/* Converter for RTCM3 data to RINEX. $Id: rtcm3torinex.c,v 1.3 2006/04/20 08:37:23 stoecker Exp $ Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Dirk Stoecker This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or read http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* The string, which is send as agent in HTTP request */ #define AGENTSTRING "NTRIP NtripRTCM3ToRINEX" #define MAXDATASIZE 1000 /* max number of bytes we can get at once */ /* CVS revision and version */ static char revisionstr[] = "$Revision: 1.3 $"; static char datestr[] = "$Date: 2006/04/20 08:37:23 $"; static int stop = 0; /* unimportant, only for approx. time needed */ #define LEAPSECONDS 14 struct converttimeinfo { int second; /* seconds of GPS time [0..59] */ int minute; /* minutes of GPS time [0..59] */ int hour; /* hour of GPS time [0..24] */ int day; /* day of GPS time [1..28..30(31)*/ int month; /* month of GPS time [1..12]*/ int year; /* year of GPS time [1980..] */ }; #define PRN_GPS_START 1 #define PRN_GPS_END 32 #define PRN_GLONASS_START 38 #define PRN_GLONASS_END 61 #define GNSSENTRY_C1DATA 0 #define GNSSENTRY_C2DATA 1 #define GNSSENTRY_P1DATA 2 #define GNSSENTRY_P2DATA 3 #define GNSSENTRY_L1CDATA 4 #define GNSSENTRY_L1PDATA 5 #define GNSSENTRY_L2CDATA 6 #define GNSSENTRY_L2PDATA 7 #define GNSSENTRY_D1CDATA 8 #define GNSSENTRY_D1PDATA 9 #define GNSSENTRY_D2CDATA 10 #define GNSSENTRY_D2PDATA 11 #define GNSSENTRY_S1CDATA 12 #define GNSSENTRY_S1PDATA 13 #define GNSSENTRY_S2CDATA 14 #define GNSSENTRY_S2PDATA 15 #define GNSSENTRY_NUMBER 16 /* number of types!!! */ /* Data flags. These flags are used in the dataflags field of gpsdata structure and are used the determine, which data fields are filled with valid data. */ #define GNSSDF_C1DATA (1<server = "www.euref-ip.net"; args->port = 80; args->user = ""; args->password = ""; args->data = 0; args->headerfile = 0; help = 0; do { #ifdef NO_LONG_OPTS switch((getoptr = getopt(argc, argv, ARGOPT))) #else switch((getoptr = getopt_long(argc, argv, ARGOPT, opts, 0))) #endif { case 's': args->server = optarg; break; case 'u': args->user = optarg; break; case 'p': args->password = optarg; break; case 'd': args->data = optarg; break; case 'f': args->headerfile = optarg; break; case 'h': help=1; break; case 'r': args->port = strtoul(optarg, &t, 10); if((t && *t) || args->port < 1 || args->port > 65535) res = 0; break; case -1: break; } } while(getoptr != -1 || !res); datestr[0] = datestr[7]; datestr[1] = datestr[8]; datestr[2] = datestr[9]; datestr[3] = datestr[10]; datestr[5] = datestr[12]; datestr[6] = datestr[13]; datestr[8] = datestr[15]; datestr[9] = datestr[16]; datestr[4] = datestr[7] = '-'; datestr[10] = 0; if(!res || help) { fprintf(stderr, "Version %s (%s) GPL\nUsage: %s -s server -u user ...\n" " -d " LONG_OPT("--data ") "the requested data set\n" " -f " LONG_OPT("--headerfile ") "file for RINEX header information\n" " -s " LONG_OPT("--server ") "the server name or address\n" " -p " LONG_OPT("--password ") "the login password\n" " -r " LONG_OPT("--port ") "the server port number (default 80)\n" " -u " LONG_OPT("--user ") "the user name\n" , revisionstr, datestr, argv[0]); exit(1); } return res; } static const char encodingTable [64] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' }; /* does not buffer overrun, but breaks directly after an error */ /* returns the number of required bytes */ static int encode(char *buf, int size, const char *user, const char *pwd) { unsigned char inbuf[3]; char *out = buf; int i, sep = 0, fill = 0, bytes = 0; while(*user || *pwd) { i = 0; while(i < 3 && *user) inbuf[i++] = *(user++); if(i < 3 && !sep) {inbuf[i++] = ':'; ++sep; } while(i < 3 && *pwd) inbuf[i++] = *(pwd++); while(i < 3) {inbuf[i++] = 0; ++fill; } if(out-buf < size-1) *(out++) = encodingTable[(inbuf [0] & 0xFC) >> 2]; if(out-buf < size-1) *(out++) = encodingTable[((inbuf [0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((inbuf [1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]; if(out-buf < size-1) { if(fill == 2) *(out++) = '='; else *(out++) = encodingTable[((inbuf [1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((inbuf [2] & 0xC0) >> 6)]; } if(out-buf < size-1) { if(fill >= 1) *(out++) = '='; else *(out++) = encodingTable[inbuf [2] & 0x3F]; } bytes += 4; } if(out-buf < size) *out = 0; return bytes; } static uint32_t CRC24(long size, const unsigned char *buf) { uint32_t crc = 0; int i; while(size--) { crc ^= (*buf++) << (16); for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { crc <<= 1; if(crc & 0x1000000) crc ^= 0x01864cfb; } } return crc; } static int GetMessage(struct RTCM3ParserData *handle) { unsigned char *m, *e; int i; m = handle->Message+handle->SkipBytes; e = handle->Message+handle->MessageSize; handle->NeedBytes = handle->SkipBytes = 0; while(e-m >= 3) { if(m[0] == 0xD3) { handle->size = ((m[1]&3)<<8)|m[2]; if(e-m >= handle->size+6) { if((uint32_t)((m[3+handle->size]<<16)|(m[3+handle->size+1]<<8) |(m[3+handle->size+2])) == CRC24(handle->size+3, m)) { handle->SkipBytes = handle->size; break; } else ++m; } else { handle->NeedBytes = handle->size+6; break; } } else ++m; } if(e-m < 3) handle->NeedBytes = 3; /* copy buffer to front */ i = m - handle->Message; if(i && m < e) memmove(handle->Message, m, handle->MessageSize-i); handle->MessageSize -= i; return !handle->NeedBytes; } #define LOADBITS(a) \ { \ while((a) > numbits) \ { \ if(!size--) break; \ bitfield = (bitfield<<8)|*(data++); \ numbits += 8; \ } \ } /* extract bits from data stream b = variable to store result, a = number of bits */ #define GETBITS(b, a) \ { \ LOADBITS(a) \ b = (bitfield<<(64-numbits))>>(64-(a)); \ numbits -= (a); \ } /* extract bits from data stream b = variable to store result, a = number of bits */ #define GETBITSSIGN(b, a) \ { \ LOADBITS(a) \ b = ((int64_t)(bitfield<<(64-numbits)))>>(64-(a)); \ numbits -= (a); \ } #define SKIPBITS(b) { LOADBITS(b) numbits -= (b); } static int RTCM3Parser(struct RTCM3ParserData *handle) { int ret=0; while(!ret && GetMessage(handle)) { /* using 64 bit integer types, as it is much easier than handling the long datatypes in 32 bit */ uint64_t numbits = 0, bitfield = 0; int size = handle->size, type; unsigned char *data = handle->Message+3; GETBITS(type,12) switch(type) { case 1001: case 1002: case 1003: case 1004: if(handle->GPSWeek) { int lastlockl1[64]; int lastlockl2[64]; struct gnssdata *gnss; int i, num, wasamb=0; for(i = 0; i < 64; ++i) lastlockl1[i] = lastlockl2[i] = 0; gnss = &handle->Data; memset(gnss, 0, sizeof(*gnss)); SKIPBITS(12) /* id */ GETBITS(i,30) if(i/1000 < (int)handle->GPSTOW - 86400) ++handle->GPSWeek; handle->GPSTOW = i/1000; gnss->timeofweek = i; gnss->week = handle->GPSWeek; SKIPBITS(1) /* sync */ GETBITS(i,5) gnss->numsats = i; SKIPBITS(4) /* smind, smint */ for(num = 0; num < gnss->numsats; ++num) { int sv, code, l1range, c,l,s,ce,le,se,amb=0; GETBITS(sv, 6); gnss->satellites[num] = (sv < 40 ? sv : sv+80); /* L1 */ GETBITS(code, 1); if(code) { c = GNSSDF_P1DATA; ce = GNSSENTRY_P1DATA; l = GNSSDF_L1PDATA; le = GNSSENTRY_L1PDATA; s = GNSSDF_S1PDATA; se = GNSSENTRY_S1PDATA; } else { c = GNSSDF_C1DATA; ce = GNSSENTRY_C1DATA; l = GNSSDF_L1CDATA; le = GNSSENTRY_L1CDATA; s = GNSSDF_S1CDATA; se = GNSSENTRY_S1CDATA; } GETBITS(l1range, 24); if(l1range != 0x80000) { gnss->dataflags[num] |= c; gnss->measdata[num][ce] = l1range*0.02; } GETBITSSIGN(i, 20); if(i != 0x80000) { gnss->dataflags[num] |= l; gnss->measdata[num][le] = l1range*0.02+i*0.0005; } GETBITS(i, 7); lastlockl1[sv] = i; if(handle->lastlockl1[sv] > i) gnss->dataflags[num] |= GNSSDF_LOCKLOSSL1; if(type == 1002 || type == 1004) { GETBITS(amb,8); if(amb && (gnss->dataflags[num] & c)) { gnss->measdata[num][ce] += amb*299792.458; gnss->measdata[num][le] += amb*299792.458; ++wasamb; } GETBITS(i, 8); if(i) { gnss->dataflags[num] |= s; gnss->measdata[num][se] = i*0.25; i /= 4*4; if(i > 9) i = 9; else if(i < 1) i = 1; gnss->snrL1[num] = i; } } if(type == 1003 || type == 1004) { /* L2 */ GETBITS(code,2); if(code) { c = GNSSDF_P2DATA; ce = GNSSENTRY_P2DATA; l = GNSSDF_L2PDATA; le = GNSSENTRY_L2PDATA; s = GNSSDF_S2PDATA; se = GNSSENTRY_S2PDATA; } else { c = GNSSDF_C2DATA; ce = GNSSENTRY_C2DATA; l = GNSSDF_L2CDATA; le = GNSSENTRY_L2CDATA; s = GNSSDF_S2CDATA; se = GNSSENTRY_S2CDATA; } GETBITSSIGN(i,14); if(i != 0x2000) { gnss->dataflags[num] |= c; gnss->measdata[num][ce] = l1range*0.02+i*0.02 +amb*299792.458; } GETBITSSIGN(i,20); if(i != 0x80000) { gnss->dataflags[num] |= l; gnss->measdata[num][le] = l1range*0.02+i*0.0005 +amb*299792.458; } GETBITS(i,7); lastlockl2[sv] = i; if(handle->lastlockl2[sv] > i) gnss->dataflags[num] |= GNSSDF_LOCKLOSSL2; if(type == 1004) { GETBITS(i, 8); if(i) { gnss->dataflags[num] |= s; gnss->measdata[num][se] = i*0.25; i /= 4*4; if(i > 9) i = 9; else if(i < 1) i = 1; gnss->snrL2[num] = i; } } } } for(i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { handle->lastlockl1[i] = lastlockl1[i]; handle->lastlockl2[i] = lastlockl2[i]; } if(wasamb) /* not RINEX compatible without */ ret = 1; else ret = 2; } break; } } return ret; } static int longyear(int year, int month) { if(!(year % 4) && (!(year % 400) || (year % 100))) { if(!month || month == 2) return 1; } return 0; } static void converttime(struct converttimeinfo *c, int week, int tow) { /* static variables */ static const int months[13] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int i, k, doy, j; /* temporary variables */ j = week*(7*24*60*60) + tow + 5*24*60*60; for(i = 1980; j >= (k = (365+longyear(i,0))*24*60*60); ++i) j -= k; c->year = i; doy = 1+ (j / (24*60*60)); j %= (24*60*60); c->hour = j / (60*60); j %= (60*60); c->minute = j / 60; c->second = j % 60; j = 0; for(i = 1; j + (k = months[i] + longyear(c->year,i)) < doy; ++i) j += k; c->month = i; c->day = doy - j; } struct Header { const char *version; const char *pgm; const char *marker; const char *observer; const char *receiver; const char *antenna; const char *position; const char *antennaposition; const char *wavelength; const char *typesofobs; /* should not be modified outside */ const char *timeoffirstobs; /* should not be modified outside */ }; #define MAXHEADERLINES 50 #define MAXHEADERBUFFERSIZE 4096 struct HeaderData { union { struct Header named; const char *unnamed[MAXHEADERLINES]; } data; int numheaders; }; static void HandleHeader(struct RTCM3ParserData *Parser) { struct HeaderData hdata; char thebuffer[MAXHEADERBUFFERSIZE]; char *buffer = thebuffer; int buffersize = sizeof(thebuffer); int i; hdata.data.named.version = " 2.11 OBSERVATION DATA M (Mixed)" " RINEX VERSION / TYPE"; { const char *str; time_t t; struct tm * t2; str = getenv("USER"); if(!str) str = ""; t = time(&t); t2 = gmtime(&t); hdata.data.named.pgm = buffer; i = 1+snprintf(buffer, buffersize, "RTCM3TORINEX %-7.7s%-20.20s%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d " "PGM / RUN BY / DATE", revisionstr, str, 1900+t2->tm_year, t2->tm_mon+1, t2->tm_mday, t2->tm_hour, t2->tm_min); buffer += i; buffersize -= i; hdata.data.named.observer = buffer; i = 1+snprintf(buffer, buffersize, "%-20.20s " "OBSERVER / AGENCY", str); buffer += i; buffersize -= i; } hdata.data.named.marker = "RTCM3TORINEX " "MARKER NAME"; hdata.data.named.receiver = " " "REC # / TYPE / VERS"; hdata.data.named.antenna = " " "ANT # / TYPE"; hdata.data.named.position = " .0000 .0000 .0000 " "APPROX POSITION XYZ"; hdata.data.named.antennaposition = " .0000 .0000 .0000 " "ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N"; hdata.data.named.wavelength = " 1 1 " "WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2"; { #define CHECKFLAGS(a, b) \ if(flags & GNSSDF_##a##DATA \ && !data[RINEXENTRY_##b##DATA]) \ { \ Parser->dataflag[Parser->numdatatypes] = GNSSDF_##a##DATA; \ Parser->datapos[Parser->numdatatypes++] = data[RINEXENTRY_##b##DATA] \ = GNSSENTRY_##a##DATA; \ snprintf(tbuffer+tbufferpos, sizeof(tbuffer)-tbufferpos, " "#b); \ tbufferpos += 6; \ } int flags = 0; int data[RINEXENTRY_NUMBER]; char tbuffer[6*RINEXENTRY_NUMBER+1]; int tbufferpos = 0; for(i = 0; i < RINEXENTRY_NUMBER; ++i) data[i] = 0; for(i = 0; i < Parser->Data.numsats; ++i) flags |= Parser->Data.dataflags[i]; CHECKFLAGS(C1,C1) CHECKFLAGS(C2,C2) CHECKFLAGS(P1,P1) CHECKFLAGS(P2,P2) CHECKFLAGS(L1C,L1) CHECKFLAGS(L1P,L1) CHECKFLAGS(L2C,L2) CHECKFLAGS(L2P,L2) CHECKFLAGS(D1C,D1) CHECKFLAGS(D1P,D1) CHECKFLAGS(D2C,D2) CHECKFLAGS(D2P,D2) CHECKFLAGS(S1C,S1) CHECKFLAGS(S1P,S1) CHECKFLAGS(S2C,S2) CHECKFLAGS(S2P,S2) hdata.data.named.typesofobs = buffer; i = 1+snprintf(buffer, buffersize, "%6i%-54.54s# / TYPES OF OBSERV", Parser->numdatatypes, tbuffer); if(Parser->numdatatypes>9) { i += snprintf(buffer+i-1, buffersize, "\n %-54.54s# / TYPES OF OBSERV", tbuffer+9*6); } buffer += i; buffersize -= i; } { struct converttimeinfo cti; converttime(&cti, Parser->Data.week, floor(Parser->Data.timeofweek/1000.0)); hdata.data.named.timeoffirstobs = buffer; i = 1+snprintf(buffer, buffersize, " %4d %2d %2d %2d %2d %10.7f GPS " "TIME OF FIRST OBS", cti.year%100, cti.month, cti.day, cti.hour, cti.minute, cti.second + fmod(Parser->Data.timeofweek/1000.0,1.0)); buffer += i; buffersize -= i; } hdata.numheaders = 11; if(Parser->headerfile) { FILE *fh; if((fh = fopen(Parser->headerfile, "r"))) { int siz; char *lastblockstart; if((siz = fread(buffer, 1, buffersize-1, fh)) > 0) { buffer[siz] = '\n'; if(siz == buffersize) { fprintf(stderr, "Header file is too large. Only %d bytes read.", siz); } /* scan the file line by line and enter the entries in the list */ /* warn for "# / TYPES OF OBSERV" and "TIME OF FIRST OBS" */ /* overwrites entries, except for comments */ lastblockstart = buffer; for(i = 0; i < siz; ++i) { if(buffer[i] == '\n') { /* we found a line */ char *end; while(buffer[i+1] == '\r') ++i; /* skip \r in case there are any */ end = buffer+i; while(*end == '\t' || *end == ' ' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\n') *(end--) = 0; if(end-lastblockstart < 60+5) /* short line */ fprintf(stderr, "Short Header line '%s' ignored.\n", lastblockstart); else { int pos; if(!strcmp("COMMENT", lastblockstart+60)) pos = hdata.numheaders; else { for(pos = 0; pos < hdata.numheaders; ++pos) { if(!strcmp(hdata.data.unnamed[pos]+60, lastblockstart+60)) break; } if(!strcmp("# / TYPES OF OBSERV", lastblockstart+60) || !strcmp("TIME OF FIRST OBS", lastblockstart+60)) { fprintf(stderr, "Overwriting header '%s' is dangerous.\n", lastblockstart+60); } } if(pos >= MAXHEADERLINES) { fprintf(stderr, "Maximum number of header lines of %d reached.\n", MAXHEADERLINES); } else if(!strcmp("END OF HEADER", lastblockstart+60)) { fprintf(stderr, "End of header ignored.\n"); } else { hdata.data.unnamed[pos] = lastblockstart; if(pos == hdata.numheaders) ++hdata.numheaders; } } lastblockstart = buffer+i+1; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read data from headerfile '%s'.\n", Parser->headerfile); } fclose(fh); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open header datafile '%s'.\n", Parser->headerfile); } } for(i = 0; i < hdata.numheaders; ++i) printf("%s\n", hdata.data.unnamed[i]); printf(" " "END OF HEADER\n"); } /* let the output complete a block if necessary */ static void signalhandler(int sig) { if(!stop) { fprintf(stderr, "Stop signal number %d received. " "Trying to terminate gentle.\n", sig); stop = 1; alarm(1); } } /* for some reason we had to abort hard (maybe waiting for data */ #ifdef __GNUC__ static __attribute__ ((noreturn)) void signalhandler_alarm( int sig __attribute__((__unused__))) #else /* __GNUC__ */ static void signalhandler_alarm(int sig) #endif /* __GNUC__ */ { fprintf(stderr, "Programm forcefully terminated.\n"); exit(1); } static void HandleByte(struct RTCM3ParserData *Parser, unsigned int byte) { Parser->Message[Parser->MessageSize++] = byte; if(Parser->MessageSize >= Parser->NeedBytes) { int r; while((r = RTCM3Parser(Parser))) { int i, j, o; struct converttimeinfo cti; if(!Parser->init) { HandleHeader(Parser); Parser->init = 1; } if(r == 2 && !Parser->validwarning) { printf("No valid RINEX! All values are modulo 299792.458!" " COMMENT\n"); Parser->validwarning = 1; } converttime(&cti, Parser->Data.week, floor(Parser->Data.timeofweek/1000.0)); printf(" %02d %2d %2d %2d %2d %10.7f 0%3d", cti.year%100, cti.month, cti.day, cti.hour, cti.minute, cti.second + fmod(Parser->Data.timeofweek/1000.0,1.0), Parser->Data.numsats); for(i = 0; i < 12 && i < Parser->Data.numsats; ++i) { if(Parser->Data.satellites[i] <= PRN_GPS_END) printf("G%02d", Parser->Data.satellites[i]); else if(Parser->Data.satellites[i] >= PRN_GLONASS_START && Parser->Data.satellites[i] <= PRN_GLONASS_END) printf("R%02d", Parser->Data.satellites[i] - (PRN_GLONASS_START-1)); else printf("%3d", Parser->Data.satellites[i]); } printf("\n"); o = 12; j = Parser->Data.numsats - 12; while(j > 0) { printf(" "); for(i = o; i < o+12 && i < Parser->Data.numsats; ++i) { if(Parser->Data.satellites[i] <= PRN_GPS_END) printf("G%02d", Parser->Data.satellites[i]); else if(Parser->Data.satellites[i] >= PRN_GLONASS_START && Parser->Data.satellites[i] <= PRN_GLONASS_END) printf("R%02d", Parser->Data.satellites[i] - (PRN_GLONASS_START-1)); else printf("%3d", Parser->Data.satellites[i]); } printf("\n"); j -= 12; o += 12; } for(i = 0; i < Parser->Data.numsats; ++i) { for(j = 0; j < Parser->numdatatypes; ++j) { if(!(Parser->Data.dataflags[i] & Parser->dataflag[j]) || isnan(Parser->Data.measdata[i][Parser->datapos[j]]) || isinf(Parser->Data.measdata[i][Parser->datapos[j]])) { /* no or illegal data */ printf(" "); } else { char lli = ' '; char snr = ' '; if(Parser->dataflag[j] & (GNSSDF_L1CDATA|GNSSDF_L1PDATA)) { if(Parser->Data.dataflags[i] & GNSSDF_LOCKLOSSL1) lli = '1'; snr = '0'+Parser->Data.snrL1[i]; } if(Parser->dataflag[j] & (GNSSDF_L2CDATA|GNSSDF_L2PDATA)) { if(Parser->Data.dataflags[i] & GNSSDF_LOCKLOSSL2) lli = '1'; snr = '0'+Parser->Data.snrL2[i]; } printf("%14.3f%c%c", Parser->Data.measdata[i][Parser->datapos[j]],lli,snr); } if(j%5 == 4 || j == Parser->numdatatypes-1) printf("\n"); } } } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct Args args; struct RTCM3ParserData Parser; setbuf(stdout, 0); setbuf(stdin, 0); setbuf(stderr, 0); { char *a; int i=0; for(a = revisionstr+11; *a && *a != ' '; ++a) revisionstr[i++] = *a; revisionstr[i] = 0; } signal(SIGINT, signalhandler); signal(SIGALRM,signalhandler_alarm); signal(SIGQUIT,signalhandler); signal(SIGTERM,signalhandler); signal(SIGPIPE,signalhandler); memset(&Parser, 0, sizeof(Parser)); { time_t tim; tim = time(0) - ((10*365+2+5)*24*60*60+LEAPSECONDS); Parser.GPSWeek = tim/(7*24*60*60); Parser.GPSTOW = tim%(7*24*60*60); } if(getargs(argc, argv, &args)) { int i, sockfd, numbytes; char buf[MAXDATASIZE]; struct hostent *he; struct sockaddr_in their_addr; /* connector's address information */ Parser.headerfile = args.headerfile; if(!(he=gethostbyname(args.server))) { perror("gethostbyname"); exit(1); } if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* host byte order */ their_addr.sin_port = htons(args.port); /* short, network byte order */ their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8); if(connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("connect"); exit(1); } if(!args.data) { i = snprintf(buf, MAXDATASIZE, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" "User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n" #ifdef UNUSED "Accept: */*\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" #endif "\r\n" , AGENTSTRING, revisionstr); } else { i=snprintf(buf, MAXDATASIZE-40, /* leave some space for login */ "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n" "User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n" #ifdef UNUSED "Accept: */*\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" #endif "Authorization: Basic " , args.data, AGENTSTRING, revisionstr); if(i > MAXDATASIZE-40 && i < 0) /* second check for old glibc */ { fprintf(stderr, "Requested data too long\n"); exit(1); } i += encode(buf+i, MAXDATASIZE-i-5, args.user, args.password); if(i > MAXDATASIZE-5) { fprintf(stderr, "Username and/or password too long\n"); exit(1); } snprintf(buf+i, 5, "\r\n\r\n"); i += 5; } if(send(sockfd, buf, (size_t)i, 0) != i) { perror("send"); exit(1); } if(args.data) { int k = 0; while(!stop && (numbytes=recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) != -1) { if(!k) { if(numbytes < 12 || strncmp("ICY 200 OK\r\n", buf, 12)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get the requested data: "); for(k = 0; k < numbytes && buf[k] != '\n' && buf[k] != '\r'; ++k) { fprintf(stderr, "%c", isprint(buf[k]) ? buf[k] : '.'); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } ++k; } else { int z; for(z = 0; z < numbytes && !stop; ++z) HandleByte(&Parser, buf[z]); } } } else { while((numbytes=recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) > 0) { fwrite(buf, (size_t)numbytes, 1, stdout); } } close(sockfd); } return 0; }