Changeset 3801 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Apr 6, 2012, 3:37:55 PM (12 years ago)

Online help completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r3800 r3801  
    11381138  _adviseScriptLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the full path to a script or batch file to handle advisory notes generated in the event of corrupted streams or stream outages. The affected mountpoint and one of the comments 'Begin_Outage', 'End_Outage', 'Begin_Corrupted', or 'End_Corrupted' are passed on to the script as command line parameters.</p><p>The script may have the task to send the advisory notes by email to BNC's operator and/or to the affected stream provider. An empty option field (default) or invalid path means that you don't want to use this option.</p>"));
    11391139  _perfIntrComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can average latencies per stream over a certain period of GPS time. The resulting mean latencies are recorded in the 'Log' tab at the end of each 'Log latency' interval together with results of a statistical evaluation (approximate number of covered epochs, data gaps).</p><p>Select a 'Log latency' interval or select the empty option field if you do not want BNC to log latencies and statistical information.</p>"));
    1140   _mountPointsTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Streams selected for retrieval are listed in the 'Streams' section. Clicking on 'Add Stream' button will open a window that allows the user to select data streams from an NTRIP broadcaster according to their mountpoints. To remove a stream from the 'Streams' list, highlight it by clicking on it and hit the 'Delete Stream' button. You can also remove multiple streams by highlighting them using +Shift and +Ctrl.</p><p>BNC automatically allocates one of its internal decoders to a stream based on the stream's 'format' as given in the sourcetable. BNC allows users to change this selection by editing the decoder string. Double click on the 'decoder' field, enter your preferred decoder and then hit Enter. The accepted decoder strings are 'RTCM_2.x' and 'RTCM_3.x'.</p><p>In case you need to log the raw data as is, BNC allows users to by-pass its decoders and and directly save the input in daily log files. To do this specify the decoder string as 'ZERO'.</p><p>BNC can also retrieve streams from virtual reference stations (VRS). VRS streams are indicated by a 'yes' in the 'nmea' column. To initiate these streams, the approximate latitude/longitude rover position is sent to the NTRIP broadcaster. The default values can be change according to your requirement. Double click on 'lat' and 'long' fields, enter the values you wish to send and then hit Enter.</p>"));
     1140  _mountPointsTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Streams selected for retrieval are listed in the 'Streams' section. Clicking on 'Add Stream' button will open a window that allows the user to select data streams from an NTRIP broadcaster according to their mountpoints. To remove a stream from the 'Streams' list, highlight it by clicking on it and hit the 'Delete Stream' button. You can also remove multiple streams by highlighting them using +Shift and +Ctrl.</p><p>BNC automatically allocates one of its internal decoders to a stream based on the stream's 'format' as given in the sourcetable. BNC allows users to change this selection by editing the decoder string. Double click on the 'decoder' field, enter your preferred decoder and then hit Enter. The accepted decoder strings are 'RTCM_2.x', 'RTCM_3.x' and 'RTNET'.</p><p>In case you need to log the raw data as is, BNC allows users to by-pass its decoders and and directly save the input in daily log files. To do this specify the decoder string as 'ZERO'.</p><p>BNC can also retrieve streams from virtual reference stations (VRS). VRS streams are indicated by a 'yes' in the 'nmea' column. To initiate these streams, the approximate latitude/longitude rover position is sent to the NTRIP broadcaster. The default values can be change according to your requirement. Double click on 'lat' and 'long' fields, enter the values you wish to send and then hit Enter.</p>"));
    11411141  _log->setWhatsThis(tr("Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' tab. The message log covers the communication status between BNC and the NTRIP broadcaster as well as any problems that occur in the communication link, stream availability, stream delay, stream conversion etc."));
    11421142  _bncFigure->setWhatsThis(tr("The bandwidth consumtion per stream is shown in the 'Throughput' tab in bits per second (bps) or kilo bits per second (kbps)."));
    11571157  _serialHeightNMEALineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify an approximate 'Height' above mean sea level in meter for your VRS to simulate an inital NMEA-GGA message.</p><p>The setting of this option is ignored in case of streams coming from physical reference stations.</p>"));
    11581158  _pppMountLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify an observations stream by its mountpoint from the 'Streams' list compiled below if you want BNC to estimate coordinates for the affected receiver position through a PPP solution. Example: 'FFMJ1'</p><p>Note that PPP in BNC requires to also pull a stream carrying RTCM Version 3 satellite orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris referring to the satellites' Antenna Phase Centers (APC). Stream CLK11 on NTRIP broadcaster is an example.</p><p>Pulling in addition a third stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris messages in high repetition rate is suggested if such messages are comeing from the receiver in low repetition rate or don't come at all from there.</p>"));
    1159   _pppCorrMountLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>You must specify an orbit/clock corrections stream by its mountpoint from the 'Streams' list compiled below. Example: 'CLK10'</p>"));
     1159  _pppCorrMountLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>You must specify an orbit/clock corrections stream by its mountpoint from the 'Streams' list below. Example: 'CLK10'</p><p>Note that BNC produces a PPP solution from combined Broadcast Ephemeris corrections specified under 'Combination' if you introduce keyword 'INTERNAL' as the corrections mountpoint.</p>"));
    11601160  _pppSPPComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Choose between plain Single Point Positioning (SPP) and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) in real-time and post processing mode.</p>"));
    11611161  _teqcActionComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select an editing action.</p>"));
    11951195  _cmbMaxresLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC combines all incoming clocks according to specified weights. Individual clock estimates that differ by more than 'Maximal Residuum' meters from the average of all clocks will be ignored.<p></p>It is suggested to specify a value of about 0.2 m for the Kalman filter combination approach and a value of about 3.0 meters for the Single-Epoch combination approach.</p><p>Default is a value of '999.0'.</p>"));
    11961196  _cmbMethodComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a clock combination approach. Options are 'Single-Epoch' and Kalman 'Filter'. It is suggested to use the Kalman filter approach for the purpose of Precise Point Positioning.</p>"));
    1197   _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to broadcast ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) in RTCM Version 3 SSR format. The clock and orbit corrections may either come from a Real-time Network Engine or from a combination of incoming orbit/clock streams.</p><p>Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an NTRIP broadcaster and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the NTRIP broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference system (e.g. IGS08) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated orbit corrections as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SP3 orbit files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated clock corrections as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p>"));
     1197  _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to broadcast ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) in RTCM Version 3 SSR format. The clock and orbit corrections may either come (1) from a Real-time Network Engine or (2) be calculated as a combination of incoming orbit/clock streams.</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' in the 'Add Stream from TCP/IP Port' window. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified NTRIP broadcaster</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode an upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris corrections if you specified correction streams in the 'Combination' stream table.</p><p>Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an NTRIP broadcaster and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the NTRIP broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference system (e.g. IGS08) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated orbit corrections as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SP3 orbit files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p><p>Specify a path for saving the generated clock corrections as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p>"));
    11991199  _postObsFileChooser->setWhatsThis(tr("Full path to RINEX v2/v3 Observation file."));
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