/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_scale_div.h" #include "qwt_math.h" #include "qwt_interval.h" #include <qalgorithms.h> //! Construct an invalid QwtScaleDiv instance. QwtScaleDiv::QwtScaleDiv(): d_lowerBound( 0.0 ), d_upperBound( 0.0 ), d_isValid( false ) { } /*! Construct QwtScaleDiv instance. \param interval Interval \param ticks List of major, medium and minor ticks */ QwtScaleDiv::QwtScaleDiv( const QwtInterval &interval, QList<double> ticks[NTickTypes] ): d_lowerBound( interval.minValue() ), d_upperBound( interval.maxValue() ), d_isValid( true ) { for ( int i = 0; i < NTickTypes; i++ ) d_ticks[i] = ticks[i]; } /*! Construct QwtScaleDiv instance. \param lowerBound First interval limit \param upperBound Second interval limit \param ticks List of major, medium and minor ticks */ QwtScaleDiv::QwtScaleDiv( double lowerBound, double upperBound, QList<double> ticks[NTickTypes] ): d_lowerBound( lowerBound ), d_upperBound( upperBound ), d_isValid( true ) { for ( int i = 0; i < NTickTypes; i++ ) d_ticks[i] = ticks[i]; } /*! Change the interval \param interval Interval */ void QwtScaleDiv::setInterval( const QwtInterval &interval ) { setInterval( interval.minValue(), interval.maxValue() ); } /*! \brief Equality operator \return true if this instance is equal to other */ bool QwtScaleDiv::operator==( const QwtScaleDiv &other ) const { if ( d_lowerBound != other.d_lowerBound || d_upperBound != other.d_upperBound || d_isValid != other.d_isValid ) { return false; } for ( int i = 0; i < NTickTypes; i++ ) { if ( d_ticks[i] != other.d_ticks[i] ) return false; } return true; } /*! \brief Inequality \return true if this instance is not equal to s */ bool QwtScaleDiv::operator!=( const QwtScaleDiv &s ) const { return ( !( *this == s ) ); } //! Invalidate the scale division void QwtScaleDiv::invalidate() { d_isValid = false; // detach arrays for ( int i = 0; i < NTickTypes; i++ ) d_ticks[i].clear(); d_lowerBound = d_upperBound = 0; } //! Check if the scale division is valid bool QwtScaleDiv::isValid() const { return d_isValid; } /*! Return if a value is between lowerBound() and upperBound() \param value Value \return true/false */ bool QwtScaleDiv::contains( double value ) const { if ( !d_isValid ) return false; const double min = qMin( d_lowerBound, d_upperBound ); const double max = qMax( d_lowerBound, d_upperBound ); return value >= min && value <= max; } //! Invert the scale divison void QwtScaleDiv::invert() { qSwap( d_lowerBound, d_upperBound ); for ( int i = 0; i < NTickTypes; i++ ) { QList<double>& ticks = d_ticks[i]; const int size = ticks.count(); const int size2 = size / 2; for ( int i = 0; i < size2; i++ ) qSwap( ticks[i], ticks[size - 1 - i] ); } } /*! Assign ticks \param type MinorTick, MediumTick or MajorTick \param ticks Values of the tick positions */ void QwtScaleDiv::setTicks( int type, const QList<double> &ticks ) { if ( type >= 0 || type < NTickTypes ) d_ticks[type] = ticks; } /*! Return a list of ticks \param type MinorTick, MediumTick or MajorTick */ const QList<double> &QwtScaleDiv::ticks( int type ) const { if ( type >= 0 || type < NTickTypes ) return d_ticks[type]; static QList<double> noTicks; return noTicks; }