1 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | Ntrip Server Linux
3 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 |
5 | (c) German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), 2002-2007
6 |
7 |
8 | Files in NtripServerLinux.zip
9 | -----------------------------
10 | ReadmeServerLinux.txt: Readme file for NtripServerLinux
11 | NtripServerLinux.tar: NtripServerLinux program tar archive
12 | NtripProvider.doc: Server password/mountpoit request form
13 | SiteLogExample.txt: Example Station Logfile
14 | SiteLogInstr.txt: Station Logfile Instructions
15 |
16 | Ntrip
17 | -----
18 | NtripServerLinux is a HTTP client based on "Networked Transport of
19 | RTCM via Internet Protocol" (Ntrip). This is an application-level
20 | protocol streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data over
21 | the Internet. Ntrip is a generic, stateless protocol based on the
22 | Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1. The HTTP objects are enhanced
23 | to GNSS data streams.
24 |
25 | Ntrip is designed for disseminating differential correction data
26 | (e.g in the RTCM-104 format) or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to
27 | stationary or mobile users over the Internet, allowing simultaneous
28 | PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host. Ntrip
29 | supports wireless Internet access through Mobile IP Networks like GSM,
30 | GPRS, EDGE, or UMTS.
31 |
32 | Ntrip is implemented in three system software components:
33 | NtripClients, NtripServers and NtripCasters. The NtripCaster is the
34 | actual HTTP server program whereas NtripClient and NtripServer are
35 | acting as HTTP clients.
36 |
37 | NtripServerLinux
38 | ----------------
39 | The program NtripServerLinux is designed to provide real-time data
40 | from a single NtripSource running under a Linux operating system.
41 | Basically the NtripServerLinux grabs a GNSS byte stream
42 | from a serial port or tcpsocket port and sends it off over an
43 | Internet TCP connection to the NtripCaster.
44 |
45 | Mind that the NtripServerLinux may not be able to handle your
46 | proxyserver. When using it in a proxy-protected Local Area Network
47 | (LAN), a TCP-relay may have to be established connecting the
48 | proxyserver and the NtripCaster. Establishing the Internet
49 | connection for an NtripServerLinux by using an Internet Service
50 | Provider (ISP) is an alternative.
51 |
52 | Installation
53 | ------------
54 | To install the program
55 | - unzip file NtripServerLinux.zip
56 | - run tar -xf NtripServerLinux.tar
57 | - change directory to NtripServerLinux
58 | - run make
59 | The exacutable will show up as NtripServerLinux.
60 |
61 | Usage
62 | -----
63 | The user may call the program with the following options:
64 |
65 | -a DestinationCaster name or address (default: www.euref-ip.net)
66 | -p DestinationCaster port (default: 80)
67 | -m DestinationCaster mountpoint
68 | -c DestinationCaster password
69 | -h|? print this help screen
70 | -M <mode> sets the input mode
71 | (1=serial, 2=tcpsocket, 3=file, 4=sisnet, 5=udpsocket, 6=caster)
72 | Mode = file:
73 | -s file, simulate data stream by reading log file
74 | default/current setting is /dev/stdin
75 | Mode = serial:
76 | -b baud_rate, sets serial input baud rate
77 | default/current value is 19200
78 | -i input_device, sets name of serial input device
79 | default/current value is /dev/gps
80 | (normally a symbolic link to /dev/tty??)
81 | Mode = tcpsocket or udpsocket:
82 | -P receiver port (default: 1025)
83 | -H hostname of TCP server (default:
84 | -f initfile send to server
85 | -x receiver id
86 | -y receiver password
87 | -B bindmode: bind to incoming UDP stream
88 | Mode = sisnet:
89 | -P receiver port (default: 7777)
90 | -H hostname of TCP server (default:
91 | -u username
92 | -l password
93 | -V version [2.1 or 3.1] (default: 2.1)
94 | Mode = caster:
95 | -P SourceCaster port (default: 80)
96 | -H SourceCaster hostname (default: www.euref-ip.net)
97 | -D SourceCaster mountpoint
98 | -U SourceCaster username
99 | -W SourceCaster password
100 |
101 | There are additional options to support NTRIP version 2.0. These are currently
102 | still under development and should be used with care.
103 |
104 | Example:
105 | NtripServerLinux -a www.euref-ip.net -p 2101 -m mountpoint -c password -M 1 -b 19200 -i /dev/ttyS0
106 |
107 | It is recommended to start NtripServerLinux through shell script
108 | StartNtripServerLinux. This shell script ensures that
109 | NtripServerLinux reconnects to the NtripCaster after a broken
110 | connection.
111 |
112 | NtripCaster IP address
113 | ----------------------
114 | The current Internet address of the Ntrip Broadcaster which has to be
115 | introduced in the NtripServerLinux is "www.euref-ip.net". The port
116 | number is "80" or "2101".
117 |
118 | Server password and mountpoint
119 | ------------------------------
120 | Feeding data streams into the Ntrip system using the
121 | NtripServerLinux program needs a server password and one mountpoint
122 | per stream. Currently this is available from
123 | euref-ip@bkg.bund.de (see "NtripProvider.doc").
124 |
125 | Station Logfile
126 | ---------------
127 | A user of your data stream may need detailed information about the
128 | GNSS hardware and firmware that generates your signal. This
129 | information will be made available through a station logfile. Please
130 | find an example station logfile in "SiteLogExample.txt". Create a
131 | similar logfile describing your GNSS receiver hardware and firmware
132 | and include the requested information as far as it is available for
133 | you. Note that the form of this document follows an IGS
134 | recommendatation that can be downloaded from
135 | ftp://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/station/general/sitelog_instr.txt
136 | The content of your station logfile has to be kept up to date.
137 | Thus, please inform the NtripCaster operator about all changes at
138 | your station by sending an updates version of your station logfile.
139 | Providing a station logfile is not necessary in case you generate
140 | a Virtual Reference Station (VRS) data stream.
141 |
142 |
143 | Disclaimer
144 | ----------
145 | Note that this example server implementation is currently an
146 | experimental software. The BKG disclaims any liability nor
147 | responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or
148 | damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the
149 | use and application of the Ntrip technology.
150 |
151 | Further information
152 | -------------------
153 | http://igs.bkg.bund.de/index_ntrip.htm
154 | euref-ip@bkg.bund.de
155 |