/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #include "qwt_clipper.h" #include "qwt_point_polar.h" #include <qrect.h> #if QT_VERSION < 0x040601 #define qAtan(x) ::atan(x) #endif namespace QwtClip { // some templates used for inlining template <class Point, typename T> class LeftEdge; template <class Point, typename T> class RightEdge; template <class Point, typename T> class TopEdge; template <class Point, typename T> class BottomEdge; template <class Point> class PointBuffer; } template <class Point, typename Value> class QwtClip::LeftEdge { public: inline LeftEdge( Value x1, Value, Value, Value ): d_x1( x1 ) { } inline bool isInside( const Point &p ) const { return p.x() >= d_x1; } inline Point intersection( const Point &p1, const Point &p2 ) const { double dy = ( p1.y() - p2.y() ) / double( p1.x() - p2.x() ); return Point( d_x1, ( Value ) ( p2.y() + ( d_x1 - p2.x() ) * dy ) ); } private: const Value d_x1; }; template <class Point, typename Value> class QwtClip::RightEdge { public: inline RightEdge( Value, Value x2, Value, Value ): d_x2( x2 ) { } inline bool isInside( const Point &p ) const { return p.x() <= d_x2; } inline Point intersection( const Point &p1, const Point &p2 ) const { double dy = ( p1.y() - p2.y() ) / double( p1.x() - p2.x() ); return Point( d_x2, ( Value ) ( p2.y() + ( d_x2 - p2.x() ) * dy ) ); } private: const Value d_x2; }; template <class Point, typename Value> class QwtClip::TopEdge { public: inline TopEdge( Value, Value, Value y1, Value ): d_y1( y1 ) { } inline bool isInside( const Point &p ) const { return p.y() >= d_y1; } inline Point intersection( const Point &p1, const Point &p2 ) const { double dx = ( p1.x() - p2.x() ) / double( p1.y() - p2.y() ); return Point( ( Value )( p2.x() + ( d_y1 - p2.y() ) * dx ), d_y1 ); } private: const Value d_y1; }; template <class Point, typename Value> class QwtClip::BottomEdge { public: inline BottomEdge( Value, Value, Value, Value y2 ): d_y2( y2 ) { } inline bool isInside( const Point &p ) const { return p.y() <= d_y2; } inline Point intersection( const Point &p1, const Point &p2 ) const { double dx = ( p1.x() - p2.x() ) / double( p1.y() - p2.y() ); return Point( ( Value )( p2.x() + ( d_y2 - p2.y() ) * dx ), d_y2 ); } private: const Value d_y2; }; template<class Point> class QwtClip::PointBuffer { public: PointBuffer( int capacity = 0 ): m_capacity( 0 ), m_size( 0 ), m_buffer( NULL ) { if ( capacity > 0 ) reserve( capacity ); } ~PointBuffer() { if ( m_buffer ) qFree( m_buffer ); } inline void setPoints( int numPoints, const Point *points ) { reserve( numPoints ); m_size = numPoints; qMemCopy( m_buffer, points, m_size * sizeof( Point ) ); } inline void reset() { m_size = 0; } inline int size() const { return m_size; } inline Point *data() const { return m_buffer; } inline Point &operator[]( int i ) { return m_buffer[i]; } inline const Point &operator[]( int i ) const { return m_buffer[i]; } inline void add( const Point &point ) { if ( m_capacity <= m_size ) reserve( m_size + 1 ); m_buffer[m_size++] = point; } private: inline void reserve( int size ) { if ( m_capacity == 0 ) m_capacity = 1; while ( m_capacity < size ) m_capacity *= 2; m_buffer = ( Point * ) qRealloc( m_buffer, m_capacity * sizeof( Point ) ); } int m_capacity; int m_size; Point *m_buffer; }; using namespace QwtClip; template <class Polygon, class Rect, class Point, typename T> class QwtPolygonClipper { public: QwtPolygonClipper( const Rect &clipRect ): d_clipRect( clipRect ) { } Polygon clipPolygon( const Polygon &polygon, bool closePolygon ) const { #if 0 if ( d_clipRect.contains( polygon.boundingRect() ) ) return polygon; #endif PointBuffer<Point> points1; PointBuffer<Point> points2( qMin( 256, polygon.size() ) ); points1.setPoints( polygon.size(), polygon.data() ); clipEdge< LeftEdge<Point, T> >( closePolygon, points1, points2 ); clipEdge< RightEdge<Point, T> >( closePolygon, points2, points1 ); clipEdge< TopEdge<Point, T> >( closePolygon, points1, points2 ); clipEdge< BottomEdge<Point, T> >( closePolygon, points2, points1 ); Polygon p; p.resize( points1.size() ); qMemCopy( p.data(), points1.data(), points1.size() * sizeof( Point ) ); return p; } private: template <class Edge> inline void clipEdge( bool closePolygon, PointBuffer<Point> &points, PointBuffer<Point> &clippedPoints ) const { clippedPoints.reset(); if ( points.size() < 2 ) { if ( points.size() == 1 ) clippedPoints.add( points[0] ); return; } const Edge edge( d_clipRect.x(), d_clipRect.x() + d_clipRect.width(), d_clipRect.y(), d_clipRect.y() + d_clipRect.height() ); int lastPos, start; if ( closePolygon ) { start = 0; lastPos = points.size() - 1; } else { start = 1; lastPos = 0; if ( edge.isInside( points[0] ) ) clippedPoints.add( points[0] ); } const uint nPoints = points.size(); for ( uint i = start; i < nPoints; i++ ) { const Point &p1 = points[i]; const Point &p2 = points[lastPos]; if ( edge.isInside( p1 ) ) { if ( edge.isInside( p2 ) ) { clippedPoints.add( p1 ); } else { clippedPoints.add( edge.intersection( p1, p2 ) ); clippedPoints.add( p1 ); } } else { if ( edge.isInside( p2 ) ) { clippedPoints.add( edge.intersection( p1, p2 ) ); } } lastPos = i; } } const Rect d_clipRect; }; class QwtCircleClipper { public: QwtCircleClipper( const QRectF &r ); QVector<QwtInterval> clipCircle( const QPointF &, double radius ) const; private: enum Edge { Left, Top, Right, Bottom, NEdges }; QList<QPointF> cuttingPoints( Edge, const QPointF &pos, double radius ) const; double toAngle( const QPointF &, const QPointF & ) const; const QRectF d_rect; }; QwtCircleClipper::QwtCircleClipper( const QRectF &r ): d_rect( r ) { } QVector<QwtInterval> QwtCircleClipper::clipCircle( const QPointF &pos, double radius ) const { QList<QPointF> points; for ( int edge = 0; edge < NEdges; edge++ ) points += cuttingPoints( ( Edge )edge, pos, radius ); QVector<QwtInterval> intv; if ( points.size() <= 0 ) { QRectF cRect( 0, 0, 2 * radius, 2 * radius ); cRect.moveCenter( pos ); if ( d_rect.contains( cRect ) ) intv += QwtInterval( 0.0, 2 * M_PI ); } else { QList<double> angles; for ( int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++ ) angles += toAngle( pos, points[i] ); qSort( angles ); const int in = d_rect.contains( qwtPolar2Pos( pos, radius, angles[0] + ( angles[1] - angles[0] ) / 2 ) ); if ( in ) { for ( int i = 0; i < angles.size() - 1; i += 2 ) intv += QwtInterval( angles[i], angles[i+1] ); } else { for ( int i = 1; i < angles.size() - 1; i += 2 ) intv += QwtInterval( angles[i], angles[i+1] ); intv += QwtInterval( angles.last(), angles.first() ); } } return intv; } double QwtCircleClipper::toAngle( const QPointF &from, const QPointF &to ) const { if ( from.x() == to.x() ) return from.y() <= to.y() ? M_PI / 2.0 : 3 * M_PI / 2.0; const double m = qAbs( ( to.y() - from.y() ) / ( to.x() - from.x() ) ); double angle = qAtan( m ); if ( to.x() > from.x() ) { if ( to.y() > from.y() ) angle = 2 * M_PI - angle; } else { if ( to.y() > from.y() ) angle = M_PI + angle; else angle = M_PI - angle; } return angle; } QList<QPointF> QwtCircleClipper::cuttingPoints( Edge edge, const QPointF &pos, double radius ) const { QList<QPointF> points; if ( edge == Left || edge == Right ) { const double x = ( edge == Left ) ? d_rect.left() : d_rect.right(); if ( qAbs( pos.x() - x ) < radius ) { const double off = qSqrt( qwtSqr( radius ) - qwtSqr( pos.x() - x ) ); const double m_y1 = pos.y() + off; if ( m_y1 >= d_rect.top() && m_y1 <= d_rect.bottom() ) points += QPointF( x, m_y1 ); const double m_y2 = pos.y() - off; if ( m_y2 >= d_rect.top() && m_y2 <= d_rect.bottom() ) points += QPointF( x, m_y2 ); } } else { const double y = ( edge == Top ) ? d_rect.top() : d_rect.bottom(); if ( qAbs( pos.y() - y ) < radius ) { const double off = qSqrt( qwtSqr( radius ) - qwtSqr( pos.y() - y ) ); const double x1 = pos.x() + off; if ( x1 >= d_rect.left() && x1 <= d_rect.right() ) points += QPointF( x1, y ); const double m_x2 = pos.x() - off; if ( m_x2 >= d_rect.left() && m_x2 <= d_rect.right() ) points += QPointF( m_x2, y ); } } return points; } /*! Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping \param clipRect Clip rectangle \param polygon Polygon \param closePolygon True, when the polygon is closed \return Clipped polygon */ QPolygon QwtClipper::clipPolygon( const QRect &clipRect, const QPolygon &polygon, bool closePolygon ) { QwtPolygonClipper<QPolygon, QRect, QPoint, int> clipper( clipRect ); return clipper.clipPolygon( polygon, closePolygon ); } /*! Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping \param clipRect Clip rectangle \param polygon Polygon \param closePolygon True, when the polygon is closed \return Clipped polygon */ QPolygonF QwtClipper::clipPolygonF( const QRectF &clipRect, const QPolygonF &polygon, bool closePolygon ) { QwtPolygonClipper<QPolygonF, QRectF, QPointF, double> clipper( clipRect ); return clipper.clipPolygon( polygon, closePolygon ); } /*! Circle clipping clipCircle() devides a circle into intervals of angles representing arcs of the circle. When the circle is completely inside the clip rectangle an interval [0.0, 2 * M_PI] is returned. \param clipRect Clip rectangle \param center Center of the circle \param radius Radius of the circle \return Arcs of the circle */ QVector<QwtInterval> QwtClipper::clipCircle( const QRectF &clipRect, const QPointF ¢er, double radius ) { QwtCircleClipper clipper( clipRect ); return clipper.clipCircle( center, radius ); }