Changeset 2939 in ntrip

Jan 31, 2011, 1:03:16 PM (14 years ago)

Tab PPP-2 updated

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r2937 r2939  
    485485  _pppNMEAPortLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify an IP port number to output PPP results as NMEA messages through an IP port.</p>"));
    486486  _pppSigCLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma for your code observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of code observations to a PPP solution based on a combination of code and phase data. 5.0 (default) is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p>"));
    487   _pppQuickStartLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the lenght of a startup period in seconds for which you want to fix the PPP solution to a known XYZ coordinate as introduced above and adjust a sigma 'XYZ Ini' according to the coordinate's precision. Fixing the coordinate is done in BNC through setting the 'XYZ White Noise' you define below temporarily to zero.</p><p>This so-called Quick-Start option allows the PPP solution to rapidly converge. It requires that the antenna remains unmoved on the know position throughout the startup period.</p><p>A value of 120 is likely to be an appropriate choice for 'Quick-Start'. Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to operate in Quick-Start mode.</p>"));
     487  _pppQuickStartLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the lenght of a startup period in seconds for which you want to fix the PPP solution to a known XYZ coordinate as introduced above and adjust a sigma 'XYZ Ini' according to the coordinate's precision. Fixing the coordinate is done in BNC through setting the 'Sigma XYZ Noise' you define below temporarily to zero.</p><p>This so-called Quick-Start option allows the PPP solution to rapidly converge. It requires that the antenna remains unmoved on the know position throughout the startup period.</p><p>A value of 120 is likely to be an appropriate choice for 'Quick-Start'. Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to operate in Quick-Start mode.</p>"));
    488488  _pppSigPLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma for your phase observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of phase observations to a PPP solutions based on a combination of code and phase data. 0.02 (default) is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p>"));
    489489  _pppAverageLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the length of a sliding time window in minutes. BNC will continuously output moving average positions computed from those individual positions obtained most recently throughout this period.</p><p>An empty option field (default) means that you don't want BNC to output moving average positions.</p>"));
    490490  _pppSigCrd0->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma in meters for the initial XYZ coordinate componentes. A value of 100.0 (default) may be an appropriate choice. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) when starting for example from a station with known XZY position in Quick-Start mode."));
    491   _pppSigCrdP->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma in meters for the 'White Noise' of estimated XYZ coordinate components. A value of 100.0 (default) may be appropriate considering the potential movement of a rover position.</p>"));
     491  _pppSigCrdP->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma in meters for the white noise of estimated XYZ coordinate components. A value of 100.0 (default) may be appropriate considering the potential movement of a rover position.</p>"));
    492492  _pppSigTrp0->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma in meters for the a-priory model based tropospheric delay estimation. A value of 0.1 (default) may be an appropriate choice.</p>"));
    493493  _pppSigTrpP->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma in meters per second to describe the variation of the tropospheric effect.</p><p>Supposing 1Hz observation data, a value of 1e-6 (default) would mean that the tropospheric effect may vary for 3600 * 1e-6 = 0.0036 meters per hour.</p>"));
    775775  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Use Galileo"),            1, 8);
    776776  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Options cont'd"),         2, 0); 
    777   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigCLineEdit,                     2, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
    778   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sigma Code"),             2, 2);
    779   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigPLineEdit,                     2, 3);
    780   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sigma Phase"),            2, 4);
     777  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigCrd0,                          2, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
     778  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sigma XYZ Init   "),      2, 2);
     779  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigCrdP,                          2, 3, Qt::AlignRight);
     780  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sigma XYZ Noise   "),     2, 4);
    781781  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppQuickStartLineEdit,               2, 5, Qt::AlignRight);
    782782  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Quick-Start (sec)   ") ,  2, 6); 
    783   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppAverageLineEdit,                  2, 7);
    784   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Averaging (min)") ,       2, 8); 
    785   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Parameter sigmas"),       3, 0);
    786   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigCrd0,                          3, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
    787   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("XYZ Init"),               3, 2);
    788   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigCrdP,                          3, 3);
    789   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("XYZ White Noise   "),     3, 4);
    790   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigTrp0,                          3, 5, Qt::AlignRight);
    791   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Tropo Init"),             3, 6);
    792   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSigTrpP,                          3, 7);
    793   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Tropo White Noise"),      3, 8);
    794   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Output"),                 4, 0);
    795   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppNMEALineEdit,                     4, 1, 1, 3);
    796   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("NMEA file"),              4, 4);
    797   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppNMEAPortLineEdit,                 4, 5);
    798   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("NMEA port"),              4, 6);
    799   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppPlotCoordinates,                  4, 7, Qt::AlignRight);
    800   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("PPP Plot"),               4, 8);
    802   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Coordinates from Precise Point Positioning (PPP)."),5, 0,1,5);
    803   pppLayout->addWidget(_pppSync,                             5, 7);
    804   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sync Corr (sec)"),        5, 8);
     783  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Output"),                 3, 0);
     784  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppNMEALineEdit,                     3, 1, 1, 3);
     785  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("NMEA file"),              3, 4);
     786  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppNMEAPortLineEdit,                 3, 5, Qt::AlignRight);
     787  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("NMEA port"),              3, 6);
     788  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppPlotCoordinates,                  3, 7, Qt::AlignRight);
     789  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("PPP Plot"),               3, 8);
     790  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Coordinates from Precise Point Positioning (PPP)."),4, 0,1,5);
     791  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("    "),                   5, 0);
    806793  pppgroup->setLayout(pppLayout);
    812799  _pppAntennaLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("pppAntenna").toString());
    813   _pppAntennaLineEdit->setMinimumWidth(20*ww);
    814   _pppAntennaLineEdit->setMaximumWidth(20*ww);
    816803  _pppAntexLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("pppAntex").toString());
    817   _pppAntexLineEdit->setMinimumWidth(20*ww);
    818   _pppAntexLineEdit->setMaximumWidth(20*ww);
    820807  _pppIgnoreSatAntCheckBox = new QCheckBox();
    822809                                settings.value("pppIgnoreSatAnt").toInt()));
    824   ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Antenna Name"),                     0, 0);
    825   ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppAntennaLineEdit,                            0, 1);
    826   ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("ANTEX File"),                       1, 0);
    827   ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppAntexLineEdit,                              1, 1);
    828   ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Ignore Satellite Antenna Offsets"), 1, 2);
    829   ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppIgnoreSatAntCheckBox,                       1, 3);
    831   ppp2Layout->setRowStretch(2,1);
    832   ppp2Layout->setColumnStretch(4,1);
    834   ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Options for PPP (continuation)"), 3, 0, 1, 4);
     812  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Receiver antenna   "),      0, 0);
     813  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppAntexLineEdit,                      0, 1, 1, 4);
     814  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("ANTEX File   "),            0, 5);
     815  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppAntennaLineEdit,                    0, 6, 1,2);
     816  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Name"),                     0, 8);
     817  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Satellite antenna"),        1, 0);
     818  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppIgnoreSatAntCheckBox,               1, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
     819  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Ignore Offsets"),           1, 2, Qt::AlignLeft);
     820  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sigmas"),                   2, 0);
     821  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppSigCLineEdit,                       2, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
     822  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Code"),                     2, 2);
     823  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppSigPLineEdit,                       2, 3);
     824  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Phase"),                    2, 4);
     825  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppSigTrp0,                            2, 5, Qt::AlignRight);
     826  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Tropo Init        "),       2, 6);
     827  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppSigTrpP,                            2, 7);
     828  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Tropo White Noise"),        2, 8);
     829  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Options"),                  3, 0);
     830  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppSync,                               3, 1);
     831  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sync Corr (sec)   "),       3, 2);
     832  ppp2Layout->addWidget(_pppAverageLineEdit,                    3, 3, Qt::AlignRight);
     833  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Averaging (min)") ,         3, 4); 
     834  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("Coordinates from Precise Point Positioning (PPP), continuted."), 4, 0, 1, 6);
     835  ppp2Layout->addWidget(new QLabel("    "),                      5, 0);
    836840  ppp2group->setLayout(ppp2Layout);
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