Changeset 1235 in ntrip

Nov 24, 2008, 3:20:06 PM (16 years ago)

* empty log message *

3 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bncgetthread.cpp

    r1225 r1235  
    765765                                       dL2[0], dL2[1], dL2[2]) == success ) {
    767                 ostringstream msg2; msg2.setf(ios::fixed);
    768                 msg2 << "station coordinates " << staID().data()
    769                      << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(5) << stax
    770                      << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(5) << stay
    771                      << ' ' << setw(14) << setprecision(5) << staz
    772                      << " L1 "
    773                      << ' ' << setw(8)  << setprecision(5) << dL1[0]
    774                      << ' ' << setw(8)  << setprecision(5) << dL1[1]
    775                      << ' ' << setw(8)  << setprecision(5) << dL1[2]
    776                      << " L2 "
    777                      << ' ' << setw(8)  << setprecision(5) << dL2[0]
    778                      << ' ' << setw(8)  << setprecision(5) << dL2[1]
    779                      << ' ' << setw(8)  << setprecision(5) << dL2[2]
    780                      << ends;
     767                if ( _checkMountPoint == _staID || _checkMountPoint == "ALL" ) {
     768                  QString ant1;
     769                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(stax,0,'f',4);
     770                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": ARP X " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     771                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(stay,0,'f',4);
     772                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": ARP Y " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     773                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(staz,0,'f',4);
     774                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": ARP Z " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     775                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(dL1[0],0,'f',4);
     776                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L1 APC DX " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     777                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(dL1[1],0,'f',4);
     778                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L1 APC DY " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     779                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(dL1[2],0,'f',4);
     780                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L1 APC DZ " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     781                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(dL2[0],0,'f',4);
     782                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L2 APC DX " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     783                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(dL2[1],0,'f',4);
     784                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L2 APC DY " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     785                  ant1 =  QString("%1 ").arg(dL2[2],0,'f',4);
     786                  emit(newMessage(_staID + ": L2 APC DZ " + ant1.toAscii() + "m" ));
     787                }
    781788                _rnx_set_position = true;
    782                 emit newMessage(QByteArray(msg2.str().c_str()));
    783789              }
    784790            } 
  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r1234 r1235  
    618618<p><a name="messtypes"><h4>3.10. RTCM Scan</h4></p>
    620 When configuring a GNSS receiver for RTCM stream generation, the setup interface may not provide details about RTCM message types. As reliable information concerning stream contents should be available i.e. for NTRIP broadcaster operators to maintain the broadcaster's sourcetable, BNC allows to scan RTCM Version 3.x streams for incoming message types and printout some of the contained meta-data. The idea for this option arose from 'InspectRTCM', a comprehensive stream analyzing tool written by D. Stoecker.
     620When configuring a GNSS receiver for RTCM stream generation, the setup interface may not provide details about RTCM message types. As reliable information concerning stream contents should be available i.e. for NTRIP broadcaster operators to maintain the broadcaster's sourcetable, BNC allows to scan RTCM streams for incoming message types and printout some of the contained meta-data. The idea for this option arose from 'InspectRTCM', a comprehensive stream analyzing tool written by D. Stoecker.
    623623<p><a name="messmount"><h4>3.10.1 Mountpoint - optional</h4></p>
    625 Specify the mountpoint of an RTCM Version 3.x stream to scan it and log
     625Specify the mountpoint of an RTCM Version 3.x stream to scan it and log all contained
    628628<li>numbers of incoming message types</li>
    629629<li>Antenna Reference Point (ARP) coordinates in ITRF reference system</li>
    630 <li>antenna height</li>
     630<li>antenna height above ARP</li>
    631631<li>antenna descriptor.</li>
    633 <p>Logged time stamps refer to message reception time and allow to understand repetition rates. Enter 'ALL' if you want to log this information from all configured streams. Beware that the size of the logfile can rapidly increase depending on the number of incoming RTCM Version 3.x streams.
    634 </p>
    635 <p>This option is primarily meant for testing and evaluation. Use it to figure out what exactly is produced by a specific GNSS receiver's configuration. An empty option field (default) means that you don't want BNC to print the message type numbers carried in RTCM Version 3.x streams.
     635Specify the mountpoint of an RTCM Version 2.x stream and the 'RINEX Observations' directory to scan the stream and log the very first incoming
     638<li>Antenna Reference Point (ARP) coordinates</li>
     639<li>ECEF corrections to ARP for the L1 Antenna Phase Center (APC)</li>
     640<li>ECEF corrections to ARP for the L2 Antenna Phase Center (APC).</li>
     644<p>Logged time stamps refer to message reception time and - in case of an RTCM Version 3.x stream - allow to understand repetition rates. Enter 'ALL' if you want to log this information from all configured streams. Beware that the size of the logfile can rapidly increase depending on the number of incoming RTCM streams.
     646<p>This option is primarily meant for testing and evaluation. Use it to figure out what exactly is produced by a specific GNSS receiver's configuration. An empty option field (default) means that you don't want BNC to print the message type numbers and antenna information carried in RTCM streams.
  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r1231 r1235  
    293293  _ephV3CheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("The default format for RINEX Navigation files containing Broadcast Ephemeris is RINEX Version 2.11. Select 'Version 3' if you want to save the ephemeris in RINEX Version 3 format."));
    294294  _rnxV3CheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("The default format for RINEX Observation files is RINEX Version 2.11. Select 'Version 3' if you want to save the observations in RINEX Version 3 format."));
    295   _messTypesLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the mountpoint of an RTCM Version 3.x stream to log the numbers of incoming message types as well as contained antenna coordinates and antenna hight.</p><p>An empty option field (default) means that you don't want BNC to log such information.</p>"));
     295  _messTypesLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the mountpoint of an RTCM Version 3.x stream to log the numbers of incoming message types as well as contained antenna coordinates and antenna height.</p><p>Specify the mountpoint of an RTCM Version 2.x stream to log the antenna coordinates and the corrections to L1 and L2 antenna phase centers. Setting the 'RINEX Observations' directory is a precondition.</p><p>An empty option field (default) means that you don't want BNC to log such information.</p>"));
    297297  // Canvas with Editable Fields
    355355  sLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Sampling"),                      3, 0);
    356356  sLayout->addWidget(_binSamplSpinBox,                            3, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
    357   sLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Output decoded observations in binary format to feed a real-time GNSS engine."),4,0,1,30);
     357  sLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Output decoded observations in a binary format to feed a real-time GNSS engine."),4,0,1,30);
    358358  sLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("    "),5,0);
    359359  sgroup->setLayout(sLayout);
    394394  rLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Mountpoint"),                    0, 0, Qt::AlignLeft);
    395395  rLayout->addWidget(_messTypesLineEdit,                          0, 1,1,15,Qt::AlignLeft);
    396   rLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Scan RTCM Version 3.x stream to log numbers of message types and antenna information."),1, 0, 1, 4, Qt::AlignLeft);
     396  rLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Scan RTCM stream to log numbers of message types and antenna information."),1, 0, 1, 4, Qt::AlignLeft);
    397397  rLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("    "),                          2, 0);
    398398  rLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("    "),                          3, 0);
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