Changeset 10255 in ntrip for trunk

Nov 25, 2023, 10:07:32 PM (16 months ago)

minor changes

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r10251 r10255  
    15041504  _pppWidgets._snxtroCampId->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a 3-character campaign ID, e.g. operational (OPS), demonstration (DEM), testing (TST), .. <i>[key: PPP/snxtroCampId]</i></p>"));
    1506   // WhatsThis, PPP (3)
     1506  // WhatsThis, PPP (2)
    15071507  // ------------------
    15081508  _pppWidgets._lcGPS->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of GPS observations you want to use and on which kind of linear combination the GPS ambiguity resolutions shall be based:</p><p><ul>"
    15581558  _pppWidgets._lcBDS->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of BDS observations you want to use and on which kind of linear combination the BDS ambiguity resolutions shall be based:</p><p><ul>"
    15591559#ifdef USE_PPP_SSR_I
    1560           "<li>'P3&L3' means that the inonosphere-free linear combination of code and phase data shall be used.</li>"
    1561           "<li>'P3'    means that the inonosphere-free linear combination of code data shall be used.</li>"
    1562           "<li>'L3'    means that the inonosphere-free linear combination of phase data shall be used.</li> "
     1560      "<li>'P3&L3' means that the inonosphere-free linear combination of code and phase data shall be used.</li>"
     1561      "<li>'P3'    means that the inonosphere-free linear combination of code data shall be used.</li>"
     1562      "<li>'L3'    means that the inonosphere-free linear combination of phase data shall be used.</li> "
    15641564      "<li>'Pi&Li' means that uncombined code and phase data of two frequencies shall be used.</li>"
    15821582  _pppWidgets._maxResL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GPS L1 phase observations in a PPP solution. '0.02' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res L1 = 0.02' <i>[key: PPP/maxResL1]</i></p>"));
    15831583#ifdef USE_PPP
    1584   _pppWidgets._maxResGIM->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GIM pseudo observations in a PPP solution. '2.0' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res GIM = 2.0' <i>[key: PPP/maxResGIM]</i></p>"));
     1584  _pppWidgets._maxResGIM->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GIM pseudo observations in a PPP solution. '5.0' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res GIM = 5.0' <i>[key: PPP/maxResGIM]</i></p>"));
    15861586  _pppWidgets._eleWgtCode->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tic 'Ele Wgt Code' to use satellite Elevation depending Weights for Code observations in the PPP solution. <i>[key: PPP/eleWgtCode]</i></p>"));
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