/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include "qwt_plot_canvas.h"
#include "qwt_painter.h"
#include "qwt_null_paintdevice.h"
#include "qwt_math.h"
#include "qwt_plot.h"
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qstyleoption.h>
#include <qpaintengine.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
#include <qx11info_x11.h>

class QwtStyleSheetRecorder: public QwtNullPaintDevice
    QwtStyleSheetRecorder( const QSize &size ):
        QwtNullPaintDevice( QPaintEngine::AllFeatures )
        setSize( size );

    virtual void updateState( const QPaintEngineState &state )
        if ( state.state() & QPaintEngine::DirtyPen )
            d_pen = state.pen();
        if ( state.state() & QPaintEngine::DirtyBrush )
            d_brush = state.brush();
        if ( state.state() & QPaintEngine::DirtyBrushOrigin )
            d_origin = state.brushOrigin();

    virtual void drawRects(const QRectF *rects, int count )
        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            border.rectList += rects[i];

    virtual void drawPath( const QPainterPath &path )
        const QRectF rect( QPointF( 0.0, 0.0 ) , size() );
        if ( path.controlPointRect().contains( rect.center() ) )
            setCornerRects( path );
            alignCornerRects( rect );

            background.path = path;
            background.brush = d_brush;
            background.origin = d_origin;
            border.pathList += path;

    void setCornerRects( const QPainterPath &path )
        QPointF pos( 0.0, 0.0 );

        for ( int i = 0; i < path.elementCount(); i++ )
            QPainterPath::Element el = path.elementAt(i); 
            switch( el.type )
                case QPainterPath::MoveToElement:
                case QPainterPath::LineToElement:
                    pos.setX( el.x );
                    pos.setY( el.y );
                case QPainterPath::CurveToElement:
                    QRectF r( pos, QPointF( el.x, el.y ) );
                    clipRects += r.normalized();

                    pos.setX( el.x );
                    pos.setY( el.y );

                case QPainterPath::CurveToDataElement:
                    if ( clipRects.size() > 0 )
                        QRectF r = clipRects.last();
                            qMin( r.left(), el.x ),
                            qMin( r.top(), el.y ),
                            qMax( r.right(), el.x ),
                            qMax( r.bottom(), el.y )
                        clipRects.last() = r.normalized();

    void alignCornerRects( const QRectF &rect )
        for ( int i = 0; i < clipRects.size(); i++ )
            QRectF &r = clipRects[i];
            if ( r.center().x() < rect.center().x() )
                r.setLeft( rect.left() );
                r.setRight( rect.right() );

            if ( r.center().y() < rect.center().y() )
                r.setTop( rect.top() );
                r.setBottom( rect.bottom() );

    QVector<QRectF> clipRects;

    struct Border
        QList<QPainterPath> pathList;
        QList<QRectF> rectList;
        QRegion clipRegion;
    } border;

    struct Background
        QPainterPath path;
        QBrush brush;
        QPointF origin;
    } background;

    QPen d_pen;
    QBrush d_brush;
    QPointF d_origin;

static void qwtDrawBackground( QPainter *painter, QWidget *widget )
    const QBrush &brush = 
        widget->palette().brush( widget->backgroundRole() );

    if ( brush.style() == Qt::TexturePattern )
        QPixmap pm( widget->size() );
        pm.fill( widget, 0, 0 );
        painter->drawPixmap( 0, 0, pm );
    else if ( brush.gradient() )
        QVector<QRect> rects;

        if ( brush.gradient()->coordinateMode() == QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode )
            rects += widget->rect();
            rects = painter->clipRegion().rects();

#if 1
        bool useRaster = false;

        if ( painter->paintEngine()->type() == QPaintEngine::X11 )
            // Qt 4.7.1: gradients on X11 are broken ( subrects + 
            // QGradient::StretchToDeviceMode ) and horrible slow.
            // As workaround we have to use the raster paintengine.
            // Even if the QImage -> QPixmap translation is slow
            // it is three times faster, than using X11 directly

            useRaster = true;
        if ( useRaster )
            QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_RGB32;

            const QGradientStops stops = brush.gradient()->stops();
            for ( int i = 0; i < stops.size(); i++ )
                if ( stops[i].second.alpha() != 255 )
                    // don't use Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied. It's
                    // recommended by the Qt docs, but QPainter::drawImage()
                    // is horrible slow on X11.

                    format = QImage::Format_ARGB32;
            QImage image( widget->size(), format );

            QPainter p( &image );
            p.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
            p.setBrush( brush );

            p.drawRects( rects );


            painter->drawImage( 0, 0, image );

            painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
            painter->setBrush( brush );

            painter->drawRects( rects );


        painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
        painter->setBrush( brush );

        painter->drawRects( painter->clipRegion().rects() );


static inline void qwtRevertPath( QPainterPath &path )
    if ( path.elementCount() == 4 )
        QPainterPath::Element &el0 = 
            const_cast<QPainterPath::Element &>( path.elementAt(0) );
        QPainterPath::Element &el2 = 
            const_cast<QPainterPath::Element &>( path.elementAt(3) );

        qSwap( el0.x, el2.x );
        qSwap( el0.y, el2.y );

static QPainterPath qwtCombinePathList( const QRectF &rect, 
    const QList<QPainterPath> &pathList )
    if ( pathList.isEmpty() )
        return QPainterPath();

    QPainterPath ordered[8]; // starting top left

    for ( int i = 0; i < pathList.size(); i++ )
        int index = -1;
        QPainterPath subPath = pathList[i];

        const QRectF br = pathList[i].controlPointRect();
        if ( br.center().x() < rect.center().x() )
            if ( br.center().y() < rect.center().y() )
                if ( qAbs( br.top() - rect.top() ) < 
                    qAbs( br.left() - rect.left() ) )
                    index = 1;
                    index = 0;
                if ( qAbs( br.bottom() - rect.bottom() ) < 
                    qAbs( br.left() - rect.left() ) )
                    index = 6;
                    index = 7;

            if ( subPath.currentPosition().y() > br.center().y() )
                qwtRevertPath( subPath );
            if ( br.center().y() < rect.center().y() )
                if ( qAbs( br.top() - rect.top() ) < 
                    qAbs( br.right() - rect.right() ) )
                    index = 2;
                    index = 3;
                if ( qAbs( br.bottom() - rect.bottom() ) < 
                    qAbs( br.right() - rect.right() ) )
                    index = 5;
                    index = 4;
            if ( subPath.currentPosition().y() < br.center().y() )
                qwtRevertPath( subPath );
        ordered[index] = subPath;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        if ( ordered[ 2 * i].isEmpty() != ordered[2 * i + 1].isEmpty() )
            // we don't accept incomplete rounded borders
            return QPainterPath();

    const QPolygonF corners( rect );

    QPainterPath path;
    //path.moveTo( rect.topLeft() );

    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        if ( ordered[2 * i].isEmpty() )
            path.lineTo( corners[i] );
            path.connectPath( ordered[2 * i] );
            path.connectPath( ordered[2 * i + 1] );


#if 0
    return path.simplified();
    return path;

static inline void qwtDrawStyledBackground( 
    QWidget *w, QPainter *painter )
    QStyleOption opt;
    w->style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, painter, w);

static QWidget *qwtBackgroundWidget( QWidget *w )
    if ( w->parentWidget() == NULL )
        return w;

    if ( w->autoFillBackground() )
        const QBrush brush = w->palette().brush( w->backgroundRole() );
        if ( brush.color().alpha() > 0 )
            return w;

    if ( w->testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
        QImage image( 1, 1, QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
        image.fill( Qt::transparent );

        QPainter painter( &image );
        painter.translate( -w->rect().center() );
        qwtDrawStyledBackground( w, &painter );

        if ( qAlpha( image.pixel( 0, 0 ) ) != 0 )
            return w;

    return qwtBackgroundWidget( w->parentWidget() );

static void qwtFillBackground( QPainter *painter, 
    QWidget *widget, const QVector<QRectF> &fillRects )
    if ( fillRects.isEmpty() )

    QRegion clipRegion;
    if ( painter->hasClipping() )
        clipRegion = painter->transform().map( painter->clipRegion() );
        clipRegion = widget->contentsRect();

    // Try to find out which widget fills
    // the unfilled areas of the styled background

    QWidget *bgWidget = qwtBackgroundWidget( widget->parentWidget() );

    for ( int i = 0; i < fillRects.size(); i++ )
        const QRect rect = fillRects[i].toAlignedRect();
        if ( clipRegion.intersects( rect ) )
            QPixmap pm( rect.size() );
            pm.fill( bgWidget, widget->mapTo( bgWidget, rect.topLeft() ) );
            painter->drawPixmap( rect, pm );

static void qwtFillBackground( QPainter *painter, QwtPlotCanvas *canvas )
    QVector<QRectF> rects;

    if ( canvas->testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
        QwtStyleSheetRecorder recorder( canvas->size() );

        QPainter p( &recorder );
        qwtDrawStyledBackground( canvas, &p );

        if ( recorder.background.brush.isOpaque() )
            rects = recorder.clipRects;
            rects += canvas->rect();
        const QRectF r = canvas->rect();
        const double radius = canvas->borderRadius();
        if ( radius > 0.0 )
            QSize sz( radius, radius );

            rects += QRectF( r.topLeft(), sz );
            rects += QRectF( r.topRight() - QPointF( radius, 0 ), sz );
            rects += QRectF( r.bottomRight() - QPointF( radius, radius ), sz );
            rects += QRectF( r.bottomLeft() - QPointF( 0, radius ), sz );

    qwtFillBackground( painter, canvas, rects);

class QwtPlotCanvas::PrivateData
        focusIndicator( NoFocusIndicator ),
        borderRadius( 0 ),
        paintAttributes( 0 ),
        backingStore( NULL )
        styleSheet.hasBorder = false;

        delete backingStore;

    FocusIndicator focusIndicator;
    double borderRadius;
    QwtPlotCanvas::PaintAttributes paintAttributes;
    QPixmap *backingStore;

    struct StyleSheet
        bool hasBorder;
        QPainterPath borderPath;
        QVector<QRectF> cornerRects;

        struct StyleSheetBackground
            QBrush brush;
            QPointF origin;
        } background;

    } styleSheet;


//! Sets a cross cursor, enables QwtPlotCanvas::BackingStore

QwtPlotCanvas::QwtPlotCanvas( QwtPlot *plot ):
    QFrame( plot )
    d_data = new PrivateData;

#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
    setCursor( Qt::CrossCursor );

    setAutoFillBackground( true );
    setPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::BackingStore, true );
    setPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::Opaque, true );
    setPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::HackStyledBackground, true );

//! Destructor
    delete d_data;

//! Return parent plot widget
QwtPlot *QwtPlotCanvas::plot()
    return qobject_cast<QwtPlot *>( parentWidget() );

//! Return parent plot widget
const QwtPlot *QwtPlotCanvas::plot() const
    return qobject_cast<const QwtPlot *>( parentWidget() );

  \brief Changing the paint attributes

  \param attribute Paint attribute
  \param on On/Off

  \sa testPaintAttribute(), backingStore()
void QwtPlotCanvas::setPaintAttribute( PaintAttribute attribute, bool on )
    if ( bool( d_data->paintAttributes & attribute ) == on )

    if ( on )
        d_data->paintAttributes |= attribute;
        d_data->paintAttributes &= ~attribute;

    switch ( attribute )
        case BackingStore:
            if ( on )
                if ( d_data->backingStore == NULL )
                    d_data->backingStore = new QPixmap();

                if ( isVisible() )
                    *d_data->backingStore = 
                        QPixmap::grabWidget( this, rect() );
                delete d_data->backingStore;
                d_data->backingStore = NULL;
        case Opaque:
            if ( on )
                setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true );

        case HackStyledBackground:
        case ImmediatePaint:

  Test wether a paint attribute is enabled

  \param attribute Paint attribute
  \return true if the attribute is enabled
  \sa setPaintAttribute()
bool QwtPlotCanvas::testPaintAttribute( PaintAttribute attribute ) const
    return d_data->paintAttributes & attribute;

//! \return Backing store, might be null
const QPixmap *QwtPlotCanvas::backingStore() const
    return d_data->backingStore;

//! Invalidate the internal backing store
void QwtPlotCanvas::invalidateBackingStore()
    if ( d_data->backingStore )
        *d_data->backingStore = QPixmap();

  Set the focus indicator

  \sa FocusIndicator, focusIndicator()
void QwtPlotCanvas::setFocusIndicator( FocusIndicator focusIndicator )
    d_data->focusIndicator = focusIndicator;

  \return Focus indicator

  \sa FocusIndicator, setFocusIndicator()
QwtPlotCanvas::FocusIndicator QwtPlotCanvas::focusIndicator() const
    return d_data->focusIndicator;

  Set the radius for the corners of the border frame

  \param radius Radius of a rounded corner
  \sa borderRadius()
void QwtPlotCanvas::setBorderRadius( double radius )
    d_data->borderRadius = qMax( 0.0, radius );

  \return Radius for the corners of the border frame
  \sa setBorderRadius()
double QwtPlotCanvas::borderRadius() const
    return d_data->borderRadius;

  Qt event handler for QEvent::PolishRequest and QEvent::StyleChange
  \param event Qt Event
bool QwtPlotCanvas::event( QEvent *event )
    if ( event->type() == QEvent::PolishRequest ) 
        if ( testPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::Opaque ) )
            // Setting a style sheet changes the 
            // Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent attribute, but we insist
            // on painting the background.
            setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true );

    if ( event->type() == QEvent::PolishRequest || 
        event->type() == QEvent::StyleChange )

    return QFrame::event( event );

  Paint event
  \param event Paint event
void QwtPlotCanvas::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
    QPainter painter( this );
    painter.setClipRegion( event->region() );

    if ( testPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::BackingStore ) &&
        d_data->backingStore != NULL )
        QPixmap &bs = *d_data->backingStore;
        if ( bs.size() != size() )
            bs = QPixmap( size() );

#ifdef Q_WS_X11
            if ( bs.x11Info().screen() != x11Info().screen() )
                bs.x11SetScreen( x11Info().screen() );

            if ( testAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground) )
                QPainter p( &bs );
                qwtFillBackground( &p, this );
                drawCanvas( &p, true );
                QPainter p;
                if ( d_data->borderRadius <= 0.0 )
                    bs.fill( this, 0, 0 );
                    p.begin( &bs );
                    drawCanvas( &p, false );
                    p.begin( &bs );
                    qwtFillBackground( &p, this );
                    drawCanvas( &p, true );

                if ( frameWidth() > 0 )
                    drawBorder( &p );

        painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, *d_data->backingStore );
        if ( testAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
            if ( testAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent ) )
                qwtFillBackground( &painter, this );
                drawCanvas( &painter, true );
                drawCanvas( &painter, false );
            if ( testAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent ) )
                if ( autoFillBackground() )
                    qwtDrawBackground( &painter, this );

            drawCanvas( &painter, false );

            if ( frameWidth() > 0 ) 
                drawBorder( &painter );

    if ( hasFocus() && focusIndicator() == CanvasFocusIndicator )
        drawFocusIndicator( &painter );

void QwtPlotCanvas::drawCanvas( QPainter *painter, bool withBackground ) 
    bool hackStyledBackground = false;

    if ( withBackground && testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) 
        && testPaintAttribute( HackStyledBackground ) )
        // Antialiasing rounded borders is done by
        // inserting pixels with colors between the 
        // border color and the color on the canvas,
        // When the border is painted before the plot items
        // these colors are interpolated for the canvas
        // and the plot items need to be clipped excluding
        // the anialiased pixels. In situations, where
        // the plot items fill the area at the rounded
        // borders this is noticeable.
        // The only way to avoid these annoying "artefacts"
        // is to paint the border on top of the plot items.

        if ( d_data->styleSheet.hasBorder &&
            !d_data->styleSheet.borderPath.isEmpty() )
            // We have a border with at least one rounded corner
            hackStyledBackground = true;

    if ( withBackground )

        if ( testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
            if ( hackStyledBackground )
                // paint background without border

                painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
                painter->setBrush( d_data->styleSheet.background.brush ); 
                painter->setBrushOrigin( d_data->styleSheet.background.origin );
                painter->setClipPath( d_data->styleSheet.borderPath );
                painter->drawRect( contentsRect() );
                qwtDrawStyledBackground( this, painter );
        else if ( autoFillBackground() )
            painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
            painter->setBrush( palette().brush( backgroundRole() ) );

            if ( d_data->borderRadius > 0.0 )
                if ( frameWidth() > 0 )
                    painter->setClipPath( borderPath( rect() ) );
                    painter->drawRect( rect() );
                    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
                    painter->drawPath( borderPath( rect() ) );
                painter->drawRect( contentsRect() );



    if ( !d_data->styleSheet.borderPath.isEmpty() )
            d_data->styleSheet.borderPath, Qt::IntersectClip );
        if ( d_data->borderRadius > 0.0 )
            painter->setClipPath( borderPath( rect() ), Qt::IntersectClip );
            painter->setClipRect( contentsRect(), Qt::IntersectClip );

    plot()->drawCanvas( painter );


    if ( withBackground && hackStyledBackground )
        // Now paint the border on top
        QStyleOptionFrame opt;
        style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Frame, &opt, painter, this);

  Draw the border of the plot canvas

  \param painter Painter
  \sa setBorderRadius(), QFrame::drawFrame()
void QwtPlotCanvas::drawBorder( QPainter *painter )
    if ( d_data->borderRadius > 0 )
        if ( frameWidth() > 0 )
            QwtPainter::drawRoundedFrame( painter, QRectF( rect() ), 
                d_data->borderRadius, d_data->borderRadius,
                palette(), frameWidth(), frameStyle() );
        drawFrame( painter );

  Resize event
  \param event Resize event
void QwtPlotCanvas::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *event )
    QFrame::resizeEvent( event );

  Draw the focus indication
  \param painter Painter
void QwtPlotCanvas::drawFocusIndicator( QPainter *painter )
    const int margin = 1;

    QRect focusRect = contentsRect();
    focusRect.setRect( focusRect.x() + margin, focusRect.y() + margin,
        focusRect.width() - 2 * margin, focusRect.height() - 2 * margin );

    QwtPainter::drawFocusRect( painter, this, focusRect );

   Invalidate the paint cache and repaint the canvas
   \sa invalidatePaintCache()
void QwtPlotCanvas::replot()

    if ( testPaintAttribute( QwtPlotCanvas::ImmediatePaint ) )
        repaint( contentsRect() );
        update( contentsRect() );

//! Update the cached informations about the current style sheet
void QwtPlotCanvas::updateStyleSheetInfo()
    if ( !testAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )

    QwtStyleSheetRecorder recorder( size() );
    QPainter painter( &recorder );
    QStyleOption opt;
    style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &painter, this);

    d_data->styleSheet.hasBorder = !recorder.border.rectList.isEmpty();
    d_data->styleSheet.cornerRects = recorder.clipRects;

    if ( recorder.background.path.isEmpty() )
        if ( !recorder.border.rectList.isEmpty() )
            d_data->styleSheet.borderPath = 
                qwtCombinePathList( rect(), recorder.border.pathList );
        d_data->styleSheet.borderPath = recorder.background.path;
        d_data->styleSheet.background.brush = recorder.background.brush;
        d_data->styleSheet.background.origin = recorder.background.origin;

   Calculate the painter path for a styled or rounded border

   When the canvas has no styled background or rounded borders
   the painter path is empty.

   \param rect Bounding rectangle of the canvas
   \return Painter path, that can be used for clipping
QPainterPath QwtPlotCanvas::borderPath( const QRect &rect ) const
    if ( testAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
        QwtStyleSheetRecorder recorder( rect.size() );

        QPainter painter( &recorder );

        QStyleOption opt;
        opt.rect = rect;
        style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &painter, this);


        if ( !recorder.background.path.isEmpty() )
            return recorder.background.path;

        if ( !recorder.border.rectList.isEmpty() )
            return qwtCombinePathList( rect, recorder.border.pathList );
    else if ( d_data->borderRadius > 0.0 )
        double fw2 = frameWidth() * 0.5;
        QRectF r = QRectF(rect).adjusted( fw2, fw2, -fw2, -fw2 );

        QPainterPath path;
        path.addRoundedRect( r, d_data->borderRadius, d_data->borderRadius );
        return path;
    return QPainterPath();

   Calculate a mask, that can be used to clip away the border frame

   \param size Size including the frame
QBitmap QwtPlotCanvas::borderMask( const QSize &size ) const
    const QRect r( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );

    const QPainterPath path = borderPath( r );
    if ( path.isEmpty() )
        return QBitmap();

    QImage image( size, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
    image.fill( Qt::color0 );

    QPainter painter( &image );
    painter.setClipPath( path );
    painter.fillRect( r, Qt::color1 );

    // now erase the frame

    painter.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationOut );

    if ( testAttribute(Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
        QStyleOptionFrame opt;
        opt.rect = r;
        style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Frame, &opt, &painter, this );
        if ( d_data->borderRadius > 0 && frameWidth() > 0 )
            painter.setPen( QPen( Qt::color1, frameWidth() ) );
            painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
            painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );

            painter.drawPath( path );


    const QImage mask = image.createMaskFromColor(
        QColor( Qt::color1 ).rgb(), Qt::MaskOutColor );

    return QBitmap::fromImage( mask );