1 | /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | * BKG NTRIP Server
3 | * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | *
5 | * Class: bncRtnetUploadCaster
6 | *
7 | * Purpose: Connection to NTRIP Caster
8 | *
9 | * Author: L. Mervart
10 | *
11 | * Created: 29-Mar-2011
12 | *
13 | * Changes:
14 | *
15 | * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 |
17 | #include <math.h>
18 | #include "bncrtnetuploadcaster.h"
19 | #include "bncsettings.h"
20 | #include "bncephuser.h"
21 | #include "bncclockrinex.h"
22 | #include "bncbiassinex.h"
23 | #include "bncsp3.h"
24 | #include "gnss.h"
25 | #include "bncutils.h"
26 |
27 | using namespace std;
28 |
29 | // Constructor
30 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 | bncRtnetUploadCaster::bncRtnetUploadCaster(const QString& mountpoint,
32 | const QString& outHost, int outPort,
33 | const QString& ntripVersion,
34 | const QString& userName, const QString& password,
35 | const QString& crdTrafo, const QString& ssrFormat, bool CoM, const QString& sp3FileName,
36 | const QString& rnxFileName, const QString& bsxFileName, int PID, int SID, int IOD, int iRow) :
37 | bncUploadCaster(mountpoint, outHost, outPort, ntripVersion, userName, password, iRow, 0) {
38 |
39 | if (!mountpoint.isEmpty()) {
40 | _casterID += mountpoint;
41 | }
42 | if (!outHost.isEmpty()) {
43 | _casterID += " " + outHost;
44 | if (outPort) {
45 | _casterID += ":" + QString("%1").arg(outPort, 10);
46 | }
47 | }
48 | if (!crdTrafo.isEmpty()) {
49 | _casterID += " " + crdTrafo;
50 | }
51 | if (!sp3FileName.isEmpty()) {
52 | _casterID += " " + sp3FileName;
53 | }
54 | if (!rnxFileName.isEmpty()) {
55 | _casterID += " " + rnxFileName;
56 | }
57 |
58 | if (!bsxFileName.isEmpty()) {
59 | _casterID += " " + bsxFileName;
60 | }
61 |
62 | _crdTrafoStr = crdTrafo;
63 |
64 | _ssrFormat = ssrFormat;
65 |
66 | _ssrCorr = 0;
67 | if (_ssrFormat == "IGS-SSR") {
68 | _ssrCorr = new SsrCorrIgs();
69 | }
70 | else if (_ssrFormat == "RTCM-SSR") {
71 | _ssrCorr = new SsrCorrRtcm();
72 | }
73 |
74 | _CoM = CoM;
75 | _PID = PID;
76 | _SID = SID;
77 | _IOD = IOD;
78 | _phaseBiasInformationDecoded = false;
79 |
80 | // Member that receives the ephemeris
81 | // ----------------------------------
82 | _ephUser = new bncEphUser(true);
83 |
84 | bncSettings settings;
85 | QString intr = settings.value("uploadIntr").toString();
86 | QStringList hlp = settings.value("cmbStreams").toStringList();
87 | _samplRtcmEphCorr = settings.value("uploadSamplRtcmEphCorr").toDouble();
88 | if (hlp.size() > 1) { // combination stream upload
89 | _samplRtcmClkCorr = settings.value("cmbSampl").toInt();
90 | }
91 | else { // single stream upload or sp3 file generation
92 | _samplRtcmClkCorr = 5; // default
93 | }
94 | _samplRtcmVtec = 60.0;
95 | _samplRtcmCrs = 60.0;
96 | int samplClkRnx = settings.value("uploadSamplClkRnx").toInt();
97 | int samplSp3 = settings.value("uploadSamplSp3").toString().split("sec").first().toInt();
98 | int samplBiaSnx = settings.value("uploadSamplBiaSnx").toInt();
99 |
100 | if (_samplRtcmEphCorr == 0.0) {
101 | _usedEph = 0;
102 | }
103 | else {
104 | _usedEph = new QMap<QString, const t_eph*>;
105 | }
106 |
107 | // RINEX writer
108 | // ------------
109 | if (!rnxFileName.isEmpty()) {
110 | _rnx = new bncClockRinex(rnxFileName, intr, samplClkRnx);
111 | }
112 | else {
113 | _rnx = 0;
114 | }
115 |
116 | // SP3 writer
117 | // ----------
118 | if (!sp3FileName.isEmpty()) {
119 | _sp3 = new bncSP3(sp3FileName, intr, samplSp3);
120 | }
121 | else {
122 | _sp3 = 0;
123 | }
124 |
125 | // SINEX writer
126 | // ------------
127 | if (!bsxFileName.isEmpty()) {
128 | _bsx = new bncBiasSinex(bsxFileName, intr, samplBiaSnx);
129 | }
130 | else {
131 | _bsx = 0;
132 | }
133 |
134 |
135 | // Set Transformation Parameters
136 | // -----------------------------
137 | // Transformation Parameters from ITRF2014 to ETRF2000
138 | // http://etrs89.ign.fr/pub/EUREF-TN-1-Mar-04-2024.pdf
139 | if (_crdTrafoStr == "ETRF2000") {
140 | _dx = 0.0552;
141 | _dy = 0.0527;
142 | _dz = -0.0836;
143 |
144 | _dxr = 0.0001;
145 | _dyr = 0.0001;
146 | _dzr = -0.0019;
147 |
148 | _ox = 0.002106;
149 | _oy = 0.012740;
150 | _oz = -0.020592;
151 |
152 | _oxr = 0.000081;
153 | _oyr = 0.000490;
154 | _ozr = -0.000792;
155 |
156 | _sc = 2.67;
157 | _scr = 0.11;
158 |
159 | _t0 = 2015.0;
160 | }
161 | // Transformation Parameters from ITRF2014 to GDA2020 (Ryan Ruddick, GA)
162 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "GDA2020") {
163 | _dx = 0.0;
164 | _dy = 0.0;
165 | _dz = 0.0;
166 |
167 | _dxr = 0.0;
168 | _dyr = 0.0;
169 | _dzr = 0.0;
170 |
171 | _ox = 0.0;
172 | _oy = 0.0;
173 | _oz = 0.0;
174 |
175 | _oxr = 0.00150379;
176 | _oyr = 0.00118346;
177 | _ozr = 0.00120716;
178 |
179 | _sc = 0.0;
180 | _scr = 0.0;
181 |
182 | _t0 = 2020.0;
183 | }
184 | // Transformation Parameters from IGb14 to SIRGAS2000 (Thanks to Sonia Costa, BRA)
185 | // June 29 2020: TX:-0.0027 m TY:-0.0025 m TZ:-0.0042 m SCL:1.20 (ppb) no rotations and no rates.*/
186 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "SIRGAS2000") {
187 | _dx = -0.0027;
188 | _dy = -0.0025;
189 | _dz = -0.0042;
190 |
191 | _dxr = 0.0;
192 | _dyr = 0.0;
193 | _dzr = 0.0;
194 |
195 | _ox = 0.0;
196 | _oy = 0.0;
197 | _oz = 0.0;
198 |
199 | _oxr = 0.0;
200 | _oyr = 0.0;
201 | _ozr = 0.0;
202 |
203 | _sc = 1.2;
204 | _scr = 0.0;
205 | _t0 = 2000.0;
206 | }
207 | // Transformation Parameters from ITRF2014 to DREF91
208 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "DREF91") {
209 | _dx = 0.0547;
210 | _dy = 0.0522;
211 | _dz = -0.0741;
212 |
213 | _dxr = 0.0001;
214 | _dyr = 0.0001;
215 | _dzr = -0.0019;
216 | // ERTF200 + rotation parameters (ETRF2000 => DREF91)
217 | _ox = 0.001701 + 0.000658;
218 | _oy = 0.010290 - 0.000208;
219 | _oz = -0.016632 + 0.000755;
220 |
221 | _oxr = 0.000081;
222 | _oyr = 0.000490;
223 | _ozr = -0.000729;
224 |
225 | _sc = 2.12;
226 | _scr = 0.11;
227 |
228 | _t0 = 2010.0;
229 | }
230 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "Custom") {
231 | _dx = settings.value("trafo_dx").toDouble();
232 | _dy = settings.value("trafo_dy").toDouble();
233 | _dz = settings.value("trafo_dz").toDouble();
234 | _dxr = settings.value("trafo_dxr").toDouble();
235 | _dyr = settings.value("trafo_dyr").toDouble();
236 | _dzr = settings.value("trafo_dzr").toDouble();
237 | _ox = settings.value("trafo_ox").toDouble();
238 | _oy = settings.value("trafo_oy").toDouble();
239 | _oz = settings.value("trafo_oz").toDouble();
240 | _oxr = settings.value("trafo_oxr").toDouble();
241 | _oyr = settings.value("trafo_oyr").toDouble();
242 | _ozr = settings.value("trafo_ozr").toDouble();
243 | _sc = settings.value("trafo_sc").toDouble();
244 | _scr = settings.value("trafo_scr").toDouble();
245 | _t0 = settings.value("trafo_t0").toDouble();
246 | }
247 | // TODO: the following lines can be deleted if all parameters are updated regarding ITRF2020
248 | if (_crdTrafoStr == "ETRF2000" ||
249 | _crdTrafoStr == "GDA2020" ||
250 | _crdTrafoStr == "DREF91" ||
251 | _crdTrafoStr == "SIRGAS2000") {
252 | // Transformation Parameters from ITRF2020 to ITRF2014
253 | // from ITRF web site: https://itrf.ign.fr/en/solutions/transformations
254 | _dx14 = -0.0014;
255 | _dy14 = -0.0009;
256 | _dz14 = 0.0014;
257 | _dxr14 = 0.0;
258 | _dyr14 = -0.0001;
259 | _dzr14 = -0.0002;
260 | _ox14 = 0.0;
261 | _oy14 = 0.0;
262 | _oz14 = 0.0;
263 | _oxr14 = 0.0;
264 | _oyr14 = 0.0;
265 | _ozr14 = 0.0;
266 | _sc14 = -0.42;
267 | _scr14 = 0.0;
268 | _t014 = 2015.0;
269 | }
270 | }
271 |
272 | // Destructor
273 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
274 | bncRtnetUploadCaster::~bncRtnetUploadCaster() {
275 | if (isRunning()) {
276 | wait();
277 | }
278 | delete _rnx;
279 | delete _sp3;
280 | delete _ephUser;
281 | delete _usedEph;
282 | delete _ssrCorr;
283 | }
284 |
285 | //
286 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
287 | void bncRtnetUploadCaster::decodeRtnetStream(char* buffer, int bufLen) {
288 |
289 | QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
290 |
291 | // Append to internal buffer
292 | // -------------------------
293 | _rtnetStreamBuffer.append(QByteArray(buffer, bufLen));
294 |
295 | // Select buffer part that contains last epoch
296 | // -------------------------------------------
297 |
298 | // Find the begin of last epoch
299 | int iEpoBeg = _rtnetStreamBuffer.lastIndexOf('*');
300 | if (iEpoBeg == -1) {
301 | _rtnetStreamBuffer.clear();
302 | emit(newMessage(QString("bncRtnetUploadCaster: no Epoch line found: %1").arg(_casterID).toLatin1(), false));
303 | return;
304 | }
305 |
306 | // Find the begin of the first epoch
307 | int iEpoBegEarlier = _rtnetStreamBuffer.indexOf('*');
308 | if (iEpoBegEarlier != -1 && iEpoBegEarlier < iEpoBeg) {
309 | _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(iEpoBegEarlier);
310 | }
311 | else {
312 | _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(iEpoBeg);
313 | }
314 |
315 | // Find End of the last epoch
316 | int iEpoEnd = _rtnetStreamBuffer.lastIndexOf("EOE");
317 | if (iEpoEnd == -1) {
318 | _rtnetStreamBuffer.clear();
319 | emit(newMessage(QString("bncRtnetUploadCaster: no EOE found: %1").arg(_casterID).toLatin1(), false));
320 | return;
321 | }
322 |
323 | QStringList lines;
324 | // If there is there more than 1 epoch line in the buffer
325 | while (_rtnetStreamBuffer.count('*') > 1) {
326 | emit(newMessage(QString("bncRtnetUploadCaster: more than 1 epoch in buffer: %1").arg(_rtnetStreamBuffer.count('*')).toLatin1(), false));
327 | QString rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer;
328 | int nextEpoch = rtnetStreamBuffer.indexOf('*');
329 | int nextEpochEnd = rtnetStreamBuffer.indexOf("EOE");
330 | _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(1);
331 | if (nextEpoch != -1 && nextEpoch < iEpoEnd) {
332 | rtnetStreamBuffer = rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(nextEpoch, nextEpochEnd);
333 | lines = rtnetStreamBuffer.split('\n', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
334 | if (lines.size() > 2) {
335 | decodeRtnetEpoch(lines);
336 | }
337 | nextEpochEnd = _rtnetStreamBuffer.indexOf("EOE");
338 | _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(nextEpochEnd+3);
339 | }
340 | else if (nextEpoch != -1 && nextEpoch >= iEpoEnd) {
341 | break;
342 | }
343 | }
344 |
345 | lines = _rtnetStreamBuffer.left(iEpoEnd).split('\n', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
346 |
347 | _rtnetStreamBuffer = _rtnetStreamBuffer.mid(iEpoEnd + 3);
348 |
349 | if (lines.size() < 2) {
350 | emit(newMessage(QString("bncRtnetUploadCaster: less than 2 lines to decode : %1").arg(_casterID).toLatin1(), false));
351 | return;
352 | }
353 | decodeRtnetEpoch(lines);
354 | }
355 |
356 | //
357 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
358 | void bncRtnetUploadCaster::decodeRtnetEpoch(QStringList epochLines) {
359 |
360 | // Read first line (with epoch time)
361 | // ---------------------------------
362 | QTextStream in(epochLines[0].toLatin1());
363 | QString hlp;
364 | int year, month, day, hour, min;
365 | double sec;
366 | in >> hlp >> year >> month >> day >> hour >> min >> sec;
367 | bncTime epoTime;
368 | epoTime.set(year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
369 |
370 | emit(newMessage(
371 | "bncRtnetUploadCaster: decode " + QByteArray(epoTime.datestr().c_str())
372 | + " " + QByteArray(epoTime.timestr().c_str()) + " "
373 | + _casterID.toLatin1(), false));
374 |
375 | struct SsrCorr::ClockOrbit co;
376 | memset(&co, 0, sizeof(co));
377 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] = static_cast<int>(epoTime.gpssec());
378 | double gt = epoTime.gpssec() - gnumleap(year, month, day);
379 | if (_ssrFormat == "RTCM-SSR") {
380 | gt += 3 * 3600;
381 | }
382 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] = static_cast<int>(fmod(gt, 86400.0));
383 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO] = static_cast<int>(epoTime.gpssec());
384 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] = static_cast<int>(epoTime.gpssec());
385 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] = static_cast<int>(epoTime.gpssec());
386 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] = static_cast<int>(epoTime.bdssec());
387 | co.Supplied[_ssrCorr->COBOFS_CLOCK] = 1;
388 | co.Supplied[_ssrCorr->COBOFS_ORBIT] = 1;
389 | (_crdTrafoStr == "IGS20") ?
390 | co.SatRefDatum = _ssrCorr->DATUM_ITRF :
391 | co.SatRefDatum = _ssrCorr->DATUM_LOCAL;
392 | co.SSRIOD = _IOD;
393 | co.SSRProviderID = _PID; // 256 .. BKG, 257 ... EUREF
394 | co.SSRSolutionID = _SID;
395 | if (_ssrFormat == "RTCM-SSR") {
396 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] = static_cast<int>(epoTime.bdssec());
397 | }
398 | else if (_ssrFormat == "IGS-SSR") {
399 | co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] = static_cast<int>(epoTime.gpssec());
400 | }
401 | co.Supplied[_ssrCorr->COBOFS_CLOCK] = 1;
402 | co.Supplied[_ssrCorr->COBOFS_ORBIT] = 1;
403 |
404 |
405 | t_serviceCrs serviceCrs;
406 | t_rtcmCrs rtcmCrs;
407 | if (_crdTrafoStr == "IGS20") {
408 | serviceCrs._CE = serviceCrs._coordinateEpoch = 0;
409 | int nc = _crdTrafoStr.length();
410 | if (nc > 31) {nc = 31;}
411 | for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
412 | serviceCrs._name[i] =
413 | rtcmCrs._name[i] = _crdTrafoStr.toStdString()[i];
414 | }
415 | serviceCrs._name[nc] = 0;
416 | rtcmCrs._name[nc] = 0;
417 | rtcmCrs._anchor = 0; // global CRS
418 | rtcmCrs._plateNumber = 0; // unknown
419 | rtcmCrs._databaseLinks << "ISO.DATUM.979" << "ISO.CRS:980";
420 | }
421 | else {
422 | if (_crdTrafoStr != "Custom") {
423 | serviceCrs._coordinateEpoch = _t0;
424 | serviceCrs.setCEFromCoordinateEpoch();
425 | int nc = _crdTrafoStr.length();
426 | if (nc > 31) {nc = 31;}
427 | for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
428 | serviceCrs._name[i] = _crdTrafoStr.toStdString()[i];
429 | }
430 | serviceCrs._name[nc] = 0;
431 | QString rtcmcrsname = _crdTrafoStr + QString("(%1)").arg(_t0,4,'d',0);
432 | nc = rtcmcrsname.length();
433 | if (nc > 31) {nc = 31;}
434 | for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
435 | rtcmCrs._name[i] = rtcmcrsname.toStdString()[i];
436 | }
437 | rtcmCrs._name[nc] = 0;
438 | if (_crdTrafoStr == "ETRF2000") {
439 | rtcmCrs._anchor = 1; // plate-fixed CRS
440 | rtcmCrs._plateNumber = 7; // Eurasia
441 | rtcmCrs._databaseLinks << "ISO.DATUM.187" << "ISO.CRS:260" << "ISO.CRS:457"
442 | << "EPSG.DATUM:1186" << "EPSG.CRS:7930" << "EPSG.CRS:7931";
443 | }
444 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "DREF91") {
445 | rtcmCrs._anchor = 1; // plate-fixed CRS
446 | rtcmCrs._plateNumber = 7; // Eurasia
447 | }
448 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "GDA2020") {
449 | rtcmCrs._anchor = 1; // plate-fixed CRS
450 | rtcmCrs._plateNumber = 4; // Australia
451 | rtcmCrs._databaseLinks << "ISO.DATUM.186" << "ISO.CRS:404" << "ISO.CRS:329"
452 | << "EPSG.DATUM:1168" << "EPSG.CRS:7842" << "EPSG.CRS:7843";
453 | }
454 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "SIRGAS2000") {
455 | rtcmCrs._anchor = 1; // plate-fixed CRS
456 | rtcmCrs._plateNumber = 12; // S.America
457 | rtcmCrs._databaseLinks << "ISO.DATUM:169" << "ISO.CRS:384" << "ISO.CRS:313"
458 | << "EPSG.DATUM:6674" << "EPSG.CRS:4988" << "EPSG.CRS:4989";
459 | }
460 | }
461 | }
462 |
463 | struct SsrCorr::CodeBias bias;
464 | memset(&bias, 0, sizeof(bias));
465 | bias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
468 | bias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
469 | bias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
470 | bias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
471 | bias.SSRIOD = _IOD;
472 | bias.SSRProviderID = _PID;
473 | bias.SSRSolutionID = _SID;
474 |
475 | struct SsrCorr::PhaseBias phasebias;
476 | memset(&phasebias, 0, sizeof(phasebias));
477 | unsigned int dispersiveBiasConsistenyIndicator = 0;
478 | unsigned int mwConsistencyIndicator = 0;
479 | phasebias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
482 | phasebias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
483 | phasebias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
484 | phasebias.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] = co.EpochTime[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
485 | phasebias.SSRIOD = _IOD;
486 | phasebias.SSRProviderID = _PID;
487 | phasebias.SSRSolutionID = _SID;
488 |
489 | struct SsrCorr::VTEC vtec;
490 | memset(&vtec, 0, sizeof(vtec));
491 | vtec.EpochTime = static_cast<int>(epoTime.gpssec());
492 | vtec.SSRIOD = _IOD;
493 | vtec.SSRProviderID = _PID;
494 | vtec.SSRSolutionID = _SID;
495 |
496 | // Default Update Interval
497 | // -----------------------
498 | int clkUpdInd = 2; // 5 sec
499 | int ephUpdInd = clkUpdInd; // default
500 |
501 | if (!_samplRtcmEphCorr) {
502 | _samplRtcmEphCorr = 5.0;
503 | }
504 |
505 | if (_samplRtcmClkCorr > 5.0 && _samplRtcmEphCorr <= 5.0) { // combined orb and clock
506 | ephUpdInd = determineUpdateInd(_samplRtcmClkCorr);
507 | }
508 | if (_samplRtcmClkCorr > 5.0) {
509 | clkUpdInd = determineUpdateInd(_samplRtcmClkCorr);
510 | }
511 | if (_samplRtcmEphCorr > 5.0) {
512 | ephUpdInd = determineUpdateInd(_samplRtcmEphCorr);
513 | }
514 |
515 | co.UpdateInterval = clkUpdInd;
516 | bias.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
517 | phasebias.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
518 |
519 | for (int ii = 1; ii < epochLines.size(); ii++) {
520 | QString key; // prn or key VTEC, IND (phase bias indicators)
521 | double rtnUra = 0.0; // [m]
522 | ColumnVector rtnAPC; rtnAPC.ReSize(3); rtnAPC = 0.0; // [m, m, m]
523 | ColumnVector rtnVel; rtnVel.ReSize(3); rtnVel = 0.0; // [m/s, m/s, m/s]
524 | ColumnVector rtnCoM; rtnCoM.ReSize(3); rtnCoM = 0.0; // [m, m, m]
525 | ColumnVector rtnClk; rtnClk.ReSize(3); rtnClk = 0.0; // [m, m/s, m/s²]
526 | ColumnVector rtnClkSig; rtnClkSig.ReSize(3); rtnClkSig = 0.0; // [m, m/s, m/s²]
527 |
528 | QTextStream in(epochLines[ii].toLatin1());
529 |
530 | in >> key;
531 |
532 | // non-satellite specific parameters
533 | if (key.contains("IND", Qt::CaseSensitive)) {
534 | in >> dispersiveBiasConsistenyIndicator >> mwConsistencyIndicator;
535 | continue;
536 | }
537 | // non-satellite specific parameters
538 | if (key.contains("VTEC", Qt::CaseSensitive)) {
539 | double ui;
540 | in >> ui >> vtec.NumLayers;
541 | vtec.UpdateInterval = (unsigned int) determineUpdateInd(ui);
542 | for (unsigned ll = 0; ll < vtec.NumLayers; ll++) {
543 | int dummy;
544 | in >> dummy >> vtec.Layers[ll].Degree >> vtec.Layers[ll].Order
545 | >> vtec.Layers[ll].Height;
546 | for (unsigned iDeg = 0; iDeg <= vtec.Layers[ll].Degree; iDeg++) {
547 | for (unsigned iOrd = 0; iOrd <= vtec.Layers[ll].Order; iOrd++) {
548 | in >> vtec.Layers[ll].Cosinus[iDeg][iOrd];
549 | }
550 | }
551 | for (unsigned iDeg = 0; iDeg <= vtec.Layers[ll].Degree; iDeg++) {
552 | for (unsigned iOrd = 0; iOrd <= vtec.Layers[ll].Order; iOrd++) {
553 | in >> vtec.Layers[ll].Sinus[iDeg][iOrd];
554 | }
555 | }
556 | }
557 | continue;
558 | }
559 | // satellite specific parameters
560 | t_prn prn;
561 | char sys = key.mid(0, 1).at(0).toLatin1();
562 | int num = key.mid(1, 2).toInt();
563 | int flag = t_corrSSR::getSsrNavTypeFlag(sys, num);
564 | if (!num) {
565 | continue;
566 | }
567 | prn.set(sys, num, flag);
568 | QString prnInternalStr = QString::fromStdString(prn.toInternalString());
569 | QString prnStr = QString::fromStdString(prn.toString());
570 |
571 | const t_eph* ephLast = _ephUser->ephLast(prnInternalStr);
572 | const t_eph* ephPrev = _ephUser->ephPrev(prnInternalStr);
573 | const t_eph* eph = ephLast;
574 | if (eph) {
575 |
576 | // Use previous ephemeris if the last one is too recent
577 | // ----------------------------------------------------
578 | const int MINAGE = 60; // seconds
579 | if (ephPrev && eph->receptDateTime().isValid() &&
580 | eph->receptDateTime().secsTo(currentDateAndTimeGPS()) < MINAGE) {
581 | eph = ephPrev;
582 | }
583 |
584 | // Make sure the clock messages refer to same IOD as orbit messages
585 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
586 | if (_usedEph) {
587 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
588 | (*_usedEph)[prnInternalStr] = eph;
589 | }
590 | else {
591 | eph = 0;
592 | if (_usedEph->contains(prnInternalStr)) {
593 | const t_eph* usedEph = _usedEph->value(prnInternalStr);
594 | if (usedEph == ephLast) {
595 | eph = ephLast;
596 | }
597 | else if (usedEph == ephPrev) {
598 | eph = ephPrev;
599 | }
600 | }
601 | }
602 | }
603 | }
604 |
605 | QDateTime now = currentDateAndTimeGPS();
606 | bncTime currentTime(now.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString());
607 | if (eph &&
608 | !outDatedBcep(eph, currentTime) && // detected from storage because of no update
609 | eph->checkState() != t_eph::bad &&
610 | eph->checkState() != t_eph::unhealthy &&
611 | eph->checkState() != t_eph::outdated) { // detected during reception (bncephuser)
612 | QMap<QString, double> codeBiases;
613 | QList<phaseBiasSignal> phaseBiasList;
614 | phaseBiasesSat pbSat;
615 | _phaseBiasInformationDecoded = false;
616 |
617 | while (true) {
618 | QString key;
619 | int numVal = 0;
620 | in >> key;
621 | if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) {
622 | break;
623 | }
624 | if (key == "APC") {
625 | in >> numVal;
626 | rtnAPC.ReSize(3); rtnAPC = 0.0;
627 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
628 | in >> rtnAPC[ii];
629 | }
630 | }
631 | else if (key == "Ura") {
632 | in >> numVal;
633 | if (numVal == 1)
634 | in >> rtnUra;
635 | }
636 | else if (key == "Clk") {
637 | in >> numVal;
638 | rtnClk.ReSize(3); rtnClk = 0.0;
639 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
640 | in >> rtnClk[ii];
641 | }
642 | }
643 | else if (key == "ClkSig") {
644 | in >> numVal;
645 | rtnClkSig.ReSize(3); rtnClkSig = 0.0;
646 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
647 | in >> rtnClkSig[ii];
648 | }
649 | }
650 | else if (key == "Vel") {
651 | in >> numVal;
652 | rtnVel.ReSize(3); rtnVel = 0.0;
653 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
654 | in >> rtnVel[ii];
655 | }
656 | }
657 | else if (key == "CoM") {
658 | in >> numVal;
659 | rtnCoM.ReSize(3); rtnCoM = 0.0;
660 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
661 | in >> rtnCoM[ii];
662 | }
663 | }
664 | else if (key == "CodeBias") {
665 | in >> numVal;
666 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
667 | QString type;
668 | double value;
669 | in >> type >> value;
670 | codeBiases[type] = value;
671 | }
672 | }
673 | else if (key == "YawAngle") {
674 | _phaseBiasInformationDecoded = true;
675 | in >> numVal >> pbSat.yawAngle;
676 | if (pbSat.yawAngle < 0.0) {
677 | pbSat.yawAngle += (2*M_PI);
678 | }
679 | else if (pbSat.yawAngle > 2*M_PI) {
680 | pbSat.yawAngle -= (2*M_PI);
681 | }
682 | }
683 | else if (key == "YawRate") {
684 | _phaseBiasInformationDecoded = true;
685 | in >> numVal >> pbSat.yawRate;
686 | }
687 | else if (key == "PhaseBias") {
688 | _phaseBiasInformationDecoded = true;
689 | in >> numVal;
690 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
691 | phaseBiasSignal pb;
692 | in >> pb.type >> pb.bias >> pb.integerIndicator
693 | >> pb.wlIndicator >> pb.discontinuityCounter;
694 | phaseBiasList.append(pb);
695 | }
696 | }
697 | else {
698 | in >> numVal;
699 | for (int ii = 0; ii < numVal; ii++) {
700 | double dummy;
701 | in >> dummy;
702 | }
703 | emit(newMessage(" RTNET format error: "
704 | + epochLines[ii].toLatin1(), false));
705 | break;
706 | }
707 | }
708 |
709 | struct SsrCorr::ClockOrbit::SatData* sd = 0;
710 | if (prn.system() == 'G') {
711 | sd = co.Sat + co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
712 | ++co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
713 | }
714 | else if (prn.system() == 'R') {
716 | ++co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS];
717 | }
718 | else if (prn.system() == 'E') {
720 | + co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO];
721 | ++co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO];
722 | }
723 | else if (prn.system() == 'J') {
726 | + co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
727 | ++co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
728 | }
729 | else if (prn.system() == 'S') {
732 | + co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
733 | ++co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
734 | }
735 | else if (prn.system() == 'C') {
739 | + co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
740 | ++co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
741 | }
742 | if (sd) {
743 | QString outLine;
744 | t_irc irc = processSatellite(eph, epoTime.gpsw(), epoTime.gpssec(), prnStr, rtnAPC,
745 | rtnUra, rtnClk, rtnVel, rtnCoM, rtnClkSig, sd, outLine);
746 | if (irc != success) {
747 | continue;
748 | }
749 | }
750 |
751 | // Code Biases
752 | // -----------
753 | struct SsrCorr::CodeBias::BiasSat* biasSat = 0;
754 | if (!codeBiases.isEmpty()) {
755 | if (prn.system() == 'G') {
756 | biasSat = bias.Sat + bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
757 | ++bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
758 | }
759 | else if (prn.system() == 'R') {
760 | biasSat = bias.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS
761 | + bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS];
762 | ++bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS];
763 | }
764 | else if (prn.system() == 'E') {
766 | + bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO];
767 | ++bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO];
768 | }
769 | else if (prn.system() == 'J') {
772 | + bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
773 | ++bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
774 | }
775 | else if (prn.system() == 'S') {
778 | + bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
779 | ++bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
780 | }
781 | else if (prn.system() == 'C') {
785 | + bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
786 | ++bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
787 | }
788 | }
789 |
790 | if (biasSat) {
791 | biasSat->ID = prn.number();
792 | biasSat->NumberOfCodeBiases = 0;
793 | QMapIterator<QString, double> it(codeBiases);
794 | while (it.hasNext()) {
795 | it.next();
796 | int ii = biasSat->NumberOfCodeBiases;
797 | if (ii >= CLOCKORBIT_NUMBIAS)
798 | break;
799 | SsrCorr::CodeType type = _ssrCorr->rnxTypeToCodeType(prn.system(), it.key().toStdString());
800 | if (type != _ssrCorr->RESERVED) {
801 | biasSat->NumberOfCodeBiases += 1;
802 | biasSat->Biases[ii].Type = type;
803 | biasSat->Biases[ii].Bias = it.value();
804 | if (_bsx) {
805 | QString obsCode = 'C' + it.key();
806 | _bsx->write(epoTime.gpsw(), epoTime.gpssec(), prnStr, obsCode, it.value());
807 | }
808 | }
809 | }
810 | }
811 |
812 | // Phase Biases
813 | // ------------
814 | struct SsrCorr::PhaseBias::PhaseBiasSat* phasebiasSat = 0;
815 | if (prn.system() == 'G') {
816 | phasebiasSat = phasebias.Sat
817 | + phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
818 | ++phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS];
819 | }
820 | else if (prn.system() == 'R') {
821 | phasebiasSat = phasebias.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS
822 | + phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS];
823 | ++phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS];
824 | }
825 | else if (prn.system() == 'E') {
826 | phasebiasSat = phasebias.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGLONASS
827 | + phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO];
828 | ++phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO];
829 | }
830 | else if (prn.system() == 'J') {
831 | phasebiasSat = phasebias.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGLONASS
833 | + phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
834 | ++phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS];
835 | }
836 | else if (prn.system() == 'S') {
837 | phasebiasSat = phasebias.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGLONASS
839 | + phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
840 | ++phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS];
841 | }
842 | else if (prn.system() == 'C') {
843 | phasebiasSat = phasebias.Sat + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGPS + CLOCKORBIT_NUMGLONASS
846 | + phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
847 | ++phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS];
848 | }
849 |
850 | if (phasebiasSat && _phaseBiasInformationDecoded) {
851 | phasebias.DispersiveBiasConsistencyIndicator = dispersiveBiasConsistenyIndicator;
852 | phasebias.MWConsistencyIndicator = mwConsistencyIndicator;
853 | phasebiasSat->ID = prn.number();
854 | phasebiasSat->NumberOfPhaseBiases = 0;
855 | phasebiasSat->YawAngle = pbSat.yawAngle;
856 | phasebiasSat->YawRate = pbSat.yawRate;
857 | QListIterator<phaseBiasSignal> it(phaseBiasList);
858 | while (it.hasNext()) {
859 | const phaseBiasSignal &pbSig = it.next();
860 | int ii = phasebiasSat->NumberOfPhaseBiases;
861 | if (ii >= CLOCKORBIT_NUMBIAS)
862 | break;
863 | SsrCorr::CodeType type = _ssrCorr->rnxTypeToCodeType(prn.system(), pbSig.type.toStdString());
864 | if (type != _ssrCorr->RESERVED) {
865 | phasebiasSat->NumberOfPhaseBiases += 1;
866 | phasebiasSat->Biases[ii].Type = type;
867 | phasebiasSat->Biases[ii].Bias = pbSig.bias;
868 | phasebiasSat->Biases[ii].SignalIntegerIndicator = pbSig.integerIndicator;
869 | phasebiasSat->Biases[ii].SignalsWideLaneIntegerIndicator = pbSig.wlIndicator;
870 | phasebiasSat->Biases[ii].SignalDiscontinuityCounter = pbSig.discontinuityCounter;
871 | if (_bsx) {
872 | QString obsCode = 'L' + pbSig.type;
873 | _bsx->write(epoTime.gpsw(), epoTime.gpssec(), prnStr, obsCode, pbSig.bias);
874 | }
875 | }
876 | }
877 | }
878 | }
879 | }
880 |
881 | QByteArray hlpBufferCo;
882 |
883 | // Orbit and Clock Corrections together
884 | // ------------------------------------
885 | if (_samplRtcmEphCorr == _samplRtcmClkCorr) {
886 | if (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0
887 | || co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0
888 | || co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO] > 0
889 | || co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] > 0
890 | || co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0
891 | || co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0) {
892 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
893 | int len = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_AUTO, 0, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
894 | if (len > 0) {
895 | hlpBufferCo = QByteArray(obuffer, len);
896 | }
897 | }
898 | }
899 |
900 | // Orbit and Clock Corrections separately
901 | // --------------------------------------
902 | else {
903 | if (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0) {
904 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
905 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
906 | co.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
907 | int len1 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_GPSORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
908 | co.UpdateInterval = clkUpdInd;
909 | if (len1 > 0) {
910 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1);
911 | }
912 | }
913 | int mmsg = (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0 ||
914 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO] > 0 ||
915 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] > 0 ||
916 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0 ||
917 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
918 | int len2 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_GPSCLOCK, mmsg, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
919 | if (len2 > 0) {
920 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2);
921 | }
922 | }
923 | if (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0) {
924 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
925 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
926 | co.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
927 | int len1 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_GLONASSORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
928 | co.UpdateInterval = clkUpdInd;
929 | if (len1 > 0) {
930 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1);
931 | }
932 | }
933 | int mmsg = (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO] > 0 ||
934 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] > 0 ||
935 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0 ||
936 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
937 | int len2 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_GLONASSCLOCK, mmsg, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
938 | if (len2 > 0) {
939 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2);
940 | }
941 | }
942 | if (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO] > 0) {
943 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
944 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
945 | co.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
946 | int len1 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_GALILEOORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
947 | co.UpdateInterval = clkUpdInd;
948 | if (len1 > 0) {
949 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1);
950 | }
951 | }
952 | int mmsg = (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] > 0 ||
953 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0 ||
954 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
955 | int len2 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_GALILEOCLOCK, mmsg, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
956 | if (len2 > 0) {
957 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2);
958 | }
959 | }
960 | if (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] > 0) {
961 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
962 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
963 | co.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
964 | int len1 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_QZSSORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
965 | co.UpdateInterval = clkUpdInd;
966 | if (len1 > 0) {
967 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1);
968 | }
969 | }
970 | int mmsg = (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0 ||
971 | co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
972 | int len2 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_QZSSCLOCK, mmsg, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
973 | if (len2 > 0) {
974 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2);
975 | }
976 | }
977 | if (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0) {
978 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
979 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
980 | co.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
981 | int len1 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_SBASORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
982 | co.UpdateInterval = clkUpdInd;
983 | if (len1 > 0) {
984 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1);
985 | }
986 | }
987 | int mmsg = (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0) ? 1 : 0;
988 | int len2 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_SBASCLOCK, mmsg, obuffer,
989 | sizeof(obuffer));
990 | if (len2 > 0) {
991 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2);
992 | }
993 | }
994 | if (co.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0) {
995 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
996 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
997 | co.UpdateInterval = ephUpdInd;
998 | int len1 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_BDSORBIT, 1, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
999 | co.UpdateInterval = clkUpdInd;
1000 | if (len1 > 0) {
1001 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len1);
1002 | }
1003 | }
1004 | int mmsg = 0;
1005 | int len2 = _ssrCorr->MakeClockOrbit(&co, _ssrCorr->COTYPE_BDSCLOCK, mmsg, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
1006 | if (len2 > 0) {
1007 | hlpBufferCo += QByteArray(obuffer, len2);
1008 | }
1009 | }
1010 | }
1011 |
1012 | // Code Biases
1013 | // -----------
1014 | QByteArray hlpBufferBias;
1015 | if (bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0
1016 | || bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0
1017 | || bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO] > 0
1018 | || bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] > 0
1019 | || bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0
1020 | || bias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0) {
1021 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
1022 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
1023 | int len = _ssrCorr->MakeCodeBias(&bias, _ssrCorr->CBTYPE_AUTO, 0, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
1024 | if (len > 0) {
1025 | hlpBufferBias = QByteArray(obuffer, len);
1026 | }
1027 | }
1028 | }
1029 |
1030 | // Phase Biases
1031 | // ------------
1032 | QByteArray hlpBufferPhaseBias;
1033 | if ((phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGPS] > 0
1034 | || phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGLONASS] > 0
1035 | || phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATGALILEO] > 0
1036 | || phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATQZSS] > 0
1037 | || phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATSBAS] > 0
1038 | || phasebias.NumberOfSat[CLOCKORBIT_SATBDS] > 0)
1039 | && (_phaseBiasInformationDecoded)) {
1040 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
1041 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmEphCorr) == 0.0) {
1042 | int len = _ssrCorr->MakePhaseBias(&phasebias, _ssrCorr->PBTYPE_AUTO, 0, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
1043 | if (len > 0) {
1044 | hlpBufferPhaseBias = QByteArray(obuffer, len);
1045 | }
1046 | }
1047 | }
1048 |
1049 | // VTEC
1050 | // ----
1051 | QByteArray hlpBufferVtec;
1052 | if (vtec.NumLayers > 0) {
1053 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
1054 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmVtec) == 0.0) {
1055 | int len = _ssrCorr->MakeVTEC(&vtec, 0, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
1056 | if (len > 0) {
1057 | hlpBufferVtec = QByteArray(obuffer, len);
1058 | }
1059 | }
1060 | }
1061 |
1062 | // Service CRS
1063 | // -----------
1064 | QByteArray hlpBufferServiceCrs;
1065 | if (sizeof(serviceCrs._name) > 0) {
1066 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
1067 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmCrs) == 0.0) {
1068 | int len = t_crsEncoder::RTCM3(serviceCrs, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
1069 | if (len > 0) {
1070 | hlpBufferServiceCrs = QByteArray(obuffer, len);
1071 | }
1072 | }
1073 | }
1074 |
1075 | // RTCM CRS
1076 | // --------
1077 | QByteArray hlpBufferRtcmCrs;
1078 | if (sizeof(rtcmCrs._name) > 0) {
1079 | char obuffer[CLOCKORBIT_BUFFERSIZE] = {'\0'};
1080 | if (fmod(epoTime.gpssec(), _samplRtcmCrs) == 0.0) {
1081 | int len = t_crsEncoder::RTCM3(rtcmCrs, obuffer, sizeof(obuffer));
1082 | if (len > 0) {
1083 | hlpBufferRtcmCrs = QByteArray(obuffer, len);
1084 | }
1085 | }
1086 | }
1087 |
1088 | // Create OutBuffer
1089 | // ----------------
1090 | _outBuffer += hlpBufferCo + hlpBufferBias + hlpBufferPhaseBias + hlpBufferVtec
1091 | + hlpBufferServiceCrs + hlpBufferRtcmCrs + '\0';
1092 | }
1093 | //
1094 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1095 | t_irc bncRtnetUploadCaster::processSatellite(const t_eph* eph, int GPSweek,
1096 | double GPSweeks, const QString& prn, const ColumnVector& rtnAPC,
1097 | double rtnUra, const ColumnVector& rtnClk, const ColumnVector& rtnVel,
1098 | const ColumnVector& rtnCoM, const ColumnVector& rtnClkSig,
1099 | struct SsrCorr::ClockOrbit::SatData* sd, QString& outLine) {
1100 |
1101 | // Broadcast Position and Velocity
1102 | // -------------------------------
1103 | ColumnVector xB(6);
1104 | ColumnVector vB(3);
1105 | t_irc irc = eph->getCrd(bncTime(GPSweek, GPSweeks), xB, vB, false);
1106 |
1107 | if (irc != success) {
1108 | return irc;
1109 | }
1110 |
1111 | // Precise Position
1112 | // ----------------
1113 | ColumnVector xP = _CoM ? rtnCoM : rtnAPC;
1114 |
1115 | if (xP.size() == 0) {
1116 | return failure;
1117 | }
1118 |
1119 | double dc = 0.0;
1120 | if (_crdTrafoStr != "IGS20") {
1121 | crdTrafo14(GPSweek, xP, dc); // ITRF2020 => ITRF2014
1122 | crdTrafo(GPSweek, xP, dc); // ITRF2014 to other reference frames
1123 | }
1124 |
1125 | // Difference in xyz
1126 | // -----------------
1127 | ColumnVector dx = xB.Rows(1, 3) - xP;
1128 | ColumnVector dv = vB - rtnVel;
1129 |
1130 | // Difference in RSW
1131 | // -----------------
1132 | ColumnVector rsw(3);
1133 | XYZ_to_RSW(xB.Rows(1, 3), vB, dx, rsw);
1134 |
1135 | ColumnVector dotRsw(3);
1136 | XYZ_to_RSW(xB.Rows(1, 3), vB, dv, dotRsw);
1137 |
1138 | // Clock Correction
1139 | // ----------------
1140 | double dClkA0 = rtnClk(1) - (xB(4) - dc) * t_CST::c;
1141 | double dClkA1 = 0.0;
1142 | if (rtnClk(2)) {
1143 | dClkA1 = rtnClk(2) - xB(5) * t_CST::c;
1144 | }
1145 | double dClkA2 = 0.0;
1146 | if (rtnClk(3)) {
1147 | dClkA2 = rtnClk(3) - xB(6) * t_CST::c;
1148 | }
1149 |
1150 | if (sd) {
1151 | sd->ID = prn.mid(1).toInt();
1152 | sd->IOD = eph->IOD();
1153 | sd->Clock.DeltaA0 = dClkA0;
1154 | sd->Clock.DeltaA1 = dClkA1;
1155 | sd->Clock.DeltaA2 = dClkA2;
1156 | sd->UserRangeAccuracy = rtnUra;
1157 | sd->Orbit.DeltaRadial = rsw(1);
1158 | sd->Orbit.DeltaAlongTrack = rsw(2);
1159 | sd->Orbit.DeltaCrossTrack = rsw(3);
1160 | sd->Orbit.DotDeltaRadial = dotRsw(1);
1161 | sd->Orbit.DotDeltaAlongTrack = dotRsw(2);
1162 | sd->Orbit.DotDeltaCrossTrack = dotRsw(3);
1163 |
1164 | if (corrIsOutOfRange(sd)) {
1165 | emit(newMessage(QString("bncRtnetUploadCaster: SSR parameter is out of its defined range").toLatin1(), false));
1166 | return failure;
1167 | }
1168 | }
1169 |
1170 | outLine = QString().asprintf("%d %.1f %s %u %10.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", GPSweek,
1171 | GPSweeks, eph->prn().toString().c_str(), eph->IOD(), dClkA0, dClkA1, dClkA2,
1172 | rsw(1), rsw(2), rsw(3)); //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", outLine.toStdString().c_str());
1173 |
1174 | // RTNET full clock for RINEX and SP3 file
1175 | // ---------------------------------------
1176 | double relativity = -2.0 * DotProduct(xP, rtnVel) / t_CST::c;
1177 | double clkRnx = (rtnClk[0] - relativity) / t_CST::c; // [s]
1178 | double clkRnxRate = rtnClk[1] / t_CST::c; // [s/s = -]
1179 | double clkRnxAcc = rtnClk[2] / t_CST::c; // [s/s² = -/s]
1180 |
1181 | if (_rnx) {
1182 | double clkRnxSig, clkRnxRateSig, clkRnxAccSig;
1183 | int s = rtnClkSig.size();
1184 | switch (s) {
1185 | case 1:
1186 | clkRnxSig = rtnClkSig[0] / t_CST::c; // [s]
1187 | clkRnxRateSig = 0.0; // [s/s = -]
1188 | clkRnxAccSig = 0.0; // [s/s² ) -/s]
1189 | break;
1190 | case 2:
1191 | clkRnxSig = rtnClkSig[0] / t_CST::c; // [s]
1192 | clkRnxRateSig = rtnClkSig[1] / t_CST::c; // [s/s = -]
1193 | clkRnxAccSig = 0.0; // [s/s² ) -/s]
1194 | break;
1195 | case 3:
1196 | clkRnxSig = rtnClkSig[0] / t_CST::c; // [s]
1197 | clkRnxRateSig = rtnClkSig[1] / t_CST::c; // [s/s = -]
1198 | clkRnxAccSig = rtnClkSig[2] / t_CST::c; // [s/s² ) -/s]
1199 | break;
1200 | }
1201 | _rnx->write(GPSweek, GPSweeks, prn, clkRnx, clkRnxRate, clkRnxAcc,
1202 | clkRnxSig, clkRnxRateSig, clkRnxAccSig);
1203 | }
1204 | if (_sp3) {
1205 | _sp3->write(GPSweek, GPSweeks, prn, rtnCoM, clkRnx, rtnVel, clkRnxRate);
1206 | }
1207 | return success;
1208 | }
1209 |
1210 | // Transform Coordinates
1211 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1212 | void bncRtnetUploadCaster::crdTrafo(int GPSWeek, ColumnVector& xyz,
1213 | double& dc) {
1214 |
1215 | // Current epoch minus 2000.0 in years
1216 | // ------------------------------------
1217 | double dt = (GPSWeek - (1042.0 + 6.0 / 7.0)) / 365.2422 * 7.0 + 2000.0 - _t0;
1218 |
1219 | ColumnVector dx(3);
1220 |
1221 | dx(1) = _dx + dt * _dxr;
1222 | dx(2) = _dy + dt * _dyr;
1223 | dx(3) = _dz + dt * _dzr;
1224 |
1225 | static const double arcSec = 180.0 * 3600.0 / M_PI;
1226 |
1227 | double ox = (_ox + dt * _oxr) / arcSec;
1228 | double oy = (_oy + dt * _oyr) / arcSec;
1229 | double oz = (_oz + dt * _ozr) / arcSec;
1230 |
1231 | double sc = 1.0 + _sc * 1e-9 + dt * _scr * 1e-9;
1232 |
1233 | // Specify approximate center of area
1234 | // ----------------------------------
1235 | ColumnVector meanSta(3);
1236 |
1237 | if (_crdTrafoStr == "ETRF2000") {
1238 | meanSta(1) = 3661090.0;
1239 | meanSta(2) = 845230.0;
1240 | meanSta(3) = 5136850.0;
1241 | }
1242 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "GDA2020") {
1243 | meanSta(1) = -4052050.0;
1244 | meanSta(2) = 4212840.0;
1245 | meanSta(3) = -2545110.0;
1246 | }
1247 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "SIRGAS2000") {
1248 | meanSta(1) = 3740860.0;
1249 | meanSta(2) = -4964290.0;
1250 | meanSta(3) = -1425420.0;
1251 | }
1252 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "DREF91") {
1253 | meanSta(1) = 3959579.0;
1254 | meanSta(2) = 721719.0;
1255 | meanSta(3) = 4931539.0;
1256 | }
1257 | else if (_crdTrafoStr == "Custom") {
1258 | meanSta(1) = 0.0;
1259 | meanSta(2) = 0.0;
1260 | meanSta(3) = 0.0;
1261 | }
1262 |
1263 | // Clock correction proportional to topocentric distance to satellites
1264 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1265 | double rho = (xyz - meanSta).NormFrobenius();
1266 | dc = rho * (sc - 1.0) / sc / t_CST::c;
1267 |
1268 | Matrix rMat(3, 3);
1269 | rMat(1, 1) = 1.0;
1270 | rMat(1, 2) = -oz;
1271 | rMat(1, 3) = oy;
1272 | rMat(2, 1) = oz;
1273 | rMat(2, 2) = 1.0;
1274 | rMat(2, 3) = -ox;
1275 | rMat(3, 1) = -oy;
1276 | rMat(3, 2) = ox;
1277 | rMat(3, 3) = 1.0;
1278 |
1279 | xyz = sc * rMat * xyz + dx;
1280 | }
1281 |
1282 | // Transform Coordinates
1283 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1284 | void bncRtnetUploadCaster::crdTrafo14(int GPSWeek, ColumnVector& xyz,
1285 | double& dc) {
1286 |
1287 | // Current epoch minus 2000.0 in years
1288 | // ------------------------------------
1289 | double dt = (GPSWeek - (1042.0 + 6.0 / 7.0)) / 365.2422 * 7.0 + 2000.0 - _t0;
1290 |
1291 | ColumnVector dx(3);
1292 |
1293 | dx(1) = _dx14 + dt * _dxr14;
1294 | dx(2) = _dy14 + dt * _dyr14;
1295 | dx(3) = _dz14 + dt * _dzr14;
1296 |
1297 | static const double arcSec = 180.0 * 3600.0 / M_PI;
1298 |
1299 | double ox = (_ox14 + dt * _oxr14) / arcSec;
1300 | double oy = (_oy14 + dt * _oyr14) / arcSec;
1301 | double oz = (_oz14 + dt * _ozr14) / arcSec;
1302 |
1303 | double sc = 1.0 + _sc14 * 1e-9 + dt * _scr14 * 1e-9;
1304 |
1305 | // Specify approximate center of area
1306 | // ----------------------------------
1307 | ColumnVector meanSta(3);
1308 | meanSta(1) = 0.0; // TODO
1309 | meanSta(2) = 0.0; // TODO
1310 | meanSta(3) = 0.0; // TODO
1311 |
1312 | // Clock correction proportional to topocentric distance to satellites
1313 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
1314 | double rho = (xyz - meanSta).NormFrobenius();
1315 | dc = rho * (sc - 1.0) / sc / t_CST::c;
1316 |
1317 | Matrix rMat(3, 3);
1318 | rMat(1, 1) = 1.0;
1319 | rMat(1, 2) = -oz;
1320 | rMat(1, 3) = oy;
1321 | rMat(2, 1) = oz;
1322 | rMat(2, 2) = 1.0;
1323 | rMat(2, 3) = -ox;
1324 | rMat(3, 1) = -oy;
1325 | rMat(3, 2) = ox;
1326 | rMat(3, 3) = 1.0;
1327 |
1328 | xyz = sc * rMat * xyz + dx;
1329 | }
1330 |
1331 | // Update Interval
1332 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1333 | int bncRtnetUploadCaster::determineUpdateInd(double samplingRate) {
1334 |
1335 | if (samplingRate == 10.0) {
1336 | return 3;
1337 | }
1338 | else if (samplingRate == 15.0) {
1339 | return 4;
1340 | }
1341 | else if (samplingRate == 30.0) {
1342 | return 5;
1343 | }
1344 | else if (samplingRate == 60.0) {
1345 | return 6;
1346 | }
1347 | else if (samplingRate == 120.0) {
1348 | return 7;
1349 | }
1350 | else if (samplingRate == 240.0) {
1351 | return 8;
1352 | }
1353 | else if (samplingRate == 300.0) {
1354 | return 9;
1355 | }
1356 | else if (samplingRate == 600.0) {
1357 | return 10;
1358 | }
1359 | else if (samplingRate == 900.0) {
1360 | return 11;
1361 | }
1362 | else if (samplingRate == 1800.0) {
1363 | return 12;
1364 | }
1365 | else if (samplingRate == 3600.0) {
1366 | return 13;
1367 | }
1368 | else if (samplingRate == 7200.0) {
1369 | return 14;
1370 | }
1371 | else if (samplingRate == 10800.0) {
1372 | return 15;
1373 | }
1374 | return 2; // default
1375 | }
1376 |
1377 | // Check corrections
1378 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1379 | bool bncRtnetUploadCaster::corrIsOutOfRange(struct SsrCorr::ClockOrbit::SatData* sd) {
1380 |
1381 | if (fabs(sd->Clock.DeltaA0) > 209.7151) {return true;}
1382 | if (fabs(sd->Clock.DeltaA1) > 1.048575) {return true;}
1383 | if (fabs(sd->Clock.DeltaA2) > 1.34217726) {return true;}
1384 |
1385 | if (fabs(sd->Orbit.DeltaRadial) > 209.7151) {return true;}
1386 | if (fabs(sd->Orbit.DeltaAlongTrack) > 209.7148) {return true;}
1387 | if (fabs(sd->Orbit.DeltaCrossTrack) > 209.7148) {return true;}
1388 |
1389 | if (fabs(sd->Orbit.DotDeltaRadial) > 1.048575) {return true;}
1390 | if (fabs(sd->Orbit.DotDeltaAlongTrack) > 1.048572) {return true;}
1391 | if (fabs(sd->Orbit.DotDeltaCrossTrack) > 1.048572) {return true;}
1392 | return false;
1393 | }