     29PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host. NTRIP
    2930supports wireless Internet access through Mobile IP Networks like GSM,
    3031GPRS, EDGE, or UMTS.
    32 Ntrip is implemented in three system software components:
    33 NtripClients, NtripServers and NtripCasters. The NtripCaster is the
    34 actual HTTP server program whereas NtripClient and NtripServer are
     33NTRIP is implemented in three system software components:
     34NTRIP clients, NTRIP servers and NTRIP casters. The NTRIP caster is the
     35actual HTTP server program whereas NTRIP client and NTRIP server are
    3536acting as HTTP clients.
    37 NtripServerLinux
    38 ----------------
    39 The program NtripServerLinux is designed to provide real-time data
    40 from a single NtripSource running under a Linux operating system.
    41 Basically the NtripServerLinux grabs a GNSS byte stream
    42 from a serial port or tcpsocket port and sends it off over an
    43 Internet TCP connection to the NtripCaster.
    45 Mind that the NtripServerLinux may not be able to handle your
    46 proxyserver. When using it in a proxy-protected Local Area Network
    47 (LAN), a TCP-relay may have to be established connecting the
    48 proxyserver and the NtripCaster. Establishing the Internet
    49 connection for an NtripServerLinux by using an Internet Service
    50 Provider (ISP) is an alternative.
     41The program ntripserver is designed to provide real-time data
     42from a single NTRIP source running under a Linux operating system.
     44Basically the ntripserver grabs a GNSS byte stream (Input, Source)
     45from either
     471. a Serial port, or
     482. an IP server, or
     493. a File, or
     504. a SISNeT Data Server, or
     515. a UDP server, or
     526. an NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster
     54and forwards that incoming stream to either
     561. an NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster via TCP/IP (Output, Destination), or
     572. an NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster via RTSP/RTP (Output, Destination), or
     583. an NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster.
     60Please note, the options to support NTRIP Version 2.0 are currently still
     61under development and should be used with care. Keep in mind that details
     62of the NTRIP Version 2.0 transport protocol are still under discussion
     63and may be changed.
    54 To install the program
    55 - unzip file
    56 - run tar -xf NtripServerLinux.tar
    57 - change directory to NtripServerLinux
    58 - run make
    59 The exacutable will show up as NtripServerLinux.
     68To install the program run
     70- gunzip ntripserver.tgz
     71- tar -xf ntripserver.tar
     72- make, or
     73- make debug (for debugging purposes).
     75The exacutable will show up as ntripserver.
    6380The user may call the program with the following options:
    65     -a DestinationCaster name or address (default:
    66     -p DestinationCaster port (default: 80)
    67     -m DestinationCaster mountpoint
    68     -c DestinationCaster password
    69     -h|? print this help screen
    70     -M <mode>  sets the input mode
    71                (1=serial, 2=tcpsocket, 3=file, 4=sisnet, 5=udpsocket, 6=caster)
    72   Mode = file:
    73     -s file, simulate data stream by reading log file
    74        default/current setting is /dev/stdin
    75   Mode = serial:
    76     -b baud_rate, sets serial input baud rate
    77        default/current value is 19200
    78     -i input_device, sets name of serial input device
    79        default/current value is /dev/gps
    80        (normally a symbolic link to /dev/tty??)
    81   Mode = tcpsocket or udpsocket:
    82     -P receiver port (default: 1025)
    83     -H hostname of TCP server (default:
    84     -f initfile send to server
    85     -x receiver id
    86     -y receiver password
    87     -B bindmode: bind to incoming UDP stream
    88   Mode = sisnet:
    89     -P receiver port (default: 7777)
    90     -H hostname of TCP server (default:
    91     -u username
    92     -l password
    93     -V version [2.1 or 3.1] (default: 2.1)
    94   Mode = caster:
    95     -P SourceCaster port (default: 80)
    96     -H SourceCaster hostname (default:
    97     -D SourceCaster mountpoint
    98     -U SourceCaster username
    99     -W SourceCaster password
     82-h|? print this help screen
    101 There are additional options to support NTRIP version 2.0. These are currently
    102 still under development and should be used with care.
     84-E <ProxyHost>   Proxy server host name or address, required i.e. when
     85                 running the program in a proxy server protected LAN,
     86                 optional
     87-F <ProxyPort>   Proxy server IP port, required i.e. when running
     88                 the program in a proxy server protected LAN, optional
     89-R <maxDelay>    Reconnect mechanism with maximum delay between reconnect
     90                 attemts in seconds, default: no reconnect activated,
     91                 optional
    104 Example:
    105 NtripServerLinux -a -p 2101 -m mountpoint -c password -M 1 -b 19200 -i /dev/ttyS0
     93-M <InputMode> Sets the input mode (1 = Serial Port, 2 = IP server,
     94   3 = File, 4 = SISNeT Data Server, 5 = UDP server, 6 = NTRIP Caster),
     95   mandatory
    107 It is recommended to start NtripServerLinux through shell script
    108 StartNtripServerLinux. This shell script ensures that
    109 NtripServerLinux reconnects to the NtripCaster after a broken
    110 connection.
     97   <InputMode> = 1 (Serial Port):
     98   -i <Device>      Serial input device, default: /dev/gps, mandatory if
     99                    <InputMode>=1
     100   -b <BaudRate>    Serial input baud rate, default: 19200 bps, mandatory
     101                    if <InputMode>=1
    112 NtripCaster IP address
    113 ----------------------
    114 The current Internet address of the Ntrip Broadcaster which has to be
    115 introduced in the NtripServerLinux is "". The port
    116 number is "80" or "2101".
     103   <InputMode> = 2|5 (IP port | UDP port):
     104   -H <ServerHost>  Input host name or address, default:,
     105                    mandatory if <InputMode> = 2|5
     106   -P <ServerPort>  Input port, default: 1025, mandatory if <InputMode>= 2|5
     107   -f <ServerFile>  Name of initialization file to be send to server,
     108                    optional
     109   -x <ServerUser>  User ID to access incoming stream, optional
     110   -y <ServerPass>  Password, to access incoming stream, optional
     111   -B               Bind to incoming UDP stream, optional for <InputMode> = 5
    118 Server password and mountpoint
    119 ------------------------------
    120 Feeding data streams into the Ntrip system using the
    121 NtripServerLinux program needs a server password and one mountpoint
    122 per stream. Currently this is available from
    123 (see "NtripProvider.doc").
     113   <InputMode> = 3 (File):
     114   -s <File>        File name to simulate stream by reading data from (log)
     115                    file, default is /dev/stdin, mandatory for <InputMode> = 3
    125 Station Logfile
    126 ---------------
    127 A user of your data stream may need detailed information about the
    128 GNSS hardware and firmware that generates your signal. This
    129 information will be made available through a station logfile. Please
    130 find an example station logfile in "SiteLogExample.txt". Create a
    131 similar logfile describing your GNSS receiver hardware and firmware
    132 and include the requested information as far as it is available for
    133 you. Note that the form of this document follows an IGS
    134 recommendatation that can be downloaded from
    136 The content of your station logfile has to be kept up to date.
    137 Thus, please inform the NtripCaster operator about all changes at
    138 your station by sending an updates version of your station logfile.
    139 Providing a station logfile is not necessary in case you generate
    140 a Virtual Reference Station (VRS) data stream.
     117   <InputMode> = 4 (SISNeT Data Server):
     118   -H <SisnetHost>  SISNeT Data Server name or address,
     119                    default:, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
     120   -P <SisnetPort>  SISNeT Data Server port, default: 7777, mandatory if
     121                    <InputMode> = 4
     122   -u <SisnetUser>  SISNeT Data Server user ID, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
     123   -l <SisnetPass>  SISNeT Data Server password, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
     124   -V <SisnetVers>  SISNeT Data Server Version number, options are 2.1, 3.0
     125                    or 3.1, default: 3.1, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
     127   <InputMode> = 6 (NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster):
     128   -H <SourceHost>  Source caster name or address, default:,
     129                    mandatory if <InputMode> = 6
     130   -P <SourcePort>  Source caster port, default: 2101, mandatory if
     131                    <InputMode> = 6
     132   -D <SourceMount> Source caster mountpoint for stream input, mandatory if
     133                    <InputMode> = 6
     134   -U <SourceUser>  Source caster user Id for input stream access, mandatory
     135                    for protected streams if <InputMode> = 6
     136   -W <SourcePass>  Source caster password for input stream access, mandatory
     137                    for protected streams if <InputMode> = 6
     139-O <OutputMode> Sets output mode for communatation with destination caster, optional
     140   1 = http:   NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster in TCP/IP mode
     141   2 = rtsp:   NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster in RTSP/RTP mode
     142   3 = ntrip1: NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster
     144   Defaults to NTRIP Version 1.0, but will change to 2.0 in future versions
     145   Note that the program automatically falls back from mode rtsp to mode http and
     146   further to mode ntrip1 if necessary.
     148   -a <DestHost>    Destination caster name or address, default:,
     149                    mandatory
     150   -p <DestPort>    Destination caster port, default: 2101, mandatory
     151   -m <DestMount>   Destination caster mountpoint for stream upload,
     152                    mandatory
     153   -n <DestUser>    Destination caster user ID for stream upload to
     154                    mountpoint, only for NTRIP Version 2.0 destination
     155                    casters, mandatory
     156   -c <DestPass>    Destination caster password for stream upload to
     157                    mountpoint, mandatory
     158   -N <STR-record>  Sourcetable STR-record
     159                    optional for NTRIP Version 2.0 in RTSP/RTP and TCP/IP mode
     162Example1: Reading from serial port and forward to NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster:
     164./ntripserver -M 1 -i /dev/ttys0 -b 9600 -O 2 -a -p 2101 -m Mount2
     165              -n serverID -c serverPass
     167Example2: Reading from NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster and forward to NTRIP Version 2.0
     169./ntripserver -M 6 -H -P 2101 -D Mount1 -U clientID -W clientPass
     170              -O 1 -a -p 2101 -m Mount2 -n serverID -c serverPass
     173NTRIP Caster password and mountpoint
     175Feeding data streams into the NTRIP system using the ntripserver
     176program needs a password (and a user ID for NTRIP Version 2.0)
     177and one mountpoint per stream.
     178For the NTRIP Broadcasters EUREF-IP or IGS-IP this is currently
     179available from
    147186responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or
    148187damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the
    149 use and application of the Ntrip technology.
     188use and application of the NTRIP technology.
    151191Further information
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