Changeset 10013 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Mar 18, 2023, 10:27:46 PM (2 years ago)

minor changes

4 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/PPP/pppFilter.cpp

    r10012 r10013  
    7878    return failure;
    7979  }
    80 #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_PPP
    81   if (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMcodeBias ||
    82       OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMphaseBias) {
    83     _parlist.printParams(_epoTime);
    84   }
    85 #endif
    8781  // Status Vector, Variance-Covariance Matrix
    419413    const vector<t_pppSatObs*> &obsVector, const t_prn &refPrn,
    420414    bool preProcessing) {
    421   const double SLIP = 50.0;
     415  const double SLIP = 500.0;
    422416  char sys = refPrn.system();
    423417  string epoTimeStr = string(_epoTime);
    513507      int ind = par->indexNew();
    514508      t_lc::type tLC = par->tLC();
    515       if (tLC != lc) {continue;}
     509      //if (tLC != lc) {continue;}
    516510      LOG << string(_epoTime) << " RESET " << par->toString() << endl;
    517511      delete par;
    719713  }
    721 #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_PPP
    722   _parlist.printParams(_epoTime);
    723 #endif
    725715  const QList<char> &usedSystems = _parlist.usedSystems();
    726716  for (int iSys = 0; iSys < usedSystems.size(); iSys++) {
    752742    unsigned nPar = _parlist.nPar();
    754     Matrix AA(maxObs, nPar);
     744    Matrix AA(maxObs, nPar); AA = 0.0;    cout << "AA Ncols/Nrows: " << AA.Ncols() << "/" << AA.Nrows() << "  nPar: "  << nPar << endl;
    756746    // Real Observations
    776766    }
    777767    _datumTrafo->updateIndices(sys, iObs + 1);
    778 #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_PPP
    779     LOG << "AA Ncols/Nrows: " << AA.Ncols() << "/" << AA.Nrows() << "  nPar: "  << nPar << endl;
    780     LOG << "AA.SubMatrix(1 .. " << iObs+1 << " , 1 .. " <<  nPar << ")" << endl;
    781 #endif
    782769    if (_datumTrafo->prepareAA(AA.SubMatrix(1, iObs + 1, 1, nPar), 2)  != success) {
    783770      return failure;
  • trunk/BNC/src/PPP/pppFilter.h

    r10010 r10013  
    106106      }
    107107      _lastRow += maxObsSys;
    108 #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_PPP
    109       LOG << sys << " updateIndices: lastRow: " << _lastRow << "\n" ;
    110 #endif
    111109    };
    138136    }
    139137    t_irc prepareAA(const Matrix& AA, int ind) {
    140 #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_PPP
    141       LOG << "prepare AA" << ind << "\n";
    142 #endif
    143139      Matrix* Prep = &_AA2;
    144140      if (ind == 1) {
    145141        Prep = &_AA1;
    146142      }
    147 #ifdef BNC_DEBUG_PPP
    148       LOG << "_firstRow: " << _firstRow << " _lastRow: " << _lastRow << " _numPar " << _numPar << std::endl;
    149       LOG << "AA.Ncols() > _numPar? " << AA.Ncols() << " / " << _numPar << std::endl;
    150 #endif
    151144      if (AA.Ncols() > _numPar) {
    152145        LOG << "t_pppFilter::prepareAA: AA.Ncols() > _numPar: " << AA.Ncols() << " > " << _numPar << std::endl;
  • trunk/BNC/src/PPP/pppSatObs.cpp

    r10012 r10013  
    3333using namespace std;
    35 const double   GLO_WEIGHT_FACTOR = 1.0;
     35const double   GLO_WEIGHT_FACTOR = 5.0;
    3636const double   BDS_WEIGHT_FACTOR = 1.0;
  • trunk/BNC/src/pppWidgets.cpp

    r9959 r10013  
    210210  // ------------------
    211211  _corrWaitTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Zero value means that BNC processes each epoch of data immediately after its arrival using satellite clock corrections available at that time.</p><p> Specifying a non-zero value (i.e. 5 sec) means that the epochs of data are buffered and the processing of each epoch is postponed till the satellite clock corrections not older than '5 sec' (example) become available. <i>[key: PPP/corrWaitTime]</i><p>"));
    212   _seedingTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the length of a startup period in seconds for which you want to fix the PPP solutions to known a priori coordinates as introduced through option 'Coordinates file'. Adjust 'Sigma N/E/H' in the PPP Stations table according to the coordinate's precision. Fixing a priori coordinates is done in BNC through setting 'Sigma N/E/H' temporarily to zero.</p><p>This option allows the PPP solution to rapidly converge. It requires that the antenna remains unmoved on the a priori known position throughout the startup period.</p><p>A value of 60 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to fix PPP solutions during startup to an a priori coordinate. <i>[key: PPP/seedingTime]</i></p>"));
     212  _seedingTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the length of a startup period in seconds for which you want to fix the PPP solutions to known a priori coordinates as introduced through option 'Coordinates file'. Adjust 'Sigma N/E/H' in the PPP Stations table according to the coordinate's precision. Fixing a priori coordinates is done in BNC through setting 'Noise N/E/H' temporarily to zero.</p><p>This option allows the PPP solution to rapidly converge. It requires that the antenna remains unmoved on the a priori known position throughout the startup period.</p><p>A value of 60 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to fix PPP solutions during startup to an a priori coordinate. <i>[key: PPP/seedingTime]</i></p>"));
    214214  // WhatsThis, PPP (3)
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