source: ntrip/trunk/ntripserver/README@ 9274

Last change on this file since 9274 was 8786, checked in by stoecker, 6 years ago


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2 ntripserver
[8784]5(c) German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), 2002-2019
[1777]8Files in
10- makefile: preconfigured makefile for convenient installation
11- ntripserver.c: c source file
12- README: Readme file for the ntripserver program
17The ntripserver is a HTTP client based on "Networked Transport of
18RTCM via Internet Protocol" (NTRIP). This is an application-level
19protocol streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data
[548]20over the Internet.
21NTRIP Version 1.0 is a generic, stateless protocol based on the
22Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1. The HTTP objects are
[488]23enhanced to GNSS data streams.
[548]25The primary motivation for NTRIP Version 2.0 is to develop a fully
26HTTP-compatible Internet protocol standard that would work with proxy
27servers and to add an optional data transport via UDP. Hence, one
28NTRIP Version 2.0 transport approach is still based on HTTP1.1 on top
29of TCP. The second NTRIP Version 2.0 transport approach is based on
30both, the Internet Standard Protocol RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
31for stream control on top of TCP and the Internet Standard Protocol RTP
32(Real Time Transport Protocol) for data transport on top of
33connectionless UDP.
[488]35NTRIP is designed for disseminating differential correction data
36(e.g in the RTCM-104 format) or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to
37stationary or mobile users over the Internet, allowing simultaneous
38PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host. NTRIP
39supports wireless Internet access through Mobile IP Networks like GSM,
42NTRIP is implemented in three system software components:
43NTRIP clients, NTRIP servers and NTRIP casters. The NTRIP caster is the
44actual HTTP server program whereas NTRIP client and NTRIP server are
45acting as HTTP clients.
50The program ntripserver is designed to provide real-time data
[493]51from a single NTRIP source running under a POSIX operating system.
53Basically the ntripserver grabs a GNSS byte stream (Input, Source)
54from either
561. a Serial port, or
572. an IP server, or
583. a File, or
594. a SISNeT Data Server, or
605. a UDP server, or
616. an NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster
63and forwards that incoming stream to either
651. an NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster via TCP/IP (Output, Destination), or
662. an NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster via RTSP/RTP (Output, Destination), or
[1590]673. an NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster via plain UDP (Output, Destination), or
684. an NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster.
70Please note, the options to support NTRIP Version 2.0 are currently still
71under development and should be used with care. Keep in mind that details
72of the NTRIP Version 2.0 transport protocol are still under discussion
73and may be changed.
78To install the program run
80- gunzip ntripserver.tgz
81- tar -xf ntripserver.tar
82- make, or
83- make debug (for debugging purposes).
[653]85To compile the source code on a Windows system where a mingw gcc
86compiler is available, you may like to run the following command:
[653]88- gcc -Wall -W -O3 -DWINDOWSVERSION ntripserver.c -DNDEBUG
89 -o ntripserver -lwsock32, or
90- mingw32-make, or
91- mingw32-make debug
[8786]93The executable will show up as ntripserver on Linux
[653]94or ntripserver.exe on a Windows system.
98The user may call the program with the following options:
100-h|? print this help screen
[1588]102-E <ProxyHost> Proxy server host name or address, required i.e. when
103 running the program in a proxy server protected LAN,
104 optional
105-F <ProxyPort> Proxy server IP port, required i.e. when running
106 the program in a proxy server protected LAN, optional
107-R <maxDelay> Reconnect mechanism with maximum delay between reconnect
108 attemts in seconds, default: no reconnect activated,
109 optional
111-M <InputMode> Sets the input mode (1 = Serial Port, 2 = IP server,
112 3 = File, 4 = SISNeT Data Server, 5 = UDP server, 6 = NTRIP Caster),
113 mandatory
[2277]115 <InputMode> = 1 (Serial Port): (using 8-N-1 = data bits-parity-stop bits)
[1588]116 -i <Device> Serial input device, default: /dev/gps, mandatory if
117 <InputMode>=1
118 -b <BaudRate> Serial input baud rate, default: 19200 bps, mandatory
119 if <InputMode>=1
120 -f <InitFile> Name of initialization file to be send to input device,
121 optional
123 <InputMode> = 2|5 (IP port | UDP port):
[1588]124 -H <ServerHost> Input host name or address, default:,
125 mandatory if <InputMode> = 2|5
126 -P <ServerPort> Input port, default: 1025, mandatory if <InputMode>= 2|5
127 -f <ServerFile> Name of initialization file to be send to server,
128 optional
129 -x <ServerUser> User ID to access incoming stream, optional
130 -y <ServerPass> Password, to access incoming stream, optional
131 -B Bind to incoming UDP stream, optional for <InputMode> = 5
133 <InputMode> = 3 (File):
[1588]134 -s <File> File name to simulate stream by reading data from (log)
135 file, default is /dev/stdin, mandatory for <InputMode> = 3
137 <InputMode> = 4 (SISNeT Data Server):
[1588]138 -H <SisnetHost> SISNeT Data Server name or address,
139 default:, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
140 -P <SisnetPort> SISNeT Data Server port, default: 7777, mandatory if
141 <InputMode> = 4
142 -u <SisnetUser> SISNeT Data Server user ID, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
143 -l <SisnetPass> SISNeT Data Server password, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
144 -V <SisnetVers> SISNeT Data Server Version number, options are 2.1, 3.0
145 or 3.1, default: 3.1, mandatory if <InputMode> = 4
147 <InputMode> = 6 (NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster):
[1588]148 -H <SourceHost> Source caster name or address, default:,
149 mandatory if <InputMode> = 6
150 -P <SourcePort> Source caster port, default: 2101, mandatory if
151 <InputMode> = 6
152 -D <SourceMount> Source caster mountpoint for stream input, mandatory if
153 <InputMode> = 6
154 -U <SourceUser> Source caster user Id for input stream access, mandatory
155 for protected streams if <InputMode> = 6
156 -W <SourcePass> Source caster password for input stream access, mandatory
157 for protected streams if <InputMode> = 6
[1588]159-O <OutputMode> Sets output mode for communatation with destination caster
160 1 = http: NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster in TCP/IP mode
161 2 = rtsp: NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster in RTSP/RTP mode
[488]162 3 = ntrip1: NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster
[1588]163 4 = udp: NTRIP Version 2.0 Caster in Plain UDP mode
164 optional
[1588]166 Defaults to NTRIP1.0, but will change to 2.0 in future versions
[488]167 Note that the program automatically falls back from mode rtsp to mode http and
168 further to mode ntrip1 if necessary.
[1588]170 -a <DestHost> Destination caster name or address, default:,
171 mandatory
172 -p <DestPort> Destination caster port, default: 2101, mandatory
173 -m <DestMount> Destination caster mountpoint for stream upload,
174 mandatory
175 -n <DestUser> Destination caster user ID for stream upload to
176 mountpoint, only for NTRIP Version 2.0 destination
177 casters, mandatory
178 -c <DestPass> Destination caster password for stream upload to
179 mountpoint, mandatory
180 -N <STR-record> Sourcetable STR-record
181 optional for NTRIP Version 2.0 in RTSP/RTP and TCP/IP mode
184Example1: Reading from serial port and forward to NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster:
186./ntripserver -M 1 -i /dev/ttys0 -b 9600 -O 2 -a -p 2101 -m Mount2
187 -n serverID -c serverPass
189Example2: Reading from NTRIP Version 1.0 Caster and forward to NTRIP Version 2.0
191./ntripserver -M 6 -H -P 2101 -D Mount1 -U clientID -W clientPass
192 -O 1 -a -p 2101 -m Mount2 -n serverID -c serverPass
195NTRIP Caster password and mountpoint
197Feeding data streams into the NTRIP system using the ntripserver
198program needs a password (and a user ID for NTRIP Version 2.0)
199and one mountpoint per stream.
200For the NTRIP Broadcasters EUREF-IP or IGS-IP this is currently
[8785]201available from
206Note that this example server implementation is currently an
207experimental software. The BKG disclaims any liability nor
208responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or
209damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the
210use and application of the NTRIP technology.
213Further information
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