/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Server * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncutils * * Purpose: Auxiliary Functions * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 08-Apr-2008 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <ctime> #include <math.h> #include <QRegExp> #include <QStringList> #include <QDateTime> #include "bnsutils.h" using namespace std; namespace BNS { // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void expandEnvVar(QString& str) { QRegExp rx("(\\$\\{.+\\})"); if (rx.indexIn(str) != -1) { QStringListIterator it(rx.capturedTexts()); if (it.hasNext()) { QString rxStr = it.next(); QString envVar = rxStr.mid(2,rxStr.length()-3); str.replace(rxStr, qgetenv(envVar.toAscii())); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QDateTime dateAndTimeFromGPSweek(int GPSWeek, double GPSWeeks) { static const QDate zeroEpoch(1980, 1, 6); QDate date(zeroEpoch); QTime time(0,0,0,0); int weekDays = int(GPSWeeks) / 86400; date = date.addDays( GPSWeek * 7 + weekDays ); time = time.addMSecs( int( (GPSWeeks - 86400 * weekDays) * 1e3 ) ); return QDateTime(date,time,Qt::UTC); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GPSweekFromDateAndTime(const QDateTime& dateTime, int& GPSWeek, double& GPSWeeks) { static const QDateTime zeroEpoch(QDate(1980, 1, 6),QTime(),Qt::UTC); GPSWeek = zeroEpoch.daysTo(dateTime) / 7; int weekDay = dateTime.date().dayOfWeek() + 1; // Qt: Monday = 1 if (weekDay > 7) weekDay = 1; GPSWeeks = (weekDay - 1) * 86400.0 - dateTime.time().msecsTo(QTime()) / 1e3; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void currentGPSWeeks(int& week, double& sec) { QDateTime currDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC(); QDate currDate = currDateTime.date(); QTime currTime = currDateTime.time(); week = int( (double(currDate.toJulianDay()) - 2444244.5) / 7 ); sec = (currDate.dayOfWeek() % 7) * 24.0 * 3600.0 + currTime.hour() * 3600.0 + currTime.minute() * 60.0 + currTime.second() + currTime.msec() / 1000.0; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void mjdFromDateAndTime(const QDateTime& dateTime, int& mjd, double& dayfrac) { static const QDate zeroDate(1858, 11, 17); mjd = zeroDate.daysTo(dateTime.date()); dayfrac = (dateTime.time().hour() + (dateTime.time().minute() + (dateTime.time().second() + dateTime.time().msec() / 1000.0) / 60.0) / 60.0) / 24.0; } // Transformation xyz --> radial, along track, out-of-plane //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void XYZ_to_RSW(const ColumnVector& rr, const ColumnVector& vv, const ColumnVector& xyz, ColumnVector& rsw) { ColumnVector along = vv / vv.norm_Frobenius(); ColumnVector cross = crossproduct(rr, vv); cross /= cross.norm_Frobenius(); ColumnVector radial = crossproduct(along, cross); rsw.ReSize(3); rsw(1) = DotProduct(xyz, radial); rsw(2) = DotProduct(xyz, along); rsw(3) = DotProduct(xyz, cross); } // Fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical integrator for ODEs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector rungeKutta4( double xi, // the initial x-value const ColumnVector& yi, // vector of the initial y-values double dx, // the step size for the integration double* acc, // aditional acceleration ColumnVector (*der)(double x, const ColumnVector& y, double* acc) // A pointer to a function that computes the // derivative of a function at a point (x,y) ) { ColumnVector k1 = der(xi , yi , acc) * dx; ColumnVector k2 = der(xi+dx/2.0, yi+k1/2.0, acc) * dx; ColumnVector k3 = der(xi+dx/2.0, yi+k2/2.0, acc) * dx; ColumnVector k4 = der(xi+dx , yi+k3 , acc) * dx; ColumnVector yf = yi + k1/6.0 + k2/3.0 + k3/3.0 + k4/6.0; return yf; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QByteArray waitForLine(QTcpSocket* socket) { QByteArray line; while (true) { char ch; if (socket->getChar(&ch)) { line += ch; if (ch == '\n') { break; } } else { if (socket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { return ""; } socket->waitForReadyRead(10); } } return line; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double djul(int jj, int mm, double tt) { int ii, kk; double djul ; if( mm <= 2 ) { jj = jj - 1; mm = mm + 12; } ii = jj/100; kk = 2 - ii + ii/4; djul = (365.25*jj - fmod( 365.25*jj, 1.0 )) - 679006.0; djul = djul + floor( 30.6001*(mm + 1) ) + tt + kk; return djul; } void jdgp(double tjul, double & second, int & nweek) { double deltat; deltat = tjul - 44244.0 ; // current gps week nweek = (int) floor(deltat/7.0); // seconds past midnight of last weekend second = (deltat - (nweek)*7.0)*86400.0; } void GPSweekFromYMDhms(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, double sec, int& GPSWeek, double& GPSWeeks) { double mjd = djul(year, month, day); jdgp(mjd, GPSWeeks, GPSWeek); GPSWeeks += hour * 3600.0 + min * 60.0 + sec; } } // namespace BNS