Changeset 4161 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

May 14, 2012, 10:17:44 AM (13 years ago)

Typos corrected

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r4160 r4161  
    6060<li>retrieve real-time GNSS data streams via TCP directly from an IP address without using the NTRIP transport protocol,</li>
    6161<li>retrieve real-time GNSS data streams from a local UDP or serial port without using the NTRIP transport protocol,</li>
    62 <li>generate high-rate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS post-processing applications,</li>
     62<li>generate high-rate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS Post Processing applications,</li>
    6363<li>generate ephemeris and synchronized or unsynchronized observations epoch by epoch through an IP port to support real-time GNSS network engines,</li>
    6464<li>generate clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris through an IP port to support real-time Precise Point Positioning on GNSS rovers,</li>
    124124<li>to simulate real-time observation situations for debugging purposes,</li>
    125 <li>for post-processing purposes.</li>
     125<li>for Post Processing purposes.</li>
    127127Furthermore, apart from its regular window mode, BNC can be run as a batch/background job in a 'no window' mode using processing options from a previously saved configuration or from command line.
    398398<p><a name="rawout"><h4>4.3.5 Raw Output File - optional</h4></p>
    400 BNC can save all data coming in through various streams in one daily file. The information is recorded in the specified 'Raw output file' in the received order and format. This feature allows a BNC user to run the PPP option offline with observations, Broadcast Corrections, and Broadcast Ephemeris being read from a previously saved file. It supports the offline repetition of a real-time situation for debugging purposes. It is not meant for post-processing.
     400BNC can save all data coming in through various streams in one daily file. The information is recorded in the specified 'Raw output file' in the received order and format. This feature allows a BNC user to run the PPP option offline with observations, Broadcast Corrections, and Broadcast Ephemeris being read from a previously saved file. It supports the offline repetition of a real-time situation for debugging purposes. It is not meant for Post Processing.
    629629<p><img src="IMG/screenshot25.png"/></p>
    630 <p><u>Figure 7:</u> Example for RINEX file editing with BNC in post-processing mode.</p>
     630<p><u>Figure 7:</u> Example for RINEX file editing with BNC in Post Processing mode.</p>
    632632<p><a name="reqccommand"><h4>4.6.5 Command Line, No Window - optional</h4></p>
    22752275<p><a name="cmd"><h4>4.19. Command Line Options</h4></p>
    2277 Command line options are available to run BNC in 'no window' mode or let it read data offline from one file or several files for debugging or post processing purposes. BNC will then use processing options from the configuration file. Note that the self-explaining contents of the configuration file can easily be edited. It is possible to introduce a specific configuration file name instead of using the default name 'BNC.ini'.
     2277Command line options are available to run BNC in 'no window' mode or let it read data offline from one file or several files for debugging or Post Processing purposes. BNC will then use processing options from the configuration file. Note that the self-explaining contents of the configuration file can easily be edited. It is possible to introduce a specific configuration file name instead of using the default name 'BNC.ini'.
    24422442<td>Jun 2010 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.1 &nbsp;</td>
    2443 <td>[Bug] SSR GLONASS message generation<br> [Add] PPP in post-processing mode<br> [Mod] Update of SSR messages following draft dated 2010-04-12<br> [Mod] Generating error message when observation epoch is wrong</td>
     2443<td>[Bug] SSR GLONASS message generation<br> [Add] PPP in Post Processing mode<br> [Mod] Update of SSR messages following draft dated 2010-04-12<br> [Mod] Generating error message when observation epoch is wrong</td>
    26802680<ol type=b>
    26812681<li>File 'RinexObs.bnc'<br>
    2682 The purpose of this configuration is to convert RTCM streams to RINEX observation files. The configuration pulls streams from several Ntrip broadcasters using differen Ntrip versions and generate 1sec/15min RINEX version 3 observation files. See <u></u> for observation stream resources.
     2682The purpose of this configuration is to convert RTCM streams to RINEX observation files. The configuration pulls streams from several Ntrip broadcasters using differen Ntrip versions and generate 1sec/15min RINEX Version 3 observation files. See <u></u> for observation stream resources.
    26852685<li>File 'RinexEpn.bnc'<br>
    2686 The purpose of this configuration is to convert RTCM streams to RINEX navigation files. The configuration pulls an RTCM Version 3 stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the real-time EUREF and IGS network. It saves hourly RINEX version 3 navigation files. See for further real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
     2686The purpose of this configuration is to convert RTCM streams to RINEX navigation files. The configuration pulls an RTCM Version 3 stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the real-time EUREF and IGS network. It saves hourly RINEX Version 3 navigation files. See for further real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
    26932693<li>File 'RinexConcat.bnc'<br>
    2694 The purpose of this configuration is to concatenate RINEX version 3 files to produce a concatenated file and edit the marker name in the file header. The sampling rate is set to 30 seconds. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on how to call BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation and quality checks.
     2694The purpose of this configuration is to concatenate RINEX Version 3 files to produce a concatenated file and edit the marker name in the file header. The sampling rate is set to 30 seconds. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on how to call BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation and quality checks.
    27132713<li>File 'PPPPostProc.bnc<br>
    2714 The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Post Processing mode. BNC reads a RINEX observation and a RINEX  Version 3 navigation files and a Broadcast Corrections files. PPP processing otions are set in support of the QuickStart mode. The output is saved in a specific post processing logfile and contains the coordinates derived over time following the implemented PPP filter algorithm.
     2714The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Post Processing mode. BNC reads a RINEX observation and a RINEX  Version 3 navigation files and a Broadcast Corrections files. PPP processing otions are set in support of the QuickStart mode. The output is saved in a specific Post Processing logfile and contains the coordinates derived over time following the implemented PPP filter algorithm.
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