#ifndef BNCRTNETUPLOADCASTER_H #define BNCRTNETUPLOADCASTER_H #include #include #include "bncuploadcaster.h" #include "bnctime.h" #include "ephemeris.h" #include "../RTCM3/clock_and_orbit/clock_orbit_rtcm.h" #include "../RTCM3/clock_and_orbit/clock_orbit_igs.h" #include "../RTCM3/crs.h" #include "../RTCM3/crsEncoder.h" class bncEphUser; class bncoutf; class bncClockRinex; class bncSP3; class bncBiasSinex; class bncRtnetUploadCaster : public bncUploadCaster { Q_OBJECT public: bncRtnetUploadCaster(const QString& mountpoint, const QString& outHost, int outPort, const QString& ntripVersion, const QString& userName, const QString& password, const QString& crdTrafo, const QString& ssrFormat, bool CoM, const QString& sp3FileName, const QString& rnxFileName, const QString& bsxFileName, int PID, int SID, int IOD, int iRow); void decodeRtnetStream(char* buffer, int bufLen); protected: virtual ~bncRtnetUploadCaster(); private: t_irc processSatellite(const t_eph* eph, int GPSweek, double GPSweeks, const QString& prn, const ColumnVector& rtnAPC, double ura, const ColumnVector& rtnClk, const ColumnVector& rtnVel, const ColumnVector& rtnCoM, const ColumnVector& rtnClkSig, struct SsrCorr::ClockOrbit::SatData* sd, QString& outLine); void decodeRtnetEpoch(QStringList epochLines); bool corrIsOutOfRange(struct SsrCorr::ClockOrbit::SatData* sd); void crdTrafo(int GPSWeek, ColumnVector& xyz, double& dc); // TODO: the following line can be deleted if all parameters are updated regarding ITRF2020 void crdTrafo14(int GPSWeek, ColumnVector& xyz, double& dc); int determineUpdateInd(double samplingRate); QString _casterID; bncEphUser* _ephUser; QString _rtnetStreamBuffer; QString _crdTrafoStr; SsrCorr* _ssrCorr; QString _ssrFormat; bool _CoM; bool _phaseBiasInformationDecoded; int _PID; int _SID; int _IOD; int _samplRtcmClkCorr; double _samplRtcmEphCorr; double _dx; double _dy; double _dz; double _dxr; double _dyr; double _dzr; double _ox; double _oy; double _oz; double _oxr; double _oyr; double _ozr; double _sc; double _scr; double _t0; /* TODO: the following lines can be deleted if all parameters are updated regarding ITRF2020*/ double _dx14; double _dy14; double _dz14; double _dxr14; double _dyr14; double _dzr14; double _ox14; double _oy14; double _oz14; double _oxr14; double _oyr14; double _ozr14; double _sc14; double _scr14; double _t014; bncClockRinex* _rnx; bncSP3* _sp3; bncBiasSinex* _bsx; QMap* _usedEph; }; struct phaseBiasesSat { phaseBiasesSat() { yawAngle = 0.0; yawRate = 0.0; } double yawAngle; double yawRate; }; struct phaseBiasSignal { phaseBiasSignal() { bias = 0.0; integerIndicator = 0; wlIndicator = 0; discontinuityCounter = 0; } QString type; double bias; unsigned int integerIndicator; unsigned int wlIndicator; unsigned int discontinuityCounter; }; #endif