/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RTNet GUI * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: t_keyword * * Purpose: Keyword in RTNet Input File * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 05-Jan-2013 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "keyword.h" #include "lineedit.h" #include "selwin.h" #include "uniline.h" using namespace std; using namespace GnssCenter; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_keyword::t_keyword(QString line, QTextStream& inStream, QStringList& staticLines) { _ok = false; _widget = 0; // do not delete (it is owned by layout) int numVal = 0; QTextStream in(line.toAscii(), QIODevice::ReadOnly); in >> _name >> numVal; staticLines << _name; if (!_name.isEmpty()) { _ok = true; if (numVal == 1) { _origValues.append(in.readLine().trimmed()); } else if (numVal > 1) { for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) { _origValues.append(inStream.readLine().trimmed()); } } while (inStream.status() == QTextStream::Ok && !inStream.atEnd()) { line = inStream.readLine(); staticLines << line; line = line.trimmed(); if (line.isEmpty()) { break; } else if (line[0] == '#') { int pos = 0; while (true) { QRegExp rx("([^#;]*)\\s+=\\s+([^#;]*)"); pos = rx.indexIn(line, pos); if (pos == -1) { break; } else { pos += rx.matchedLength(); } QString descKey = rx.cap(1).trimmed(); QString descVal = rx.cap(2).trimmed(); _desc[descKey] = descVal; } } } // Remove leading and trailing double-quotes // ----------------------------------------- _origValues.replaceInStrings(QRegExp("^\\s*\"|\"\\s*$"), QString()); } } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_keyword::~t_keyword() { } // Create Widget (it will be owned by layout) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget* t_keyword::createWidget(const QString& fldMask) { if (_widget != 0) { // TODO: exception } QString widgetType = _desc.value("widget"); if (widgetType == "checkbox") { QCheckBox* chBox = new QCheckBox(); if (_origValues.size() && _origValues[0] == "1") { chBox->setChecked(true); } _widget = chBox; } else if (widgetType == "combobox") { QComboBox* cmbBox = new QComboBox(); cmbBox->addItems(_desc.value("cards").split(QRegExp("\\s"), QString::SkipEmptyParts)); if (_origValues.size()) { int index = cmbBox->findText(_origValues[0]); if (index != -1) { cmbBox->setCurrentIndex(index); } } _widget = cmbBox; } else if (widgetType == "lineedit") { t_lineEdit* lineEdit = new t_lineEdit(); if (_origValues.size()) { lineEdit->setText(_origValues[0]); } _widget = lineEdit; } else if (widgetType == "radiobutton") { QRadioButton* radButt = new QRadioButton(); if (_origValues.size() && _origValues[0] == "1") { radButt->setChecked(true); } _widget = radButt; } else if (widgetType == "selwin") { t_selWin::Mode mode = t_selWin::File; if (_desc.value("seldir") == "true") { mode = t_selWin::Directory; } else if (_desc.value("maxfiles").toInt() > 1) { mode = t_selWin::Files; } t_selWin* selWin = new t_selWin(mode); selWin->setFileNames(_origValues); _widget = selWin; } else if (widgetType == "spinbox") { QSpinBox* spinBox = new QSpinBox(); QStringList rangeStr = _desc.value("range").split(QRegExp("\\s"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (rangeStr.size() >= 1) spinBox->setMinimum(rangeStr[0].toInt()); if (rangeStr.size() >= 2) spinBox->setMaximum(rangeStr[1].toInt()); if (rangeStr.size() >= 3) spinBox->setSingleStep(rangeStr[2].toInt()); if (_origValues.size()) { spinBox->setValue(_origValues[0].toInt()); } _widget = spinBox; } else if (widgetType == "uniline") { _widget = new t_uniLine(fldMask, _origValues); } return _widget; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QStringList t_keyword::values() const { if (_widget == 0) { return _origValues; } QStringList values; QString widgetType = _desc.value("widget"); if (widgetType == "checkbox") { QCheckBox* chBox = static_cast<QCheckBox*>(_widget); if (chBox->isChecked()) { values << "1"; } else { values << "0"; } } else if (widgetType == "combobox") { QComboBox* cmbBox = static_cast<QComboBox*>(_widget); values << cmbBox->currentText(); } else if (widgetType == "lineedit") { t_lineEdit* lineEdit = static_cast<t_lineEdit*>(_widget); if (!lineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { values << lineEdit->text(); } } else if (widgetType == "radiobutton") { QRadioButton* radButt = static_cast<QRadioButton*>(_widget); if (radButt->isChecked()) { values << "1"; } else { values << "0"; } } else if (widgetType == "selwin") { t_selWin* selWin = static_cast<t_selWin*>(_widget); values << selWin->fileNames(); } else if (widgetType == "spinbox") { QSpinBox* spinBox = static_cast<QSpinBox*>(_widget); values << QString("%1").arg(spinBox->value()); } else if (widgetType == "uniline") { t_uniLine* uniLine = static_cast<t_uniLine*>(_widget); for (int iRow = 0; iRow < uniLine->rowCount(); iRow++) { QString rowStr; for (int iCol = 0; iCol < uniLine->columnCount()-2; iCol++) { QTableWidgetItem* item = uniLine->item(iRow, iCol); if (item) { if (iCol != 0) rowStr += " \""; rowStr += item->text().trimmed(); if (iCol != uniLine->columnCount()-3) rowStr += '\"'; } } values << rowStr; } } return values; }