1 | /*
2 | Easy example NTRIP client for POSIX.
3 | $Id: ntripclient.c,v 1.29 2007/08/30 07:35:13 stoecker Exp $
4 | Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by Dirk Stoecker <soft@dstoecker.de>
5 |
6 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 | (at your option) any later version.
10 |
11 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | GNU General Public License for more details.
15 |
16 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 | or read http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
20 | */
21 |
22 | #include <ctype.h>
23 | #include <getopt.h>
24 | #include <signal.h>
25 | #include <stdio.h>
26 | #include <stdlib.h>
27 | #include <unistd.h>
28 | #include <errno.h>
29 | #include <string.h>
30 | #include <netdb.h>
31 | #include <sys/types.h>
32 | #include <netinet/in.h>
33 | #include <sys/socket.h>
34 | #include <time.h>
35 |
36 | #ifndef COMPILEDATE
37 | #define COMPILEDATE " built " __DATE__
38 | #endif
39 |
40 | /* The string, which is send as agent in HTTP request */
41 | #define AGENTSTRING "NTRIP NtripClientPOSIX"
42 |
43 | #define MAXDATASIZE 1000 /* max number of bytes we can get at once */
44 | #define ALARMTIME (2*60)
45 |
46 | /* CVS revision and version */
47 | static char revisionstr[] = "$Revision: 1.29 $";
48 | static char datestr[] = "$Date: 2007/08/30 07:35:13 $";
49 |
50 | struct Args
51 | {
52 | const char *server;
53 | int port;
54 | const char *user;
55 | const char *password;
56 | const char *nmea;
57 | const char *data;
58 | int bitrate;
59 | };
60 |
61 | /* option parsing */
62 | #ifdef NO_LONG_OPTS
63 | #define LONG_OPT(a)
64 | #else
65 | #define LONG_OPT(a) a
66 | static struct option opts[] = {
67 | { "bitrate", no_argument, 0, 'b'},
68 | { "data", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
69 | { "server", required_argument, 0, 's'},
70 | { "password", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
71 | { "port", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
72 | { "user", required_argument, 0, 'u'},
73 | { "nmea", required_argument, 0, 'n'},
74 | { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
75 | {0,0,0,0}};
76 | #endif
77 | #define ARGOPT "-d:bhp:r:s:u:n:"
78 |
79 | #ifdef __GNUC__
80 | static __attribute__ ((noreturn)) void sighandler_alarm(
81 | int sig __attribute__((__unused__)))
82 | #else /* __GNUC__ */
83 | static void sighandler_alarm(int sig)
84 | #endif /* __GNUC__ */
85 | {
86 | fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: more than %d seconds no activity\n", ALARMTIME);
87 | exit(1);
88 | }
89 |
90 | static const char *geturl(const char *url, struct Args *args)
91 | {
92 | static char buf[1000];
93 | static char *Buffer = buf;
94 | static char *Bufend = buf+sizeof(buf);
95 |
96 | if(strncmp("ntrip:", url, 6))
97 | return "URL must start with 'ntrip:'.";
98 | url += 6; /* skip ntrip: */
99 |
100 | if(*url != '@' && *url != '/')
101 | {
102 | /* scan for mountpoint */
103 | args->data = Buffer;
104 | while(*url && *url != '@' && *url != ';' &&*url != '/' && Buffer != Bufend)
105 | *(Buffer++) = *(url++);
106 | if(Buffer == args->data)
107 | return "Mountpoint required.";
108 | else if(Buffer >= Bufend-1)
109 | return "Parsing buffer too short.";
110 | *(Buffer++) = 0;
111 | }
112 |
113 | if(*url == '/') /* username and password */
114 | {
115 | ++url;
116 | args->user = Buffer;
117 | while(*url && *url != '@' && *url != ';' && *url != ':' && Buffer != Bufend)
118 | *(Buffer++) = *(url++);
119 | if(Buffer == args->user)
120 | return "Username cannot be empty.";
121 | else if(Buffer >= Bufend-1)
122 | return "Parsing buffer too short.";
123 | *(Buffer++) = 0;
124 |
125 | if(*url == ':') ++url;
126 |
127 | args->password = Buffer;
128 | while(*url && *url != '@' && *url != ';' && Buffer != Bufend)
129 | *(Buffer++) = *(url++);
130 | if(Buffer == args->password)
131 | return "Password cannot be empty.";
132 | else if(Buffer >= Bufend-1)
133 | return "Parsing buffer too short.";
134 | *(Buffer++) = 0;
135 | }
136 |
137 | if(*url == '@') /* server */
138 | {
139 | ++url;
140 | args->server = Buffer;
141 | while(*url && *url != ':' && *url != ';' && Buffer != Bufend)
142 | *(Buffer++) = *(url++);
143 | if(Buffer == args->server)
144 | return "Servername cannot be empty.";
145 | else if(Buffer >= Bufend-1)
146 | return "Parsing buffer too short.";
147 | *(Buffer++) = 0;
148 |
149 | if(*url == ':')
150 | {
151 | char *s2 = 0;
152 | args->port = strtol(++url, &s2, 10);
153 | if((*s2 && *s2 != ';') || args->port <= 0 || args->port > 0xFFFF)
154 | return "Illegal port number.";
155 | url = s2;
156 | }
157 | }
158 | if(*url == ';') /* NMEA */
159 | {
160 | args->nmea = ++url;
161 | while(*url)
162 | ++url;
163 | }
164 |
165 | return *url ? "Garbage at end of server string." : 0;
166 | }
167 |
168 | static int getargs(int argc, char **argv, struct Args *args)
169 | {
170 | int res = 1;
171 | int getoptr;
172 | char *a;
173 | int i = 0, help = 0;
174 | char *t;
175 |
176 | args->server = "www.euref-ip.net";
177 | args->port = 2101;
178 | args->user = "";
179 | args->password = "";
180 | args->nmea = 0;
181 | args->data = 0;
182 | args->bitrate = 0;
183 | help = 0;
184 |
185 | do
186 | {
187 | #ifdef NO_LONG_OPTS
188 | switch((getoptr = getopt(argc, argv, ARGOPT)))
189 | #else
190 | switch((getoptr = getopt_long(argc, argv, ARGOPT, opts, 0)))
191 | #endif
192 | {
193 | case 's': args->server = optarg; break;
194 | case 'u': args->user = optarg; break;
195 | case 'p': args->password = optarg; break;
196 | case 'd': args->data = optarg; break;
197 | case 'n': args->nmea = optarg; break;
198 | case 'b': args->bitrate = 1; break;
199 | case 'h': help=1; break;
200 | case 1:
201 | {
202 | const char *err;
203 | if((err = geturl(optarg, args)))
204 | {
205 | fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", err);
206 | res = 0;
207 | }
208 | }
209 | break;
210 | case 'r':
211 | args->port = strtoul(optarg, &t, 10);
212 | if((t && *t) || args->port < 1 || args->port > 65535)
213 | res = 0;
214 | break;
215 | case -1: break;
216 | }
217 | } while(getoptr != -1 && res);
218 |
219 | for(a = revisionstr+11; *a && *a != ' '; ++a)
220 | revisionstr[i++] = *a;
221 | revisionstr[i] = 0;
222 | datestr[0] = datestr[7];
223 | datestr[1] = datestr[8];
224 | datestr[2] = datestr[9];
225 | datestr[3] = datestr[10];
226 | datestr[5] = datestr[12];
227 | datestr[6] = datestr[13];
228 | datestr[8] = datestr[15];
229 | datestr[9] = datestr[16];
230 | datestr[4] = datestr[7] = '-';
231 | datestr[10] = 0;
232 |
233 | if(!res || help)
234 | {
235 | fprintf(stderr, "Version %s (%s) GPL" COMPILEDATE "\nUsage:\n%s -s server -u user ...\n"
236 | " -d " LONG_OPT("--data ") "the requested data set\n"
237 | " -s " LONG_OPT("--server ") "the server name or address\n"
238 | " -p " LONG_OPT("--password ") "the login password\n"
239 | " -r " LONG_OPT("--port ") "the server port number (default 2101)\n"
240 | " -u " LONG_OPT("--user ") "the user name\n"
241 | " -n " LONG_OPT("--nmea ") "NMEA string for sending to server\n"
242 | " -b " LONG_OPT("--bitrate ") "output bitrate\n"
243 | "or using an URL:\n%s ntrip:mountpoint[/username[:password]][@server[:port]][;nmea]\n"
244 | , revisionstr, datestr, argv[0], argv[0]);
245 | exit(1);
246 | }
247 | return res;
248 | }
249 |
250 | static const char encodingTable [64] = {
251 | 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P',
252 | 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f',
253 | 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v',
254 | 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/'
255 | };
256 |
257 | /* does not buffer overrun, but breaks directly after an error */
258 | /* returns the number of required bytes */
259 | static int encode(char *buf, int size, const char *user, const char *pwd)
260 | {
261 | unsigned char inbuf[3];
262 | char *out = buf;
263 | int i, sep = 0, fill = 0, bytes = 0;
264 |
265 | while(*user || *pwd)
266 | {
267 | i = 0;
268 | while(i < 3 && *user) inbuf[i++] = *(user++);
269 | if(i < 3 && !sep) {inbuf[i++] = ':'; ++sep; }
270 | while(i < 3 && *pwd) inbuf[i++] = *(pwd++);
271 | while(i < 3) {inbuf[i++] = 0; ++fill; }
272 | if(out-buf < size-1)
273 | *(out++) = encodingTable[(inbuf [0] & 0xFC) >> 2];
274 | if(out-buf < size-1)
275 | *(out++) = encodingTable[((inbuf [0] & 0x03) << 4)
276 | | ((inbuf [1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
277 | if(out-buf < size-1)
278 | {
279 | if(fill == 2)
280 | *(out++) = '=';
281 | else
282 | *(out++) = encodingTable[((inbuf [1] & 0x0F) << 2)
283 | | ((inbuf [2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
284 | }
285 | if(out-buf < size-1)
286 | {
287 | if(fill >= 1)
288 | *(out++) = '=';
289 | else
290 | *(out++) = encodingTable[inbuf [2] & 0x3F];
291 | }
292 | bytes += 4;
293 | }
294 | if(out-buf < size)
295 | *out = 0;
296 | return bytes;
297 | }
298 |
299 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
300 | {
301 | struct Args args;
302 |
303 | setbuf(stdout, 0);
304 | setbuf(stdin, 0);
305 | setbuf(stderr, 0);
306 | signal(SIGALRM,sighandler_alarm);
307 | alarm(ALARMTIME);
308 |
309 | if(getargs(argc, argv, &args))
310 | {
311 | int i, sockfd, numbytes;
312 | char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
313 | struct hostent *he;
314 | struct sockaddr_in their_addr; /* connector's address information */
315 |
316 | if(!(he=gethostbyname(args.server)))
317 | {
318 | fprintf(stderr, "Server name lookup failed for '%s'.\n", args.server);
319 | exit(1);
320 | }
321 | if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
322 | {
323 | perror("socket");
324 | exit(1);
325 | }
326 | their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* host byte order */
327 | their_addr.sin_port = htons(args.port); /* short, network byte order */
328 | their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
329 | memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
330 | if(connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr,
331 | sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
332 | {
333 | perror("connect");
334 | exit(1);
335 | }
336 |
337 | if(!args.data)
338 | {
339 | i = snprintf(buf, MAXDATASIZE,
340 | "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n"
341 | "User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n"
342 | #ifdef UNUSED
343 | "Accept: */*\r\n"
344 | "Connection: close\r\n"
345 | #endif
346 | "\r\n"
347 | , AGENTSTRING, revisionstr);
348 | }
349 | else
350 | {
351 | i=snprintf(buf, MAXDATASIZE-40, /* leave some space for login */
352 | "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
353 | "User-Agent: %s/%s\r\n"
354 | #ifdef UNUSED
355 | "Accept: */*\r\n"
356 | "Connection: close\r\n"
357 | #endif
358 | "Authorization: Basic "
359 | , args.data, AGENTSTRING, revisionstr);
360 | if(i > MAXDATASIZE-40 || i < 0) /* second check for old glibc */
361 | {
362 | fprintf(stderr, "Requested data too long\n");
363 | exit(1);
364 | }
365 | i += encode(buf+i, MAXDATASIZE-i-4, args.user, args.password);
366 | if(i > MAXDATASIZE-4)
367 | {
368 | fprintf(stderr, "Username and/or password too long\n");
369 | exit(1);
370 | }
371 | buf[i++] = '\r';
372 | buf[i++] = '\n';
373 | buf[i++] = '\r';
374 | buf[i++] = '\n';
375 | if(args.nmea)
376 | {
377 | int j = snprintf(buf+i, MAXDATASIZE-i, "%s\r\n", args.nmea);
378 | if(j >= 0 && j < MAXDATASIZE-i)
379 | i += j;
380 | else
381 | {
382 | fprintf(stderr, "NMEA string too long\n");
383 | exit(1);
384 | }
385 | }
386 | }
387 | if(send(sockfd, buf, (size_t)i, 0) != i)
388 | {
389 | perror("send");
390 | exit(1);
391 | }
392 | if(args.data)
393 | {
394 | int k = 0;
395 | int starttime = time(0);
396 | int lastout = starttime;
397 | int totalbytes = 0;
398 |
399 | while((numbytes=recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) != -1)
400 | {
401 | alarm(ALARMTIME);
402 | if(!k)
403 | {
404 | if(numbytes < 12 || strncmp("ICY 200 OK\r\n", buf, 12))
405 | {
406 | fprintf(stderr, "Could not get the requested data: ");
407 | for(k = 0; k < numbytes && buf[k] != '\n' && buf[k] != '\r'; ++k)
408 | {
409 | fprintf(stderr, "%c", isprint(buf[k]) ? buf[k] : '.');
410 | }
411 | fprintf(stderr, "\n");
412 | exit(1);
413 | }
414 | ++k;
415 | }
416 | else
417 | {
418 | totalbytes += numbytes;
419 | if(totalbytes < 0) /* overflow */
420 | {
421 | totalbytes = 0;
422 | starttime = time(0);
423 | lastout = starttime;
424 | }
425 | fwrite(buf, (size_t)numbytes, 1, stdout);
426 | fflush(stdout);
427 | if(args.bitrate)
428 | {
429 | int t = time(0);
430 | if(t > lastout + 60)
431 | {
432 | lastout = t;
433 | fprintf(stderr, "Bitrate is %dbyte/s (%d seconds accumulated).\n",
434 | totalbytes/(t-starttime), t-starttime);
435 | }
436 | }
437 | }
438 | }
439 | }
440 | else
441 | {
442 | while((numbytes=recv(sockfd, buf, MAXDATASIZE-1, 0)) > 0)
443 | {
444 | fwrite(buf, (size_t)numbytes, 1, stdout);
445 | }
446 | }
447 |
448 | close(sockfd);
449 | }
450 | return 0;
451 | }