Changeset 10283 in ntrip

Dec 9, 2023, 10:31:25 PM (16 months ago)

fix typos

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/

    r10265 r10283  
    33## 2.13.0 (2023-12-01)
    4 - ADDED: **RINEX Version 4 Support** (in navigation files currently the EPH message type is considerred only)
     4- ADDED: **RINEX Version 4 Support** (in navigation files currently the EPH message type is considered only)
    55- ADDED: **PPP Client Upgrade**
    66- ADDED: Multi-GNSS-PPP using uncombined code and/or phase data of two frequencies
    99- ADDED: **Ntrip Version 2.0 Upload including TLS**
    1010- ADDED: **Multi-GNSS Satellite Clock Combination**
    11 - ADDED: Individual code biases will be considerred befor satellite clock are combined
     11- ADDED: Individual code biases will be considered before satellite clock are combined
    1212- ADDED: Satellite clock combination result includes code biases
    1313- ADDED: Ephemerides upload for different systems in parallel
    2828## 2.12.17 (2021-04-20)
    29 - ADDED (11.03.2021): One more line with satellite health flags for the GLONASS navigation messag as defiend in RINEX v. 3.05
     29- ADDED (11.03.2021): One more line with satellite health flags for the GLONASS navigation message as defined in RINEX v. 3.05
    3030- FIXED (25.03.2021): Bug in SSR GLONASS upload
    3131- FIXED (17.03.2021): Redundant output concerning unhealthy satellites
    3434- FIXED     (18.12.2020): Bug in IRNSS ephemeris encoding / decoding
    3535- FIXED     (10.12.2020): Bug in RTCM3coDecoder regrading SSR format
    36 - FIXED     (04.12.2020): Bug regarding consideration of incomming ephemerides
     36- FIXED     (04.12.2020): Bug regarding consideration of incoming ephemerides
    3737- FIXED     (04.12.2020): Small bugfix regarding latency check
    3838- FIXED     (01.12.2020): relativistic effects are adapted with respect
    5353- ADDED     (31.10.2020):  ephemeris checks and related debugging output
    5454- ADDED     (22.10.2020):  check if orbit and clock corrections are out of range
    55 - FIXED     (29.09.2020):  small bugfixes regading long mountpoint names
     55- FIXED     (29.09.2020):  small bugfixes regarding long mountpoint names
    5656                            in latency check and latency plots,
    5757- FIXED     (29.09.2020):  debug output deleted
    9696- FIXED   (10.05.2019): typo in rtnet2ssr transition for ssr upload
    9797- CHANGED (13.05.2019): number of possible phase biases for ssr upload
    98                           are enlaged to 100
     98                          are enlarged to 100
    9999- CHANGED (13.05.2019): default observation types for Galileo
    100100- CHANGED (10.05.2019): missing phase biases are added within rtnet2ssr transition for ssr upload
    116116                          detected sourcetable
    117117- ADDED   (19.09.2018): Two more polynomial coefficients of the SSR clock correction
    118                           message and one more parameter to decribe the SSR URA
     118                          message and one more parameter to describe the SSR URA
    119119- ADDED   (11.12.2017): Decoding of receiver descriptor in MT 1033
    120120- ADDED   (27.11.2017): Satellite health check
    121121- ADDED   (26.10.2017): IRNSS support in RINEX QC
    122122- CHANGED (06.07.2018): Parameters for transformation of orbit and clock corrections
    123                           from ITRF 2014 into ETRF2000 and DREF 91,
     123                          from ITRF 2014 into ETRF2000 and DREF91,
    124124                          no updated parameters for NDA83 available, hence deleted
    125125- CHANGED (28.06.2018): Allow 10 Hz observation data processing and re-sampling
    129129                          NDA83 or DREF91 is done temporarily via ITRF2008
    130130- FIXED   (29.03.2019): Bug in NMEA checksum
    131 - FIXED   (25.03.2019): Bug in RINEX file concatention
     131- FIXED   (25.03.2019): Bug in RINEX file concatenation
    132132- FIXED   (05.09.2018): Bug in RTCM3 ephemeris message for QZSS
    133133- FIXED   (29.08.2018): Bug in RTCM3 ephemeris message for BDS and SBAS
    158158- ADDED   (01.09.2016): Number of allowed SSR biases is enlarged, some future
    159159                          GLONASS signal and tracking mode identifier are added
    160 - ADDED   (08.08.2016): Some informations about the data source is added as
     160- ADDED   (08.08.2016): Some information about the data source is added as
    161161                          comment within the header of RINEX navigation files
    162162- ADDED   (21.07.2016): Frequency specific signal priorities are added for
    163163                          RINEX version 3 to RINEX version 2 conversion
    164 - ADDED   (29.06.2016): Consideration of provioder ID changes in SSR streams
     164- ADDED   (29.06.2016): Consideration of provider ID changes in SSR streams
    165165                          during PPP analysis
    166166- CHANGED (28.07.2016): Small adaptations in qwtpolar sources to allow a
    167                           successful comilation of BNC on a Rasperry Pi
     167                          successful compilation of BNC on a Raspberry Pi
    168168- CHANGED (21.07.2016): Default signal priority list
    169169- CHANGED (08.06.2016): Weighting factor for GLONASS phase observations
    177177- FIXED   (08.06.2016): Map generation from sourcetable entry
    178178- FIXED   (02.06.2016): the approach how to wait for clock corrections in PPP mode,
    179                         which was well proven in BNC verson 2.11 is re-implemented
     179                        which was well proven in BNC version 2.11 is re-implemented
    180180- FIXED   (30.05.2016): Some NMEA components in PPP output are fixed:
    181181                          time stamp is now UTC, hDop value instead pDop value
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