Changeset 3863 in ntrip for trunk

Apr 13, 2012, 9:58:20 AM (12 years ago)

Documentation completed with regards to 'offline' mode

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r3862 r3863  
    20892089<p><a name="post"><h4>3.19.2 Offline Mode - optional</h4></p>
    2091 Although BNC is primarily a real-time online tool, it can be run in offline mode to read data from a previously saved file (see chapter on saving 'Raw Output File') for post-processing purposes. Enter the following command line options for that:
    2092 </p>
    2093 <p>
    2094 <ul>
    2095 <li>'--file &lt;<u>inputFileName</u>&gt;' to enter the full path to an input file containing data previously saved by BNC.</li>
    2096 <li>'--format &lt;<u>format</u>&gt;' to enter one of the file format describing strings 'RTCM_2' or 'RTCM_3'.</li>
    2097 <li>'--staID &lt;<u>stationID</u>&gt;' to enter the mountpoint of one of the streams contained in the input file. This allows you to</li>
    2098 <ul>
    2099 <li>carry out an offline PPP solution using one particular (of probably several) orbit/clock corrections stream contained in the input file.</li>
    2100 <li>offline convert one specific stream (of probably several streams) contained in the input file into a RINEX file.</li>
    2101 </ul>
    2103 </ul>
    2104 <p>
    2105 Example:<br><br>
    2106 ./bnc --file raw.output_110301 --format RTCM_3 --staID FFMJ1
    2107 </p>
    2108 <p>
    2109 Note that when running BNC in offline mode, it will use options for file saving, interval, sampling, PPP etc. from its configuration file. Note further that only those data in the file will be processd offline which are encoded as specified with the --format option.
     2091Although BNC is primarily a real-time online tool, for debugging purposes it can be run in offline mode to read data from a file previously saved through option 'Raw output file'. Enter the following command line option for that
     2094--file &lt;<u>inputFileName</u>&gt;
     2097and specify the full path to an input file containing previously saved data. Example:<br><br>
     2098./bnc --file /home/user/raw.output_110301
     2101Note that when running BNC in offline mode, it will use options for file saving, interval, sampling, PPP etc. from its configuration file.
     2103<p>Note further that option '--file' forces BNC to appy the '-nw' option for running in 'no Window' mode.
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