Changeset 1467 in ntrip

Jan 14, 2009, 1:40:03 PM (16 years ago)

* empty log message *

2 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r1466 r1467  
    3636<li>retrieve real-time GNSS data streams available through NTRIP transport protocol,</li>
    3737<li>generate high-rate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS post-processing applications, and/or</li>
    38 <li>generate ephemeris and synchronized or unsynchronized observations epoch by epoch through an IP port to support real-time GNSS engines, and/or</li>
     38<li>generate ephemeris and synchronized or unsynchronized observations epoch by epoch through an IP port to support real-time GNSS network engines, and/or</li>
    3939<li>generate clock and orbit corrections to broadcast ephemeris through an IP port to support real-time Precise Point Positioning on GNSS rovers, and/or</li>
    4040<li>generate synchronized clock and orbit corrections to broadcast ephemeris epoch by epoch through an IP port to support the combination of such streams as coming simultaneously from various correction providers, and/or</li>
    174 a 'Flow Chart' showing BNC linked to a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet.
     174a 'Flow Chart' showing BNC linked to a real-time GNSS network engine such as RTNet.
    443443<p><a name="corrwait"><h4>3.7.4 Wait for Full Epoch - mandatory if 'Port' is set</h4></p>
    445 When feeding a real-time GNSS engine waiting epoch by epoch for synchronized Ephemeris Corrections, BNC drops (only concering IP port output) whatever is received later than 'Wait for full epoch' seconds. A value of 2 to 5 seconds could be an appropriate choice for that, depending on the latency of the incoming Ephemeris Corrections stream and the delay acceptable by your application. A message such as "COCK1: Correction overaged by 5 sec" shows up in BNC's logfile if 'Wait for full epoch' is exceeded.
     445When feeding a real-time GNSS network engine waiting epoch by epoch for synchronized Ephemeris Corrections, BNC drops (only concering IP port output) whatever is received later than 'Wait for full epoch' seconds. A value of 2 to 5 seconds could be an appropriate choice for that, depending on the latency of the incoming Ephemeris Corrections stream and the delay acceptable by your application. A message such as "COCK1: Correction overaged by 5 sec" shows up in BNC's logfile if 'Wait for full epoch' is exceeded.
    448448<p><a name="syncout"><h4>3.8. Feed Engine</h4></p>
    450 BNC can generate synchronized or unsynchronized observations epoch by epoch from all stations and satellites to feed a real-time GNSS engine. The output can be produced in a binary format through an IP port and/or a plain ASCII format to save the observations in a local file. It comprises the following observations where available:</p>
     450BNC can generate synchronized or unsynchronized observations epoch by epoch from all stations and satellites to feed a real-time GNSS network engine. The output can be produced in a binary format through an IP port and/or a plain ASCII format to save the observations in a local file. It comprises the following observations where available:</p>
    452452StatID, SVPRN, GPSWeek, GPSWeeks, C1, C2, P1, P2, L1, L2, slip_cnt_L1, slip_cnt_L2, lock_timei_L1, lock_timei_L2, S1, S2, SNR1, SNR2
    516516<p><a name="syncwait"><h4>3.8.2 Wait for Full Epoch - mandatory if 'Port' is set</h4></p>
    518 When feeding a real-time GNSS engine waiting for synchronized input epoch by epoch, BNC drops whatever is received later than 'Wait for full epoch' seconds. A value of 3 to 5 seconds could be an appropriate choice for that, depending on the latency of the incoming streams and the delay acceptable for your real-time GNSS product. Default value for 'Wait for full epoch' is 5 seconds.
     518When feeding a real-time GNSS network engine waiting for synchronized input epoch by epoch, BNC drops whatever is received later than 'Wait for full epoch' seconds. A value of 3 to 5 seconds could be an appropriate choice for that, depending on the latency of the incoming streams and the delay acceptable for your real-time GNSS product. Default value for 'Wait for full epoch' is 5 seconds.
  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r1455 r1467  
    309309  _proxyHostLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>If you are running BNC within a protected Local Area Network (LAN), you might need to use a proxy server to access the Internet. Enter your proxy server IP and port number in case one is operated in front of BNC. If you do not know the IP and port of your proxy server, check the proxy server settings in your Internet browser or ask your network administrator.</p><p>Note that IP streaming is sometimes not allowed in a LAN. In this case you need to ask your network administrator for an appropriate modification of the local security policy or for the installation of a TCP relay to the NTRIP broadcasters. If these are not possible, you might need to run BNC outside your LAN on a network that has unobstructed connection to the Internet.</p>"));
    310310  _proxyPortLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter your proxy server port number in case a proxy is operated in front of BNC.</p>"));
    311   _waitTimeSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>When feeding a real-time GNSS engine waiting for synchronized input epoch by epoch, BNC drops whatever is received later than 'Wait for full epoch' seconds. A value of 3 to 5 seconds is recommended, depending on the latency of the incoming streams and the delay acceptable to your real-time GNSS engine or products.</p>"));
     311  _waitTimeSpinBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>When feeding a real-time GNSS network engine waiting for synchronized input epoch by epoch, BNC drops whatever is received later than 'Wait for full epoch' seconds. A value of 3 to 5 seconds is recommended, depending on the latency of the incoming streams and the delay acceptable to your real-time GNSS network engine or products.</p>"));
    312312  _outFileLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("Specify the full path to a file where synchronized observations are saved in plain ASCII format. Beware that the size of this file can rapidly increase depending on the number of incoming streams."));
    313313  _outPortLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("BNC can produce synchronized observations in binary format on your local host through an IP port. Specify a port number here to activate this function."));
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