/* Serial port access for NTRIP client for POSIX. $Id$ Copyright (C) 2008 by Dirk StÃķcker <soft@dstoecker.de> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or read http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt */ /* system includes */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifndef WINDOWSVERSION #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> #define SERIALDEFAULTDEVICE "/dev/ttyS0" enum SerialBaud { SPABAUD_50 = B50, SPABAUD_110 = B110, SPABAUD_300 = B300, SPABAUD_600 = B600, SPABAUD_1200 = B1200, SPABAUD_2400 = B2400, SPABAUD_4800 = B4800, SPABAUD_9600 = B9600, SPABAUD_19200 = B19200, SPABAUD_38400 = B38400, SPABAUD_57600 = B57600, SPABAUD_115200 = B115200 }; enum SerialDatabits { SPADATABITS_5 = CS5, SPADATABITS_6 = CS6, SPADATABITS_7 = CS7, SPADATABITS_8 = CS8 }; enum SerialStopbits { SPASTOPBITS_1 = 0, SPASTOPBITS_2 = CSTOPB }; enum SerialParity { SPAPARITY_NONE = 0, SPAPARITY_ODD = PARODD | PARENB, SPAPARITY_EVEN = PARENB }; enum SerialProtocol { SPAPROTOCOL_NONE = 0, SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS = 9999, SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF = IXOFF | IXON }; struct serial { struct termios Termios; int Stream; }; #else /* WINDOWSVERSION */ #include <windows.h> #define SERIALDEFAULTDEVICE "COM1" enum SerialBaud { SPABAUD_50 = 50, SPABAUD_110 = 110, SPABAUD_300 = 300, SPABAUD_600 = 600, SPABAUD_1200 = 1200, SPABAUD_2400 = 2400, SPABAUD_4800 = 4800, SPABAUD_9600 = 9600, SPABAUD_19200 = 19200, SPABAUD_38400 = 38400, SPABAUD_57600 = 57600, SPABAUD_115200 = 115200 }; enum SerialDatabits { SPADATABITS_5 = 5, SPADATABITS_6 = 6, SPADATABITS_7 = 7, SPADATABITS_8 = 8 }; enum SerialStopbits { SPASTOPBITS_1 = 1, SPASTOPBITS_2 = 2 }; enum SerialParity { SPAPARITY_NONE = 'N', SPAPARITY_ODD = 'O', SPAPARITY_EVEN = 'E'}; enum SerialProtocol { SPAPROTOCOL_NONE, SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS, SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF}; struct serial { DCB Termios; HANDLE Stream; }; #if !defined(__GNUC__) int strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, int len) { while(len-- && *a && tolower(*a) == tolower(*b)) { ++a; ++b; } return len ? (tolower(*a) - tolower(*b)) : 0; } #endif /* !__GNUC__ */ #endif /* WINDOWSVERSION */ static enum SerialParity SerialGetParity(const char *buf, int *ressize) { int r = 0; enum SerialParity p = SPAPARITY_NONE; if(!strncasecmp(buf, "none", 4)) { r = 4; p = SPAPARITY_NONE; } else if(!strncasecmp(buf, "no", 2)) { r = 2; p = SPAPARITY_NONE; } else if(!strncasecmp(buf, "odd", 3)) { r = 3; p = SPAPARITY_ODD; } else if(!strncasecmp(buf, "even", 4)) { r = 4; p = SPAPARITY_EVEN; } else if(*buf == 'N' || *buf == 'n') { r = 1; p = SPAPARITY_NONE; } else if(*buf == 'O' || *buf == 'o') { r = 1; p = SPAPARITY_ODD; } else if(*buf == 'E' || *buf == 'e') { r = 1; p = SPAPARITY_EVEN; } if(ressize) *ressize = r; return p; } static enum SerialProtocol SerialGetProtocol(const char *buf, int *ressize) { int r = 0; enum SerialProtocol Protocol = SPAPROTOCOL_NONE; /* try some possible forms for input, be as gentle as possible */ if(!strncasecmp("xonxoff",buf,7)){r = 7; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF;} else if(!strncasecmp("xon_xoff",buf,8)){r = 8; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF;} else if(!strncasecmp("xon-xoff",buf,8)){r = 8; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF;} else if(!strncasecmp("xon xoff",buf,8)){r = 8; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF;} else if(!strncasecmp("xoff",buf,4)){r = 4; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF;} else if(!strncasecmp("xon",buf,3)){r = 3; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF;} else if(*buf == 'x' || *buf == 'X'){r = 1; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF;} else if(!strncasecmp("rtscts",buf,6)){r = 6; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS;} else if(!strncasecmp("rts_cts",buf,7)){r = 7; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS;} else if(!strncasecmp("rts-cts",buf,7)){r = 7; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS;} else if(!strncasecmp("rts cts",buf,7)){r = 7; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS;} else if(!strncasecmp("rts",buf,3)){r = 3; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS;} else if(!strncasecmp("cts",buf,3)){r = 3; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS;} else if(*buf == 'r' || *buf == 'R' || *buf == 'c' || *buf == 'C') {r = 1; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS;} else if(!strncasecmp("none",buf,4)){r = 4; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_NONE;} else if(!strncasecmp("no",buf,2)){r = 2; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_NONE;} else if(*buf == 'n' || *buf == 'N'){r = 1; Protocol=SPAPROTOCOL_NONE;} if(ressize) *ressize = r; return Protocol; } #ifndef WINDOWSVERSION static void SerialFree(struct serial *sn) { if(sn->Stream) { /* reset old settings */ tcsetattr(sn->Stream, TCSANOW, &sn->Termios); close(sn->Stream); sn->Stream = 0; } } static const char * SerialInit(struct serial *sn, const char *Device, enum SerialBaud Baud, enum SerialStopbits StopBits, enum SerialProtocol Protocol, enum SerialParity Parity, enum SerialDatabits DataBits, int dowrite #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((__unused__)) #endif /* __GNUC__ */ ) { struct termios newtermios; if((sn->Stream = open(Device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK)) <= 0) return "could not open serial port"; tcgetattr(sn->Stream, &sn->Termios); memset(&newtermios, 0, sizeof(struct termios)); newtermios.c_cflag = Baud | StopBits | Parity | DataBits | CLOCAL | CREAD; if(Protocol == SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS) newtermios.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; else newtermios.c_cflag |= Protocol; newtermios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tcflush(sn->Stream, TCIOFLUSH); tcsetattr(sn->Stream, TCSANOW, &newtermios); tcflush(sn->Stream, TCIOFLUSH); fcntl(sn->Stream, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); return 0; } static int SerialRead(struct serial *sn, char *buffer, size_t size) { int j = read(sn->Stream, buffer, size); if(j < 0) { if(errno == EAGAIN) return 0; else return j; } return j; } static int SerialWrite(struct serial *sn, const char *buffer, size_t size) { int j = write(sn->Stream, buffer, size); if(j < 0) { if(errno == EAGAIN) return 0; else return j; } return j; } #else /* WINDOWSVERSION */ static void SerialFree(struct serial *sn) { if(sn->Stream) { SetCommState(sn->Stream, &sn->Termios); /* reset old settings */ CloseHandle(sn->Stream); sn->Stream = 0; } } static const char * SerialInit(struct serial *sn, const char *Device, enum SerialBaud Baud, enum SerialStopbits StopBits, enum SerialProtocol Protocol, enum SerialParity Parity, enum SerialDatabits DataBits, int dowrite) { char mydevice[50]; if(Device[0] != '\\') snprintf(mydevice, sizeof(mydevice), "\\\\.\\%s", Device); else mydevice[0] = 0; if((sn->Stream = CreateFile(mydevice[0] ? mydevice : Device, dowrite ? GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ : GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return "could not create file"; memset(&sn->Termios, 0, sizeof(sn->Termios)); GetCommState(sn->Stream, &sn->Termios); DCB dcb; memset(&dcb, 0, sizeof(dcb)); char str[100]; snprintf(str,sizeof(str), "baud=%d parity=%c data=%d stop=%d xon=%s octs=%s rts=%s", Baud, Parity, DataBits, StopBits, Protocol == SPAPROTOCOL_XON_XOFF ? "on" : "off", Protocol == SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS ? "on" : "off", Protocol == SPAPROTOCOL_RTS_CTS ? "on" : "off"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "COM Settings: %s\n", str); #endif COMMTIMEOUTS ct = {MAXDWORD, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if(!BuildCommDCB(str, &dcb)) { CloseHandle(sn->Stream); return "creating device parameters failed"; } else if(!SetCommState(sn->Stream, &dcb)) { CloseHandle(sn->Stream); return "setting device parameters failed"; } else if(!SetCommTimeouts(sn->Stream, &ct)) { CloseHandle(sn->Stream); return "setting timeouts failed"; } return 0; } static int SerialRead(struct serial *sn, char *buffer, size_t size) { DWORD j = 0; if(!ReadFile(sn->Stream, buffer, size, &j, 0)) return -1; return j; } static int SerialWrite(struct serial *sn, const char *buffer, size_t size) { DWORD j = 0; if(!WriteFile(sn->Stream, buffer, size, &j, 0)) return -1; return j; } #endif /* WINDOWSVERSION */