/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

/*! \file !*/

#include "qwt_global.h"
#include "qwt_plot_item.h"
#include <qlist.h>

/// \var typedef QList< QwtPlotItem *> QwtPlotItemList
/// \brief See QT 4.x assistant documentation for QList
typedef QList<QwtPlotItem *> QwtPlotItemList;
typedef QList<QwtPlotItem *>::ConstIterator QwtPlotItemIterator;

  \brief A dictionary for plot items

  QwtPlotDict organizes plot items in increasing z-order.
  If autoDelete() is enabled, all attached items will be deleted
  in the destructor of the dictionary.

  \sa QwtPlotItem::attach(), QwtPlotItem::detach(), QwtPlotItem::z()
class QWT_EXPORT QwtPlotDict
    explicit QwtPlotDict();
    virtual ~QwtPlotDict();

    void setAutoDelete( bool );
    bool autoDelete() const;

    const QwtPlotItemList& itemList() const;
    QwtPlotItemList itemList( int rtti ) const;

    void detachItems( int rtti = QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotItem,
        bool autoDelete = true );

    friend class QwtPlotItem;

    void attachItem( QwtPlotItem *, bool );

    class PrivateData;
    PrivateData *d_data;
