Changeset 3429 in ntrip
- Timestamp:
- Sep 21, 2011, 4:49:05 PM (14 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3426 r3429 36 36 // Constructor 37 37 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 38 cmbParam::cmbParam(cmbParam::parType type_, int index_, 39 const QString& ac_, const QString& prn_, 40 double sig_0_, double sig_P_) { 38 cmbParam::cmbParam(parType type_, int index_, 39 const QString& ac_, const QString& prn_) { 41 40 42 41 type = type_; … … 44 43 AC = ac_; 45 44 prn = prn_; 46 sig_0 = sig_0_;47 sig_P = sig_P_;48 45 xx = 0.0; 46 47 if (type == offAC) { 48 sig_0 = 1000.0; 49 sig_P = 1000.0; 50 } 51 else if (type == offACSat) { 52 sig_0 = 100.0; 53 sig_P = 0.0; 54 } 55 else if (type == clkSat) { 56 sig_0 = 100.0; 57 sig_P = 100.0; 58 } 49 59 } 50 60 … … 56 66 // Partial 57 67 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 58 double cmbParam::partial(const QString& AC_, t_corr* corr) {68 double cmbParam::partial(const QString& AC_, const QString& prn_) { 59 69 60 if (type == AC_offset) {70 if (type == offAC) { 61 71 if (AC == AC_) { 62 72 return 1.0; 63 73 } 64 74 } 65 else if (type == Sat_offset) {66 if (AC == AC_ && prn == corr->prn) {75 else if (type == offACSat) { 76 if (AC == AC_ && prn == prn_) { 67 77 return 1.0; 68 78 } 69 79 } 70 else if (type == clk) { 71 if (prn == corr->prn) {80 else if (type == clkSat) { 81 if (prn == prn_) { 72 82 return 1.0; 73 83 } … … 83 93 QString outStr; 84 94 85 if (type == AC_offset) {95 if (type == offAC) { 86 96 outStr = "AC offset " + AC; 87 97 } 88 else if (type == Sat_offset) {98 else if (type == offACSat) { 89 99 outStr = "Sat Offset " + AC + " " + prn; 90 100 } 91 else if (type == clk) { 101 else if (type == clkSat) { 92 102 outStr = "Clk Corr " + prn; 93 103 } … … 112 122 newAC->name = hlp[1]; 113 123 newAC->weight = hlp[2].toDouble(); 114 if (_masterAC.isEmpty()) { 115 _masterAC = newAC->name; 116 } 117 _ACs[newAC->mountPoint] = newAC; 124 _ACs.append(newAC); 118 125 } 119 126 } … … 124 131 ((bncApp*)qApp), SLOT(slotMessage(const QByteArray,bool))); 125 132 126 127 // A Priori Sigmas (in Meters)128 // ---------------------------129 double sigAC_0 = 1000.0;130 double sigAC_P = 1000.0;131 double sigSat_0 = 100.0;132 double sigSat_P = 0.0;133 double sigClk_0 = 100.0;134 double sigClk_P = 100.0;135 133 136 134 // Initialize Parameters (model: Clk_Corr = AC_Offset + Sat_Offset + Clk) 137 135 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 136 int nextPar = 0; 139 Q MapIterator<QString,cmbAC*> it(_ACs);137 QListIterator<cmbAC*> it(_ACs); 140 138 while (it.hasNext()) { 141; 142 cmbAC* AC = it.value(); 143 _params.push_back(new cmbParam(cmbParam::AC_offset, ++nextPar, 144 AC->name, "", sigAC_0, sigAC_P)); 139 cmbAC* AC =; 140 _params.push_back(new cmbParam(cmbParam::offAC, ++nextPar, AC->name, "")); 145 141 for (int iGps = 1; iGps <= MAXPRN_GPS; iGps++) { 146 142 QString prn = QString("G%1").arg(iGps, 2, 10, QChar('0')); 147 _params.push_back(new cmbParam(cmbParam:: Sat_offset, ++nextPar,148 AC->name, prn , sigSat_0, sigSat_P));143 _params.push_back(new cmbParam(cmbParam::offACSat, ++nextPar, 144 AC->name, prn)); 149 145 } 150 146 } 151 147 for (int iGps = 1; iGps <= MAXPRN_GPS; iGps++) { 152 148 QString prn = QString("G%1").arg(iGps, 2, 10, QChar('0')); 153 _params.push_back(new cmbParam(cmbParam::clk, ++nextPar, "", prn, 154 sigClk_0, sigClk_P)); 149 _params.push_back(new cmbParam(cmbParam::clkSat, ++nextPar, "", prn)); 155 150 } 156 151 … … 192 187 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 193 188 bncComb::~bncComb() { 194 QMapIterator<QString, cmbAC*> it(_ACs); 195 while (it.hasNext()) { 196; 197 delete it.value(); 189 QListIterator<cmbAC*> icAC(_ACs); 190 while (icAC.hasNext()) { 191 delete; 198 192 } 199 193 delete _rtnetDecoder; … … 202 196 delete _params[iPar-1]; 203 197 } 198 QListIterator<cmbCorr*> itCorr(_corrs); 199 while (itCorr.hasNext()) { 200 delete; 201 } 204 202 } 205 203 … … 209 207 QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); 210 208 211 // Find the relevant instance of cmbAC class212 // -----------------------------------------213 if (_ACs.find(staID) == _ACs.end()) {214 return;215 }216 cmbAC* AC = _ACs[staID];217 218 209 // Read the Correction 219 210 // ------------------- 220 t_corr* newCorr = new t_corr(); 211 cmbCorr* newCorr = new cmbCorr(); 212 newCorr->acName = staID; 221 213 if (!newCorr->readLine(line) == success) { 222 214 delete newCorr; … … 232 224 } 233 225 234 // Remember last correction time235 // -----------------------------236 if (!_lastCorrTime.valid() || _lastCorrTime < newCorr->tt) {237 _lastCorrTime = newCorr->tt;238 }239 240 bncTime processTime = _lastCorrTime - 1.5 * moduloTime;241 242 226 // Delete old corrections 243 227 // ---------------------- 244 if (newCorr->tt < processTime) {228 if (newCorr->tt < _resTime) { 245 229 delete newCorr; 246 230 return; … … 261 245 else if (prevEph && prevEph->IOD() == newCorr->iod) { 262 246 newCorr->eph = prevEph; 247 switchToLastEph(lastEph, newCorr); 263 248 } 264 249 else { … … 268 253 } 269 254 270 // Process all older Epochs (if there are any) 271 // ------------------------------------------- 272 QList<cmbEpoch*> epochsToProcess; 273 QMapIterator<QString, cmbAC*> itAC(_ACs); 274 while (itAC.hasNext()) { 275; 276 cmbAC* AC = itAC.value(); 277 QMutableListIterator<cmbEpoch*> itEpo(AC->epochs); 278 while (itEpo.hasNext()) { 279 cmbEpoch* epoch =; 280 if (epoch->time <= processTime) { 281 epochsToProcess.append(epoch); 282 itEpo.remove(); 283 } 284 } 285 } 286 287 if (epochsToProcess.size()) { 288 processEpochs(epochsToProcess); 289 } 290 291 // Find/Create the instance of cmbEpoch class 292 // ------------------------------------------ 293 cmbEpoch* newEpoch = 0; 294 QListIterator<cmbEpoch*> it(AC->epochs); 295 while (it.hasNext()) { 296 cmbEpoch* hlpEpoch =; 297 if (hlpEpoch->time == newCorr->tt) { 298 newEpoch = hlpEpoch; 299 break; 300 } 301 } 302 if (newEpoch == 0) { 303 newEpoch = new cmbEpoch(AC->name); 304 newEpoch->time = newCorr->tt; 305 AC->epochs.append(newEpoch); 306 } 307 255 // Process previous Epoch 256 // ---------------------- 257 if (_resTime.valid() && _resTime < newCorr->tt) { 258 processEpoch(); 259 } 260 261 // Remember last correction time 262 // ----------------------------- 263 _resTime = newCorr->tt; 264 308 265 // Merge or add the correction 309 266 // --------------------------- 310 if (newEpoch->corr.find(newCorr->prn) != newEpoch->corr.end()) { 311 newEpoch->corr[newCorr->prn]->readLine(line); // merge (multiple messages) 267 cmbCorr* existingCorr = 0; 268 QListIterator<cmbCorr*> itCorr(_corrs); 269 while (itCorr.hasNext()) { 270 cmbCorr* hlp =; 271 if (hlp->prn == newCorr->prn && hlp->acName == newCorr->prn) { 272 existingCorr = hlp; 273 break; 274 } 275 } 276 if (existingCorr) { 312 277 delete newCorr; 278 existingCorr->readLine(line); // merge (multiple messages) 313 279 } 314 280 else { 315 newEpoch->corr[newCorr->prn] = newCorr;281 _corrs.append(newCorr); 316 282 } 317 283 } … … 320 286 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 321 287 void bncComb::switchToLastEph(const t_eph* lastEph, t_corr* corr) { 288 289 if (corr->eph == lastEph) { 290 return; 291 } 322 292 323 293 ColumnVector oldXC(4); … … 354 324 } 355 325 356 // Process Epochs 357 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 358 void bncComb::processEpochs(const QList<cmbEpoch*>& epochs) { 326 // Process Epoch 327 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 328 void bncComb::processEpoch() { 329 330 int nPar = _params.size(); 331 int nObs = _corrs.size(); 332 333 if (nObs == 0) { 334 return; 335 } 359 336 360 337 _log.clear(); … … 365 342 << "------------------------------" << endl; 366 343 367 // Check whether master AC present 368 // ------------------------------- 369 if (epochs.first()->acName != _masterAC) { 370 if (true) { // version with master switch 371 cmbEpoch* epo = epochs.first(); 372 bncTime epoTime = epo->time; 373 out << "Switching Master AC " 374 << epo->acName.toAscii().data() << " --> " 375 << _masterAC.toAscii().data() << " " 376 << epoTime.datestr().c_str() << " " 377 << epoTime.timestr().c_str() << endl; 378 _masterAC = epo->acName; 379 } 380 else { // original version 381 QListIterator<cmbEpoch*> itEpo(epochs); 382 while (itEpo.hasNext()) { 383 cmbEpoch* epo =; 384 bncTime epoTime = epo->time; 385 out << epo->acName.toAscii().data() << " " 386 << epoTime.datestr().c_str() << " " 387 << epoTime.timestr().c_str() << endl; 388 delete epo; 389 } 390 out << "Missing Master AC" << endl; 391 emit newMessage(_log, false); 392 return; 393 } 394 } 395 396 // Predict Parameters Values, Add White Noise 397 // ------------------------------------------ 398 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 399 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 400 if (pp->sig_P != 0.0) { 401 pp->xx = 0.0; 402 for (int jj = 1; jj <= _params.size(); jj++) { 403 _QQ(iPar, jj) = 0.0; 404 } 405 _QQ(iPar,iPar) = pp->sig_P * pp->sig_P; 406 } 407 } 408 409 bncTime resTime = epochs.first()->time; 410 QMap<QString, t_corr*> resCorr; 411 412 int nPar = _params.size(); 413 int nObs = 0; 414 344 // Prediction Step 345 // --------------- 415 346 ColumnVector x0(nPar); 416 347 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 417 348 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 349 _QQ(iPar,iPar) += pp->sig_P * pp->sig_P; 418 350 x0(iPar) = pp->xx; 419 351 } 420 352 421 // Count Observations 422 // ------------------ 423 QListIterator<cmbEpoch*> itEpo(epochs); 424 while (itEpo.hasNext()) { 425 cmbEpoch* epo =; 426 bncTime epoTime = epo->time; 427 out << epo->acName.toAscii().data() << " " 428 << epoTime.datestr().c_str() << " " 429 << epoTime.timestr().c_str() << endl; 430 431 QMutableMapIterator<QString, t_corr*> itCorr(epo->corr); 432 while (itCorr.hasNext()) { 433; 434 t_corr* corr = itCorr.value(); 435 436 // Switch to last ephemeris 437 // ------------------------ 438 t_eph* lastEph = _eph[corr->prn]->last; 439 if (lastEph == corr->eph) { 440 ++nObs; 441 } 442 else { 443 if (corr->eph == _eph[corr->prn]->prev) { 444 switchToLastEph(lastEph, corr); 445 ++nObs; 446 } 447 else { 448 itCorr.remove(); 353 // Create First Design Matrix and Vector of Measurements 354 // ----------------------------------------------------- 355 const double Pl = 1.0 / (0.05 * 0.05); 356 357 const int nCon = (_firstReg == false) ? 1 + MAXPRN_GPS : 1; 358 Matrix AA(nObs+nCon, nPar); AA = 0.0; 359 ColumnVector ll(nObs+nCon); ll = 0.0; 360 DiagonalMatrix PP(nObs+nCon); PP = Pl; 361 362 int iObs = 0; 363 364 QMap<QString, t_corr*> resCorr; 365 366 QListIterator<cmbCorr*> itCorr(_corrs); 367 while (itCorr.hasNext()) { 368 cmbCorr* corr =; 369 QString prn = corr->prn; 370 switchToLastEph(_eph[prn]->last, corr); 371 ++iObs; 372 373 if (resCorr.find(prn) == resCorr.end()) { 374 resCorr[prn] = new t_corr(*corr); 375 } 376 377 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 378 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 379 AA(iObs, iPar) = pp->partial(corr->acName, prn); 380 } 381 382 ll(iObs) = corr->dClk * t_CST::c - DotProduct(AA.Row(iObs), x0); 383 } 384 385 // Regularization 386 // -------------- 387 const double Ph = 1.e6; 388 int iCond = 1; 389 PP(nObs+iCond) = Ph; 390 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 391 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 392 if (pp->type == cmbParam::clkSat && 393 AA.Column(iPar).maximum_absolute_value() > 0.0) { 394 AA(nObs+iCond, iPar) = 1.0; 395 } 396 } 397 398 if (!_firstReg) { 399 _firstReg = true; 400 for (int iGps = 1; iGps <= MAXPRN_GPS; iGps++) { 401 ++iCond; 402 QString prn = QString("G%1").arg(iGps, 2, 10, QChar('0')); 403 PP(nObs+1+iGps) = Ph; 404 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 405 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 406 if (pp->type == cmbParam::offACSat && pp->prn == prn) { 407 AA(nObs+iCond, iPar) = 1.0; 449 408 } 450 409 } … … 452 411 } 453 412 454 if (nObs > 0) { 455 const double Pl = 1.0 / (0.05 * 0.05); 456 457 const int nCon = (_firstReg == false) ? 1 + MAXPRN_GPS : 1; 458 Matrix AA(nObs+nCon, nPar); AA = 0.0; 459 ColumnVector ll(nObs+nCon); ll = 0.0; 460 DiagonalMatrix PP(nObs+nCon); PP = Pl; 461 462 int iObs = 0; 463 QListIterator<cmbEpoch*> itEpo(epochs); 464 QVector<t_llInfo> llInfo(ll.Nrows()); 465 while (itEpo.hasNext()) { 466 cmbEpoch* epo =; 467 QMapIterator<QString, t_corr*> itCorr(epo->corr); 468 469 while (itCorr.hasNext()) { 470; 471 ++iObs; 472 t_corr* corr = itCorr.value(); 473 474 if (epo->acName == _masterAC) { 475 resCorr[corr->prn] = new t_corr(*corr); 476 } 477 478 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 479 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 480 AA(iObs, iPar) = pp->partial(epo->acName, corr); 481 } 482 483 ll(iObs) = corr->dClk * t_CST::c - DotProduct(AA.Row(iObs), x0); 484 llInfo[iObs-1].AC = epo->acName; 485 llInfo[iObs-1].prn = corr->prn; 413 ColumnVector dx; 414 SymmetricMatrix QQ_sav = _QQ; 415 416 for (int ii = 1; ii < 10; ii++) { 417 bncModel::kalman(AA, ll, PP, _QQ, dx); 418 ColumnVector vv = ll - AA * dx; 419 420 int maxResIndex; 421 double maxRes = vv.maximum_absolute_value1(maxResIndex); 422 out.setRealNumberNotation(QTextStream::FixedNotation); 423 out.setRealNumberPrecision(3); 424 out << _resTime.datestr().c_str() << " " << _resTime.timestr().c_str() 425 << " Maximum Residuum " << maxRes << ' ' << endl; 426 // << llInfo[maxResIndex-1].AC << ' ' << llInfo[maxResIndex-1].prn; 427 // 428 // if (maxRes > _MAXRES) { 429 // for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 430 // cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 431 // if (pp->type == cmbParam::offACSat && 432 // pp->AC == llInfo[maxResIndex-1].AC && 433 // pp->prn == llInfo[maxResIndex-1].prn) { 434 // QQ_sav.Row(iPar) = 0.0; 435 // QQ_sav.Column(iPar) = 0.0; 436 // QQ_sav(iPar,iPar) = pp->sig_0 * pp->sig_0; 437 // } 438 // } 439 // 440 // out << " Outlier" << endl; 441 // _QQ = QQ_sav; 442 // AA.Row(maxResIndex) = 0.0; 443 // ll.Row(maxResIndex) = 0.0; 444 // } 445 // else { 446 // out << " OK" << endl; 447 // break; 448 // } 449 } 450 451 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 452 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 453 pp->xx += dx(iPar); 454 if (pp->type == cmbParam::clkSat) { 455 if (resCorr.find(pp->prn) != resCorr.end()) { 456 resCorr[pp->prn]->dClk = pp->xx / t_CST::c; 486 457 } 487 458 } 488 489 // Regularization 490 // -------------- 491 const double Ph = 1.e6; 492 int iCond = 1; 493 PP(nObs+iCond) = Ph; 494 llInfo[nObs+iCond-1].AC = "regularization"; 495 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 496 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 497 if (pp->type == cmbParam::clk && 498 AA.Column(iPar).maximum_absolute_value() > 0.0) { 499 AA(nObs+iCond, iPar) = 1.0; 500 } 501 } 502 503 if (!_firstReg) { 504 _firstReg = true; 505 for (int iGps = 1; iGps <= MAXPRN_GPS; iGps++) { 506 ++iCond; 507 QString prn = QString("G%1").arg(iGps, 2, 10, QChar('0')); 508 PP(nObs+1+iGps) = Ph; 509 llInfo[nObs+iGps].AC = "regularization"; 510 llInfo[nObs+iGps].prn = prn; 511 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 512 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 513 if (pp->type == cmbParam::Sat_offset && pp->prn == prn) { 514 AA(nObs+iCond, iPar) = 1.0; 515 } 516 } 517 } 518 } 519 520 ColumnVector dx; 521 SymmetricMatrix QQ_sav = _QQ; 522 523 for (int ii = 1; ii < 10; ii++) { 524 bncModel::kalman(AA, ll, PP, _QQ, dx); 525 ColumnVector vv = ll - AA * dx; 526 527 int maxResIndex; 528 double maxRes = vv.maximum_absolute_value1(maxResIndex); 529 out.setRealNumberNotation(QTextStream::FixedNotation); 530 out.setRealNumberPrecision(3); 531 out << resTime.datestr().c_str() << " " << resTime.timestr().c_str() 532 << " Maximum Residuum " << maxRes << ' ' 533 << llInfo[maxResIndex-1].AC << ' ' << llInfo[maxResIndex-1].prn; 534 535 if (maxRes > _MAXRES) { 536 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 537 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 538 if (pp->type == cmbParam::Sat_offset && 539 pp->AC == llInfo[maxResIndex-1].AC && 540 pp->prn == llInfo[maxResIndex-1].prn) { 541 QQ_sav.Row(iPar) = 0.0; 542 QQ_sav.Column(iPar) = 0.0; 543 QQ_sav(iPar,iPar) = pp->sig_0 * pp->sig_0; 544 } 545 } 546 547 out << " Outlier" << endl; 548 _QQ = QQ_sav; 549 AA.Row(maxResIndex) = 0.0; 550 ll.Row(maxResIndex) = 0.0; 551 } 552 else { 553 out << " OK" << endl; 554 break; 555 } 556 } 557 558 for (int iPar = 1; iPar <= _params.size(); iPar++) { 559 cmbParam* pp = _params[iPar-1]; 560 pp->xx += dx(iPar); 561 if (pp->type == cmbParam::clk) { 562 if (resCorr.find(pp->prn) != resCorr.end()) { 563 resCorr[pp->prn]->dClk = pp->xx / t_CST::c; 564 } 565 } 566 out << resTime.datestr().c_str() << " " 567 << resTime.timestr().c_str() << " "; 568 out.setRealNumberNotation(QTextStream::FixedNotation); 569 out.setFieldWidth(8); 570 out.setRealNumberPrecision(4); 571 out << pp->toString() << " " 572 << pp->xx << " +- " << sqrt(_QQ(pp->index,pp->index)) << endl; 573 out.setFieldWidth(0); 574 } 575 } 576 577 printResults(out, resTime, resCorr); 578 dumpResults(resTime, resCorr); 459 out << _resTime.datestr().c_str() << " " 460 << _resTime.timestr().c_str() << " "; 461 out.setRealNumberNotation(QTextStream::FixedNotation); 462 out.setFieldWidth(8); 463 out.setRealNumberPrecision(4); 464 out << pp->toString() << " " 465 << pp->xx << " +- " << sqrt(_QQ(pp->index,pp->index)) << endl; 466 out.setFieldWidth(0); 467 } 468 469 printResults(out, resCorr); 470 dumpResults(resCorr); 579 471 580 472 emit newMessage(_log, false); 581 473 582 QListIterator<cmb Epoch*> itEpo2(epochs);583 while (it Epo2.hasNext()) {584 cmbEpoch* epo =;585 delete epo;586 }474 QListIterator<cmbCorr*> it(_corrs); 475 while (it.hasNext()) { 476 delete; 477 } 478 _corrs.clear(); 587 479 } 588 480 589 481 // Print results 590 482 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 591 void bncComb::printResults(QTextStream& out, const bncTime& resTime,483 void bncComb::printResults(QTextStream& out, 592 484 const QMap<QString, t_corr*>& resCorr) { 593 485 … … 599 491 if (eph) { 600 492 double xx, yy, zz, cc; 601 eph->position(resTime.gpsw(), resTime.gpssec(), xx, yy, zz, cc); 602 603 out << resTime.datestr().c_str() << " " 604 << resTime.timestr().c_str() << " "; 493 eph->position(_resTime.gpsw(), _resTime.gpssec(), xx, yy, zz, cc); 494 495 out << _resTime.datestr().c_str() << " " 496 << _resTime.timestr().c_str() << " "; 605 497 out.setFieldWidth(3); 606 498 out << "Full Clock " << corr->prn << " " << corr->iod << " "; … … 617 509 // Send results to RTNet Decoder and directly to PPP Client 618 510 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 619 void bncComb::dumpResults(const bncTime& resTime, 620 const QMap<QString, t_corr*>& resCorr) { 511 void bncComb::dumpResults(const QMap<QString, t_corr*>& resCorr) { 621 512 622 513 ostringstream out; out.setf(std::ios::fixed); … … 625 516 unsigned year, month, day, hour, minute; 626 517 double sec; 627 resTime.civil_date(year, month, day); 628 resTime.civil_time(hour, minute, sec); 518 _resTime.civil_date(year, month, day); 519 _resTime.civil_time(hour, minute, sec); 629 520 630 521 out << "* " … … 646 537 for (int iTime = 1; iTime <= 2; iTime++) { 647 538 648 bncTime time12 = (iTime == 1) ? resTime : resTime + dT; 539 bncTime time12 = (iTime == 1) ? _resTime : _resTime + dT; 649 540 650 541 ColumnVector xc(4);
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