package com.joelpm.bidiMessages.client;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* An abstract class that can be extended by tasks requiring a connection
* to the server. Provides utility methods for a task to notify others that
* the connection has been dropped as well as be paused until the connection
* is resumed.
* @author Joel Meyer
public abstract class ConnectionRequiredRunnable implements ConnectionStatusListener, Runnable {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ConnectionRequiredRunnable.class);
  protected final ConnectionStatusMonitor connectionMonitor;
  protected final String threadName;
  protected Thread executingThread;
  public ConnectionRequiredRunnable(ConnectionStatusMonitor connectionMonitor, String name) {
    this.connectionMonitor = connectionMonitor;
    this.threadName = name;
* Should be called if the task determines that the connection has
* been dropped.
  protected void disconnected() {"%s detected a disconnect from the server.", threadName));

* Can be called by the task upon startup to halt execution until
* the connection to the server has been established.
  protected synchronized void connectWait() {
    executingThread = Thread.currentThread();
    try {"%s waiting for connection to be established.", threadName));
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      LOGGER.debug(String.format("%s caught InterruptedException:", threadName));
    }"%s notified of connection, resuming execution", threadName));
* Interrupts the executing thread which is most likely blocked on
* 1) socket read (in the case of the MessageReceiver)
* 2) queue read (in the case of the MessageSender)
* Regardless of what it's up to, when the thread is interrupted
* it will wait until notified of reconnection, at which point it
* will resume sending/receiving.
* @see com.joelpm.bidiMessages.client.ConnectionStatusListener#connectionLost()
  public synchronized void connectionLost() {
* Notifies the waiting thread so that execution is resumed.
* @see com.joelpm.bidiMessages.client.ConnectionStatusListener#connectionEstablished()
  public synchronized void connectionEstablished() {