/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_system_clock.h" #include <qdatetime.h> #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include <unistd.h> #endif #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) #include <stdint.h> #include <mach/mach_time.h> #define QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK #elif defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) #include <time.h> #define QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) #define QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK #include <qt_windows.h> #endif #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) class QwtHighResolutionClock { public: QwtHighResolutionClock(); void start(); double restart(); double elapsed() const; bool isNull() const; static double precision(); private: #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) static double msecsTo( uint64_t, uint64_t ); uint64_t d_timeStamp; #elif defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) static double msecsTo( const struct timespec &, const struct timespec & ); static bool isMonotonic(); struct timespec d_timeStamp; clockid_t d_clockId; #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) LARGE_INTEGER d_startTicks; LARGE_INTEGER d_ticksPerSecond; #endif }; #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) QwtHighResolutionClock::QwtHighResolutionClock(): d_timeStamp( 0 ) { } double QwtHighResolutionClock::precision() { return 1e-6; } void QwtHighResolutionClock::start() { d_timeStamp = mach_absolute_time(); } double QwtHighResolutionClock::restart() { const uint64_t timeStamp = mach_absolute_time(); const double elapsed = msecsTo( d_timeStamp, timeStamp ); d_timeStamp = timeStamp; return elapsed; } double QwtHighResolutionClock::elapsed() const { return msecsTo( d_timeStamp, mach_absolute_time() ); } bool QwtHighResolutionClock::isNull() const { return d_timeStamp == 0; } double QwtHighResolutionClock::msecsTo( uint64_t from, uint64_t to ) { const uint64_t difference = to - from; static double conversion = 0.0; if ( conversion == 0.0 ) { mach_timebase_info_data_t info; kern_return_t err = mach_timebase_info( &info ); //Convert the timebase into ms if ( err == 0 ) conversion = 1e-6 * ( double ) info.numer / ( double ) info.denom; } return conversion * ( double ) difference; } #elif defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) QwtHighResolutionClock::QwtHighResolutionClock() { d_clockId = isMonotonic() ? CLOCK_MONOTONIC : CLOCK_REALTIME; d_timeStamp.tv_sec = d_timeStamp.tv_nsec = 0; } double QwtHighResolutionClock::precision() { struct timespec resolution; int clockId = isMonotonic() ? CLOCK_MONOTONIC : CLOCK_REALTIME; ::clock_getres( clockId, &resolution ); return resolution.tv_nsec / 1e3; } inline bool QwtHighResolutionClock::isNull() const { return d_timeStamp.tv_sec <= 0 && d_timeStamp.tv_nsec <= 0; } inline void QwtHighResolutionClock::start() { ::clock_gettime( d_clockId, &d_timeStamp ); } double QwtHighResolutionClock::restart() { struct timespec timeStamp; ::clock_gettime( d_clockId, &timeStamp ); const double elapsed = msecsTo( d_timeStamp, timeStamp ); d_timeStamp = timeStamp; return elapsed; } inline double QwtHighResolutionClock::elapsed() const { struct timespec timeStamp; ::clock_gettime( d_clockId, &timeStamp ); return msecsTo( d_timeStamp, timeStamp ); } inline double QwtHighResolutionClock::msecsTo( const struct timespec &t1, const struct timespec &t2 ) { return ( t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec ) * 1e3 + ( t2.tv_nsec - t1.tv_nsec ) * 1e-6; } bool QwtHighResolutionClock::isMonotonic() { // code copied from qcore_unix.cpp #if (_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK-0 > 0) return true; #else static int returnValue = 0; if ( returnValue == 0 ) { #if (_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK-0 < 0) || !defined(_SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK) returnValue = -1; #elif (_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK == 0) // detect if the system support monotonic timers const long x = sysconf( _SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK ); returnValue = ( x >= 200112L ) ? 1 : -1; #endif } return returnValue != -1; #endif } #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) QwtHighResolutionClock::QwtHighResolutionClock() { d_startTicks.QuadPart = 0; QueryPerformanceFrequency( &d_ticksPerSecond ); } double QwtHighResolutionClock::precision() { LARGE_INTEGER ticks; if ( QueryPerformanceFrequency( &ticks ) && ticks.QuadPart > 0 ) return 1e3 / ticks.QuadPart; return 0.0; } inline bool QwtHighResolutionClock::isNull() const { return d_startTicks.QuadPart <= 0; } inline void QwtHighResolutionClock::start() { QueryPerformanceCounter( &d_startTicks ); } inline double QwtHighResolutionClock::restart() { LARGE_INTEGER ticks; QueryPerformanceCounter( &ticks ); const double dt = ticks.QuadPart - d_startTicks.QuadPart; d_startTicks = ticks; return dt / d_ticksPerSecond.QuadPart * 1e3; } inline double QwtHighResolutionClock::elapsed() const { LARGE_INTEGER ticks; QueryPerformanceCounter( &ticks ); const double dt = ticks.QuadPart - d_startTicks.QuadPart; return dt / d_ticksPerSecond.QuadPart * 1e3; } #endif #endif // QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK class QwtSystemClock::PrivateData { public: #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) QwtHighResolutionClock *clock; #endif QTime time; }; //! Constructs a null clock object. QwtSystemClock::QwtSystemClock() { d_data = new PrivateData; #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) d_data->clock = NULL; if ( QwtHighResolutionClock::precision() > 0.0 ) d_data->clock = new QwtHighResolutionClock; #endif } //! Destructor QwtSystemClock::~QwtSystemClock() { #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) delete d_data->clock; #endif delete d_data; } /*! \return true if the clock has never been started. */ bool QwtSystemClock::isNull() const { #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) if ( d_data->clock ) return d_data->clock->isNull(); #endif return d_data->time.isNull(); } /*! Sets the start time to the current time. */ void QwtSystemClock::start() { #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) if ( d_data->clock ) { d_data->clock->start(); return; } #endif d_data->time.start(); } /*! The start time to the current time and return the time, that is elapsed since the previous start time. */ double QwtSystemClock::restart() { #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) if ( d_data->clock ) return d_data->clock->restart(); #endif return d_data->time.restart(); } /*! \return Number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the last time start() or restart() was called or 0.0 for null clocks. */ double QwtSystemClock::elapsed() const { double elapsed = 0.0; #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) if ( d_data->clock ) { if ( !d_data->clock->isNull() ) elapsed = d_data->clock->elapsed(); return elapsed; } #endif if ( !d_data->time.isNull() ) elapsed = d_data->time.elapsed(); return elapsed; } /*! \return Accuracy of the system clock in milliseconds. */ double QwtSystemClock::precision() { static double prec = 0.0; if ( prec <= 0.0 ) { #if defined(QWT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_CLOCK) prec = QwtHighResolutionClock::precision(); #endif if ( prec <= 0.0 ) prec = 1.0; // QTime offers 1 ms } return prec; }