#ifndef SATOBS_H #define SATOBS_H #include #include #include #include #include "bncconst.h" #include "bnctime.h" #include "t_prn.h" #include "ephemeris.h" class t_frqObs { public: t_frqObs() { _code = 0.0; _codeValid = false; _phase = 0.0; _phaseValid = false; _doppler = 0.0; _dopplerValid = false; _snr = 0.0; _snrValid = false; _lockTime = -1.0; _lockTimeValid = false; _slip = false; _slipCounter = 0; _biasJumpCounter = 0; _lockTimeIndicator = -1; } std::string _rnxType2ch; double _code; bool _codeValid; double _phase; bool _phaseValid; double _doppler; bool _dopplerValid; double _snr; bool _snrValid; double _lockTime; bool _lockTimeValid; bool _slip; // RINEX int _slipCounter; // RTCM2 or converted from RTCM3 int _lockTimeIndicator; // RTCM3 int _biasJumpCounter; // ?? }; class t_satObs { public: t_satObs() { _type = 0; } t_satObs(const t_satObs& old) { // copy constructor (deep copy) _staID = old._staID; _prn = old._prn; _time = old._time; _type = old._type; for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < old._obs.size(); ii++) { _obs.push_back(new t_frqObs(*old._obs[ii])); } } /** * Destructor of satellite measurement storage class */ ~t_satObs() { clear(); } /** * Cleanup function resets all elements to initial state. */ inline void clear(void) { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < _obs.size(); ii++) delete _obs[ii]; _obs.clear(); _obs.resize(0); _time.reset(); _prn.clear(); _staID.clear(); _type = 0; } std::string _staID; t_prn _prn; bncTime _time; int _type; // MT std::vector _obs; }; class t_orbCorr { public: t_orbCorr(); static void writeEpoch(std::ostream* out, const QList& corrList); static void readEpoch(const std::string& epoLine, std::istream& in, QList& corrList); std::string _staID; t_prn _prn; unsigned int _iod; bncTime _time; unsigned int _updateInt; char _system; ColumnVector _xr; ColumnVector _dotXr; }; class t_clkCorr { public: t_clkCorr(); static void writeEpoch(std::ostream* out, const QList& corrList); static void readEpoch(const std::string& epoLine, std::istream& in, QList& corrList); std::string _staID; t_prn _prn; unsigned int _iod; bncTime _time; unsigned int _updateInt; double _dClk; double _dotDClk; double _dotDotDClk; }; class t_URA { public: t_URA(); static void writeEpoch(std::ostream* out, const QList& corrList); static void readEpoch(const std::string& epoLine, std::istream& in, QList& corrList); std::string _staID; t_prn _prn; unsigned int _iod; bncTime _time; unsigned int _updateInt; double _ura; }; class t_frqCodeBias { public: t_frqCodeBias() { _value = 0.0; } std::string _rnxType2ch; double _value; }; class t_satCodeBias { public: t_satCodeBias() { _updateInt = 0; } static void writeEpoch(std::ostream* out, const QList& biasList); static void readEpoch(const std::string& epoLine, std::istream& in, QList& biasList); std::string _staID; t_prn _prn; bncTime _time; unsigned int _updateInt; std::vector _bias; }; class t_frqPhaseBias { public: t_frqPhaseBias() { _value = 0.0; _fixIndicator = 0; _fixWideLaneIndicator = 0; _jumpCounter = 0; } std::string _rnxType2ch; double _value; int _fixIndicator; int _fixWideLaneIndicator; int _jumpCounter; }; class t_satPhaseBias { public: t_satPhaseBias() { _updateInt = 0; _dispBiasConstistInd = 0; _MWConsistInd = 0; _yaw = 0.0; _yawRate = 0.0; } static void writeEpoch(std::ostream* out, const QList& biasList); static void readEpoch(const std::string& epoLine, std::istream& in, QList& biasList); std::string _staID; t_prn _prn; bncTime _time; unsigned int _updateInt; // not satellite specific unsigned int _dispBiasConstistInd; // not satellite specific unsigned int _MWConsistInd; // not satellite specific double _yaw; double _yawRate; std::vector _bias; }; class t_vTecLayer { public: t_vTecLayer() { _height = 0.0; } double _height; Matrix _C; Matrix _S; }; class t_vTec { public: t_vTec(){ _updateInt = 0; } static void write(std::ostream* out, const t_vTec& vTec); static void read(const std::string& epoLine, std::istream& in, t_vTec& vTec); std::string _staID; bncTime _time; unsigned int _updateInt; std::vector _layers; }; class t_corrSSR { public: enum e_type {clkCorr, orbCorr, codeBias, phaseBias, vTec, URA, unknown}; static e_type readEpoLine(const std::string& line, bncTime& epoTime, unsigned int& updateInt, int& numEntries, std::string& staID); static t_eph::e_type getSsrNavTypeFlag(char sys, int num); }; #endif